# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER, THE UNITED STATES # GOVERNMENT, OR ANY CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio formulation class handles the generation of the OpenStudio Analysis format. module OpenStudio module Analysis SeedModel = Struct.new(:file) WeatherFile = Struct.new(:file) @@measure_paths = ['./measures'] # List of paths to look for measures when adding them. This currently only is used when loading an # analysis hash file. It looks in the order of the measure_paths. As soon as it finds one, it stops. def self.measure_paths @@measure_paths end def self.measure_paths=(new_array) @@measure_paths = new_array end class Formulation attr_reader :seed_model attr_reader :weather_file attr_reader :analysis_type attr_reader :outputs attr_accessor :display_name attr_accessor :workflow attr_accessor :algorithm # the attributes below are used for packaging data into the analysis zip file attr_reader :weather_files attr_reader :seed_models attr_reader :worker_inits attr_reader :worker_finalizes attr_reader :libraries # Create an instance of the OpenStudio::Analysis::Formulation # # @param display_name [String] Display name of the project. # @return [Object] An OpenStudio::Analysis::Formulation object def initialize(display_name) @display_name = display_name @analysis_type = nil @outputs = [] # Initialize child objects (expect workflow) @weather_file = WeatherFile.new @seed_model = SeedModel.new @algorithm = OpenStudio::Analysis::AlgorithmAttributes.new # Analysis Zip attributes @weather_files = SupportFiles.new @seed_models = SupportFiles.new @worker_inits = SupportFiles.new @worker_finalizes = SupportFiles.new @libraries = SupportFiles.new # @initialization_scripts = SupportFiles.new end # Initialize or return the current workflow object # # @return [Object] An OpenStudio::Analysis::Workflow object def workflow @workflow ||= OpenStudio::Analysis::Workflow.new end # Define the type of analysis which is going to be running # # @param name [String] Name of the algorithm/analysis. (e.g. rgenoud, lhs, single_run) attr_writer :analysis_type # Path to the seed model # # @param path [String] Path to the seed model. This should be relative. def seed_model=(file) @seed_model[:file] = file end # Path to the weather file (or folder). If it is a folder, then the measures will look for the weather file # by name in that folder. # # @param path [String] Path to the weather file or folder. def weather_file=(file) @weather_file[:file] = file end # Add an output of interest to the problem formulation # # @param output_hash [Hash] Hash of the output variable in the legacy format # @option output_hash [String] :display_name Name to display # @option output_hash [String] :display_name_short A shorter display name # @option output_hash [String] :metadata_id Link to DEnCity ID in which this output corresponds # @option output_hash [String] :name Unique machine name of the variable. Typically this is measure.attribute # @option output_hash [String] :export Export the variable to CSV and dataframes from OpenStudio-server # @option output_hash [String] :visualize Visualize the variable in the plots on OpenStudio-server # @option output_hash [String] :units Units of the variable as a string # @option output_hash [String] :variable_type Data type of the variable # @option output_hash [Boolean] :objective_function Whether or not this output is an objective function. Default: false # @option output_hash [Integer] :objective_function_index Index of the objective function. Default: nil # @option output_hash [Float] :objective_function_target Target for the objective function to reach (if defined). Default: nil # @option output_hash [Float] :scaling_factor How to scale the objective function(s). Default: nil # @option output_hash [Integer] :objective_function_group If grouping objective functions, then group ID. Default: nil def add_output(output_hash) output_hash = { units: '', objective_function: false, objective_function_index: nil, objective_function_target: nil, objective_function_group: nil, scaling_factor: nil }.merge(output_hash) # Check if the name is already been added. Note that if the name is added again, it will not update any of # the fields exist = @outputs.select { |o| o[:name] == output_hash[:name] } if exist.empty? # if the variable is an objective_function, then increment and # assign and objective function index if output_hash[:objective_function] values = @outputs.select { |o| o[:objective_function] } output_hash[:objective_function_index] = values.size # size is already +1 else output_hash[:objective_function] = false end @outputs << output_hash end @outputs end # return the machine name of the analysis def name @display_name.to_underscore end # return a hash. # # @param version [Integer] Version of the format to return # @return [Hash] def to_hash(version = 1) # fail 'Must define an analysis type' unless @analysis_type if version == 1 h = { analysis: { display_name: @display_name, name: name, output_variables: @outputs, problem: { analysis_type: @analysis_type, algorithm: algorithm.to_hash(version), workflow: workflow.to_hash(version) } } } if @seed_model[:file] h[:analysis][:seed] = { file_type: File.extname(@seed_model[:file]).delete('.').upcase, path: "./seed/#{File.basename(@seed_model[:file])}" } else h[:analysis][:seed] = nil end # silly catch for if weather_file is not set wf = nil if @weather_file[:file] wf = @weather_file elsif !@weather_files.empty? # get the first EPW file (not the first file) wf = @weather_files.find { |w| File.extname(w[:file]).casecmp('.epw').zero? } end if wf h[:analysis][:weather_file] = { file_type: File.extname(wf[:file]).delete('.').upcase, path: "./weather/#{File.basename(wf[:file])}" } else # log: could not find weather file warn 'Could not resolve a valid weather file. Check paths to weather files' end h[:analysis][:file_format_version] = version # This is a hack right now, but after the initial hash is created go back and add in the objective functions # to the the algorithm as defined in the output_variables list ofs = @outputs.map { |i| i[:name] if i[:objective_function] }.compact if h[:analysis][:problem][:algorithm] h[:analysis][:problem][:algorithm][:objective_functions] = ofs end h else raise "Version #{version} not defined for #{self.class} and #{__method__}" end end # Load the analysis JSON from a hash (with symbolized keys) def self.from_hash(h, seed_dir = nil, weather_dir = nil) o = OpenStudio::Analysis::Formulation.new(h[:analysis][:display_name]) version = 1 if version == 1 h[:analysis][:output_variables].each do |ov| o.add_output(ov) end o.workflow = OpenStudio::Analysis::Workflow.load(workflow: h[:analysis][:problem][:workflow]) if weather_dir o.weather_file "#{weather_path}/#{File.basename(h[:analysis][:weather_file][:path])}" else o.weather_file = h[:analysis][:weather_file][:path] end if seed_dir o.seed_model "#{weather_path}/#{File.basename(h[:analysis][:seed][:path])}" else o.seed_model = h[:analysis][:seed][:path] end else raise "Version #{version} not defined for #{self.class} and #{__method__}" end o end # return a hash of the data point with the static variables set # # @param version [Integer] Version of the format to return # @return [Hash] def to_static_data_point_hash(version = 1) if version == 1 static_hash = {} # TODO: this method should be on the workflow step and bubbled up to this interface @workflow.items.map do |item| item.variables.map { |v| static_hash[v[:uuid]] = v[:static_value] } end h = { data_point: { set_variable_values: static_hash, status: 'na', uuid: SecureRandom.uuid } } h end end # save the file to JSON. Will overwrite the file if it already exists # # @param filename [String] Name of file to create. It will create the directory and override the file if it exists. If no file extension is given, then it will use .json. # @param version [Integer] Version of the format to return # @return [Boolean] def save(filename, version = 1) filename += '.json' if File.extname(filename) == '' FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(filename) unless Dir.exist? File.dirname(filename) File.open(filename, 'w') { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(to_hash(version)) } true end # save the data point JSON with the variables set to the static values. Will overwrite the file if it already exists # # @param filename [String] Name of file to create. It will create the directory and override the file if it exists. If no file extension is given, then it will use .json. # @param version [Integer] Version of the format to return # @return [Boolean] def save_static_data_point(filename, version = 1) filename += '.json' if File.extname(filename) == '' FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(filename) unless Dir.exist? File.dirname(filename) File.open(filename, 'w') { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(to_static_data_point_hash(version)) } true end # save the analysis zip file which contains the measures, seed model, weather file, and init/final scripts # # @param filename [String] Name of file to create. It will create the directory and override the file if it exists. If no file extension is given, then it will use .json. # @return [Boolean] def save_zip(filename) filename += '.zip' if File.extname(filename) == '' FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(filename) unless Dir.exist? File.dirname(filename) save_analysis_zip(filename) end private # Package up the seed, weather files, and measures def save_analysis_zip(filename) def add_directory_to_zip(zipfile, local_directory, relative_zip_directory) # puts "Add Directory #{local_directory}" Dir[File.join(local_directory.to_s, '**', '**')].each do |file| # puts "Adding File #{file}" zipfile.add(file.sub(local_directory, relative_zip_directory), file) end zipfile end FileUtils.rm_f(filename) if File.exist?(filename) Zip::File.open(filename, Zip::File::CREATE) do |zf| ## Weather files # TODO: eventually remove the @weather_file attribute and grab the weather file out # of the @weather_files puts 'Adding Support Files: Weather' if @weather_file[:file] && !@weather_files.files.find { |f| @weather_file[:file] == f[:file] } # manually add the weather file puts " Adding #{@weather_file[:file]}" zf.add("./weather/#{File.basename(@weather_file[:file])}", @weather_file[:file]) end @weather_files.each do |f| puts " Adding #{f[:file]}" zf.add("./weather/#{File.basename(f[:file])}", f[:file]) end ## Seed files puts 'Adding Support Files: Seed Models' if @seed_model[:file] && !@seed_models.files.find { |f| @seed_model[:file] == f[:file] } # manually add the weather file puts " Adding #{@seed_model[:file]}" zf.add("./seed/#{File.basename(@seed_model[:file])}", @seed_model[:file]) end @seed_models.each do |f| puts " Adding #{f[:file]}" zf.add("./seed/#{File.basename(f[:file])}", f[:file]) end puts 'Adding Support Files: Libraries' @libraries.each do |lib| raise "Libraries must specify their 'library_name' as metadata which becomes the directory upon zip" unless lib[:metadata][:library_name] if File.directory? lib[:file] Dir[File.join(lib[:file], '**', '**')].each do |file| puts " Adding #{file}" zf.add(file.sub(lib[:file], "./lib/#{lib[:metadata][:library_name]}/"), file) end else # just add the file to the zip puts " Adding #{lib[:file]}" zf.add(lib[:file], "./lib/#{File.basename(lib[:file])}", lib[:file]) end end puts 'Adding Support Files: Worker Initialization Scripts' @worker_inits.each_with_index do |f, index| ordered_file_name = "#{index.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}_#{File.basename(f[:file])}" puts " Adding #{f[:file]} as #{ordered_file_name}" zf.add(f[:file].sub(f[:file], "./scripts/worker_initialization//#{ordered_file_name}"), f[:file]) if f[:metadata][:args] arg_file = "#{File.basename(ordered_file_name, '.*')}.args" file = Tempfile.new('arg') file.write(f[:metadata][:args]) zf.add("./scripts/worker_initialization/#{arg_file}", file) file.close end end puts 'Adding Support Files: Worker Finalization Scripts' @worker_finalizes.each_with_index do |f, index| ordered_file_name = "#{index.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}_#{File.basename(f[:file])}" puts " Adding #{f[:file]} as #{ordered_file_name}" zf.add(f[:file].sub(f[:file], "./scripts/worker_finalization/#{ordered_file_name}"), f[:file]) if f[:metadata][:args] arg_file = "#{File.basename(ordered_file_name, '.*')}.args" file = Tempfile.new('arg') file.write(f[:metadata][:args]) zf.add("./scripts/worker_finalization/#{arg_file}", file) file.close end end ## Measures puts 'Adding Measures' added_measures = [] # The list of the measures should always be there, but make sure they are uniq @workflow.each do |measure| measure_dir_to_add = measure.measure_definition_directory_local next if added_measures.include? measure_dir_to_add puts " Adding #{File.basename(measure_dir_to_add)}" Dir[File.join(measure_dir_to_add, '**')].each do |file| if File.directory?(file) if File.basename(file) == 'resources' || File.basename(file) == 'lib' add_directory_to_zip(zf, file, "#{measure.measure_definition_directory}/#{File.basename(file)}") end else # puts "Adding File #{file}" zf.add(file.sub(measure_dir_to_add, "#{measure.measure_definition_directory}/"), file) end end added_measures << measure_dir_to_add end end end end end end