require 'karo/workflow' require 'karo/version' require 'karo/common' require 'karo/assets' require 'karo/cache' require 'karo/db' require 'ap' module Karo class CLI < Thor include Karo::Common # FIXME: Duplicated in Karo::Common but is needed for the generate method include Thor::Actions class_option :config_file, type: :string, default: Config.default_file_name, aliases: "-c", desc: "name of the file containing server configuration" class_option :environment, aliases: "-e", desc: "server environment", default: "production" class_option :verbose, type: :boolean, lazy_default: true, aliases: "-v", desc: "verbose" desc "cache [search, remove]", "find or clears a specific or all cache from shared/cache directory on the server" subcommand "cache", Cache desc "assets [pull, push]", "syncs dragonfly assets between server shared/system/dragonfly/ directory and local system/dragonfly/development directory" subcommand "assets", Assets desc "db [pull, push, console]", "syncs MySQL database between server and localhost" subcommand "db", Db desc "workflow [feature, bugfix]", "basic git workflow to create feature and bugfix branches" subcommand "workflow", Workflow desc "config", "displays server configuration stored in a config file" def config configuration = Config.load_configuration(options) ap configuration if configuration end def self.source_root File.dirname(__FILE__) end desc "generate", "generate a sample configuration file to be used by karo [default is .karo.yml]" def generate config_file = File.expand_path(options[:config_file]) copy_file 'templates/karo.yml', config_file end desc "client [COMMAND]", "run any command within a given client environment" long_desc <<-LONGDESC `karo client [command]` or `karo clt [command]` will run the [COMMAND] cliently. e.g. Display list of files on the client machine > $ karo client ls Gemfile.lock You can also store custom commands for a given environment in the configuration file e.g. .karo.yml production: --commands: ----client: ------deploy: ey deploy -e production -r master > $ karo clt deploy > Loading application data from Engine Yard Cloud... > Beginning deploy... LONGDESC def client(cmd, *extras) configuration = Config.load_configuration(options) command = make_command configuration, "client", cmd, extras run_it command, options[:verbose] end map clt: :client map local: :client desc "deploy", "(shortcut for > karo client deploy)" def deploy(*extras) invoke :client, ["deploy", extras] end desc "server [COMMAND]", "run any command within a given server environment" method_option :tty, aliases: "-t", desc: "force pseudo-tty allocation", type: :boolean, default: true long_desc <<-LONGDESC `karo server [command]` or `karo srv [command]` will run the [COMMAND] passed on the server. You can optionally pass --no-tty to disable ssh force pseudo-tty allocation e.g. Display list of files on the staging server > $ karo server ls -e staging --no-tty Gemfile.lock e.g. Run top command on the production server > $ karo server top > top - 17:14:06 up 219 days, 11:30, 1 user, load average: 0.28, 0.49, 0.47 You can also store custom commands for a given environment in the configuration file e.g. .karo.yml production: --commands: ----server: ------memory: watch vmstat -sSM > $ karo srv memory > Every 2.0s: vmstat -sSM Tue Jul 2 17:18:16 2013 > 35840140 total memory > 35308456 used memory LONGDESC def server(cmd, *extras) configuration = Config.load_configuration(options) ssh = "ssh #{configuration["user"]}@#{configuration["host"]}" ssh << " -t" if options[:tty] command = make_command configuration, "server", cmd, extras run_it "#{ssh} '#{command}'", options[:verbose] end map srv: :server map remote: :server desc "top", "run top command on a given server environment" def top(*extras) invoke :server, ["top", extras] end desc "ssh", "open ssh console for a given server environment" def ssh configuration = Config.load_configuration(options) path = File.join(configuration["path"], "current") cmd = "cd #{path}; export RAILS_ENV=#{options[:environment]}; \ export RACK_ENV=#{options[:environment]}; $SHELL" invoke :server, [cmd] end desc "console", "open rails console for a given server environment" def console configuration = Config.load_configuration(options) path = File.join(configuration["path"], "current") cmd = "cd #{path} && bundle exec rails console #{options[:environment]}" invoke :server, [cmd] end desc "rake", "run rake commands for a rails app on a given server environment" def rake(command, *extras) configuration = Config.load_configuration(options) path = File.join(configuration["path"], "current") cmd = "cd #{path} && export RAILS_ENV=#{options[:environment]} && bundle exec rake #{command}" invoke :server, [cmd, extras] end desc "vim", "open a given file or folder on the server using VIM" def vim(command="", *extras) configuration = Config.load_configuration(options) path = File.join(configuration["path"], "current", command) cmd = "vim scp://#{configuration["user"]}@#{configuration["host"]}/#{path}" invoke :client, [cmd, extras] end desc "log", "displays server log for a given environment" class_option :continous, type: :boolean, lazy_default: true, aliases: "-f", desc: "The -f option causes tail to not stop when end of file is reached, but rather to wait for additional data to be appended to the input." def log(*extras) configuration = Config.load_configuration(options) path = File.join(configuration["path"], "shared/log/#{options["environment"]}.log") cmd = "tail" cmd << " -f" if options[:continous] cmd << " #{path}" invoke :server, [cmd, extras] end desc "version", "displays karo's current version" def version say Karo::VERSION end end end