# Copyright (c) 2012 National ICT Australia Limited (NICTA).
# This software may be used and distributed solely under the terms of the MIT license (License).
# You should find a copy of the License in LICENSE.TXT or at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
# By downloading or using this software you accept the terms and the liability disclaimer in the License.

module OmfEc
  module Backward
    module AppDefinition
      # The following are OEDL 5 methods

      # Add a new parameter to this Application Definition.
      # This method is for backward compatibility with previous OEDL 5.
      # @param [String] name name of the property to define (mandatory)
      # @param [String] description description of this property; oml2-scaffold uses this for the help message (popt: descrip)
      # @param [String] parameter command-line parameter to introduce this property, including dashes if needed (can be nil)
      # @param [Hash] options list of options associated with this property
      # @option options [String] :type type of the property: :integer, :string and :boolean are supported; oml2-scaffold extends this with :int and :double (popt: argInfo)
      # @option options [Boolean] :dynamic true if the property can be changed at run-time
      # @option options [Fixnum] :order used to order properties when creating the command line
      # The OML code-generation tool, oml2-scaffold extends the range of
      # options supported in the options hash to support generation of
      # popt(3) command line parsing code. As for the parameters, depending
      # on the number of dashes (two/one) in parameter, it is used as the
      # longName/shortName for popt(3), otherwise the former defaults to
      # name, and the latter defaults to either :mnemonic or nothing.
      # @option options [String] :mnemonic one-letter mnemonic for the option (also returned by poptGetNextOpt as val)
      # @option options [String] :unit unit in which this property is expressed; oml2-scaffold uses this for the help message (popt: argDescrip)
      # @option options [String] :default default value if argument unspecified (optional; defaults to something sane for the :type)
      # @option options [String] :var_name name of the C variable for popt(3) to store the property value into (optional; popt: arg; defaults to name, after sanitisation)
      # @see http://oml.mytestbed.net/doc/oml/latest/oml2-scaffold.1.html
      # @see http://linux.die.net/man/3/popt
      def defProperty(name = :mandatory, description = nil, parameter = nil, options = {})
        opts = {:description => description, :cmd => parameter}
        # Map old OMF5 types to OMF6
        # Map OMF app property types to Ruby types
        options[:type] = case options[:type]
                         when :integer, :int then 'Numeric'
                         when :string then 'String'
                         when :boolean then 'Boolean'
                         when :double then 'Float'
                         # For type that we cannot understand, DON'T send it
                         else nil
        opts = opts.merge(options)

      # Define metrics to measure
      # @param [String] name of the metric
      # @param [Symbol] type of the metric data. For all supporting metric data types, refers to http://oml.mytestbed.net/doc/oml/latest/oml2-scaffold.1.html#_mp_defmetric_name_type
      # @param [Hash] opts additional options
      # @option opts [String] :unit unit of measure of the metric
      # @option opts [String] :description of the metric
      # @option opts [Float] :precision precision of the metric value
      # @option opts [Range] :range value range of the metric
      # @example OEDL
      #   app.defMeasurement("power") do |mp|
      #     mp.defMetric('power', :double, :unit => "W", :precision => 0.1, :description => 'Power')
      #   end
      def defMetric(name,type, opts = {})
        # the third parameter used to be a description string
        opts = {:description => opts} if opts.class!=Hash
        @fields << {:field => name, :type => type}.merge(opts)

      # XXX: This should be provided by the omf-oml glue.
      def defMeasurement(name,&block)
        mp = {:mp => name, :fields => []}
        @fields = []
        # call the block with ourserlves to process its 'defMetric' statements
        block.call(self) if block
        @fields.each { |f| mp[:fields] << f }
