# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'google/apis' require 'helper' require 'mocha/test_unit' require 'webmock/test_unit' # Unit tests for Google Cloud Logging plugin module BaseTest def setup Fluent::Test.setup # delete environment variables that googleauth uses to find credentials. ENV.delete('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS') # service account env. ENV.delete('PRIVATE_KEY_VAR') ENV.delete('CLIENT_EMAIL_VAR') # authorized_user env. ENV.delete('CLIENT_ID_VAR') ENV.delete('CLIENT_SECRET_VAR') ENV.delete('REFRESH_TOKEN_VAR') # home var, which is used to find $HOME/.gcloud/... ENV.delete('HOME') setup_auth_stubs @logs_sent = [] end # generic attributes HOSTNAME = Socket.gethostname # attributes used for the GCE metadata service PROJECT_ID = 'test-project-id' ZONE = 'us-central1-b' FULLY_QUALIFIED_ZONE = 'projects/' + PROJECT_ID + '/zones/' + ZONE VM_ID = '9876543210' # attributes used for custom (overridden) configs CUSTOM_PROJECT_ID = 'test-custom-project-id' CUSTOM_ZONE = 'us-custom-central1-b' CUSTOM_FULLY_QUALIFIED_ZONE = 'projects/' + PROJECT_ID + '/zones/' + ZONE CUSTOM_VM_ID = 'C9876543210' CUSTOM_HOSTNAME = 'custom.hostname.org' # attributes used for the EC2 metadata service EC2_PROJECT_ID = 'test-ec2-project-id' EC2_ZONE = 'us-west-2b' EC2_PREFIXED_ZONE = 'aws:' + EC2_ZONE EC2_VM_ID = 'i-81c16767' EC2_ACCOUNT_ID = '123456789012' # The formatting here matches the format used on the VM. EC2_IDENTITY_DOCUMENT = %({ "accountId" : "#{EC2_ACCOUNT_ID}", "availabilityZone" : "#{EC2_ZONE}", "instanceId" : "#{EC2_VM_ID}" }) # Managed VMs specific labels MANAGED_VM_BACKEND_NAME = 'default' MANAGED_VM_BACKEND_VERSION = 'guestbook2.0' # Container Engine / Kubernetes specific labels CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME = 'cluster-1' CONTAINER_NAMESPACE_ID = '898268c8-4a36-11e5-9d81-42010af0194c' CONTAINER_NAMESPACE_NAME = 'kube-system' CONTAINER_POD_ID = 'cad3c3c4-4b9c-11e5-9d81-42010af0194c' CONTAINER_POD_NAME = 'redis-master-c0l82.foo.bar' CONTAINER_CONTAINER_NAME = 'redis' CONTAINER_LABEL_KEY = 'component' CONTAINER_LABEL_VALUE = 'redis-component' CONTAINER_STREAM = 'stdout' CONTAINER_SEVERITY = 'INFO' # Timestamp for 1234567890 seconds and 987654321 nanoseconds since epoch CONTAINER_TIMESTAMP = '2009-02-13T23:31:30.987654321Z' CONTAINER_SECONDS_EPOCH = 1_234_567_890 CONTAINER_NANOS = 987_654_321 # Cloud Functions specific labels CLOUDFUNCTIONS_FUNCTION_NAME = '$My_Function.Name-@1' CLOUDFUNCTIONS_REGION = 'us-central1' CLOUDFUNCTIONS_EXECUTION_ID = '123-0' CLOUDFUNCTIONS_CLUSTER_NAME = 'cluster-1' CLOUDFUNCTIONS_NAMESPACE_NAME = 'default' CLOUDFUNCTIONS_POD_NAME = 'd.dc.myu.uc.functionp.pc.name-a.a1.987-c0l82' CLOUDFUNCTIONS_CONTAINER_NAME = 'worker' # Parameters used for authentication AUTH_GRANT_TYPE = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer' FAKE_AUTH_TOKEN = 'abc123' # Information about test credentials files. # path: Path to the credentials file. # project_id: ID of the project, which must correspond to the file contents. IAM_CREDENTIALS = { path: 'test/plugin/data/iam-credentials.json', project_id: 'fluent-test-project' } LEGACY_CREDENTIALS = { path: 'test/plugin/data/credentials.json', project_id: '847859579879' } INVALID_CREDENTIALS = { path: 'test/plugin/data/invalid_credentials.json', project_id: '' } # Configuration files for various test scenarios APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG = %( ) # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength PRIVATE_KEY_CONFIG = %( auth_method private_key private_key_email 271661262351-ft99kc9kjro9rrihq3k2n3s2inbplu0q@developer.gserviceaccount.com private_key_path test/plugin/data/c31e573fd7f62ed495c9ca3821a5a85cb036dee1-privatekey.p12 ) # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength REQUIRE_VALID_TAGS_CONFIG = %( require_valid_tags true ) NO_METADATA_SERVICE_CONFIG = %( use_metadata_service false ) NO_DETECT_SUBSERVICE_CONFIG = %( detect_subservice false ) CUSTOM_METADATA_CONFIG = %( project_id #{CUSTOM_PROJECT_ID} zone #{CUSTOM_ZONE} vm_id #{CUSTOM_VM_ID} vm_name #{CUSTOM_HOSTNAME} ) CONFIG_MISSING_METADATA_PROJECT_ID = %( zone #{CUSTOM_ZONE} vm_id #{CUSTOM_VM_ID} ) CONFIG_MISSING_METADATA_ZONE = %( project_id #{CUSTOM_PROJECT_ID} vm_id #{CUSTOM_VM_ID} ) CONFIG_MISSING_METADATA_VM_ID = %( project_id #{CUSTOM_PROJECT_ID} zone #{CUSTOM_ZONE} ) CONFIG_MISSING_METADATA_ALL = %( ) CONFIG_EC2_PROJECT_ID = %( project_id #{EC2_PROJECT_ID} ) CONFIG_EC2_PROJECT_ID_AND_CUSTOM_VM_ID = %( project_id #{EC2_PROJECT_ID} vm_id #{CUSTOM_VM_ID} ) # Service configurations for various services COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME = 'compute.googleapis.com' APPENGINE_SERVICE_NAME = 'appengine.googleapis.com' CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME = 'container.googleapis.com' CLOUDFUNCTIONS_SERVICE_NAME = 'cloudfunctions.googleapis.com' EC2_SERVICE_NAME = 'ec2.amazonaws.com' COMPUTE_PARAMS = { service_name: COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME, log_name: 'test', project_id: PROJECT_ID, zone: ZONE, labels: { "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_type" => 'instance', "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_id" => VM_ID, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_name" => HOSTNAME } } VMENGINE_PARAMS = { service_name: APPENGINE_SERVICE_NAME, log_name: "#{APPENGINE_SERVICE_NAME}%2Ftest", project_id: PROJECT_ID, zone: ZONE, labels: { "#{APPENGINE_SERVICE_NAME}/module_id" => MANAGED_VM_BACKEND_NAME, "#{APPENGINE_SERVICE_NAME}/version_id" => MANAGED_VM_BACKEND_VERSION, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_type" => 'instance', "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_id" => VM_ID, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_name" => HOSTNAME } } CONTAINER_TAG = "kubernetes.#{CONTAINER_POD_NAME}_" \ "#{CONTAINER_NAMESPACE_NAME}_#{CONTAINER_CONTAINER_NAME}" CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS = { service_name: CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME, log_name: CONTAINER_CONTAINER_NAME, project_id: PROJECT_ID, zone: ZONE, labels: { "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/instance_id" => VM_ID, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/cluster_name" => CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/namespace_name" => CONTAINER_NAMESPACE_NAME, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/namespace_id" => CONTAINER_NAMESPACE_ID, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/pod_name" => CONTAINER_POD_NAME, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/pod_id" => CONTAINER_POD_ID, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/container_name" => CONTAINER_CONTAINER_NAME, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/stream" => CONTAINER_STREAM, "label/#{CONTAINER_LABEL_KEY}" => CONTAINER_LABEL_VALUE, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_type" => 'instance', "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_id" => VM_ID, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_name" => HOSTNAME } } # Almost the same as from metadata, but missing namespace_id and pod_id. CONTAINER_FROM_TAG_PARAMS = { service_name: CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME, log_name: CONTAINER_CONTAINER_NAME, project_id: PROJECT_ID, zone: ZONE, labels: { "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/instance_id" => VM_ID, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/cluster_name" => CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/namespace_name" => CONTAINER_NAMESPACE_NAME, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/pod_name" => CONTAINER_POD_NAME, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/container_name" => CONTAINER_CONTAINER_NAME, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/stream" => CONTAINER_STREAM, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_type" => 'instance', "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_id" => VM_ID, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_name" => HOSTNAME } } CLOUDFUNCTIONS_TAG = "kubernetes.#{CLOUDFUNCTIONS_POD_NAME}_" \ "#{CLOUDFUNCTIONS_NAMESPACE_NAME}_" \ "#{CLOUDFUNCTIONS_CONTAINER_NAME}" CLOUDFUNCTIONS_PARAMS = { service_name: CLOUDFUNCTIONS_SERVICE_NAME, log_name: 'cloud-functions', project_id: PROJECT_ID, zone: ZONE, labels: { 'execution_id' => CLOUDFUNCTIONS_EXECUTION_ID, "#{CLOUDFUNCTIONS_SERVICE_NAME}/function_name" => CLOUDFUNCTIONS_FUNCTION_NAME, "#{CLOUDFUNCTIONS_SERVICE_NAME}/region" => CLOUDFUNCTIONS_REGION, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/instance_id" => VM_ID, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/cluster_name" => CLOUDFUNCTIONS_CLUSTER_NAME, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_type" => 'instance', "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_id" => VM_ID, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_name" => HOSTNAME } } CLOUDFUNCTIONS_TEXT_NOT_MATCHED_PARAMS = { service_name: CLOUDFUNCTIONS_SERVICE_NAME, log_name: 'cloud-functions', project_id: PROJECT_ID, zone: ZONE, labels: { "#{CLOUDFUNCTIONS_SERVICE_NAME}/function_name" => CLOUDFUNCTIONS_FUNCTION_NAME, "#{CLOUDFUNCTIONS_SERVICE_NAME}/region" => CLOUDFUNCTIONS_REGION, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/instance_id" => VM_ID, "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/cluster_name" => CLOUDFUNCTIONS_CLUSTER_NAME, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_type" => 'instance', "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_id" => VM_ID, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_name" => HOSTNAME } } CUSTOM_PARAMS = { service_name: COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME, log_name: 'test', project_id: CUSTOM_PROJECT_ID, zone: CUSTOM_ZONE, labels: { "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_type" => 'instance', "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_id" => CUSTOM_VM_ID, "#{COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_name" => CUSTOM_HOSTNAME } } EC2_PARAMS = { service_name: EC2_SERVICE_NAME, log_name: 'test', project_id: EC2_PROJECT_ID, zone: EC2_PREFIXED_ZONE, labels: { "#{EC2_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_type" => 'instance', "#{EC2_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_id" => EC2_VM_ID, "#{EC2_SERVICE_NAME}/account_id" => EC2_ACCOUNT_ID, "#{EC2_SERVICE_NAME}/resource_name" => HOSTNAME } } HTTP_REQUEST_MESSAGE = { 'requestMethod' => 'POST', 'requestUrl' => 'http://example/', 'requestSize' => 210, 'status' => 200, 'responseSize' => 65, 'userAgent' => 'USER AGENT 1.0', 'remoteIp' => '', 'referer' => 'http://referer/', 'cacheHit' => true, 'cacheValidatedWithOriginServer' => true } # Tags and their sanitized and encoded version. VALID_TAGS = { 'test' => 'test', 'germanß' => 'german%C3%9F', 'chinese中' => 'chinese%E4%B8%AD', 'specialCharacter/_-.' => 'specialCharacter%2F_-.', 'abc@&^$*' => 'abc%40%26%5E%24%2A', '@&^$*' => '%40%26%5E%24%2A' } INVALID_TAGS = { # Non-string tags. 123 => '123', 1.23 => '1.23', [1, 2, 3] => '%5B1%2C%202%2C%203%5D', { key: 'value' } => '%7B%22key%22%3D%3E%22value%22%7D', # Non-utf8 string tags. "nonutf8#{[0x92].pack('C*')}" => 'nonutf8%20', "abc#{[0x92].pack('C*')}" => 'abc%20', "#{[0x92].pack('C*')}" => '%20', # Empty string tag. '' => '_' } ALL_TAGS = VALID_TAGS.merge(INVALID_TAGS) # Shared tests. def test_configure_service_account_application_default setup_gce_metadata_stubs d = create_driver assert_equal HOSTNAME, d.instance.vm_name end def test_configure_service_account_private_key # Using out-of-date config method. exception_count = 0 begin create_driver(PRIVATE_KEY_CONFIG) rescue Fluent::ConfigError => error assert error.message.include? 'Please remove configuration parameters' exception_count += 1 end assert_equal 1, exception_count end def test_configure_custom_metadata setup_no_metadata_service_stubs d = create_driver(CUSTOM_METADATA_CONFIG) assert_equal CUSTOM_PROJECT_ID, d.instance.project_id assert_equal CUSTOM_ZONE, d.instance.zone assert_equal CUSTOM_VM_ID, d.instance.vm_id end def test_configure_invalid_metadata_missing_parts setup_no_metadata_service_stubs Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput::CredentialsInfo.stubs(:project_id).returns(nil) { CONFIG_MISSING_METADATA_PROJECT_ID => ['project_id'], CONFIG_MISSING_METADATA_ZONE => ['zone'], CONFIG_MISSING_METADATA_VM_ID => ['vm_id'], CONFIG_MISSING_METADATA_ALL => %w(project_id zone vm_id) }.each_with_index do |(config, parts), index| exception_count = 0 begin create_driver(config) rescue Fluent::ConfigError => error assert error.message.include?('Unable to obtain metadata parameters:'), "Index #{index} failed." parts.each do |part| assert error.message.include?(part), "Index #{index} failed." end exception_count += 1 end assert_equal 1, exception_count, "Index #{index} failed." end end def test_metadata_loading setup_gce_metadata_stubs d = create_driver d.run assert_equal PROJECT_ID, d.instance.project_id assert_equal ZONE, d.instance.zone assert_equal VM_ID, d.instance.vm_id assert_equal false, d.instance.running_on_managed_vm end def test_managed_vm_metadata_loading setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_managed_vm_metadata_stubs d = create_driver d.run assert_equal PROJECT_ID, d.instance.project_id assert_equal ZONE, d.instance.zone assert_equal VM_ID, d.instance.vm_id assert_equal true, d.instance.running_on_managed_vm assert_equal MANAGED_VM_BACKEND_NAME, d.instance.gae_backend_name assert_equal MANAGED_VM_BACKEND_VERSION, d.instance.gae_backend_version end def test_gce_metadata_does_not_load_when_use_metadata_service_is_false Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput.any_instance.expects(:fetch_metadata).never d = create_driver(NO_METADATA_SERVICE_CONFIG + CUSTOM_METADATA_CONFIG) d.run assert_equal CUSTOM_PROJECT_ID, d.instance.project_id assert_equal CUSTOM_ZONE, d.instance.zone assert_equal CUSTOM_VM_ID, d.instance.vm_id assert_equal false, d.instance.running_on_managed_vm end def test_gce_used_when_detect_subservice_is_false setup_gce_metadata_stubs # This would cause the service to be container.googleapis.com if not for the # detect_subservice=false config. setup_container_metadata_stubs d = create_driver(NO_DETECT_SUBSERVICE_CONFIG) d.run assert_equal COMPUTE_SERVICE_NAME, d.instance.service_name end def test_metadata_overrides { # In this case we are overriding all configured parameters so we should # see all "custom" values rather than the ones from the metadata server. CUSTOM_METADATA_CONFIG => ['gce', CUSTOM_PROJECT_ID, CUSTOM_ZONE, CUSTOM_VM_ID], # Similar to above, but we are not overriding project_id in this config so # we should see the metadata value for project_id and "custom" otherwise. CONFIG_MISSING_METADATA_PROJECT_ID => ['gce', PROJECT_ID, CUSTOM_ZONE, CUSTOM_VM_ID], CONFIG_EC2_PROJECT_ID => ['ec2', EC2_PROJECT_ID, EC2_PREFIXED_ZONE, EC2_VM_ID], CONFIG_EC2_PROJECT_ID_AND_CUSTOM_VM_ID => ['ec2', EC2_PROJECT_ID, EC2_PREFIXED_ZONE, CUSTOM_VM_ID] }.each_with_index do |(config, parts), index| send("setup_#{parts[0]}_metadata_stubs") d = create_driver(config) d.run assert_equal parts[1], d.instance.project_id, "Index #{index} failed." assert_equal parts[2], d.instance.zone, "Index #{index} failed." assert_equal parts[3], d.instance.vm_id, "Index #{index} failed." assert_equal false, d.instance.running_on_managed_vm, "Index #{index} failed." end end def test_ec2_metadata_requires_project_id setup_ec2_metadata_stubs exception_count = 0 Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput::CredentialsInfo.stubs(:project_id).returns(nil) begin create_driver rescue Fluent::ConfigError => error assert error.message.include? 'Unable to obtain metadata parameters:' assert error.message.include? 'project_id' exception_count += 1 end assert_equal 1, exception_count end def test_ec2_metadata_project_id_from_credentials setup_ec2_metadata_stubs [IAM_CREDENTIALS, LEGACY_CREDENTIALS].each do |creds| ENV['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = creds[:path] d = create_driver d.run assert_equal creds[:project_id], d.instance.project_id end end def test_one_log setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS) end def test_one_log_with_json_credentials setup_gce_metadata_stubs ENV['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = IAM_CREDENTIALS[:path] setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS) end def test_one_log_with_invalid_json_credentials setup_gce_metadata_stubs ENV['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = INVALID_CREDENTIALS[:path] setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) exception_count = 0 begin d.run rescue RuntimeError => error assert error.message.include? 'Unable to read the credential file' exception_count += 1 end assert_equal 1, exception_count end end def test_one_log_custom_metadata # don't set up any metadata stubs, so the test will fail if we try to # fetch metadata (and explicitly check this as well). Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput.any_instance.expects(:fetch_metadata).never ENV['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = IAM_CREDENTIALS[:path] setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(NO_METADATA_SERVICE_CONFIG + CUSTOM_METADATA_CONFIG) d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, CUSTOM_PARAMS) end def test_one_log_ec2 ENV['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = IAM_CREDENTIALS[:path] setup_ec2_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(CONFIG_EC2_PROJECT_ID) d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, EC2_PARAMS) end def test_struct_payload_log setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver d.emit('msg' => log_entry(0), 'tag2' => 'test', 'data' => 5000, 'some_null_field' => nil) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS, 'structPayload') do |entry| fields = get_fields(entry['structPayload']) assert_equal 4, fields.size, entry assert_equal 'test log entry 0', get_string(fields['msg']), entry assert_equal 'test', get_string(fields['tag2']), entry assert_equal 5000, get_number(fields['data']), entry assert_equal null_value, fields['some_null_field'], entry end end def test_struct_payload_malformatted_log setup_gce_metadata_stubs message = 'test message' setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver d.emit( 'int_key' => { 1 => message }, 'int_array_key' => { [1, 2, 3, 4] => message }, 'string_array_key' => { %w(a b c) => message }, 'hash_key' => { { 'some_key' => 'some_value' } => message }, 'mixed_key' => { { 'some_key' => %w(a b c) } => message }, 'symbol_key' => { some_symbol: message }, 'nil_key' => { nil => message } ) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS, 'structPayload') do |entry| fields = get_fields(entry['structPayload']) assert_equal 7, fields.size, entry assert_equal message, get_string(get_fields(get_struct(fields \ ['int_key']))['1']), entry assert_equal message, get_string(get_fields(get_struct(fields \ ['int_array_key']))['[1, 2, 3, 4]']), entry assert_equal message, get_string(get_fields(get_struct(fields \ ['string_array_key']))['["a", "b", "c"]']), entry assert_equal message, get_string(get_fields(get_struct(fields \ ['hash_key']))['{"some_key"=>"some_value"}']), entry assert_equal message, get_string(get_fields(get_struct(fields \ ['mixed_key']))['{"some_key"=>["a", "b", "c"]}']), entry assert_equal message, get_string(get_fields(get_struct(fields \ ['symbol_key']))['some_symbol']), entry assert_equal message, get_string(get_fields(get_struct(fields \ ['nil_key']))['']), entry end end def test_struct_payload_json_log setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver json_string = '{"msg": "test log entry 0", "tag2": "test", "data": 5000}' d.emit('message' => 'notJSON ' + json_string) d.emit('message' => json_string) d.emit('message' => "\t" + json_string) d.emit('message' => ' ' + json_string) d.run end verify_log_entries(4, COMPUTE_PARAMS, '') do |entry| assert entry.key?('textPayload'), 'Entry did not have textPayload' end end def test_struct_payload_json_container_log setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, CONTAINER_TAG) json_string = '{"msg": "test log entry 0", "tag2": "test", ' \ '"data": 5000, "some_null_field": null}' d.emit(container_log_entry_with_metadata('notJSON' + json_string)) d.emit(container_log_entry_with_metadata(json_string)) d.emit(container_log_entry_with_metadata(" \r\n \t" + json_string)) d.run end log_index = 0 verify_log_entries( 3, CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS, '') do |entry| log_index += 1 if log_index == 1 assert entry.key?('textPayload'), 'Entry did not have textPayload' else assert entry.key?('structPayload'), 'Entry did not have structPayload' fields = get_fields(entry['structPayload']) assert_equal 4, fields.size, entry assert_equal 'test log entry 0', get_string(fields['msg']), entry assert_equal 'test', get_string(fields['tag2']), entry assert_equal 5000, get_number(fields['data']), entry assert_equal null_value, fields['some_null_field'], entry end end end # Verify that we drop the log entries when 'require_valid_tags' is true and # any non-string tags or tags with non-utf8 characters are detected. def test_reject_invalid_tags_with_require_valid_tags_true setup_gce_metadata_stubs INVALID_TAGS.keys.each do |tag| setup_logging_stubs do @logs_sent = [] d = create_driver(REQUIRE_VALID_TAGS_CONFIG, tag) d.emit('msg' => log_entry(0)) d.run end verify_log_entries(0, COMPUTE_PARAMS, 'structPayload') end end # Verify that empty string container name should fail the kubernetes regex # match, thus the original tag is used as the log name. def test_handle_empty_container_name setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs container_name = '' # This tag will not match the kubernetes regex because it requires a # non-empty container name. tag = container_tag_with_container_name(container_name) params = CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS.merge( labels: CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS[:labels].merge( "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/container_name" => container_name), log_name: tag) setup_logging_stubs([params]) do @logs_sent = [] d = create_driver(REQUIRE_VALID_TAGS_CONFIG, tag) d.emit(container_log_entry_with_metadata(log_entry(0), container_name)) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, params, 'textPayload') assert_equal "projects/#{PROJECT_ID}/logs/#{tag}", @logs_sent[0]['logName'] end # Verify that container names with non-utf8 characters should be rejected when # 'require_valid_tags' is true. def test_reject_non_utf8_container_name_with_require_valid_tags_true setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs non_utf8_tags = INVALID_TAGS.select do |tag, _| tag.is_a?(String) && !tag.empty? end non_utf8_tags.each do |container_name, encoded_name| params = CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS.merge( labels: CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS[:labels].merge( "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/container_name" => URI.decode(encoded_name)), log_name: encoded_name) setup_logging_stubs([params]) do @logs_sent = [] d = create_driver(REQUIRE_VALID_TAGS_CONFIG, container_tag_with_container_name(container_name)) d.emit(container_log_entry_with_metadata(log_entry(0), container_name)) d.run end verify_log_entries(0, params, 'textPayload') end end # Verify that tags are properly encoded. When 'require_valid_tags' is true, we # only accept string tags with utf8 characters. def test_encode_tags_with_require_valid_tags_true setup_gce_metadata_stubs VALID_TAGS.each do |tag, encoded_tag| setup_logging_stubs([COMPUTE_PARAMS.merge(log_name: encoded_tag)]) do @logs_sent = [] d = create_driver(REQUIRE_VALID_TAGS_CONFIG, tag) d.emit('msg' => log_entry(0)) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS, 'structPayload') assert_equal "projects/#{PROJECT_ID}/logs/#{encoded_tag}", @logs_sent[0]['logName'] end end # Verify that tags extracted from container names are properly encoded. def test_encode_tags_from_container_name_with_require_valid_tags_true setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs VALID_TAGS.each do |tag, encoded_tag| params = CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS.merge( labels: CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS[:labels].merge( "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/container_name" => tag), log_name: encoded_tag) setup_logging_stubs([params]) do @logs_sent = [] d = create_driver(REQUIRE_VALID_TAGS_CONFIG, container_tag_with_container_name(tag)) d.emit(container_log_entry_with_metadata(log_entry(0), tag)) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, params, 'textPayload') assert_equal "projects/#{PROJECT_ID}/logs/#{encoded_tag}", @logs_sent[0]['logName'] end end # Verify that tags are properly encoded and sanitized. When # 'require_valid_tags' is false, we try to convert any non-string tags to # strings, and replace non-utf8 characters with a replacement string. def test_sanitize_tags_with_require_valid_tags_false setup_gce_metadata_stubs ALL_TAGS.each do |tag, sanitized_tag| setup_logging_stubs([COMPUTE_PARAMS.merge(log_name: sanitized_tag)]) do @logs_sent = [] d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, tag) d.emit('msg' => log_entry(0)) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS, 'structPayload') assert_equal "projects/#{PROJECT_ID}/logs/#{sanitized_tag}", @logs_sent[0]['logName'] end end # Verify that tags extracted from container names are properly encoded and # sanitized. def test_sanitize_tags_from_container_name_with_require_valid_tags_false setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs # Log names are derived from container names for containers. And container # names are extracted from the tag based on a regex match pattern. As a # prerequisite, the tag should already be a string, thus we only test # non-empty string cases here. string_tags = ALL_TAGS.select { |tag, _| tag.is_a?(String) && !tag.empty? } string_tags.each do |container_name, encoded_container_name| # Container name in the label is sanitized but not encoded, while the log # name is encoded. params = CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS.merge( labels: CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS[:labels].merge( "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/container_name" => URI.decode(encoded_container_name)), log_name: encoded_container_name) setup_logging_stubs([params]) do @logs_sent = [] d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, container_tag_with_container_name(container_name)) d.emit(container_log_entry_with_metadata(log_entry(0), container_name)) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, params, 'textPayload') assert_equal "projects/#{PROJECT_ID}/logs/#{encoded_container_name}", @logs_sent[0]['logName'] end end def test_timestamps setup_gce_metadata_stubs expected_ts = [] emit_index = 0 setup_logging_stubs do [Time.at(123_456.789), Time.at(0), Time.now].each do |ts| d = create_driver # Test the "native" fluentd timestamp as well as our nanosecond tags. d.emit({ 'message' => log_entry(emit_index) }, ts.to_f) expected_ts.push(ts) emit_index += 1 d.emit('message' => log_entry(emit_index), 'timeNanos' => ts.tv_sec * 1_000_000_000 + ts.tv_nsec) expected_ts.push(ts) emit_index += 1 d.emit('message' => log_entry(emit_index), 'timestamp' => { 'seconds' => ts.tv_sec, 'nanos' => ts.tv_nsec }) expected_ts.push(ts) emit_index += 1 d.emit('message' => log_entry(emit_index), 'timestampSeconds' => ts.tv_sec, 'timestampNanos' => ts.tv_nsec) expected_ts.push(ts) emit_index += 1 d.run end end verify_index = 0 verify_log_entries(emit_index, COMPUTE_PARAMS) do |entry| assert_equal_with_default entry['metadata']['timestamp']['seconds'], expected_ts[verify_index].tv_sec, 0, entry assert_equal_with_default entry['metadata']['timestamp']['nanos'], expected_ts[verify_index].tv_nsec, 0, entry do # Fluentd v0.14 onwards supports nanosecond timestamp values. # Added in 600 ns delta to avoid flaky tests introduced # due to rounding error in double-precision floating-point numbers # (to account for the missing 9 bits of precision ~ 512 ns). # See http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format assert_in_delta expected_ts[verify_index].tv_nsec, entry['metadata']['timestamp']['nanos'], 600, entry end verify_index += 1 end end def test_malformed_timestamp setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver # if timestamp is not a hash it is passed through to the struct payload. d.emit('message' => log_entry(0), 'timestamp' => 'not-a-hash') d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS, 'structPayload') do |entry| fields = get_fields(entry['structPayload']) assert_equal 2, fields.size, entry assert_equal 'not-a-hash', get_string(fields['timestamp']), entry end end # Make parse_severity public so we can test it. class Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput # rubocop:disable Style/ClassAndModuleChildren public :parse_severity end def test_label_map_without_field_present setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do config = %(label_map { "label_field": "sent_label" }) d = create_driver(config) d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run # No additional labels should be present end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS) end def test_label_map_with_field_present setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do config = %(label_map { "label_field": "sent_label" }) d = create_driver(config) d.emit('message' => log_entry(0), 'label_field' => 'label_value') d.run end # make a deep copy of COMPUTE_PARAMS and add the parsed label. params = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(COMPUTE_PARAMS)) params[:labels]['sent_label'] = 'label_value' verify_log_entries(1, params) end def test_label_map_with_numeric_field setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do config = %(label_map { "label_field": "sent_label" }) d = create_driver(config) d.emit('message' => log_entry(0), 'label_field' => 123_456_789) d.run end # make a deep copy of COMPUTE_PARAMS and add the parsed label. params = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(COMPUTE_PARAMS)) params[:labels]['sent_label'] = '123456789' verify_log_entries(1, params) end def test_label_map_with_hash_field setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do config = %(label_map { "label_field": "sent_label" }) d = create_driver(config) # I'm not sure this actually makes sense for a user to do, but make # sure that it works if they try it. d.emit('message' => log_entry(0), 'label_field' => { 'k1' => 10, 'k2' => 'val' }) d.run end # make a deep copy of COMPUTE_PARAMS and add the parsed label. params = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(COMPUTE_PARAMS)) params[:labels]['sent_label'] = '{"k1"=>10, "k2"=>"val"}' verify_log_entries(1, params) end def test_label_map_with_multiple_fields setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do config = %( label_map { "label1": "sent_label_1", "label_number_two": "foo.googleapis.com/bar", "label3": "label3" } ) d = create_driver(config) # not_a_label passes through to the struct payload d.emit('message' => log_entry(0), 'label1' => 'value1', 'label_number_two' => 'value2', 'not_a_label' => 'value4', 'label3' => 'value3') d.run end # make a deep copy of COMPUTE_PARAMS and add the parsed labels. params = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(COMPUTE_PARAMS)) params[:labels]['sent_label_1'] = 'value1' params[:labels]['foo.googleapis.com/bar'] = 'value2' params[:labels]['label3'] = 'value3' verify_log_entries(1, params, 'structPayload') do |entry| fields = get_fields(entry['structPayload']) assert_equal 2, fields.size, entry assert_equal 'test log entry 0', get_string(fields['message']), entry assert_equal 'value4', get_string(fields['not_a_label']), entry end end def test_multiple_logs setup_gce_metadata_stubs # Only test a few values because otherwise the test can take minutes. [2, 3, 5, 11, 50].each do |n| setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver # The test driver doesn't clear its buffer of entries after running, so # do it manually here. d.instance_variable_get('@entries').clear @logs_sent = [] n.times { |i| d.emit('message' => log_entry(i)) } d.run end verify_log_entries(n, COMPUTE_PARAMS) end end def test_malformed_log setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver # if the entry is not a hash, the plugin should silently drop it. d.emit('a string is not a valid message') d.run end assert @logs_sent.empty? end def test_one_managed_vm_log setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_managed_vm_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, VMENGINE_PARAMS) end def test_multiple_managed_vm_logs setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_managed_vm_metadata_stubs [2, 3, 5, 11, 50].each do |n| setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver # The test driver doesn't clear its buffer of entries after running, so # do it manually here. d.instance_variable_get('@entries').clear @logs_sent = [] n.times { |i| d.emit('message' => log_entry(i)) } d.run end verify_log_entries(n, VMENGINE_PARAMS) end end def test_one_container_log_metadata_from_plugin setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, CONTAINER_TAG) d.emit(container_log_entry_with_metadata(log_entry(0))) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS) do |entry| assert_equal CONTAINER_SECONDS_EPOCH, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['seconds'], entry assert_equal CONTAINER_NANOS, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['nanos'], entry assert_equal CONTAINER_SEVERITY, entry['metadata']['severity'], entry end end def test_multiple_container_logs_metadata_from_plugin setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs [2, 3, 5, 11, 50].each do |n| @logs_sent = [] setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, CONTAINER_TAG) # The test driver doesn't clear its buffer of entries after running, so # do it manually here. d.instance_variable_get('@entries').clear n.times { |i| d.emit(container_log_entry_with_metadata(log_entry(i))) } d.run end verify_log_entries(n, CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS) do |entry| assert_equal CONTAINER_SECONDS_EPOCH, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['seconds'], entry assert_equal CONTAINER_NANOS, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['nanos'], entry assert_equal CONTAINER_SEVERITY, entry['metadata']['severity'], entry end end end def test_multiple_container_logs_metadata_from_tag setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs [2, 3, 5, 11, 50].each do |n| @logs_sent = [] setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, CONTAINER_TAG) # The test driver doesn't clear its buffer of entries after running, so # do it manually here. d.instance_variable_get('@entries').clear n.times { |i| d.emit(container_log_entry(log_entry(i))) } d.run end verify_log_entries(n, CONTAINER_FROM_TAG_PARAMS) do |entry| assert_equal CONTAINER_SECONDS_EPOCH, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['seconds'], entry assert_equal CONTAINER_NANOS, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['nanos'], entry assert_equal CONTAINER_SEVERITY, entry['metadata']['severity'], entry end end end def test_one_container_log_metadata_from_tag setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, CONTAINER_TAG) d.emit(container_log_entry(log_entry(0))) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, CONTAINER_FROM_TAG_PARAMS) do |entry| assert_equal CONTAINER_SECONDS_EPOCH, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['seconds'], entry assert_equal CONTAINER_NANOS, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['nanos'], entry assert_equal CONTAINER_SEVERITY, entry['metadata']['severity'], entry end end def test_one_container_log_from_tag_stderr setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, CONTAINER_TAG) d.emit(container_log_entry(log_entry(0), 'stderr')) d.run end expected_params = CONTAINER_FROM_TAG_PARAMS.merge( labels: { "#{CONTAINER_SERVICE_NAME}/stream" => 'stderr' } ) { |_, oldval, newval| oldval.merge(newval) } verify_log_entries(1, expected_params) do |entry| assert_equal CONTAINER_SECONDS_EPOCH, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['seconds'], entry assert_equal CONTAINER_NANOS, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['nanos'], entry assert_equal 'ERROR', entry['metadata']['severity'], entry end end def test_struct_container_log_metadata_from_plugin setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, CONTAINER_TAG) d.emit(container_log_entry_with_metadata('{"msg": "test log entry 0", ' \ '"tag2": "test", "data": ' \ '5000, "severity": "WARNING"}')) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, CONTAINER_FROM_METADATA_PARAMS, 'structPayload') do |entry| fields = get_fields(entry['structPayload']) assert_equal 3, fields.size, entry assert_equal 'test log entry 0', get_string(fields['msg']), entry assert_equal 'test', get_string(fields['tag2']), entry assert_equal 5000, get_number(fields['data']), entry assert_equal CONTAINER_SECONDS_EPOCH, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['seconds'], entry assert_equal CONTAINER_NANOS, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['nanos'], entry assert_equal 'WARNING', entry['metadata']['severity'], entry end end def test_struct_container_log_metadata_from_tag setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_container_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, CONTAINER_TAG) d.emit(container_log_entry('{"msg": "test log entry 0", ' \ '"tag2": "test", "data": 5000, ' \ '"severity": "W"}')) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, CONTAINER_FROM_TAG_PARAMS, 'structPayload') do |entry| fields = get_fields(entry['structPayload']) assert_equal 3, fields.size, entry assert_equal 'test log entry 0', get_string(fields['msg']), entry assert_equal 'test', get_string(fields['tag2']), entry assert_equal 5000, get_number(fields['data']), entry assert_equal CONTAINER_SECONDS_EPOCH, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['seconds'], entry assert_equal CONTAINER_NANOS, \ entry['metadata']['timestamp']['nanos'], entry assert_equal 'WARNING', entry['metadata']['severity'], entry end end def test_cloudfunctions_log setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_cloudfunctions_metadata_stubs [1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 50].each do |n| setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, CLOUDFUNCTIONS_TAG) # The test driver doesn't clear its buffer of entries after running, so # do it manually here. d.instance_variable_get('@entries').clear @logs_sent = [] n.times { |i| d.emit(cloudfunctions_log_entry(i)) } d.run end verify_log_entries(n, CLOUDFUNCTIONS_PARAMS) do |entry| assert_equal 'DEBUG', entry['metadata']['severity'], "Test with #{n} logs failed. \n#{entry}" end end end def test_cloudfunctions_logs_text_not_matched setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_cloudfunctions_metadata_stubs [1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 50].each do |n| @logs_sent = [] setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, CLOUDFUNCTIONS_TAG) # The test driver doesn't clear its buffer of entries after running, so # do it manually here. d.instance_variable_get('@entries').clear n.times { |i| d.emit(cloudfunctions_log_entry_text_not_matched(i)) } d.run end verify_log_entries( n, CLOUDFUNCTIONS_TEXT_NOT_MATCHED_PARAMS) do |entry| assert_equal 'INFO', entry['metadata']['severity'], "Test with #{n} logs failed. \n#{entry}" end end end def test_multiple_cloudfunctions_logs_tag_not_matched setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_cloudfunctions_metadata_stubs [1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 50].each do |n| @logs_sent = [] setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, CONTAINER_TAG) # The test driver doesn't clear its buffer of entries after running, so # do it manually here. d.instance_variable_get('@entries').clear n.times { |i| d.emit(cloudfunctions_log_entry(i)) } d.run end i = 0 verify_log_entries(n, CONTAINER_FROM_TAG_PARAMS, '') do |entry| assert_equal '[D][2015-09-25T12:34:56.789Z][123-0] test log entry ' \ "#{i}", entry['textPayload'], "Test with #{n} logs failed. \n#{entry}" i += 1 end end end def test_http_request_from_record setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver d.emit('httpRequest' => http_request_message) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS, 'httpRequest') do |entry| assert_equal http_request_message, entry['httpRequest'], entry assert_nil get_fields(entry['structPayload'])['httpRequest'], entry end end def test_http_request_partial_from_record setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver d.emit('httpRequest' => http_request_message.merge( 'otherKey' => 'value')) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS, 'httpRequest') do |entry| assert_equal http_request_message, entry['httpRequest'], entry fields = get_fields(entry['structPayload']) request = get_fields(get_struct(fields['httpRequest'])) assert_equal 'value', get_string(request['otherKey']), entry end end def test_http_request_when_not_hash setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver d.emit('httpRequest' => 'a_string') d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS, 'structPayload') do |entry| fields = get_fields(entry['structPayload']) assert_equal 'a_string', get_string(fields['httpRequest']), entry assert_nil entry['httpRequest'], entry end end private def uri_for_log(params) 'https://logging.googleapis.com/v1beta3/projects/' + params[:project_id] + '/logs/' + params[:log_name] + '/entries:write' end def stub_metadata_request(metadata_path, response_body) stub_request(:get, '' + metadata_path) .to_return(body: response_body, status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Length' => response_body.length }) end def setup_no_metadata_service_stubs # Simulate a machine with no metadata service present stub_request(:any, %r{*}) .to_raise(Errno::EHOSTUNREACH) end def setup_gce_metadata_stubs # Stub the root, used for platform detection by the plugin and 'googleauth'. stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, headers: { 'Metadata-Flavor' => 'Google' }) # Create stubs for all the GCE metadata lookups the agent needs to make. stub_metadata_request('project/project-id', PROJECT_ID) stub_metadata_request('instance/zone', FULLY_QUALIFIED_ZONE) stub_metadata_request('instance/id', VM_ID) stub_metadata_request('instance/attributes/', "attribute1\nattribute2\nattribute3") # Used by 'googleauth' to fetch the default service account credentials. stub_request(:get, '' \ 'instance/service-accounts/default/token') .to_return(body: %({"access_token": "#{FAKE_AUTH_TOKEN}"}), status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Length' => FAKE_AUTH_TOKEN.length, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) end def setup_ec2_metadata_stubs # Stub the root, used for platform detection. stub_request(:get, '') .to_return(status: 200, headers: { 'Server' => 'EC2ws' }) # Stub the identity document lookup made by the agent. stub_request(:get, '' \ 'instance-identity/document') .to_return(body: EC2_IDENTITY_DOCUMENT, status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Length' => EC2_IDENTITY_DOCUMENT.length }) end def setup_auth_stubs # Used when loading credentials from a JSON file. stub_request(:post, 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/token') .with(body: hash_including(grant_type: AUTH_GRANT_TYPE)) .to_return(body: %({"access_token": "#{FAKE_AUTH_TOKEN}"}), status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Length' => FAKE_AUTH_TOKEN.length, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) stub_request(:post, 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/token') .with(body: hash_including(grant_type: 'refresh_token')) .to_return(body: %({"access_token": "#{FAKE_AUTH_TOKEN}"}), status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Length' => FAKE_AUTH_TOKEN.length, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) end def setup_managed_vm_metadata_stubs stub_metadata_request( 'instance/attributes/', "attribute1\ngae_backend_name\ngae_backend_version\nlast_attribute") stub_metadata_request('instance/attributes/gae_backend_name', MANAGED_VM_BACKEND_NAME) stub_metadata_request('instance/attributes/gae_backend_version', MANAGED_VM_BACKEND_VERSION) end def setup_container_metadata_stubs stub_metadata_request( 'instance/attributes/', "attribute1\nkube-env\nlast_attribute") stub_metadata_request('instance/attributes/kube-env', "ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING: \"true\"\n"\ 'INSTANCE_PREFIX: '\ "gke-#{CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME}-740fdafa\n"\ 'KUBE_BEARER_TOKEN: AoQiMuwkNP2BMT0S') end def setup_cloudfunctions_metadata_stubs stub_metadata_request( 'instance/attributes/', "attribute1\nkube-env\ngcf_region\nlast_attribute") stub_metadata_request('instance/attributes/kube-env', "ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING: \"true\"\n"\ 'INSTANCE_PREFIX: '\ "gke-#{CLOUDFUNCTIONS_CLUSTER_NAME}-740fdafa\n"\ 'KUBE_BEARER_TOKEN: AoQiMuwkNP2BMT0S') stub_metadata_request('instance/attributes/gcf_region', CLOUDFUNCTIONS_REGION) end def container_tag_with_container_name(container_name) "kubernetes.#{CONTAINER_POD_NAME}_#{CONTAINER_NAMESPACE_NAME}_" \ "#{container_name}" end def container_log_entry_with_metadata( log, container_name = CONTAINER_CONTAINER_NAME) { log: log, stream: CONTAINER_STREAM, time: CONTAINER_TIMESTAMP, kubernetes: { namespace_id: CONTAINER_NAMESPACE_ID, namespace_name: CONTAINER_NAMESPACE_NAME, pod_id: CONTAINER_POD_ID, pod_name: CONTAINER_POD_NAME, container_name: container_name, labels: { CONTAINER_LABEL_KEY => CONTAINER_LABEL_VALUE } } } end def container_log_entry(log, stream = CONTAINER_STREAM) { log: log, stream: stream, time: CONTAINER_TIMESTAMP } end def cloudfunctions_log_entry(i) { stream: 'stdout', log: '[D][2015-09-25T12:34:56.789Z][123-0] ' + log_entry(i) } end def cloudfunctions_log_entry_text_not_matched(i) { stream: 'stdout', log: log_entry(i) } end def log_entry(i) 'test log entry ' + i.to_s end def check_labels(entry, common_labels, expected_labels) # TODO(salty) test/handle overlap between common_labels and entry labels all_labels ||= common_labels all_labels.merge!(entry['metadata']['labels'] || {}) all_labels.each do |key, value| assert value.is_a?(String), "Value #{value} for label #{key} " \ 'is not a string: ' + value.class.name assert expected_labels.key?(key), "Unexpected label #{key} => #{value}" assert_equal expected_labels[key], value, 'Value mismatch - expected ' \ "#{expected_labels[key]} in #{key} => #{value}" end assert_equal expected_labels.length, all_labels.length, 'Expected ' \ "#{expected_labels.length} labels, got #{all_labels.length}" end # The caller can optionally provide a block which is called for each entry. def verify_json_log_entries(n, params, payload_type = 'textPayload') i = 0 @logs_sent.each do |batch| batch['entries'].each do |entry| unless payload_type.empty? assert entry.key?(payload_type), 'Entry did not contain expected ' \ "#{payload_type} key: " + entry.to_s # Check the payload for textPayload, otherwise it's up to the caller. if payload_type == 'textPayload' assert_equal "test log entry #{i}", entry['textPayload'], batch end end assert_equal params[:zone], entry['metadata']['zone'] assert_equal params[:service_name], entry['metadata']['serviceName'] check_labels entry, batch['commonLabels'], params[:labels] yield(entry) if block_given? i += 1 assert i <= n, "Number of entries #{i} exceeds expected number #{n}" end end assert i == n, "Number of entries #{i} does not match expected number #{n}" end # The http request message to test against. def http_request_message HTTP_REQUEST_MESSAGE end # Replace the 'referer' field with nil. def http_request_message_with_nil_referer http_request_message.merge('referer' => nil) end # This module expects the methods below to be overridden. # Create a Fluentd output test driver with the Google Cloud Output plugin. def create_driver(_conf = APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, _tag = 'test') _undefined end # Set up http or grpc stubs to mock the external calls. def setup_logging_stubs _undefined end # Verify the number and the content of the log entries match the expectation. # The caller can optionally provide a block which is called for each entry. def verify_log_entries(_n, _params, _payload_type = 'textPayload', &_block) _undefined end # For an optional field with default values, Protobuf omits the field when it # is deserialized to json. So we need to add an extra check for gRPC which # uses Protobuf. # # An optional block can be passed in if we need to assert something other than # a plain equal. e.g. assert_in_delta. def assert_equal_with_default(_field, _expected_value, _default_value, _entry) _undefined end # Get the fields of the struct payload. def get_fields(_struct_payload) _undefined end # Get the value of a struct field. def get_struct(_field) _undefined end # Get the value of a string field. def get_string(_field) _undefined end # Get the value of a number field. def get_number(_field) _undefined end # The null value. def null_value(_field) _undefined end def _undefined fail "Method #{__callee__} is unimplemented and needs to be overridden." end end