## from: http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-talk/101949 # $Id: rfc2047.rb,v 1.4 2003/04/18 20:55:56 sam Exp $ # MODIFIED slightly by William Morgan # # An implementation of RFC 2047 decoding. # # This module depends on the iconv library by Nobuyoshi Nakada, which I've # heard may be distributed as a standard part of Ruby 1.8. Many thanks to him # for helping with building and using iconv. # # Thanks to "Josef 'Jupp' Schugt" for pointing out an error with # stateful character sets. # # Copyright (c) Sam Roberts 2004 # # This file is distributed under the same terms as Ruby. module Rfc2047 WORD = %r{=\?([!\#$%&'*+-/0-9A-Z\\^\`a-z{|}~]+)\?([BbQq])\?([!->@-~]+)\?=} # :nodoc: 'stupid ruby-mode WORDSEQ = %r{(#{WORD.source})\s+(?=#{WORD.source})} def Rfc2047.is_encoded? s; s =~ WORD end # Decodes a string, +from+, containing RFC 2047 encoded words into a target # character set, +target+. See iconv_open(3) for information on the # supported target encodings. If one of the encoded words cannot be # converted to the target encoding, it is left in its encoded form. def Rfc2047.decode_to(target, from) from = from.gsub(WORDSEQ, '\1') out = from.gsub(WORD) do |word| charset, encoding, text = $1, $2, $3 # B64 or QP decode, as necessary: case encoding when 'b', 'B' #puts text text = text.unpack('m*')[0] #puts text.dump when 'q', 'Q' # RFC 2047 has a variant of quoted printable where a ' ' character # can be represented as an '_', rather than =32, so convert # any of these that we find before doing the QP decoding. text = text.tr("_", " ") text = text.unpack('M*')[0] # Don't need an else, because no other values can be matched in a # WORD. end text.transcode(target, charset) end end end