# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright 2015-2018 Edward Robinson # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'fluent/config/error' module Fluent module Plugin # A simple stand-alone configurable mutator for systemd journal entries. # # Note regarding field mapping: # The input `field_map` option is meant to have a structure that is # intuative or logical for humans when declaring a field map. # { # "" => "", # "" => ["", ""] # } # Internally the inverse of the human-friendly field_map is # computed (and cached) upon object creation and used as a "mapped model" # { # "" => ["", ""], # "" => [""] # } class SystemdEntryMutator Options = Struct.new( :field_map, :field_map_strict, :fields_lowercase, :fields_strip_underscores ) def self.default_opts Options.new({}, false, false, false) end # Constructor keyword options (all other kwargs are ignored): # field_map - hash describing the desired field mapping in the form: # {"" => "", ...} # where `new_field` is a string or array of strings # field_map_strict - boolean if true will only include new fields # defined in `field_map` # fields_strip_underscores - boolean if true will strip all leading # underscores from non-mapped fields # fields_lowercase - boolean if true lowercase all non-mapped fields # # raises `Fluent::ConfigError` for invalid options def initialize(**options) @opts = options_from_hash(options) validate_options(@opts) @map = invert_field_map(@opts.field_map) @map_src_fields = @opts.field_map.keys @no_transform = @opts == self.class.default_opts end # Expose config state as read-only instance properties of the mutator. def method_missing(sym, *args) return @opts[sym] if @opts.members.include?(sym) super end def respond_to_missing?(sym, include_private = false) @opts.members.include?(sym) || super end # The main run method that performs all configured mutations, if any, # against a single journal entry. Returns the mutated entry hash. # entry - hash or `Systemd::Journal:Entry` def run(entry) return entry.to_h if @no_transform return map_fields(entry) if @opts.field_map_strict format_fields(entry, map_fields(entry)) end # Run field mapping against a single journal entry. Returns the mutated # entry hash. # entry - hash or `Systemd::Journal:Entry` def map_fields(entry) @map.each_with_object({}) do |(cstm, sysds), mapped| vals = sysds.collect { |fld| entry[fld] }.compact next if vals.empty? # systemd field does not exist in source entry mapped[cstm] = join_if_needed(vals) end end # Run field formatting (mutations applied to all non-mapped fields) # against a single journal entry. Returns the mutated entry hash. # entry - hash or `Systemd::Journal:Entry` # mapped - Optional hash that represents a previously mapped entry to # which the formatted fields will be added def format_fields(entry, mapped = nil) entry.each_with_object(mapped || {}) do |(fld, val), formatted_entry| # don't mess with explicitly mapped fields next if @map_src_fields.include?(fld) fld = format_field_name(fld) # account for mapping (appending) to an existing systemd field formatted_entry[fld] = join_if_needed([val, mapped[fld]]) end end def warnings return [] unless field_map_strict && field_map.empty? '`field_map_strict` set to true with empty `field_map`, expect no fields' end private def join_if_needed(values) values.compact! return values.first if values.length == 1 values.join(' ') end def format_field_name(name) name = name.gsub(/\A_+/, '') if @opts.fields_strip_underscores name = name.downcase if @opts.fields_lowercase name end # Returns a `SystemdEntryMutator::Options` struct derived from the # elements in the supplied hash merged with the option defaults def options_from_hash(opts) merged = self.class.default_opts merged.each_pair do |k, _| merged[k] = opts[k] if opts.key?(k) end merged end def validate_options(opts) validate_all_strings opts[:field_map].keys, '`field_map` keys must be strings' validate_all_strings opts[:field_map].values, '`field_map` values must be strings or an array of strings', true %i[field_map_strict fields_strip_underscores fields_lowercase].each do |opt| validate_boolean opts[opt], opt end end def validate_all_strings(arr, message, allow_nesting = false) valid = arr.all? do |value| value.is_a?(String) || allow_nesting && value.is_a?(Array) && value.all? { |key| key.is_a?(String) } end raise Fluent::ConfigError, message unless valid end def validate_boolean(value, name) raise Fluent::ConfigError, "`#{name}` must be boolean" unless [true, false].include?(value) end # Compute the inverse of a human friendly field map `field_map` which is what # the mutator uses for the actual mapping. The resulting structure for # the inverse field map hash is: # {"" => ["", ...], ...} def invert_field_map(field_map) invs = {} field_map.values.flatten.uniq.each do |cstm| sysds = field_map.select { |_, v| (v == cstm || v.include?(cstm)) } invs[cstm] = sysds.keys end invs end end end end