module Blacklight ## # This module contains methods that are specified by SolrHelper.solr_search_params_logic # They transform user parameters into parameters that are sent as a request to Solr when # RequestBuilders#solr_search_params is called. # module RequestBuilders extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # We want to install a class-level place to keep # solr_search_params_logic method names. Compare to before_filter, # similar design. Since we're a module, we have to add it in here. # There are too many different semantic choices in ruby 'class variables', # we choose this one for now, supplied by Rails. class_attribute :solr_search_params_logic # Set defaults. Each symbol identifies a _method_ that must be in # this class, taking two parameters (solr_parameters, user_parameters) # Can be changed in local apps or by plugins, eg: # CatalogController.include ModuleDefiningNewMethod # CatalogController.solr_search_params_logic += [:new_method] # CatalogController.solr_search_params_logic.delete(:we_dont_want) self.solr_search_params_logic = [:default_solr_parameters , :add_query_to_solr, :add_facet_fq_to_solr, :add_facetting_to_solr, :add_solr_fields_to_query, :add_paging_to_solr, :add_sorting_to_solr, :add_group_config_to_solr ] end # @returns a params hash for searching solr. # The CatalogController #index action uses this. # Solr parameters can come from a number of places. From lowest # precedence to highest: # 1. General defaults in blacklight config (are trumped by) # 2. defaults for the particular search field identified by params[:search_field] (are trumped by) # 3. certain parameters directly on input HTTP query params # * not just any parameter is grabbed willy nilly, only certain ones are allowed by HTTP input) # * for legacy reasons, qt in http query does not over-ride qt in search field definition default. # 4. extra parameters passed in as argument. # # spellcheck.q will be supplied with the [:q] value unless specifically # specified otherwise. # # Incoming parameter :f is mapped to :fq solr parameter. def solr_search_params(user_params = params || {}) do |solr_parameters| solr_search_params_logic.each do |method_name| send(method_name, solr_parameters, user_params) end end end #### # Start with general defaults from BL config. Need to use custom # merge to dup values, to avoid later mutating the original by mistake. def default_solr_parameters(solr_parameters, user_params) blacklight_config.default_solr_params.each do |key, value| solr_parameters[key] = value.dup rescue value end end ## # Take the user-entered query, and put it in the solr params, # including config's "search field" params for current search field. # also include setting spellcheck.q. def add_query_to_solr(solr_parameters, user_parameters) ### # Merge in search field configured values, if present, over-writing general # defaults ### # legacy behavior of user param :qt is passed through, but over-ridden # by actual search field config if present. We might want to remove # this legacy behavior at some point. It does not seem to be currently # rspec'd. solr_parameters[:qt] = user_parameters[:qt] if user_parameters[:qt] search_field_def = search_field_def_for_key(user_parameters[:search_field]) if (search_field_def) solr_parameters[:qt] = search_field_def.qt solr_parameters.merge!( search_field_def.solr_parameters) if search_field_def.solr_parameters end ## # Create Solr 'q' including the user-entered q, prefixed by any # solr LocalParams in config, using solr LocalParams syntax. # ## if (search_field_def && hash = search_field_def.solr_local_parameters) local_params = hash.collect do |key, val| key.to_s + "=" + solr_param_quote(val, :quote => "'") end.join(" ") solr_parameters[:q] = "{!#{local_params}}#{user_parameters[:q]}" else solr_parameters[:q] = user_parameters[:q] if user_parameters[:q] end ## # Set Solr spellcheck.q to be original user-entered query, without # our local params, otherwise it'll try and spellcheck the local # params! Unless spellcheck.q has already been set by someone, # respect that. # # TODO: Change calling code to expect this as a symbol instead of # a string, for consistency? :'spellcheck.q' is a symbol. Right now # rspec tests for a string, and can't tell if other code may # insist on a string. solr_parameters["spellcheck.q"] = user_parameters[:q] unless solr_parameters["spellcheck.q"] end ## # Add any existing facet limits, stored in app-level HTTP query # as :f, to solr as appropriate :fq query. def add_facet_fq_to_solr(solr_parameters, user_params) # convert a String value into an Array if solr_parameters[:fq].is_a? String solr_parameters[:fq] = [solr_parameters[:fq]] end # :fq, map from :f. if ( user_params[:f]) f_request_params = user_params[:f] f_request_params.each_pair do |facet_field, value_list| Array(value_list).each do |value| next if value.blank? # skip empty strings solr_parameters.append_filter_query facet_value_to_fq_string(facet_field, value) end end end end ## # Add appropriate Solr facetting directives in, including # taking account of our facet paging/'more'. This is not # about solr 'fq', this is about solr facet.* params. def add_facetting_to_solr(solr_parameters, user_params) # While not used by BL core behavior, legacy behavior seemed to be # to accept incoming params as "facet.field" or "facets", and add them # on to any existing facet.field sent to Solr. Legacy behavior seemed # to be accepting these incoming params as arrays (in Rails URL with [] # on end), or single values. At least one of these is used by # Stanford for "faux hieararchial facets". if user_params.has_key?("facet.field") || user_params.has_key?("facets") solr_parameters[:"facet.field"].concat( [user_params["facet.field"], user_params["facets"]].flatten.compact ).uniq! end { |field_name,facet| facet.include_in_request || (facet.include_in_request.nil? && blacklight_config.add_facet_fields_to_solr_request) }.each do |field_name, facet| solr_parameters[:facet] ||= true case when facet.pivot solr_parameters.append_facet_pivot with_ex_local_param(facet.ex, facet.pivot.join(",")) when facet.query solr_parameters.append_facet_query { |k, x| with_ex_local_param(facet.ex, x[:fq]) } else solr_parameters.append_facet_fields with_ex_local_param(facet.ex, facet.field) end if facet.sort solr_parameters[:"f.#{facet.field}.facet.sort"] = facet.sort end if facet.solr_params facet.solr_params.each do |k, v| solr_parameters[:"f.#{facet.field}.#{k}"] = v end end # Support facet paging and 'more' # links, by sending a facet.limit one more than what we # want to page at, according to configured facet limits. solr_parameters[:"f.#{facet.field}.facet.limit"] = (facet_limit_for(field_name) + 1) if facet_limit_for(field_name) end end def add_solr_fields_to_query solr_parameters, user_parameters do |field_name, field| if field.solr_params field.solr_params.each do |k, v| solr_parameters[:"f.#{field.field}.#{k}"] = v end end end do |field_name, field| if field.highlight solr_parameters[:hl] = true solr_parameters.append_highlight_field field.field end if field.solr_params field.solr_params.each do |k, v| solr_parameters[:"f.#{field.field}.#{k}"] = v end end end end ### # copy paging params from BL app over to solr, changing # app level per_page and page to Solr rows and start. def add_paging_to_solr(solr_params, user_params) # user-provided parameters should override any default row solr_params[:rows] = user_params[:rows].to_i unless user_params[:rows].blank? solr_params[:rows] = user_params[:per_page].to_i unless user_params[:per_page].blank? # configuration defaults should only set a default value, not override a value set elsewhere (e.g. search field parameters) solr_params[:rows] ||= blacklight_config.default_per_page unless blacklight_config.default_per_page.blank? solr_params[:rows] ||= blacklight_config.per_page.first unless blacklight_config.per_page.blank? # set a reasonable default "Solr :rows parameter not set (by the user, configuration, or default solr parameters); using 10 rows by default" solr_params[:rows] ||= 10 # ensure we don't excede the max page size solr_params[:rows] = blacklight_config.max_per_page if solr_params[:rows].to_i > blacklight_config.max_per_page unless user_params[:page].blank? solr_params[:start] = solr_params[:rows].to_i * (user_params[:page].to_i - 1) solr_params[:start] = 0 if solr_params[:start].to_i < 0 end end ### # copy sorting params from BL app over to solr def add_sorting_to_solr(solr_parameters, user_params) if user_params[:sort].blank? and sort_field = blacklight_config.default_sort_field # no sort param provided, use default solr_parameters[:sort] = sort_field.sort unless sort_field.sort.blank? elsif sort_field = blacklight_config.sort_fields[user_params[:sort]] # check for sort field key solr_parameters[:sort] = sort_field.sort unless sort_field.sort.blank? else # just pass the key through solr_parameters[:sort] = user_params[:sort] end end # Remove the group parameter if we've faceted on the group field (e.g. for the full results for a group) def add_group_config_to_solr solr_parameters, user_parameters if user_parameters[:f] and user_parameters[:f][grouped_key_for_results] solr_parameters[:group] = false end end def with_ex_local_param(ex, value) if ex "{!ex=#{ex}}#{value}" else value end end private ## # Convert a facet/value pair into a solr fq parameter def facet_value_to_fq_string(facet_field, value) facet_config = blacklight_config.facet_fields[facet_field] local_params = [] local_params << "tag=#{facet_config.tag}" if facet_config and facet_config.tag prefix = "" prefix = "{!#{local_params.join(" ")}}" unless local_params.empty? fq = case when (facet_config and facet_config.query) facet_config.query[value][:fq] when (facet_config and # in solr 3.2+, this could be replaced by a !term query "#{prefix}#{facet_field}:#{RSolr.escape(value)}" when (value.is_a?(DateTime) or value.is_a?(Date) or value.is_a?(Time)) "#{prefix}#{facet_field}:#{RSolr.escape(value.to_time.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))}" when (value.is_a?(TrueClass) or value.is_a?(FalseClass) or value == 'true' or value == 'false'), (value.is_a?(Integer) or (value.to_i.to_s == value if value.respond_to? :to_i)), (value.is_a?(Float) or (value.to_f.to_s == value if value.respond_to? :to_f)) "#{prefix}#{facet_field}:#{value}" when value.is_a?(Range) "#{prefix}#{facet_field}:[#{value.first} TO #{value.last}]" else "{!raw f=#{facet_field}#{(" " + local_params.join(" ")) unless local_params.empty?}}#{value}" end end end end