# frozen_string_literal: true require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' RSpec.describe "YARD::Handlers::Ruby::#{LEGACY_PARSER ? "Legacy::" : ""}AttributeHandler" do before(:all) { parse_file :attribute_handler_001, __FILE__ } def read_write(namespace, name, read, write, scope = :instance) rname = namespace.to_s + "#" + name.to_s wname = namespace.to_s + "#" + name.to_s + "=" if read expect(Registry.at(rname)).to be_instance_of(CodeObjects::MethodObject) else expect(Registry.at(rname)).to eq nil end if write expect(Registry.at(wname)).to be_kind_of(CodeObjects::MethodObject) else expect(Registry.at(wname)).to eq nil end attrs = Registry.at(namespace).attributes[scope][name] expect(attrs[:read]).to eq(read ? Registry.at(rname) : nil) expect(attrs[:write]).to eq(write ? Registry.at(wname) : nil) end it "parses attributes inside modules too" do expect(Registry.at("A#x=")).not_to eq nil end it "parses 'attr'" do read_write(:B, :a, true, true) read_write(:B, :a2, true, false) read_write(:B, "a3", true, false) end it "parses 'attr_reader'" do read_write(:B, :b, true, false) end it "parses 'attr_writer'" do read_write(:B, :e, false, true) end it "parses 'attr_accessor'" do read_write(:B, :f, true, true) end it "parses a list of attributes" do read_write(:B, :b, true, false) read_write(:B, :c, true, false) read_write(:B, :d, true, false) end it "has a default docstring if one is not supplied" do expect(Registry.at("B#f=").docstring).not_to be_empty end it "sets the correct docstring if one is supplied" do expect(Registry.at("B#b").docstring).to eq "Docstring" expect(Registry.at("B#c").docstring).to eq "Docstring" expect(Registry.at("B#d").docstring).to eq "Docstring" end it "is able to differentiate between class and instance attributes" do expect(P('B').class_attributes[:z][:read].scope).to eq :class expect(P('B').instance_attributes[:z][:read].scope).to eq :instance end it "responds true in method's #is_attribute?" do expect(P('B#a').is_attribute?).to be true expect(P('B#a=').is_attribute?).to be true end it "does not return true for #is_explicit? in created methods" do Registry.at(:B).meths.each do |meth| expect(meth.is_explicit?).to be false end end it "handles attr call with no arguments" do expect { StubbedSourceParser.parse_string "attr" }.not_to raise_error end it "adds existing reader method as part of attr_writer combo" do expect(Registry.at('C#foo=').attr_info[:read]).to eq Registry.at('C#foo') end it "adds existing writer method as part of attr_reader combo" do expect(Registry.at('C#foo').attr_info[:write]).to eq Registry.at('C#foo=') end it "maintains visibility for attr_reader" do expect(Registry.at('D#parser').visibility).to eq :protected end end