/*! * Amplify Store - Persistent Client-Side Storage 1.0beta * * Copyright 2011 appendTo LLC. (http://appendto.com/team) * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL licenses. * http://appendto.com/open-source-licenses * * http://amplifyjs.com */ (function( amplify, undefined ) { var store = amplify.store = function( key, value, options, type ) { var type = store.type; if ( options && options.type && options.type in store.types ) { type = options.type; } return store.types[ type ]( key, value, options || {} ); }; store.types = {}; store.type = null; store.addType = function( type, storage ) { if ( !store.type ) { store.type = type; } store.types[ type ] = storage; store[ type ] = function( key, value, options ) { options = options || {}; options.type = type; return store( key, value, options ); }; } store.error = function() { return "amplify.store quota exceeded"; }; function createSimpleStorage( storageType, storage ) { var values = storage.__amplify__ ? JSON.parse( storage.__amplify__ ) : {}; function remove( key ) { if ( storage.removeItem ) { storage.removeItem( key ); } else { delete storage[ key ]; } delete values[ key ]; } store.addType( storageType, function( key, value, options ) { var ret = value, now = (new Date()).getTime(), storedValue, parsed; if ( !key ) { ret = {}; for ( key in values ) { storedValue = storage[ key ]; parsed = storedValue ? JSON.parse( storedValue ) : { expires: -1 }; if ( parsed.expires && parsed.expires <= now ) { remove( key ); } else { ret[ key.replace( /^__amplify__/, "" ) ] = parsed.data; } } storage.__amplify__ = JSON.stringify( values ); return ret; } // protect against overwriting built-in properties key = "__amplify__" + key; if ( value === undefined ) { if ( values[ key ] ) { storedValue = storage[ key ]; parsed = storedValue ? JSON.parse( storedValue ) : { expires: -1 }; if ( parsed.expires && parsed.expires <= now ) { remove( key ); } else { return parsed.data; } } } else { if ( value === null ) { remove( key ); } else { parsed = JSON.stringify({ data: value, expires: options.expires ? now + options.expires : null }); try { storage[ key ] = parsed; values[ key ] = true; // quota exceeded } catch( error ) { // expire old data and try again store[ storageType ](); try { storage[ key ] = parsed; values[ key ] = true; } catch( error ) { throw store.error(); } } } } storage.__amplify__ = JSON.stringify( values ); return ret; }); } // localStorage + sessionStorage // IE 8+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4+, Chrome 4+, Opera 10.5+, iPhone 2+, Android 2+ for ( var webStorageType in { localStorage: 1, sessionStorage: 1 } ) { // try/catch for file protocol in Firefox try { if ( window[ webStorageType ].getItem ) { createSimpleStorage( webStorageType, window[ webStorageType ] ); } } catch( e ) {} } // globalStorage // non-standard: Firefox 2+ // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/dom/storage#globalStorage if ( window.globalStorage ) { // try/catch for file protocol in Firefox try { createSimpleStorage( "globalStorage", window.globalStorage[ window.location.hostname ] ); // Firefox 2.0 and 3.0 have sessionStorage and globalStorage // make sure we defualt to globalStorage // but don't default to globalStorage in 3.5+ which also has localStorage if ( store.type === "sessionStorage" ) { store.type = "globalStorage"; } } catch( e ) {} } // userData // non-standard: IE 5+ // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms531424(v=vs.85).aspx (function() { // append to html instead of body so we can do this from the head var div = document.createElement( "div" ), attrKey = "amplify", attrs; div.style.display = "none"; document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[ 0 ].appendChild( div ); if ( div.addBehavior ) { div.addBehavior( "#default#userdata" ); div.load( attrKey ); attrs = div.getAttribute( attrKey ) ? JSON.parse( div.getAttribute( attrKey ) ) : {}; store.addType( "userData", function( key, value, options ) { var ret = value, now = (new Date()).getTime(), attr, parsed, prevValue; if ( !key ) { ret = {}; for ( key in attrs ) { attr = div.getAttribute( key ); parsed = attr ? JSON.parse( attr ) : { expires: -1 }; if ( parsed.expires && parsed.expires <= now ) { div.removeAttribute( key ); delete attrs[ key ]; } else { ret[ key ] = parsed.data; } } div.setAttribute( attrKey, JSON.stringify( attrs ) ); div.save( attrKey ); return ret; } // convert invalid characters to dashes // http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#NT-Name // simplified to assume the starting character is valid // also removed colon as it is invalid in HTML attribute names key = key.replace( /[^-._0-9A-Za-z\xb7\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\u037d\u37f-\u1fff\u200c-\u200d\u203f\u2040\u2070-\u218f]/g, "-" ); if ( value === undefined ) { if ( key in attrs ) { attr = div.getAttribute( key ); parsed = attr ? JSON.parse( attr ) : { expires: -1 }; if ( parsed.expires && parsed.expires <= now ) { div.removeAttribute( key ); delete attrs[ key ]; } else { return parsed.data; } } } else { if ( value === null ) { div.removeAttribute( key ); delete attrs[ key ]; } else { // we need to get the previous value in case we need to rollback prevValue = div.getAttribute( key ); parsed = JSON.stringify({ data: value, expires: (options.expires ? (now + options.expires) : null) }); div.setAttribute( key, parsed ); attrs[ key ] = true; } } div.setAttribute( attrKey, JSON.stringify( attrs ) ); try { div.save( attrKey ); // quota exceeded } catch ( error ) { // roll the value back to the previous value if ( prevValue === null ) { div.removeAttribute( key ); delete attrs[ key ]; } else { div.setAttribute( key, prevValue ); } // expire old data and try again store.userData(); try { div.setAttribute( key, parsed ); attrs[ key ] = true; div.save( attrKey ); } catch ( error ) { // roll the value back to the previous value if ( prevValue === null ) { div.removeAttribute( key ); delete attrs[ key ]; } else { div.setAttribute( key, prevValue ); } throw store.error(); } } return ret; }); } }() ); // in-memory storage // fallback for all browsers to enable the API even if we can't persist data createSimpleStorage( "memory", {} ); }( this.amplify = this.amplify || {} ) );