module BulletTrain module SuperScaffolding module Scaffolders class CrudScaffolder < Scaffolder def run unless argv.count >= 3 puts "" puts "🚅 usage: bin/super-scaffold crud <Model> <ParentModel[s]> <attribute:type> <attribute:type> ..." puts "" puts "E.g. a Team has many Sites with some attributes:" puts " rails g model Site team:references name:string url:text" puts " bin/super-scaffold crud Site Team name:string url:text" puts "" puts "E.g. a Section belongs to a Page, which belongs to a Site, which belongs to a Team:" puts " rails g model Section page:references title:text body:text" puts " bin/super-scaffold crud Section Page,Site,Team title:text body:text" puts "" puts "E.g. an Image belongs to either a Page or a Site:" puts " Doable! See for a step by step guide." puts "" puts "E.g. Pages belong to a Site and are sortable via drag-and-drop:" puts " rails g model Page site:references name:string path:text" puts " bin/super-scaffold crud Page Site,Team name:text path:text --sortable" puts "" puts "🏆 Protip: Commit your other changes before running Super Scaffolding so it's easy to undo if you (or we) make any mistakes." puts "If you do that, you can reset to your last commit state by using `git checkout .` and `git clean -d -f` ." puts "" puts "Give it a shot! Let us know if you have any trouble with it! ✌️" puts "" exit end child = argv[0] parents = argv[1] ? argv[1].split(",") : [] parents = parent = parents.first unless parents.include?("Team") raise "Parents for #{child} should trace back to the Team model, but Team wasn't provided. Please confirm that all of the parents tracing back to the Team model are present and try again.\n" + "E.g.:\n" + "rails g model Section page:references title:text body:text\n" + "bin/super-scaffold crud Section Page,Site,Team title:text body:text\n" end # get all the attributes. attributes = argv[2..-1] check_required_options_for_attributes("crud", attributes, child, parent) transformer =, parents, @options) transformer.scaffold_crud(attributes) transformer.additional_steps.each_with_index do |additional_step, index| color, message = additional_step puts "" puts "#{index + 1}. #{message}".send(color) end puts "" end end end end end