require 'termistat/config' require 'termistat/tee_io' require 'termistat/version' begin require 'ffi-ncurses' rescue LoadError require 'rubygems' require 'ffi-ncurses' end # # Termistat is a status bar for your terminal # # :title:Termistat module Termistat # # The +status_bar+ instance method initializes the status bar if necessary # and displays your message. # # === Parameters # * message = the messge you want to display # # === Example # include Termistat # status_bar "37% complete" # def status_bar(message) Termistat.status_bar message end class << self # # the +status_bar+ class method initializes the status bar if necessary # and displays your message. # # === Parameters # * message = the messge you want to display # # === Example # Termistat.status_bar "37% complete" # def status_bar(message) setup unless @stdscr m = formatted_message(message, config.align, status_bar_width) FFI::NCurses.wmove @status, 0, 0 FFI::NCurses.wattr_set @status, FFI::NCurses::A_NORMAL, 1, nil FFI::NCurses.waddstr @status, m FFI::NCurses.wrefresh @status end # # +config+ either returns the active configuration or (when a block is # passed), sets up the configuration DSL. See Termistat::Config for # supported parameters and options. # # === Example # Termistat.config do # align :left # end # def config(&block) if block_given? c = c.instance_eval(&block) @config = c end @config ||= end #:enddoc: def config=(config) @config = config end def setup # set up ncurses standard screen @stdscr = FFI::NCurses.initscr FFI::NCurses.scrollok @stdscr, 1 # set up ncurses status bar @height, @width = FFI::NCurses.getmaxyx(@stdscr) @status = FFI::NCurses.newwin(*status_bar_params) FFI::NCurses.scrollok @status, 0 # set up colors FFI::NCurses.start_color background = FFI::NCurses::Color.const_get(config.background.to_s.upcase) foreground = FFI::NCurses::Color.const_get(config.foreground.to_s.upcase) FFI::NCurses.init_pair(1, foreground, background) # hide cursor FFI::NCurses.curs_set 0 # redirect stdout $stdout = do |msg| FFI::NCurses.addstr msg FFI::NCurses.refresh FFI::NCurses.touchwin @status FFI::NCurses.wrefresh @status end at_exit do FFI::NCurses.endwin output = $stdout.string $stdout = STDOUT puts output end end def status_bar_params case config.position when Array config.position when :top [1, @width, 0, 0] when :top_right x = @width / 2 w = @width - x [1, w, 0, x] when :top_left x = @width / 2 w = @width - x [1, w, 0, 0] end end def status_bar_width status_bar_params[1] end def formatted_message(string, alignment, width) return if :center === alignment "%#{ :left === alignment ? '-' : '' }#{ width }s" % string end end end