module Discerner module Methods module Controllers module SearchesController def self.included(base) base.send :before_filter, :load_search, :only => [:edit, :update, :rename, :destroy, :show] end def new set_searchable_dictionaries if @searchable_dictionaries.any? set_searchables @discerner_search = else flash[:error] = 'No searchable dictionaries found. Make sure that dictionaries are loaded.' end end def create @discerner_search =[:search]) @discerner_search.username = discerner_user.username unless discerner_user.blank? set_searchable_dictionaries set_searchables respond_to do |format| if format.html { redirect_to(edit_search_path(@discerner_search)) } else format.html { render :action => "new" } end end end def edit set_searchable_dictionaries set_searchables if @discerner_search.disabled? error_message = "There is an issue with the this search that has to be corrected before it can be executed" if @discerner_search.warnings.any? error_message << ': ' error_message << @discerner_search.warnings.full_messages.join(',') end else if dictionary_model dictionary = if dictionary.respond_to?('search') @results =, dictionary_search_options) else error_message = "Model '#{dictionary_model_name}' instance does not respond to 'search' method. You need to implement it to be able to run search on this dictionary" end else error_message = "Model '#{dictionary_model_name}' could not be found. You need to create it to be able to run search on this dictionary" end end flash[:error] = error_message unless error_message.blank? end def update set_searchable_dictionaries set_searchables respond_to do |format| if @discerner_search.update_attributes(params[:search]) format.html { redirect_to(edit_search_path(@discerner_search), :notice => 'Search was successfully updated.') } format.js else format.html { render :action => "edit" } format.js end end end def index searches = Discerner::Search.not_deleted.includes( :dictionary, :export_parameters => [:parameter => [:parameter_type]], :search_combinations => [:combined_search => [:search_parameters => [:parameter => [:parameter_type], :search_parameter_values => [:parameter_value]]]], :search_parameters => [:parameter => [:parameter_type], :search_parameter_values => [:parameter_value]]) username = discerner_user.username unless discerner_user.blank? searches = searches.by_user(username) unless username.blank? searches = searches.where(' like ?', '%' + params[:query] + '%') unless params[:query].blank? @discerner_searches = searches.order("discerner_searches.updated_at DESC") end def destroy @discerner_search.deleted_at = respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to searches_path } end end def show if @discerner_search.disabled? error_message = "There is an issue with the this search that has to be corrected before it can be exported" if @discerner_search.warnings.any? error_message << ': ' error_message << @discerner_search.warnings.full_messages.join(',') end else if dictionary_model dictionary = if not dictionary.respond_to?('export') error_message = "Model '#{dictionary_model_name}' instance does not respond to 'export' method. You need to implement it to be able to run export on this dictionary" end else error_message = "Model '#{dictionary_model_name}' could not be found. You need to create it to be able to run export on this dictionary" end end flash[:error] = error_message unless error_message.blank? respond_to do |format| if error_message format.html format.csv { redirect_to export_parameters_path(@discerner_search) } format.xls { redirect_to export_parameters_path(@discerner_search) } else @export_data = dictionary.export(params, dictionary_search_options) filename ="#{@discerner_search.parameterized_name}_#{'%m_%d_%Y')}" format.html format.csv do send_data @export_data, :type => 'text/csv; charset=iso-8859-1; header=present', :disposition => "attachment; filename=#{filename}.csv" end format.xls do headers["Content-type"] = "application/" headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary' headers['Expires'] = '0' headers['Pragma'] = 'public' headers["Cache-Control"] = "must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0" headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"#{filename}.xls\"" headers['Content-Description'] = 'File Transfer' render "discerner/dictionaries/#{@discerner_search.dictionary.parameterized_name}/show" end end end end private def load_search @discerner_search = Discerner::Search.find(params[:id]) end def dictionary_model_name @discerner_search.dictionary.parameterized_name.camelize end def dictionary_model dictionary_model_name.safe_constantize end def dictionary_search_options options = { :username => nil } options[:username] = discerner_user.username unless discerner_user.blank? options end def set_searchable_dictionaries if @discenrer_search && @discerner_search.persisted? @searchable_dictionaries = [@discerner_search.dictionary] else @searchable_dictionaries = Discerner::Dictionary.not_deleted end end def set_searchables if @discerner_search dictionary_ids = [] dictionary_ids << @discerner_search.dictionary_id else dictionary_ids = end @searchable_parameter_categories = Discerner::ParameterCategory.includes(:dictionary).where(:dictionary_id => dictionary_ids).not_deleted.searchable.ordered_by_name.to_a parameters_available = Discerner::Parameter.includes(:parameter_type, :parameter_category => [:dictionary]).where(:parameter_category_id => parameters_used = @discerner_search && @discerner_search.persisted? ?{ |sp| sp.parameter } : [] @searchable_parameters = parameters_available.flatten | parameters_used.flatten @searchable_parameter_values = map_searchable_values end def map_searchable_values searchable_values = {} # getting all values at once to save database calls values_available = Discerner::ParameterValue.includes(:parameter_value_category).not_deleted.where(:parameter_id => values_used = [] if @discerner_search && @discerner_search.persisted? values_used = Discerner::ParameterValue.includes(:parameter_value_category).joins(:search_parameter_values => :search_parameter).where(:discerner_search_parameters => {:search_id =>}).ordered_by_parameter_and_name.to_a end @searchable_parameters.each do |sp| values ={|pv| pv.parameter_id ==} |{|pv| pv.parameter_id ==} searchable_values[] = values.uniq.reject{|v| v.blank?} end searchable_values end end end end end