module Workarea module Core class Engine < ::Rails::Engine extend Workarea::MountPoint isolate_namespace Workarea engine_name :workarea console do Mongoid::AuditLog.enable Mongoid::AuditLog.current_modifier = User.console end %w(app/queries app/seeds app/services app/view_models app/workers).each do |path| config.autoload_paths << "#{root}/#{path}" end config.before_configuration do # # Code here runs before the application's config/environments/#{current_environment}.rb # # So putting config here allows it to be overridden, which # is desirable for many types of config. # Configuration.setup_defaults Configuration::Sidekiq.load Configuration::CacheStore.load Configuration::AssetHost.load Configuration::ActionMailer.load Configuration::ErrorHandling.load Configuration::I18n.load end initializer 'workarea.core.image_optim', before: 'image_optim.initializer' do if Rails.application.config.assets.image_optim.blank? Rails.application.config.assets.image_optim = { pack: true, pngout: false, svgo: false } end end config.after_initialize do |app| # Do this after initialization so app initializers have a chance to run unless Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? if Rails.env.test? # System tests can timeout without this, due to slow template resolution # if you have many plugins installed. ActionView::Resolver.caching = true end if app.assets.present? app.assets.context_class.instance_eval do include Workarea::Plugin::AssetAppendsHelper # Enable ActionView Helpers in the asset pipeline include ActionView::Helpers include InlineSvg::ActionView::Helpers end end Configuration::Mongoid.load unless Mongoid::Config.configured? Configuration::Dragonfly.load Configuration::LocalizedActiveFields.load Configuration::ContentBlocks.load Workarea::ScheduledJobs.clean Workarea::Warnings.check Configuration::Session.validate! end end end end