/** * $Id: EventUtils.js 1161 2009-06-25 09:30:55Z spocke $ * * @author Moxiecode * @copyright Copyright © 2004-2006, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved. */ (function(tinymce) { // Shorten names var each = tinymce.each, DOM = tinymce.DOM, isIE = tinymce.isIE, isWebKit = tinymce.isWebKit, Event; /**#@+ * @class This class handles DOM events in a cross platform fasion it also keeps track of element * and handler references to be able to clean elements to reduce IE memory leaks. * @static * @member tinymce.dom.Event */ tinymce.create('tinymce.dom.EventUtils', { /** * Constructs a new EventUtils instance. */ EventUtils : function() { this.inits = []; this.events = []; }, /**#@+ * @method */ /** * Adds an event handler to the specified object. * * @param {Element/Document/Window/Array/String} o Object or element id string to add event handler to or an array of elements/ids/documents. * @param {String/Array} n Name of event handler to add for example: click. * @param {function} f Function to execute when the event occurs. * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the function in. * @return {function} Function callback handler the same as the one passed in. */ add : function(o, n, f, s) { var cb, t = this, el = t.events, r; if (n instanceof Array) { r = []; each(n, function(n) { r.push(t.add(o, n, f, s)); }); return r; } // Handle array if (o && o.hasOwnProperty && o instanceof Array) { r = []; each(o, function(o) { o = DOM.get(o); r.push(t.add(o, n, f, s)); }); return r; } o = DOM.get(o); if (!o) return; // Setup event callback cb = function(e) { // Is all events disabled if (t.disabled) return; e = e || window.event; // Patch in target, preventDefault and stopPropagation in IE it's W3C valid if (e && isIE) { if (!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement; // Patch in preventDefault, stopPropagation methods for W3C compatibility tinymce.extend(e, t._stoppers); } if (!s) return f(e); return f.call(s, e); }; if (n == 'unload') { tinymce.unloads.unshift({func : cb}); return cb; } if (n == 'init') { if (t.domLoaded) cb(); else t.inits.push(cb); return cb; } // Store away listener reference el.push({ obj : o, name : n, func : f, cfunc : cb, scope : s }); t._add(o, n, cb); return f; }, /** * Removes the specified event handler by name and function from a element or collection of elements. * * @param {String/Element/Array} o Element ID string or HTML element or an array of elements or ids to remove handler from. * @param {String} n Event handler name like for example: "click" * @param {function} f Function to remove. * @return {bool/Array} Bool state if true if the handler was removed or an array with states if multiple elements where passed in. */ remove : function(o, n, f) { var t = this, a = t.events, s = false, r; // Handle array if (o && o.hasOwnProperty && o instanceof Array) { r = []; each(o, function(o) { o = DOM.get(o); r.push(t.remove(o, n, f)); }); return r; } o = DOM.get(o); each(a, function(e, i) { if (e.obj == o && e.name == n && (!f || (e.func == f || e.cfunc == f))) { a.splice(i, 1); t._remove(o, n, e.cfunc); s = true; return false; } }); return s; }, /** * Clears all events of a specific object. * * @param {Object} o DOM element or object to remove all events from. */ clear : function(o) { var t = this, a = t.events, i, e; if (o) { o = DOM.get(o); for (i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { e = a[i]; if (e.obj === o) { t._remove(e.obj, e.name, e.cfunc); e.obj = e.cfunc = null; a.splice(i, 1); } } } }, /** * Cancels an event for both bubbeling and the default browser behavior. * * @param {Event} e Event object to cancel. * @return {bool} Always false. */ cancel : function(e) { if (!e) return false; this.stop(e); return this.prevent(e); }, /** * Stops propogation/bubbeling of an event. * * @param {Event} e Event to cancel bubbeling on. * @return {bool} Always false. */ stop : function(e) { if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); else e.cancelBubble = true; return false; }, /** * Prevent default browser behvaior of an event. * * @param {Event} e Event to prevent default browser behvaior of an event. * @return {bool} Always false. */ prevent : function(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; return false; }, /** * Destroys the instance. */ destroy : function() { var t = this; each(t.events, function(e, i) { t._remove(e.obj, e.name, e.cfunc); e.obj = e.cfunc = null; }); t.events = []; t = null; }, _add : function(o, n, f) { if (o.attachEvent) o.attachEvent('on' + n, f); else if (o.addEventListener) o.addEventListener(n, f, false); else o['on' + n] = f; }, _remove : function(o, n, f) { if (o) { try { if (o.detachEvent) o.detachEvent('on' + n, f); else if (o.removeEventListener) o.removeEventListener(n, f, false); else o['on' + n] = null; } catch (ex) { // Might fail with permission denined on IE so we just ignore that } } }, _pageInit : function(win) { var t = this; // Keep it from running more than once if (t.domLoaded) return; t.domLoaded = true; each(t.inits, function(c) { c(); }); t.inits = []; }, _wait : function(win) { var t = this, doc = win.document; // No need since the document is already loaded if (win.tinyMCE_GZ && tinyMCE_GZ.loaded) { t.domLoaded = 1; return; } // Use IE method if (doc.attachEvent) { doc.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() { if (doc.readyState === "complete") { doc.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee); t._pageInit(win); } }); if (doc.documentElement.doScroll && win == win.top) { (function() { if (t.domLoaded) return; try { // If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini // http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/ doc.documentElement.doScroll("left"); } catch (ex) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return; } t._pageInit(win); })(); } } else if (doc.addEventListener) { t._add(win, 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { t._pageInit(win); }); } t._add(win, 'load', function() { t._pageInit(win); }); }, _stoppers : { preventDefault : function() { this.returnValue = false; }, stopPropagation : function() { this.cancelBubble = true; } } /**#@-*/ }); // Shorten name and setup global instance Event = tinymce.dom.Event = new tinymce.dom.EventUtils(); // Dispatch DOM content loaded event for IE and Safari Event._wait(window); tinymce.addUnload(function() { Event.destroy(); }); })(tinymce);