module Bones class App class CreateCommand < Command def run( args ) parse args fm = :source => repository || skeleton_dir, :destination => output_dir, :stdout => @out, :stderr => @err, :verbose => verbose? ) raise "Output directory already exists #{output_dir.inspect}" if test(?e, fm.destination) begin fm.copy copy_tasks(File.join(output_dir, 'tasks')) if with_tasks? fm.finalize name pwd = File.expand_path(FileUtils.pwd) msg = "Created '#{name}'" msg << " in directory '#{output_dir}'" if name != output_dir @out.puts msg if test(?f, File.join(output_dir, 'Rakefile')) begin output_dir @out.puts "Now you need to fix these files" system "rake notes" ensure pwd end end rescue Exception => err FileUtils.rm_rf output_dir msg = "Could not create '#{name}'" msg << " in directory '#{output_dir}'" if name != output_dir raise msg end end def parse( args ) std_opts = standard_options opts = opts.banner = 'Usage: bones create [options] ' opts.separator '' opts.separator " Create a new project from a Mr Bones project skeleton. The skeleton can" opts.separator " be the default project skeleton from the Mr Bones gem or one of the named" opts.separator " skeletons found in the '~/.mrbones/' folder. A git or svn repository can" opts.separator " be used as the skeleton if the '--repository' flag is given." opts.separator '' opts.on(*std_opts[:directory]) opts.on(*std_opts[:skeleton]) opts.on(*std_opts[:repository]) opts.on(*std_opts[:with_tasks]) opts.separator '' opts.separator ' Common Options:' opts.on_tail( '-h', '--help', 'show this message' ) { @out.puts opts exit } # parse the command line arguments opts.parse! args options[:name] = args.empty? ? nil : args.join('_') if name.nil? @out.puts opts exit 1 end options[:output_dir] = name if output_dir.nil? end end # class CreateCommand end # class App end # module Bones # EOF