require "open3" module Kapost # Application dependency installer for this Rails application. class Bootstrapper def initialize(cli: Open3, printer: $stdout, platform: RUBY_PLATFORM, shell: Kernel, &block) @cli = cli @printer = printer @platform = platform @shell = shell run(&block) if block_given? end def osx(&block) instance_eval(&block) if os == :macosx end def check(command, help = nil, version: nil, &block) success = say(label(command, version)) do if block_given? yield else installed?(command) and (!version or right_version?(command, version)) end end unless success say(help) if help shell.exit 1 end end def check_bundler check "bundler" do sh "gem install bundler --conservative", verbose: false end end def bundle check "gems" do sh "bundle check || bundle install", verbose: false end end def installed?(command) _, status = cli.capture2e "type #{command}" status.success? end def right_version?(command, expected_version) version, status = cli.capture2e "#{command} --version" status.success? && version.include?(expected_version) end def say(message) if block_given? # If we're given a block print a label with a success indicator printer.print message.to_s result = yield result ? say("✓") : say("╳") result else # Otherwise, just print the message printer.puts message.to_s end end def sh(*cmd) options = (Hash === cmd.last) ? cmd.pop : {} say(cmd.join(" ")) if options[:verbose] result = system(*cmd) status = $? fail "Command `#{cmd.join(' ')}` failed with status #{status.exitstatus}" unless result result end def run(&code) instance_eval(&code) end private attr_reader :cli, :printer, :platform, :shell def label(text, version = nil) "#{[text, version].compact.join(' ')}:".ljust(15) end def os @os ||= case platform when /mswin|msys|mingw|cygwin|bccwin|wince|emc/ :windows when /darwin|mac os/ :macosx when /linux/ :linux else fail "unknown os: #{RUBY_PLATFORM.inspect}" end end end end