/*! * Aloha Editor * Author & Copyright (c) 2010 Gentics Software GmbH * aloha-sales@gentics.com * Licensed unter the terms of http://www.aloha-editor.com/license.html */ /** * Paste Plugin * ------------ * The paste plugin intercepts all browser paste events that target aloha- * editables, and redirects the events into a hidden div. Once pasting is done * into this div, its contents will be processed by registered content handlers * before being copied into the active editable, at the current range. */ define( [ 'aloha/core', 'aloha/plugin', 'aloha/jquery', 'aloha/command', 'aloha/console' ], function ( Aloha, Plugin, jQuery, Commands, console ) { var GENTICS = window.GENTICS, $window = jQuery( window ), pasteRange = null, pasteEditable = null; // We need to hide the editable div. We'll use clip:rect for chrome and IE, // and width/height for FF var $pasteDiv = jQuery( '
' ).contentEditable( true ); /** * Redirects the paste event into the hidden pasteDiv */ function redirectPaste () { // store the current range pasteRange = Aloha.getSelection().getRangeAt( 0 ); pasteEditable = Aloha.activeEditable; // store the current scroll position $pasteDiv.css( { top: $window.scrollTop(), left: $window.scrollLeft() - 200 } ); // empty the pasteDiv $pasteDiv.contents().remove(); if ( pasteEditable ) { // TODO test in IE! pasteEditable.obj.blur(); } GENTICS.Utils.Dom.setCursorInto( $pasteDiv.get( 0 ) ); $pasteDiv.focus(); }; /** * Gets the pasted content and inserts them into the current active * editable */ function getPastedContent () { var that = this, pasteDivContents; // insert the content into the editable at the current range if ( pasteRange && pasteEditable ) { // activate and focus the editable // @todo test in IE //pasteEditable.activate(); pasteEditable.obj.click(); pasteDivContents = $pasteDiv.html(); // We need to remove an insidious nbsp that IE inserted into our // paste div, otherwise it will result in an empty paragraph being // created right before the pasted content, if the pasted content // is a paragraph if ( jQuery.browser.msie && /^ /.test( pasteDivContents ) ) { pasteDivContents = pasteDivContents.substring( 6 ); } // Detects a situation where we are about to paste into a selection // that looks like this:


... // The nbsp inside the

node was placed there to make the empty // paragraph visible in HTML5 conformant rendering engines, like // WebKit. Without the white space, such browsers would correctly // render an empty

as invisible. // Note that we do not "prop up" otherwise empty paragraph nodes // using a
, as WebKit does, because IE does display empty // paragraphs which are content-editable and so a
results in // 2 lines instead of 1 being shown inside the paragraph. // If we detect this situation, we remove the white space so that // when we paste a new paragraph into the paragraph, it is not be // split, leaving an empty paragraph on top of the pasted content // // We use "/^(\s|%A0)$/.test( escape(" instead of // "/^(\s| )$/.test( escape(" because it seems that IE // transforms non-breaking spaces into atomic tokens var startContainer = pasteRange.startContainer; if ( startContainer.nodeType == 3 && startContainer.parentNode.nodeName == 'P' && startContainer.parentNode.childNodes.length == 1 && /^(\s|%A0)$/.test( escape( startContainer.data ) ) ) { startContainer.data = ''; pasteRange.startOffset = 0; // In case ...


if ( pasteRange.endContainer == startContainer ) { pasteRange.endOffset = 0; } } if ( Aloha.queryCommandSupported( 'insertHTML' ) ) { Aloha.execCommand( 'insertHTML', false, pasteDivContents, pasteRange ); } else { console.error( 'Common.Paste', 'Command "insertHTML" not ' + 'available. Enable the plugin "common/commands".' ); } } pasteRange = void 0; pasteEditable = void 0; $pasteDiv.contents().remove(); }; // Public Methods return Plugin.create( 'paste', { settings: {}, init: function () { var that = this; jQuery( 'body' ).append( $pasteDiv ); // subscribe to the event aloha-editable-created to redirect paste events // into our hidden pasteDiv // TODO: move to paste command // http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Granting%20JavaScript%20access%20to%20the%20clipboard // https://code.google.com/p/zeroclipboard/ Aloha.bind( 'aloha-editable-created', function ( event, editable ) { // browser-dependent events if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) { // We will only us the ugly beforepaste hack if we shall // not access the clipboard if ( that.settings.noclipboardaccess ) { editable.obj.bind( 'beforepaste', function ( event ) { redirectPaste(); event.stopPropagation(); } ); } else { // uses the execCommand for IE editable.obj.bind( 'paste', function ( event ) { redirectPaste(); var range = document.selection.createRange(); range.execCommand( 'paste' ); getPastedContent(); // We manually unset the metaKey property because // the smartContentChange method will not process // this event if the metaKey property is set event.metaKey = void 0; Aloha.activeEditable.smartContentChange( event ); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } ); } } else { editable.obj.bind( 'paste', function ( event ) { redirectPaste(); // We need to accomodate a small amount execution // window to ensure that pasted content has actually // been inserted window.setTimeout( function () { getPastedContent(); Aloha.activeEditable.smartContentChange( event ); }, 10 ); event.stopPropagation(); } ); } } ); // bind a handler to the paste event of the pasteDiv to get the // pasted content (but do this only once, not for every editable) if ( jQuery.browser.msie && that.settings.noclipboardaccess ) { $pasteDiv.bind( 'paste', function ( event ) { window.setTimeout( function () { getPastedContent(); Aloha.activeEditable.smartContentChange( event ); event.stopPropagation(); }, 10 ); } ); } }, /** * Register the given paste handler * @deprecated * @param pasteHandler paste handler to be registered */ register: function ( pasteHandler ) { console.deprecated( 'Plugins.Paste', 'register() for ' + 'pasteHandler is deprecated. Use the ContentHandler Plugin ' + 'instead.' ); } } ); } );