= CHANGELOG == Unreleased (0.17.1) == 0.17.0 - 25 February 2024 * Add a built-in Matterport provider; Pull #93 (Nathan Papes) * Updated tests to run with Ruby 2.6, 3.0, & 3.2 * Switched to using GitHub Actions for CI instead of Travis CI == 0.16.1 - 13 January 2022 * Fix the "already initialized constant OEmbed::Providers::TikTok" warning; Pull #84 (Christopher Nelson) == 0.16.0 - 8 January 2022 * Add a built-in TikTok provider. * Reduce gem size by excluding test files; Pull #81 (fauno) == 0.15.0 - 1 January 2021 * *DEPRECATION* When creating an `OEmbed::Provider` instance, specifying the format via positional argument is now deprecated. Please use a named argument instead: `OEmbed::Provider.new(@endpoint_url, format: :json)` * *DEPRECATION* Do not use the `new` method for `Instagram`, `FacebookPost`, or `FacebookVideo` providers to set your access token. Instead either use the `OEMBED_FACEBOOK_TOKEN` environment variable or call `Instagram.access_token = @your_token`. * Fix Issue #77: Built-in Instagram & Facebook providers are now instances again. * Add support for `OEmbed::Provider` instances with `required_query_params` (like access tokens), where the provider will fail to answer until it is fully configured. * Add support for Instgram Reels URLs to the built-in OEmbed::Providers::Instagram. * Support focused rspec tests for local development (e.g. "fcontext" or "fit") * Fix a few typos in documentation & tests; Pull #76 (Inge Jørgensen) == 0.14.1 - 28 December 2020 * Fix the YouTube provider when given a private video; Issue #79 (Sebastian Schulze) == 0.14.0 - 5 November 2020 * *BREAKING* Built-in providers for Instagram & Facebook are now classes, not instances, and therefore can't manually be registered via `OEmbed::Providers.register(OEmbed::Providers::Instagram)`; See Issue #77 * Add support for Facebook/Instagram access tokens; Pull #75 (Inge Jørgensen) == 0.13.1 - 25 May 2020 * Update built-in Instagram provider to support Instgram TV URLs; Pull #72 (github.com/Alexey1100) == 0.13.0 - 3 April 2020 * *BREAKING* Remove support for very old versions of Rubygems (older than 1.2.0 which was released in 2008) * *DEPRECATION* Remove CI testing for EOLed Ruby versions; now only testing on Ruby 2.4.1 and newer * Updated the list of {Embedly}[https://embed.ly/] and {Noembed}[https://noembed.com/] URL schemes. A *huge* thank you to {Ian Ker-Seymer}[https://github.com/ianks] for his recent PR that implemented _all_ of the above improvements! == 0.12.0 - 26 March 2017 * Add a Noembed aggregator; Issue #32 (github.com/evaryont and Arnaud Leymet) * Updated the list of {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] URL schemes. * Remove the `rake oembed:update_oohembed` task. == 0.11.0 - 26 March 2017 * Add built-in Speaker Deck provider; Issue #67 (Camille Roux) * Add built-in Giphy provider * Add built-in Kickstarter provider * Add built-in TED provider * Add built-in CodePen provider * Update built-in Hulu provider to support https == 0.10.1 - 21 May 2016 * Update built-in Twitter provider to use the new Twitter oEmbed endpoint; Pull #60 (Ben Ramsey) * Update built-in SlideShare provider to accept https URLs and URLs from various subdomains; Pull #59 (Axel Wahlen) * Updated the list of {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] URL schemes. (Marcos Wright-Kuhns) == 0.10.0 - 6 March 2016 * Add built-in Tumblr provider; Pull #55 (unknown) * Add bulit-in FacebookPost and FacebookVideo providers; Pull #54 (John Crowe) * Change ProviderDiscovery.discover_provider to better find tags on some sites; Issue #56 + Pull #57 (Marcos Wright-Kuhns) * Updated the list of {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] URL schemes. (Marcos Wright-Kuhns) == 0.9.0 - 12 December 2015 * Add support for HTTP redirects in ProviderDiscovery; Pull #39 (Sebastian de Castelberg) and Pull #38 (Sven Schwyn) * Add support for a :max_redirects option to Provider#get and ProviderDiscovery#get (Marcos Wright-Kuhns) * Change built-in YouTube, Slideshare, Yfrog, Scribd, & SoundCloud providers to use the https oembed endpoint; Pull #48 (Javan Makhmali) * Change built-in Instagram provider to recognize URLs in the www subdomain; Pull #52 (Javan Makhmali) * Updated the list of {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] URL schemes. (Marcos Wright-Kuhns) == 0.8.14 - 25 April 2015 * Change built-in Vimeo provider to use https oembed endpoint; Pull #44 (Jonne Haß) * Change built-in Flickr provider to use https oembed endpoint; Pull #46 (Javan Makhmali) * Change built-in Flickr provider to recognize https URLs and short flic.kr URLs (Javan Makhmali & Marcos Wright-Kuhns) == 0.8.13 - 23 April 2015 * Change built-in Instagram provider to recognize https URLs; Pull #35 (Philipp Bosch) * Change built-in Instagram provider to use https oembed/API endpoint. (Marcos Wright-Kuhns) * Updated the list of {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] URL schemes. (Marcos Wright-Kuhns) == 0.8.12 - 7 January 2015 * Fix URI error in Ruby 2.2; Pull #41, Issue #43 (Maxim Bublis) * Change built-in YouTube provider to return https embeds; Pull #34, Issue #33 (Fla) * Add built-in providers for Twitter, Vine, & Imgur; Pull #42 (Eliot Shepard) * Updated the list of {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] URL schemes. (Marcos Wright-Kuhns) == 0.8.11 - 7 November 2014 * Add built-in provider for Spotify; Pull #36 (Sami Kukkonen) * Update Travis CI configuration to test with modern Rails; Pull #37 (Sami Kukkonen) == 0.8.10 - 6 August 2014 * Add support for specifying a Provider#get `:timeout`; Pull #35 (Blake Thomson) * Upgrade to RSpec 3.x == 0.8.9 - 15 September 2013 * SoundCloud provider supports https URLs; Pull #30 (Greg Tangey) * Address rspec DEPRECATION warnings; Pull metavida#3 (Marcos Wright Kuhns) == 0.8.8 - 18 November 2012 * OEmbed::Response::Photo#html now includes alt attribute; Pull #23 & #25 (François de Metz) * Always escape the url query param when requesting a resource from a provider; Pull #26 (Michael Cohen) * Allow query params in a provider endpoint URL; Pull #27 (Michael Andrews) * Added built-in provider for Skitch; Pull #24 (François de Metz) * Updated built-in Vimeo provider (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * For developers who work on this gem, removed the dependency on jeweler (Marcos Wright Kuhns) == 0.8.7 - 11 March 2012 * Support for https provider endpoints; Issue #16 (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * OEmbed::Providers.register_all now actually registers all bundled providers; Issue #18 (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Added built-in provider for SoundCloud (Hendrik Mans) * Updated the list of {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] URL schemes. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * For developers who work on this gem, the rvmrc now automatically creates an oembed gemset; Issue #20 (Florian Staudacher) == 0.8.5 - 14 November 2011 * Fixed problems ProviderDiscovery and some xml endpoints. Also added much better test coverage. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Added support for XML parsing using {Nokogiri}[http://nokogiri.org/] (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Added built-in provider for MLG.TV (Matt Wilson) * Added https support to the built-in YouTube provider (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Updated the list of {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] URL schemes. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) == 0.8.3 - 26 June 2011 * Fixing a circular dependency introduced during my recent Jeweler upgrade. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) == 0.8.2 - 25 June 2011 * Added built-in providers for Instagram, Slideshare and Yfrog (Florian Günther) * Improved support (and error detection) for custom OEmbed::Formatter backends. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * DRYed up OEmbed::Formatter::JSON and XML methods into OEmbed::Formatter::Base (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * More consistently raise an OEmbed::Parse error if there is any sort of problem parsing the server response, whether it's an expected error type or not. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Added in-code comments about the {OohEmbed}[http://oohembed.com] service becoming part of {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Updated the list of {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] URL schemes. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) == 0.8.1 - 27 February 2011 * Removed all dependencies on external gems. XML is parsed using REXML and JSON can be parsed using YAML thanks to the convert_json_to_yaml method borrowed from Rails! (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Fixed several errors that cropped up when the json gem wasn't installed. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * OEmbed::Response#field now always return Strings. Previously, some JSON values were parsed into other Object types, like Integer and Float instances. * OEmbed::Response#url has been renamed OEmbed::Response#request_url because OEmbed::Response::Photo#url should be the URL of the static photo to be used by the oEmbed consumer. * OEmbed::Response.create_for now requires the format parameter. * OEmbed::Formatter backends won't try to load gems that haven't already been loaded. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Better code documentation, all around. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) === Deprecations & Removals * Removed the OEmbed::Response::METHODS constant. * OEmbed::Provders::Pownce has been removed since pownce.com is no longer active. * Provider#url and Provider#name will be removed at some point in the future. * All direct raw calls will be made private at some point in the future (i.e. Provider#raw, Providers#raw, and ProviderDiscovery#raw) == 0.8.0 - Not Publicly Released * Added OEmbed::Formatter Backends, to remove the dependency on the json gem and make adding support for other parsing libraries easier. This also fixes GitHub Issue =1. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Catch invalid endpoint URLs on OEmbed::Provider instantiation. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Jeweler uses the new OEmbed::Version Class. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Corrected syntax for Youtube provider in the README (Ryan Richards) * Removed the deprecated rails/init.rb file. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) == 0.7.6 - 11 October 2010 * Released all recent changes to judofyr/master on GitHub. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) * Added CHANGELOG & LICENSE information. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) == 0.7.5 - 29 September 2010 * Updated the list of {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] URL schemes. (Aris Bartee) * {rvmrc file}[http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/workflow/rvmrc/] added. (Aris Bartee) == 0.7.0 - 23 August 2010 * Gemified. (Aris Bartee) * Added the {Embedly}[http://embed.ly] Provider. (Alex Kessinger) * OEmbed::Response now includes the original request url. (Colin Shea) * Unregistering providers with duplicate URL patterns works. (Marcos Wright Kuhns) == 0.0.0 - May 2008 - July 2010 * Initial work & release as a library (Magnus Holm, et al.) * Many Providers supported, including {OohEmbed}[http://oohembed.com]. * Support for JSON (via the json gem) and XML (via the xml-simple gem).