require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe('Expression#match') do it 'returns the #match result of the respective Regexp' do expect(RP.parse(/a/).match('a')[0]).to eq 'a' end it 'can be given an offset, just like Regexp#match' do expect(RP.parse(/./).match('ab', 1)[0]).to eq 'b' end it 'works with the #=~ alias' do expect(RP.parse(/a/) =~ 'a').to be_a MatchData end end RSpec.describe('Expression#match?') do it 'returns true if the Respective Regexp matches' do expect(RP.parse(/a/).match?('a')).to be true end it 'returns false if the Respective Regexp does not match' do expect(RP.parse(/a/).match?('b')).to be false end end