# PrestaShop PrestaShop is a ruby gem to interact with a [Prestashop API](http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Using+the+PrestaShop+Web+Service) this gem was originally forked from [Prestashopper](https://github.com/amatriain/prestashopper) ## Installation add `presta_shop` Gemfile ```ruby gem 'presta_shop' ``` ## Usage ### verify PrestaShop api is enabled ```ruby PrestaShop.api_enabled? 'my.prestashop.com' => true ``` ### check api key is valid ``` PrestaShop.valid_key? 'my.prestashop.com', 'VALID_KEY' => true ``` ### create a PrestaShop api object ``` api = PrestaShop::API.new 'my.prestashop.com', 'VALID_KEY' ``` ### list resources available for the api key ``` api.resources => [:customers, :orders, :products] ``` ### get a list of ids for an available resource ``` order_ids = api.orders.list => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ``` ### get a specific resource by id ``` order = api.order.find(1) => # ``` ### get an array of resources ``` orders = api.orders.find(1, 2, 3) => [#, #, #] ```