# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'formatted_string' require_relative 'formatted_text' require_relative 'index_catalog' require_relative 'pdfmark' require_relative 'roman_numeral' require_relative 'section_info_by_page' module Asciidoctor module PDF class Converter < ::Prawn::Document include ::Asciidoctor::Converter include ::Asciidoctor::Logging include ::Asciidoctor::Writer include ::Asciidoctor::Prawn::Extensions register_for 'pdf' attr_reader :allow_uri_read attr_reader :cache_uri attr_reader :jail_dir attr_accessor :font_color attr_accessor :font_scale attr_reader :index attr_reader :theme attr_reader :text_decoration_width # NOTE: require_library doesn't support require_relative and we don't modify the load path for this gem CodeRayRequirePath = ::File.join __dir__, 'ext/prawn/coderay_encoder' RougeRequirePath = ::File.join __dir__, 'ext/rouge' PygmentsRequirePath = ::File.join __dir__, 'ext/pygments' OptimizerRequirePath = ::File.join __dir__, 'optimizer' AdmonitionIcons = { caution: { name: 'fas-fire', stroke_color: 'BF3400', size: 24 }, important: { name: 'fas-exclamation-circle', stroke_color: 'BF0000', size: 24 }, note: { name: 'fas-info-circle', stroke_color: '19407C', size: 24 }, tip: { name: 'far-lightbulb', stroke_color: '111111', size: 24 }, warning: { name: 'fas-exclamation-triangle', stroke_color: 'BF6900', size: 24 }, } TextAlignmentNames = { 'justify' => true, 'left' => true, 'center' => true, 'right' => true } IndentableTextAlignments = { justify: true, left: true } TextAlignmentRoles = { 'text-justify' => true, 'text-left' => true, 'text-center' => true, 'text-right' => true } TextDecorationStyleTable = { 'underline' => :underline, 'line-through' => :strikethrough } FontKerningTable = { 'normal' => true, 'none' => false } BlockFloatNames = %w(left right) BlockAlignmentNames = %w(left center right) (AlignmentTable = { '<' => :left, '=' => :center, '>' => :right }).default = :left ColumnPositions = [:left, :center, :right] PageLayouts = [:portrait, :landscape] (PageModes = { 'fullscreen' => [:FullScreen, :UseOutlines], 'fullscreen none' => [:FullScreen, :UseNone], 'fullscreen outline' => [:FullScreen, :UseOutlines], 'fullscreen thumbs' => [:FullScreen, :UseThumbs], 'none' => :UseNone, 'outline' => :UseOutlines, 'thumbs' => :UseThumbs, }).default = :UseOutlines PageSides = [:recto, :verso] (PDFVersions = { '1.3' => 1.3, '1.4' => 1.4, '1.5' => 1.5, '1.6' => 1.6, '1.7' => 1.7 }).default = 1.4 AuthorAttributeNames = { name: 'author', initials: 'authorinitials', firstname: 'firstname', middlename: 'middlename', lastname: 'lastname', email: 'email' } DoubleSpace = ' ' LF = ?\n DoubleLF = LF * 2 TAB = ?\t InnerIndent = LF + ' ' # a no-break space is used to replace a leading space to prevent Prawn from trimming indentation # a leading zero-width space can't be used as it gets dropped when calculating the line width GuardedIndent = ?\u00a0 GuardedInnerIndent = LF + GuardedIndent TabRx = /\t/ TabIndentRx = /^\t+/ NoBreakSpace = ?\u00a0 ZeroWidthSpace = ?\u200b DummyText = ?\u0000 DigitsRx = /^\d+$/ DotLeaderTextDefault = '. ' EmDash = ?\u2014 RightPointer = ?\u25ba LowercaseGreekA = ?\u03b1 Bullets = { disc: ?\u2022, circle: ?\u25e6, square: ?\u25aa, none: '', } # NOTE: default theme font uses ballot boxes from FontAwesome BallotBox = { checked: ?\u2611, unchecked: ?\u2610, } ConumSets = { 'circled' => (?\u2460..?\u2473).to_a, 'filled' => (?\u2776..?\u277f).to_a + (?\u24eb..?\u24f4).to_a, } TypographicQuotes = %w(“ ” ‘ ’) InlineFormatSniffRx = /[<&]/ SimpleAttributeRefRx = /(? ?(?=(?:\\? ?)*$)) ImageAttributeValueRx = /^image:{1,2}(.*?)\[(.*?)\]$/ StopPunctRx = /[.!?;:]$/ UriBreakCharsRx = %r((?:/|\?|&|#)(?!$)) UriBreakCharRepl = %(\\&#{ZeroWidthSpace}) UriSchemeBoundaryRx = %r((?<=://)) UrlSniffRx = %r(^\p{Alpha}[\p{Alnum}+.-]*://) LineScanRx = /\n|.+/ BlankLineRx = /\n{2,}/ CjkLineBreakRx = /(?=[\u3000\u30a0-\u30ff\u3040-\u309f\p{Han}\uff00-\uffef])/ WhitespaceChars = ' ' + TAB + LF DoubleSpaceRx = / (?= )/ ValueSeparatorRx = /;|,/ HexColorRx = /^#[a-fA-F0-9]{6}$/ VimeoThumbnailRx = %r((.*?)) DropAnchorRx = %r(<(?:a\b[^>]*|/a)>) SourceHighlighters = %w(coderay pygments rouge).to_set ViewportWidth = ::Module.new ImageWidth = ::Module.new (TitleStyles = { 'toc' => [:numbered_title], 'basic' => [:title], }).default = [:numbered_title, formal: true] def initialize backend, opts super basebackend 'html' filetype 'pdf' htmlsyntax 'html' outfilesuffix '.pdf' if (doc = opts[:document]) # NOTE: enabling data-uri forces Asciidoctor Diagram to produce absolute image paths doc.attributes['data-uri'] = (doc.instance_variable_get :@attribute_overrides)['data-uri'] = '' end @label = :primary @initial_instance_variables = [:@initial_instance_variables] + instance_variables end def convert node, name = nil, _opts = {} method_name = %(convert_#{name ||= node.node_name}) if respond_to? method_name result = send method_name, node else # TODO: delegate to convert_method_missing log :warn, %(missing convert handler for #{name} node in #{@backend} backend) end # NOTE: inline node handlers generate HTML-like strings; all other handlers write directly to the PDF object node.inline? ? result : self end def convert_document doc doc.promote_preface_block init_pdf doc # set default value for outline, outline-title, and pagenums attributes if not otherwise set doc.attributes['outline'] = '' if doc.attr_unspecified? 'outline' doc.attributes['outline-title'] = '' if doc.attr_unspecified? 'outline-title' doc.attributes['pagenums'] = '' if doc.attr_unspecified? 'pagenums' on_page_create(&(method :init_page).curry[doc]) marked_page_number = page_number # NOTE: a new page will already be started (page_number = 2) if the front cover image is a PDF ink_cover_page doc, :front has_front_cover = page_number > marked_page_number doctype = doc.doctype if (has_title_page = (title_page_on = doctype == 'book' || (doc.attr? 'title-page')) && (start_title_page doc)) # NOTE: the base font must be set before any content is written to the main or scratch document font @theme.base_font_family, size: @root_font_size, style: @theme.base_font_style if perform_on_single_page { ink_title_page doc } log :warn, 'the title page contents has been truncated to prevent it from overrunning the bounds of a single page' end start_new_page else @page_margin[:cover] = @page_margin[page.layout][:recto] if @media == 'prepress' && page_number == 0 start_new_page unless page&.empty? # rubocop:disable Lint/SafeNavigationWithEmpty # NOTE: the base font must be set before any content is written to the main or scratch document # this method is called inside ink_title_page if the title page is active font @theme.base_font_family, size: @root_font_size, style: @theme.base_font_style end unless title_page_on body_start_page_number = page_number theme_font :heading, level: 1 do ink_general_heading doc, doc.doctitle, align: (@theme.heading_h1_text_align&.to_sym || :center), level: 1, role: :doctitle end if doc.header? && !doc.notitle end num_front_matter_pages = toc_page_nums = toc_num_levels = nil indent_section do toc_num_levels = (doc.attr 'toclevels', 2).to_i if (insert_toc = (doc.attr? 'toc') && !((toc_placement = doc.attr 'toc-placement') == 'macro' || toc_placement == 'preamble') && !(get_entries_for_toc doc).empty?) start_new_page if @ppbook && verso_page? add_dest_for_block doc, id: 'toc', y: (at_page_top? ? page_height : nil) @toc_extent = allocate_toc doc, toc_num_levels, cursor, (title_page_on && theme.toc_break_after != 'auto') else @toc_extent = nil end if @ppbook && verso_page? && !(((next_block = doc.first_child)&.context == :preamble ? next_block.first_child : next_block)&.option? 'nonfacing') min_start_at = 0 start_new_page else min_start_at = 1 end if title_page_on zero_page_offset = has_front_cover ? 1 : 0 first_page_offset = has_title_page ? zero_page_offset.next : zero_page_offset body_offset = (body_start_page_number = page_number) - 1 if ::Integer === (running_content_start_at = @theme.running_content_start_at) running_content_body_offset = body_offset + [running_content_start_at.pred, min_start_at.pred].max running_content_start_at = 'body' else running_content_body_offset = body_offset case running_content_start_at when 'title' running_content_start_at = 'toc' unless has_title_page when 'toc' running_content_start_at = 'body' unless insert_toc when 'after-toc' running_content_start_at = 'body' end end if ::Integer === (page_numbering_start_at = @theme.page_numbering_start_at) page_numbering_body_offset = body_offset + [page_numbering_start_at.pred, min_start_at.pred].max page_numbering_start_at = 'body' else page_numbering_body_offset = body_offset case page_numbering_start_at when 'cover' if has_front_cover page_numbering_body_offset = 0 else page_numbering_start_at = 'title' end when 'title' page_numbering_start_at = 'toc' unless has_title_page when 'toc' page_numbering_start_at = 'body' unless insert_toc when 'after-toc' page_numbering_start_at = 'body' end end # table values are number of pages to skip before starting running content and page numbering, respectively num_front_matter_pages = { %w(title cover) => [zero_page_offset, page_numbering_body_offset], %w(title title) => [zero_page_offset, zero_page_offset], %w(title toc) => [zero_page_offset, first_page_offset], %w(title body) => [zero_page_offset, page_numbering_body_offset], %w(toc cover) => [first_page_offset, page_numbering_body_offset], %w(toc title) => [first_page_offset, zero_page_offset], %w(toc toc) => [first_page_offset, first_page_offset], %w(toc body) => [first_page_offset, page_numbering_body_offset], %w(body cover) => [running_content_body_offset, page_numbering_body_offset], %w(body title) => [running_content_body_offset, zero_page_offset], %w(body toc) => [running_content_body_offset, first_page_offset], }[[running_content_start_at, page_numbering_start_at]] || [running_content_body_offset, page_numbering_body_offset] else body_offset = body_start_page_number - 1 if ::Integer === (running_content_start_at = @theme.running_content_start_at) running_content_body_offset = body_offset + [running_content_start_at.pred, 0].max else running_content_body_offset = body_offset end if ::Integer === (page_numbering_start_at = @theme.page_numbering_start_at) page_numbering_body_offset = body_offset + [page_numbering_start_at.pred, 0].max elsif page_numbering_start_at == 'cover' && has_front_cover page_numbering_body_offset = 0 else page_numbering_body_offset = body_offset end num_front_matter_pages = [running_content_body_offset, page_numbering_body_offset] end @index.start_page_number = num_front_matter_pages[1] + 1 doc.set_attr 'pdf-anchor', (derive_anchor_from_id doc.id, 'top') doc.set_attr 'pdf-page-start', page_number if doctype == 'book' || (columns = @theme.page_columns || 1) < 2 convert_section generate_manname_section doc if doctype == 'manpage' && (doc.attr? 'manpurpose') traverse doc # NOTE: for a book, these are leftover footnotes; for an article this is everything outdent_section { ink_footnotes doc } else column_box [bounds.left, cursor], columns: columns, width: bounds.width, reflow_margins: true, spacer: @theme.page_column_gap do convert_section generate_manname_section doc if doctype == 'manpage' && (doc.attr? 'manpurpose') traverse doc # NOTE: for a book, these are leftover footnotes; for an article this is everything outdent_section { ink_footnotes doc } end end if (toc_extent = @toc_extent) if title_page_on && !insert_toc num_front_matter_pages[0] = toc_extent.to.page if @theme.running_content_start_at == 'after-toc' num_front_matter_pages[1] = toc_extent.to.page if @theme.page_numbering_start_at == 'after-toc' end toc_page_nums = ink_toc doc, toc_num_levels, toc_extent.from.page, toc_extent.from.cursor, num_front_matter_pages[1] else toc_page_nums = [] end # NOTE: delete orphaned page (a page was created but there was no additional content) # QUESTION: should we delete page if document is empty? (leaving no pages?) delete_current_page if page_count > 1 && page.empty? end unless page_count < body_start_page_number ink_running_content :header, doc, num_front_matter_pages, body_start_page_number unless doc.noheader || @theme.header_height.to_f == 0 # rubocop:disable Lint/FloatComparison ink_running_content :footer, doc, num_front_matter_pages, body_start_page_number unless doc.nofooter || @theme.footer_height.to_f == 0 # rubocop:disable Lint/FloatComparison end add_outline doc, (doc.attr 'outlinelevels', toc_num_levels), toc_page_nums, num_front_matter_pages[1], has_front_cover if (initial_zoom = @theme.page_initial_zoom&.to_sym) case initial_zoom when :Fit catalog.data[:OpenAction] = dest_fit state.pages[0] when :FitV catalog.data[:OpenAction] = dest_fit_vertically 0, state.pages[0] when :FitH catalog.data[:OpenAction] = dest_fit_horizontally page_height, state.pages[0] end end catalog.data[:ViewerPreferences] = { DisplayDocTitle: true } stamp_foreground_image doc, has_front_cover ink_cover_page doc, :back add_dest_for_top doc state.pages.each {|it| fit_trim_box it } if (@optimize&.[] :compliance)&.start_with? 'PDF/X' nil end # NOTE: embedded only makes sense if perhaps we are building # on an existing Prawn::Document instance; for now, just treat # it the same as a full document. alias convert_embedded convert_document def init_pdf doc (instance_variables - @initial_instance_variables).each {|ivar| remove_instance_variable ivar } if state pdf_opts = build_pdf_options doc, (theme = load_theme doc) # QUESTION: should page options be preserved? (otherwise, not readily available) #@page_opts = { size: pdf_opts[:page_size], layout: pdf_opts[:page_layout] } ((::Prawn::Document.instance_method :initialize).bind self).call pdf_opts renderer.min_version (@pdf_version = PDFVersions[doc.attr 'pdf-version']) @tmp_files ||= {} @allow_uri_read = doc.attr? 'allow-uri-read' @cache_uri = doc.attr? 'cache-uri' @jail_dir = doc.safe < ::Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE ? nil : doc.base_dir @media ||= doc.attr 'media', 'screen' case doc.attr 'pdf-folio-placement', (@media == 'prepress' ? 'physical' : 'virtual') when 'physical' @folio_placement = { basis: :physical } when 'physical-inverted' @folio_placement = { basis: :physical, inverted: true } when 'virtual-inverted' @folio_placement = { basis: :virtual, inverted: true } else @folio_placement = { basis: :virtual } end @page_margin = { cover: page_margin } @page_margin[:portrait] = @page_margin[:landscape] = { recto: (page_margin_recto = page_margin), verso: (page_margin_verso = page_margin) } if (rotated_page_margin = resolve_page_margin (doc.attr 'pdf-page-margin-rotated') || theme.page_margin_rotated) rotated_page_margin = expand_margin_value rotated_page_margin @edge_shorthand_cache = nil @page_margin[PageLayouts[(PageLayouts.index page.layout) - 1]] = { recto: rotated_page_margin, verso: rotated_page_margin.dup } end if @media == 'prepress' @ppbook = doc.doctype == 'book' if (page_margin_outer = theme.page_margin_outer) page_margin_recto[1] = page_margin_verso[3] = page_margin_outer end if (page_margin_inner = theme.page_margin_inner) page_margin_recto[3] = page_margin_verso[1] = page_margin_inner end else @ppbook = nil end @page_bg_image = {} @page_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :page_background_color, 'FFFFFF' # QUESTION: should ThemeLoader handle registering fonts instead? register_fonts theme.font_catalog, ((doc.attr 'pdf-fontsdir')&.sub '{docdir}', (doc.attr 'docdir')) || 'GEM_FONTS_DIR' default_kerning theme.base_font_kerning != 'none' @fallback_fonts = Array theme.font_fallbacks @root_font_size = theme.base_font_size @font_scale = 1 @font_color = theme.base_font_color @text_decoration_width = theme.base_text_decoration_width @base_text_align = (text_align = doc.attr 'text-align') && TextAlignmentNames[text_align] ? text_align : theme.base_text_align @base_line_height = theme.base_line_height @cjk_line_breaks = doc.attr? 'scripts', 'cjk' if (hyphen_lang = (doc.attr 'hyphens') || ((doc.attr_unspecified? 'hyphens') ? @theme.base_hyphens : nil)) && ((defined? ::Text::Hyphen::VERSION) || !(Helpers.require_library 'text/hyphen', 'text-hyphen', :warn).nil?) hyphen_lang = doc.attr 'lang' if !(::String === hyphen_lang) || hyphen_lang.empty? hyphen_lang = 'en_us' if hyphen_lang.nil_or_empty? || hyphen_lang == 'en' hyphen_lang = (hyphen_lang.tr '-', '_').downcase @hyphenator = ::Text::Hyphen.new language: hyphen_lang end @text_transform = nil @list_numerals = [] @list_bullets = [] @bottom_gutters = [{}] @rendered_footnotes = [] @bibref_refs = ::Set.new @conum_glyphs = ConumSets[@theme.conum_glyphs || 'circled'] || (@theme.conum_glyphs.split ',').map do |r| from, to = r.lstrip.split '-', 2 to ? ((get_char from)..(get_char to)).to_a : [(get_char from)] end.flatten @section_indent = (val = @theme.section_indent) && (expand_indent_value val) @toc_max_pagenum_digits = (doc.attr 'toc-max-pagenum-digits', 3).to_i @disable_running_content = { header: ::Set.new, footer: ::Set.new } @index ||= IndexCatalog.new # NOTE: we have to init Pdfmark class here while we have reference to the doc @pdfmark = (doc.attr? 'pdfmark') ? (Pdfmark.new doc) : nil # NOTE: defer instantiating optimizer until we know min pdf version if (optimize = doc.attr 'optimize') && ((defined? ::Asciidoctor::PDF::Optimizer) || !(Helpers.require_library OptimizerRequirePath, 'rghost', :warn).nil?) @optimize = (optimize.include? ',') ? ([:quality, :compliance].zip (optimize.split ',', 2)).to_h : ((optimize.include? '/') ? { compliance: optimize } : { quality: optimize }) fit_trim_box if @optimize[:compliance]&.start_with? 'PDF/X' else @optimize = nil end allocate_scratch_prototype self end def build_pdf_options doc, theme page_margin = resolve_page_margin (doc.attr 'pdf-page-margin') || theme.page_margin if (doc.attr? 'pdf-page-size') && PageSizeRx =~ (doc.attr 'pdf-page-size') # e.g, [8.5in, 11in] if $1 page_size = [$1, $2] # e.g, 8.5in x 11in elsif $3 page_size = [$3, $4] # e.g, A4 else page_size = $& end else page_size = theme.page_size end case page_size when ::String, ::Symbol # TODO: extract helper method to check for named page size page_size = page_size.to_s.upcase page_size = nil unless ::PDF::Core::PageGeometry::SIZES.key? page_size when ::Array if page_size.empty? page_size = nil else page_size[1] ||= page_size[0] page_size = (page_size.slice 0, 2).map do |dim| if ::Numeric === dim # dimension cannot be less than 0 dim > 0 ? dim : break elsif ::String === dim && MeasurementPartsRx =~ dim # NOTE: truncate to max precision retained by PDF::Core (dim = (to_pt $1.to_f, $2).truncate 4) > 0 ? dim : break else break end end end else page_size = nil end if (page_layout = (doc.attr 'pdf-page-layout') || theme.page_layout).nil_or_empty? || !(PageLayouts.include? (page_layout = page_layout.to_sym)) page_layout = nil end { margin: (page_margin || 36), page_size: (page_size || 'A4'), page_layout: (page_layout || :portrait), info: (build_pdf_info doc), compress: (doc.attr? 'compress'), skip_page_creation: true, text_formatter: (FormattedText::Formatter.new theme: theme), } end # FIXME: Pdfmark should use the PDF info result def build_pdf_info doc info = {} if (doctitle = resolve_doctitle doc) info[:Title] = (sanitize doctitle).as_pdf end if (doc.attribute_locked? 'author') && !(doc.attribute_locked? 'authors') info[:Author] = (sanitize doc.attr 'author').as_pdf elsif doc.attr? 'authors' info[:Author] = (sanitize doc.attr 'authors').as_pdf elsif doc.attr? 'author' # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicateBranch info[:Author] = (sanitize doc.attr 'author').as_pdf end info[:Subject] = (sanitize doc.attr 'subject').as_pdf if doc.attr? 'subject' info[:Keywords] = (sanitize doc.attr 'keywords').as_pdf if doc.attr? 'keywords' info[:Producer] = (sanitize doc.attr 'publisher').as_pdf if doc.attr? 'publisher' if doc.attr? 'reproducible' info[:Creator] = 'Asciidoctor PDF, based on Prawn'.as_pdf info[:Producer] ||= (info[:Author] || info[:Creator]) else info[:Creator] = %(Asciidoctor PDF #{::Asciidoctor::PDF::VERSION}, based on Prawn #{::Prawn::VERSION}).as_pdf info[:Producer] ||= (info[:Author] || info[:Creator]) # NOTE: since we don't track the creation date of the input file, we map the ModDate header to the last modified # date of the input document and the CreationDate header to the date the PDF was produced by the converter. info[:ModDate] = (::Time.parse doc.attr 'docdatetime') rescue (now ||= ::Time.now) info[:CreationDate] = (::Time.parse doc.attr 'localdatetime') rescue (now || ::Time.now) end info end def load_theme doc @theme ||= begin # rubocop:disable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName if (theme = doc.options[:pdf_theme]) theme = theme.dup @themesdir = ::File.expand_path theme.__dir__ || (user_themesdir = ((doc.attr 'pdf-themesdir')&.sub '{docdir}', (doc.attr 'docdir')) || ::Dir.pwd) elsif (theme_name = doc.attr 'pdf-theme') theme = ThemeLoader.load_theme theme_name, (user_themesdir = (doc.attr 'pdf-themesdir')&.sub '{docdir}', (doc.attr 'docdir')) @themesdir = theme.__dir__ elsif (doc.attr 'media', 'screen') == 'screen' @themesdir = (theme = ThemeLoader.load_theme).__dir__ else @themesdir = (theme = ThemeLoader.load_theme 'default-for-print').__dir__ end prepare_theme theme rescue if user_themesdir message = %(could not locate or load the pdf theme `#{theme_name}' in #{user_themesdir}) else message = %(could not locate or load the built-in pdf theme `#{theme_name}') end message += %( because of #{$!.class} #{$!.message}) log :error, (message.sub %r/$/, '; reverting to default theme') @themesdir = (theme = ThemeLoader.load_theme).__dir__ prepare_theme theme end end def prepare_theme theme theme.base_border_color = nil if theme.base_border_color == 'transparent' theme.base_font_color ||= '000000' theme.base_font_size ||= 12 theme.base_font_style = theme.base_font_style&.to_sym || :normal theme.page_numbering_start_at ||= 'body' theme.running_content_start_at ||= 'body' theme.heading_chapter_break_before ||= 'always' theme.heading_part_break_before ||= 'always' theme.heading_margin_page_top ||= 0 theme.heading_margin_top ||= 0 theme.heading_margin_bottom ||= 0 theme.prose_text_indent ||= 0 theme.prose_text_indent_inner ||= 0 theme.prose_margin_bottom ||= 0 theme.block_margin_bottom ||= 0 theme.list_indent ||= 0 theme.list_item_spacing ||= 0 theme.description_list_term_spacing ||= 0 theme.description_list_description_indent ||= 0 theme.table_border_color ||= (theme.base_border_color || '000000') theme.table_border_width ||= 0.5 theme.thematic_break_border_color ||= (theme.base_border_color || '000000') theme.image_border_width ||= 0 theme.code_linenum_font_color ||= '999999' theme.callout_list_margin_top_after_code ||= 0 theme.role_unresolved_font_color ||= 'FF0000' theme.footnotes_margin_top ||= 'auto' theme.footnotes_item_spacing ||= 0 theme.index_columns ||= 2 theme.index_column_gap ||= theme.base_font_size theme.kbd_separator ||= '+' theme.title_page_authors_delimiter ||= ', ' theme.title_page_revision_delimiter ||= ', ' theme.toc_indent ||= 0 theme.toc_hanging_indent ||= 0 if ::Array === (quotes = theme.quotes) TypographicQuotes.each_with_index {|char, idx| quotes[idx] ||= char } else theme.quotes = TypographicQuotes end theme end def save_theme @theme = (original_theme = theme).dup yield ensure @theme = original_theme end def indent_section if (values = @section_indent) indent(values[0], values[1]) { yield } else yield end end def outdent_section enabled = true if enabled && (values = @section_indent) indent(-values[0], -values[1]) { yield } else yield end end def convert_section sect, _opts = {} if (sectname = sect.sectname) == 'abstract' # HACK: cheat a bit to hide this section from TOC; TOC should filter these sections sect.context = :open return convert_abstract sect elsif (index_section = sectname == 'index') && @index.empty? sect.remove return end title = sect.numbered_title formal: true sep = (sect.attr 'separator') || (sect.document.attr 'title-separator') || '' if !sep.empty? && (title.include? (sep = %(#{sep} ))) title, _, subtitle = title.rpartition sep title = %(#{title}\n#{subtitle}) end hlevel = sect.level.next text_align = (@theme[%(heading_h#{hlevel}_text_align)] || @theme.heading_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym chapterlike = !(part = sectname == 'part') && (sectname == 'chapter' || (sect.document.doctype == 'book' && sect.level == 1)) hidden = sect.option? 'notitle' hopts = { align: text_align, level: hlevel, part: part, chapterlike: chapterlike, outdent: !(part || chapterlike) } if part if @theme.heading_part_break_before == 'always' started_new = true start_new_part sect end elsif chapterlike if (@theme.heading_chapter_break_before == 'always' && !(@theme.heading_part_break_after == 'avoid' && sect.first_section_of_part?)) || (@theme.heading_part_break_after == 'always' && sect.first_section_of_part?) started_new = true start_new_chapter sect end end arrange_heading sect, title, hopts unless hidden || started_new || at_page_top? || sect.empty? # QUESTION: should we store pdf-page-start, pdf-anchor & pdf-destination in internal map? sect.set_attr 'pdf-page-start', (start_pgnum = page_number) # QUESTION: should we just assign the section this generated id? # NOTE: section must have pdf-anchor in order to be listed in the TOC sect.set_attr 'pdf-anchor', (sect_anchor = derive_anchor_from_id sect.id, %(#{start_pgnum}-#{y.ceil})) add_dest_for_block sect, id: sect_anchor, y: (at_page_top? ? page_height : nil) theme_font :heading, level: hlevel do if part ink_part_title sect, title, hopts elsif chapterlike ink_chapter_title sect, title, hopts else ink_general_heading sect, title, hopts end end unless hidden if index_section outdent_section { convert_index_section sect } else traverse sect end outdent_section { ink_footnotes sect } if chapterlike sect.set_attr 'pdf-page-end', page_number end def convert_floating_title node title = node.title hlevel = node.level.next unless (text_align = resolve_text_align_from_role node.roles) text_align = (@theme[%(heading_h#{hlevel}_text_align)] || @theme.heading_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym end hopts = { align: text_align, level: hlevel, outdent: node.parent.context == :section } arrange_heading node, title, hopts unless at_page_top? || node.last_child? add_dest_for_block node if node.id # QUESTION: should we decouple styles from section titles? theme_font :heading, level: hlevel do ink_general_heading node, title, hopts end end def convert_index_section node if ColumnBox === bounds || (columns = @theme.index_columns || 1) < 2 convert_index_categories @index.categories, (node.document.attr 'index-pagenum-sequence-style') else end_cursor = nil column_box [bounds.left, cursor], columns: columns, width: bounds.width, reflow_margins: true, spacer: @theme.index_column_gap do convert_index_categories @index.categories, (node.document.attr 'index-pagenum-sequence-style') end_cursor = cursor if bounds.current_column == 0 end # Q: could we move this logic into column_box? move_cursor_to end_cursor if end_cursor end nil end def convert_index_categories categories, pagenum_sequence_style = nil space_needed_for_category = @theme.description_list_term_spacing + (2 * (height_of_typeset_text 'A')) categories.each do |category| bounds.move_past_bottom if space_needed_for_category > cursor ink_prose category.name, align: :left, inline_format: false, margin_bottom: @theme.description_list_term_spacing, style: @theme.description_list_term_font_style&.to_sym category.terms.each {|term| convert_index_term term, pagenum_sequence_style } @theme.prose_margin_bottom > cursor ? bounds.move_past_bottom : (move_down @theme.prose_margin_bottom) end end def convert_index_term term, pagenum_sequence_style = nil term_fragments = term.name.fragments unless term.container? pagenum_fragment = (parse_text %(#{DummyText}), inline_format: true)[0] if @media == 'screen' case pagenum_sequence_style when 'page' pagenums = term.dests.uniq {|dest| dest[:page] }.map {|dest| pagenum_fragment.merge anchor: dest[:anchor], text: dest[:page] } when 'range' first_anchor_per_page = {}.tap {|accum| term.dests.each {|dest| accum[dest[:page]] ||= dest[:anchor] } } pagenums = (consolidate_ranges first_anchor_per_page.keys).map do |range| anchor = first_anchor_per_page[(range.include? '-') ? (range.partition '-')[0] : range] pagenum_fragment.merge text: range, anchor: anchor end else # term pagenums = term.dests.map {|dest| pagenum_fragment.merge text: dest[:page], anchor: dest[:anchor] } end else pagenums = consolidate_ranges term.dests.map {|dest| dest[:page] }.uniq end pagenums.each do |pagenum| if ::String === pagenum term_fragments << ({ text: %(, #{pagenum}) }) else term_fragments << { text: ', ' } term_fragments << pagenum end end end subterm_indent = @theme.description_list_description_indent typeset_formatted_text term_fragments, (calc_line_metrics @base_line_height), align: :left, color: @font_color, hanging_indent: subterm_indent * 2, consolidate: true indent subterm_indent do term.subterms.each do |subterm| convert_index_term subterm, pagenum_sequence_style end end unless term.leaf? end def convert_preamble node # FIXME: core should not be promoting paragraph to preamble if there are no sections if (first_block = node.first_child)&.context == :paragraph && node.document.sections? && !first_block.role? first_block.role = 'lead' end traverse node theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) convert_toc node, placement: 'preamble' end def convert_abstract node add_dest_for_block node if node.id outdent_section do pad_box @theme.abstract_padding do theme_font :abstract_title do ink_prose node.title, align: (@theme.abstract_title_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym, margin_top: @theme.heading_margin_top, margin_bottom: @theme.heading_margin_bottom, line_height: (@theme.heading_line_height || @theme.base_line_height) end if node.title? theme_font :abstract do prose_opts = { align: (@theme.abstract_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym, hyphenate: true, margin_bottom: 0 } # FIXME: allow theme to control more first line options if (line1_font_style = @theme.abstract_first_line_font_style&.to_sym) && line1_font_style != font_style case line1_font_style when :normal first_line_options = { styles: [] } when :normal_italic first_line_options = { styles: [:italic] } else first_line_options = { styles: [font_style, line1_font_style] } end end if (line1_font_color = @theme.abstract_first_line_font_color) (first_line_options ||= {})[:color] = line1_font_color end if (line1_text_transform = @theme.abstract_first_line_text_transform) (first_line_options ||= {})[:text_transform] = line1_text_transform end prose_opts[:first_line_options] = first_line_options if first_line_options # FIXME: make this cleaner!! if node.blocks? node.blocks.each do |child| if child.context == :paragraph child.document.playback_attributes child.attributes convert_paragraph child, prose_opts.dup prose_opts.delete :first_line_options else # FIXME: this could do strange things if the wrong kind of content shows up child.convert end end elsif node.content_model != :compound && (string = node.content) if (text_align = resolve_text_align_from_role node.roles) prose_opts[:align] = text_align end if IndentableTextAlignments[prose_opts[:align]] && (text_indent = @theme.prose_text_indent) > 0 prose_opts[:indent_paragraphs] = text_indent end ink_prose string, prose_opts end end end end # NOTE: next enclosed block here is confined to preamble theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end def convert_paragraph node, opts = nil add_dest_for_block node if node.id prose_opts = opts || { margin_bottom: 0, hyphenate: true } if (text_align = resolve_text_align_from_role (roles = node.roles), query_theme: true, remove_predefined: true) prose_opts[:align] = text_align else text_align = @base_text_align.to_sym end role_keys = roles.map {|role| %(role_#{role}) } unless roles.empty? if IndentableTextAlignments[text_align] && ((text_indent = @theme.prose_text_indent) > 0 || ((text_indent = @theme.prose_text_indent_inner) > 0 && node.previous_sibling&.context == :paragraph)) prose_opts[:indent_paragraphs] = text_indent end if (bottom_gutter = @bottom_gutters[-1][node]) prose_opts[:bottom_gutter] = bottom_gutter end block_next = next_enclosed_block node insert_margin_bottom = proc do if (margin_inner_val = @theme.prose_margin_inner) && block_next&.context == :paragraph margin_bottom margin_inner_val else theme_margin :prose, :bottom, block_next end end if (float_box = (@float_box ||= nil)) ink_paragraph_in_float_box node, float_box, prose_opts, role_keys, block_next, insert_margin_bottom else # TODO: check if we're within one line of the bottom of the page # and advance to the next page if so (similar to logic for section titles) ink_caption node, labeled: false if node.title? role_keys ? theme_font_cascade(role_keys) { ink_prose node.content, prose_opts } : (ink_prose node.content, prose_opts) insert_margin_bottom.call end end def convert_admonition node type = node.attr 'name' label_text_align = @theme.admonition_label_text_align&.to_sym || :center # TODO: allow vertical_align to be a number if (label_valign = @theme.admonition_label_vertical_align&.to_sym || :middle) == :middle label_valign = :center end if (label_min_width = @theme.admonition_label_min_width) label_min_width = label_min_width.to_f end if (doc = node.document).attr? 'icons' if !(has_icon = node.attr? 'icon') && (doc.attr 'icons') == 'font' icons = 'font' label_text = type.to_sym icon_data = admonition_icon_data label_text icon_size = icon_data[:size] || 24 label_width = label_min_width || (icon_size * 1.5) elsif (icon_path = has_icon || !(icon_path = (@theme[%(admonition_icon_#{type})] || {})[:image]) ? (get_icon_image_path node, type) : (ThemeLoader.resolve_theme_asset (apply_subs_discretely doc, icon_path, subs: [:attributes], imagesdir: @themesdir), @themesdir)) && (::File.readable? icon_path) icons = true # TODO: introduce @theme.admonition_image_width? or use size key from admonition_icon_? label_width = label_min_width || 36.0 else log :warn, %(admonition icon image#{has_icon ? '' : ' for ' + type.upcase} not found or not readable: #{icon_path || (get_icon_image_path node, type, false)}) end end unless icons label_text = sanitize node.caption theme_font_cascade [:admonition_label, %(admonition_label_#{type})] do label_text = transform_text label_text, @text_transform if @text_transform label_width = rendered_width_of_string label_text label_width = label_min_width if label_min_width && label_min_width > label_width end end cpad = expand_padding_value @theme.admonition_padding lpad = (lpad = @theme.admonition_label_padding) ? (expand_padding_value lpad) : cpad arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if node.id theme_fill_and_stroke_block :admonition, extent if extent pad_box [0, cpad[1], 0, lpad[3]] do if extent label_height = extent.single_page_height || cursor if (rule_width = @theme.admonition_column_rule_width || 0) > 0 && (rule_color = resolve_theme_color :admonition_column_rule_color, @theme.base_border_color, nil) rule_style = @theme.admonition_column_rule_style&.to_sym || :solid float do extent.each_page do |first_page, last_page| advance_page unless first_page rule_segment_height = start_cursor = cursor rule_segment_height -= last_page.cursor if last_page bounding_box [bounds.left, start_cursor], width: label_width + lpad[1], height: rule_segment_height do stroke_vertical_rule rule_color, at: bounds.right, line_style: rule_style, line_width: rule_width end end end end float do adjusted_font_size = nil bounding_box [bounds.left, cursor], width: label_width, height: label_height do if icons == 'font' # FIXME: we assume icon is square icon_size = fit_icon_to_bounds icon_size # NOTE: Prawn's vertical center is not reliable, so calculate it manually if label_valign == :center label_valign = :top if (vcenter_pos = (label_height - icon_size) * 0.5) > 0 move_down vcenter_pos end end icon icon_data[:name], valign: label_valign, align: label_text_align, color: (icon_data[:stroke_color] || font_color), size: icon_size elsif icons if (::Asciidoctor::Image.format icon_path) == 'svg' begin svg_obj = ::Prawn::SVG::Interface.new (::File.read icon_path, mode: 'r:UTF-8'), self, position: label_text_align, vposition: label_valign, width: label_width, height: label_height, fallback_font_name: fallback_svg_font_name, enable_web_requests: allow_uri_read ? (method :load_open_uri).to_proc : false, enable_file_requests_with_root: { base: (::File.dirname icon_path), root: @jail_dir }, cache_images: cache_uri svg_obj.resize height: label_height if svg_obj.document.sizing.output_height > label_height svg_obj.draw svg_obj.document.warnings.each do |icon_warning| log :warn, %(problem encountered in image: #{icon_path}; #{icon_warning}) end unless scratch? rescue log :warn, %(could not embed admonition icon image: #{icon_path}; #{$!.message}) icons = nil end else begin image_obj, image_info = ::File.open(icon_path, 'rb') {|fd| build_image_object fd } icon_aspect_ratio = image_info.width.fdiv image_info.height # NOTE: don't scale image up if smaller than label_width icon_width = [(to_pt image_info.width, :px), label_width].min if (icon_height = icon_width * (1 / icon_aspect_ratio)) > label_height icon_width *= label_height / icon_height end embed_image image_obj, image_info, width: icon_width, position: label_text_align, vposition: label_valign rescue log :warn, %(could not embed admonition icon image: #{icon_path}; #{$!.message}) icons = nil end end unless icons label_text = sanitize node.caption theme_font_cascade [:admonition_label, %(admonition_label_#{type})] do label_text = transform_text label_text, @text_transform if @text_transform # NOTE: make sure the textual label fits in space already reserved if (actual_label_width = rendered_width_of_string label_text) > label_width adjusted_font_size = font_size * label_width / actual_label_width end end redo end else # NOTE: the label must fit in the alotted space or it shows up on another page! # QUESTION: anyway to prevent text overflow in the case it doesn't fit? theme_font_cascade [:admonition_label, %(admonition_label_#{type})] do font_size adjusted_font_size if adjusted_font_size # NOTE: Prawn's vertical center is not reliable, so calculate it manually if label_valign == :center label_valign = :top if (vcenter_pos = (label_height - (height_of_typeset_text label_text, line_height: 1)) * 0.5) > 0 move_down vcenter_pos end end @text_transform = nil # already applied to label ink_prose label_text, align: label_text_align, valign: label_valign, line_height: 1, margin: 0, inline_format: false, # already replaced character references overflow: :shrink_to_fit, disable_wrap_by_char: true end end end end end pad_box [cpad[0], 0, cpad[2], label_width + lpad[1] + cpad[3]], node do ink_caption node, category: :admonition, labeled: false if node.title? theme_font :admonition do traverse node end end end end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end # QUESTION: can we avoid arranging fragments multiple times (conums & autofit) by eagerly preparing arranger? def convert_code node extensions = [] source_chunks = bg_color_override = font_color_override = adjusted_font_size = nil theme_font :code do # HACK: disable built-in syntax highlighter; must be done before calling node.content! if node.style == 'source' && (highlighter = (syntax_hl = node.document.syntax_highlighter)&.highlight? && syntax_hl.name) case highlighter when 'coderay' Helpers.require_library CodeRayRequirePath, 'coderay' unless defined? ::Asciidoctor::Prawn::CodeRayEncoder when 'pygments' Helpers.require_library PygmentsRequirePath, 'pygments.rb' unless defined? ::Pygments::Ext::BlockStyles when 'rouge' Helpers.require_library RougeRequirePath, 'rouge' unless defined? ::Rouge::Formatters::Prawn else highlighter = nil end saved_subs = (subs = node.subs).dup callouts_enabled = subs.include? :callouts highlight_idx = subs.index :highlight # NOTE: scratch? here only applies if listing block is nested inside another block if !highlighter || scratch? highlighter = nil if highlight_idx # switch the :highlight sub back to :specialcharacters subs[highlight_idx] = :specialcharacters else saved_subs = nil end source_string = guard_indentation node.content elsif highlight_idx # NOTE: the source highlighter logic below handles the highlight and callouts subs if (subs - [:highlight, :callouts]).empty? subs.clear # NOTE: indentation guards will be added by the source highlighter logic source_string = expand_tabs node.content else if callouts_enabled saved_lines = node.lines.dup subs.delete :callouts prev_subs = subs.dup subs.clear source_string, conum_mapping = extract_conums node.content node.lines.replace (source_string.split LF) subs.replace prev_subs callouts_enabled = false end subs[highlight_idx] = :specialcharacters # NOTE: indentation guards will be added by the source highlighter logic source_string = expand_tabs unescape_xml (sanitize node.content, compact: false) node.lines.replace saved_lines if saved_lines end else highlighter = saved_subs = nil source_string = guard_indentation node.content end else highlighter = nil source_string = guard_indentation node.content end case highlighter when 'coderay' source_string, conum_mapping = extract_conums source_string if callouts_enabled srclang = node.attr 'language', 'text' begin ::CodeRay::Scanners[(srclang = (srclang.start_with? 'html+') ? (srclang.slice 5, srclang.length).to_sym : srclang.to_sym)] rescue until ::LoadError === (cause ||= $!) || ::ArgumentError === cause raise $! unless (cause = cause.cause) end srclang = :text end fragments = (::CodeRay.scan source_string, srclang).to_prawn source_chunks = conum_mapping ? (restore_conums fragments, conum_mapping) : fragments when 'pygments' unless (style = (node.document.attr 'pygments-style')) && (::Pygments::Ext::BlockStyles.available? style) style = 'pastie' end # QUESTION: allow border color to be set by theme for highlighted block? pg_block_styles = ::Pygments::Ext::BlockStyles.for style bg_color_override = pg_block_styles[:background_color] font_color_override = pg_block_styles[:font_color] if source_string.empty? source_chunks = [] else lexer = (::Pygments::Lexer.find_by_alias node.attr 'language', 'text') || (::Pygments::Lexer.find_by_mimetype 'text/plain') lexer_opts = { nowrap: true, noclasses: true, stripnl: false, style: style } lexer_opts[:startinline] = !(node.option? 'mixed') if lexer.name == 'PHP' source_string, conum_mapping = extract_conums source_string if callouts_enabled # NOTE: highlight can return nil if something goes wrong; fallback to encoded source string if this happens result = (lexer.highlight source_string, options: lexer_opts) || (node.apply_subs source_string, [:specialcharacters]) if node.attr? 'highlight' if (highlight_lines = node.resolve_lines_to_highlight source_string, (node.attr 'highlight')).empty? highlight_lines = nil else pg_highlight_bg_color = pg_block_styles[:highlight_background_color] highlight_lines = {}.tap {|accum| highlight_lines.each {|linenum| accum[linenum] = pg_highlight_bg_color } } end end if (node.option? 'linenums') || (node.attr? 'linenums') linenums = (node.attr 'start', 1).to_i postprocess = true extensions << FormattedText::SourceWrap elsif conum_mapping || highlight_lines postprocess = true end fragments = text_formatter.format result fragments = restore_conums fragments, conum_mapping, linenums, highlight_lines if postprocess source_chunks = guard_indentation_in_fragments fragments end when 'rouge' formatter = (@rouge_formatter ||= ::Rouge::Formatters::Prawn.new theme: (node.document.attr 'rouge-style'), line_gap: @theme.code_line_gap, highlight_background_color: @theme.code_highlight_background_color) # QUESTION: allow border color to be set by theme for highlighted block? bg_color_override = formatter.background_color if source_string.empty? source_chunks = [] else if (node.option? 'linenums') || (node.attr? 'linenums') formatter_opts = { line_numbers: true, start_line: (node.attr 'start', 1).to_i } extensions << FormattedText::SourceWrap else formatter_opts = {} end if (srclang = node.attr 'language') if srclang.include? '?' if (lexer = ::Rouge::Lexer.find_fancy srclang)&.tag == 'php' && !(node.option? 'mixed') && !((lexer_opts = lexer.options).key? 'start_inline') lexer = lexer.class.new lexer_opts.merge 'start_inline' => true end elsif (lexer = ::Rouge::Lexer.find srclang)&.tag == 'php' && !(node.option? 'mixed') lexer = lexer.new start_inline: true end end lexer ||= ::Rouge::Lexers::PlainText source_string, conum_mapping = extract_conums source_string if callouts_enabled if (node.attr? 'highlight') && !(hl_lines = (node.resolve_lines_to_highlight source_string, (node.attr 'highlight'))).empty? formatter_opts[:highlight_lines] = {}.tap {|accum| hl_lines.each {|linenum| accum[linenum] = true } } end fragments = formatter.format (lexer.lex source_string), formatter_opts rescue [text: source_string] source_chunks = conum_mapping ? (restore_conums fragments, conum_mapping) : fragments end else # NOTE: only format if we detect a need (callouts or inline formatting) source_chunks = (XMLMarkupRx.match? source_string) ? (text_formatter.format source_string) : [text: source_string] end node.subs.replace saved_subs if saved_subs adjusted_font_size = ((node.option? 'autofit') || (node.document.attr? 'autofit-option')) ? (compute_autofit_font_size source_chunks, :code) : nil end caption_below = @theme.code_caption_end&.to_sym == :bottom arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if node.id tare_first_page_content_stream do theme_fill_and_stroke_block :code, extent, background_color: bg_color_override, caption_node: caption_below ? nil : node end pad_box @theme.code_padding, node do theme_font :code do typeset_formatted_text source_chunks, (calc_line_metrics @base_line_height), color: (font_color_override || @theme.code_font_color || @font_color), size: adjusted_font_size, bottom_gutter: @bottom_gutters[-1][node], extensions: extensions.empty? ? nil : extensions end end end # TODO: add protection against the bottom caption being widowed ink_caption node, category: :code, end: :bottom if caption_below theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end alias convert_listing convert_code alias convert_literal convert_code alias convert_listing_or_literal convert_code def convert_collapsible node id = node.id title = (collapsible_marker = %(\u25bc )) + (node.title? ? node.title : 'Details') indent_by = theme_font(:caption) { rendered_width_of_string collapsible_marker } if !at_page_top? && (id || (node.option? 'unbreakable')) arrange_block node do add_dest_for_block node if id tare_first_page_content_stream { ink_caption title } indent(indent_by) { traverse node } end else add_dest_for_block node if id tare_first_page_content_stream { ink_caption title } indent(indent_by) { traverse node } end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end def convert_example node return convert_collapsible node if node.option? 'collapsible' caption_bottom = @theme.example_caption_end&.to_sym == :bottom arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if node.id tare_first_page_content_stream do theme_fill_and_stroke_block :example, extent, caption_node: caption_bottom ? nil : node end pad_box @theme.example_padding, node do theme_font :example do traverse node end end end # TODO: add protection against the bottom caption being widowed ink_caption node, category: :example, end: :bottom if caption_bottom theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end def convert_open node return convert_abstract node if node.style == 'abstract' id = node.id has_title = node.title? if !at_page_top? && (has_title || id || (node.option? 'unbreakable')) arrange_block node do add_dest_for_block node if id tare_first_page_content_stream { ink_caption node, labeled: false } if has_title traverse node end else add_dest_for_block node if id ink_caption node, labeled: false if has_title traverse node end end def convert_quote_or_verse node category = node.context == :quote ? :quote : :verse # NOTE: b_width and b_left_width are mutually exclusive if (b_left_width = @theme[%(#{category}_border_left_width)]) && b_left_width > 0 b_left_width = nil unless (b_color = resolve_theme_color %(#{category}_border_color), @theme.base_border_color, nil) else b_left_width = nil b_width = nil if (b_width = @theme[%(#{category}_border_width)]) == 0 end if (attribution = node.attr 'attribution') # NOTE: temporary workaround to allow bare & to be used without having to wrap value in single quotes attribution = escape_amp attribution if attribution.include? '&' if (citetitle = node.attr 'citetitle')&.include? '&' citetitle = escape_amp citetitle end end arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if node.id tare_first_page_content_stream do theme_fill_and_stroke_block category, extent, border_width: b_width, caption_node: node end if extent && b_left_width float do extent.each_page do |first_page, last_page| advance_page unless first_page b_height = start_cursor = cursor b_height -= last_page.cursor if last_page bounding_box [bounds.left, start_cursor], width: bounds.width, height: b_height do stroke_vertical_rule b_color, line_width: b_left_width, at: b_left_width * 0.5 end end end end pad_box @theme[%(#{category}_padding)], (attribution ? nil : node) do theme_font category do if category == :quote traverse node else # :verse content = guard_indentation node.content ink_prose content, normalize: false, align: (resolve_text_align_from_role node.roles) || :left, hyphenate: true, margin_bottom: 0, bottom_gutter: (attribution ? nil : @bottom_gutters[-1][node]) end end if attribution theme_margin :block, :bottom theme_font %(#{category}_cite) do attribution_parts = citetitle ? [attribution, citetitle] : [attribution] ink_prose %(#{EmDash} #{attribution_parts.join ', '}), align: :left, normalize: false, margin_bottom: 0 end end end end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end alias convert_quote convert_quote_or_verse alias convert_verse convert_quote_or_verse def convert_sidebar node arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if node.id theme_fill_and_stroke_block :sidebar, extent if extent pad_box @theme.sidebar_padding, node do tare_first_page_content_stream do theme_font :sidebar_title do # QUESTION: should we allow margins of sidebar title to be customized? ink_prose node.title, align: (@theme.sidebar_title_text_align || @theme.heading_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym, margin_bottom: @theme.heading_margin_bottom, line_height: (@theme.heading_line_height || @theme.base_line_height) end end if node.title? theme_font :sidebar do traverse node end end end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end def convert_colist node if !at_page_top? && ((prev_context = node.previous_sibling&.context) == :listing || prev_context == :literal) margin_top @theme.callout_list_margin_top_after_code end add_dest_for_block node if node.id @list_numerals << 1 last_item = node.items[-1] item_spacing = @theme.callout_list_item_spacing || @theme.list_item_spacing item_opts = { margin_bottom: item_spacing, normalize_line_height: true } if (item_text_align = (resolve_text_align_from_role node.roles) || @theme.list_text_align&.to_sym) item_opts[:align] = item_text_align end theme_font :callout_list do line_metrics = theme_font(:conum) { calc_line_metrics @base_line_height } node.items.each do |item| allocate_space_for_list_item line_metrics item_opts[:margin_bottom] = 0 if item == last_item convert_colist_item item, item_opts end end @list_numerals.pop theme_margin :prose, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end def convert_colist_item node, opts marker_width = nil @list_numerals << (index = @list_numerals.pop).next theme_font :conum do marker_width = rendered_width_of_string %(#{marker = conum_glyph index}x) float do bounding_box [bounds.left, cursor], width: marker_width do ink_prose marker, align: :center, inline_format: false, margin: 0 end end end indent marker_width do traverse_list_item node, :colist, opts end end def convert_dlist node add_dest_for_block node if node.id case (style = node.style) when 'unordered', 'ordered' if style == 'unordered' list_style = :ulist (markers = @list_bullets) << :disc else list_style = :olist (markers = @list_numerals) << 1 end list = List.new node.parent, list_style stack_subject = node.has_role? 'stack' subject_stop = node.attr 'subject-stop', (stack_subject ? nil : ':') node.items.each do |subjects, dd| subject = (Array subjects).first.text if dd list_item_text = %(+++#{subject}#{(StopPunctRx.match? sanitize subject) ? '' : subject_stop}#{dd.text? ? "#{stack_subject ? '
' : ' '}#{dd.text}" : ''}+++) list_item = ListItem.new list, list_item_text dd.blocks.each {|it| list_item << it } if dd.blocks? else list_item = ListItem.new list, %(+++#{subject}+++) end list << list_item end convert_list list markers.pop when 'horizontal' table_data = [] term_padding = term_padding_no_blocks = term_font_color = term_transform = desc_padding = term_line_metrics = term_inline_format = term_kerning = nil max_term_width = 0 theme_font :description_list_term do term_font_color = @font_color term_transform = @text_transform term_inline_format = (term_font_styles = font_styles).empty? ? true : [inherited: { styles: term_font_styles }] term_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @base_line_height term_padding_no_blocks = [term_line_metrics.padding_top, 10, term_line_metrics.padding_bottom, 10] (term_padding = term_padding_no_blocks.dup)[2] += @theme.prose_margin_bottom * 0.5 desc_padding = [0, 10, 0, 10] term_kerning = default_kerning? end actual_node, node = node, node.dup (node.instance_variable_set :@blocks, node.items.map(&:dup)).each do |item| terms, desc = item term_text = terms.map(&:text).join ?\n term_text = transform_text term_text, term_transform if term_transform if (term_width = width_of term_text, inline_format: term_inline_format, kerning: term_kerning) > max_term_width max_term_width = term_width end row_data = [{ text_color: term_font_color, kerning: term_kerning, content: term_text, inline_format: term_inline_format, padding: desc&.blocks? ? term_padding : term_padding_no_blocks, leading: term_line_metrics.leading, # FIXME: prawn-table doesn't have support for final_gap option #final_gap: term_line_metrics.final_gap, valign: :top, }] if desc desc_container = Block.new node, :open desc_container << (Block.new desc_container, :paragraph, source: (desc.instance_variable_get :@text), subs: :default) if desc.text? desc.blocks.each {|b| desc_container << b.dup } if desc.blocks? row_data << { content: (::Prawn::Table::Cell::AsciiDoc.new self, content: (item[1] = desc_container), text_color: @font_color, padding: desc_padding, valign: :top) } else row_data << {} end table_data << row_data end max_term_width += (term_padding[1] + term_padding[3]) term_column_width = [max_term_width, bounds.width * 0.5].min table table_data, position: :left, column_widths: [term_column_width] do cells.style border_width: 0 @pdf.ink_table_caption node if node.title? end theme_margin :prose, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block actual_node) #unless actual_node.nested? when 'qanda' @list_numerals << 1 convert_list node @list_numerals.pop else # TODO: check if we're within one line of the bottom of the page # and advance to the next page if so (similar to logic for section titles) ink_caption node, category: :description_list, labeled: false if node.title? term_spacing = @theme.description_list_term_spacing term_height = theme_font(:description_list_term) { height_of_typeset_text 'A' } prose_height = height_of_typeset_text 'A' node.items.each do |terms, desc| advance_page if !at_page_top? && cursor < (nlines = terms.size + (desc && desc.text? ? 1 : 0)) * term_height + (nlines - 1) * term_spacing + (desc && !desc.text? && desc.blocks? ? term_spacing + prose_height : 0) theme_font :description_list_term do if (term_font_styles = font_styles).empty? term_font_styles = nil end terms.each_with_index do |term, idx| # QUESTION: should we pass down styles in other calls to ink_prose ink_prose term.text, margin_top: (idx > 0 ? term_spacing : 0), margin_bottom: 0, align: :left, normalize_line_height: true, styles: term_font_styles end end indent @theme.description_list_description_indent do #margin_bottom (desc.simple? ? @theme.list_item_spacing : term_spacing) margin_bottom term_spacing traverse_list_item desc, :dlist_desc, normalize_line_height: true, margin_bottom: ((next_enclosed_block desc, descend: true) ? nil : 0) end if desc end theme_margin :prose, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) unless node.nested? end end def convert_olist node add_dest_for_block node if node.id # TODO: move list_numeral resolve to a method case node.style when 'decimal' list_numeral = 1 when 'loweralpha' list_numeral = 'a' when 'upperalpha' list_numeral = 'A' when 'lowerroman' list_numeral = RomanNumeral.new 'i', :lower when 'upperroman' list_numeral = RomanNumeral.new 'I', :upper when 'lowergreek' list_numeral = LowercaseGreekA when 'unstyled', 'unnumbered', 'no-bullet' list_numeral = nil when 'none' list_numeral = '' else # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicateBranch list_numeral = 1 end if !list_numeral.nil_or_empty? && (start = (node.attr 'start') || ((node.option? 'reversed') ? node.items.size : nil)) if (start = start.to_i) > 1 (start - 1).times { list_numeral = list_numeral.next } elsif start < 1 && !(::String === list_numeral) (start - 1).abs.times { list_numeral = list_numeral.pred } end end @list_numerals << list_numeral convert_list node @list_numerals.pop end def convert_ulist node add_dest_for_block node if node.id # TODO: move bullet_type to method on List (or helper method) if node.option? 'checklist' @list_bullets << :checkbox else if (style = node.style) case style when 'bibliography' bullet_type = :square when 'unstyled', 'no-bullet' bullet_type = nil else if Bullets.key? (candidate = style.to_sym) bullet_type = candidate else log :warn, %(unknown unordered list style: #{candidate}) bullet_type = :disc end end else case node.list_level when 1 bullet_type = :disc when 2 bullet_type = :circle else bullet_type = :square end end @list_bullets << bullet_type end convert_list node @list_bullets.pop end def convert_list node # TODO: check if we're within one line of the bottom of the page # and advance to the next page if so (similar to logic for section titles) ink_caption node, category: :list, labeled: false if node.title? opts = {} if (text_align = resolve_text_align_from_role node.roles) opts[:align] = text_align elsif node.style == 'bibliography' opts[:align] = :left elsif (text_align = @theme.list_text_align&.to_sym) # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicateBranch # NOTE: theme setting only affects alignment of list text (not nested blocks) opts[:align] = text_align end line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @base_line_height #complex = false # ...or if we want to give all items in the list the same treatment #complex = node.items.any(&:compound?) if (node.context == :ulist && !@list_bullets[-1]) || (node.context == :olist && !@list_numerals[-1]) if node.style == 'unstyled' # unstyled takes away all indentation list_indent = 0 elsif (list_indent = @theme.list_indent) > 0 # no-bullet aligns text with left-hand side of bullet position (as though there's no bullet) list_indent = [list_indent - (rendered_width_of_string %(#{node.context == :ulist ? ?\u2022 : '1.'}x)), 0].max end else list_indent = @theme.list_indent end indent list_indent do node.items.each do |item| allocate_space_for_list_item line_metrics convert_list_item item, node, opts end end theme_margin :prose, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) unless node.nested? end def convert_list_item node, list, opts = {} # TODO: move this to a draw_bullet (or draw_marker) method marker_style = {} marker_style[:font_color] = @theme.list_marker_font_color || @font_color marker_style[:font_family] = font_family marker_style[:font_size] = font_size marker_style[:line_height] = @base_line_height case (list_type = list.context) when :dlist # NOTE: list.style is always 'qanda' junction = node[1] @list_numerals << (index = @list_numerals.pop).next marker = %(#{index}.) when :olist junction = node if (index = @list_numerals.pop) if index == '' marker = '' else marker = node.parent.style == 'decimal' && index.abs < 10 ? %(#{index < 0 ? '-' : ''}0#{index.abs}.) : %(#{index}.) dir = (node.parent.option? 'reversed') ? :pred : :next @list_numerals << (index.public_send dir) [:font_color, :font_family, :font_size, :font_style, :line_height].each do |prop| marker_style[prop] = @theme[%(olist_marker_#{prop})] || marker_style[prop] end end end else # :ulist junction = node if (marker_type = @list_bullets[-1]) if marker_type == :checkbox # QUESTION: should we remove marker indent if not a checkbox? if node.attr? 'checkbox' marker_type = (node.attr? 'checked') ? :checked : :unchecked marker = @theme[%(ulist_marker_#{marker_type}_content)] || BallotBox[marker_type] end else marker = @theme[%(ulist_marker_#{marker_type}_content)] || Bullets[marker_type] end [:font_color, :font_family, :font_size, :font_style, :line_height].each do |prop| marker_style[prop] = @theme[%(ulist_marker_#{marker_type}_#{prop})] || @theme[%(ulist_marker_#{prop})] || marker_style[prop] end if marker end end if marker if marker_style[:font_family] == 'fa' log :info, 'deprecated fa icon set found in theme; use fas, far, or fab instead' marker_style[:font_family] = FontAwesomeIconSets.find {|candidate| (icon_font_data candidate).yaml[candidate].value? marker } || 'fas' end marker_style[:font_style] &&= marker_style[:font_style].to_sym marker_gap = rendered_width_of_char 'x' font marker_style[:font_family], size: marker_style[:font_size], style: marker_style[:font_style] do marker_width = rendered_width_of_string marker # NOTE: compensate if character_spacing is not applied to first character # see https://github.com/prawnpdf/prawn/commit/c61c5d48841910aa11b9e3d6f0e01b68ce435329 character_spacing_correction = 0 character_spacing(-0.5) do character_spacing_correction = 0.5 if (rendered_width_of_char 'x', character_spacing: -0.5) == marker_gap end marker_height = height_of_typeset_text marker, line_height: marker_style[:line_height], single_line: true start_position = bounds.left - marker_width - marker_gap + character_spacing_correction float do advance_page if @media == 'prepress' && cursor < marker_height flow_bounding_box position: start_position, width: marker_width do ink_prose marker, align: :right, character_spacing: -0.5, color: marker_style[:font_color], inline_format: false, line_height: marker_style[:line_height], style: marker_style[:font_style], margin: 0, normalize: false, single_line: true end end end end opts = opts.merge margin_bottom: 0, normalize_line_height: true if junction if junction.compound? opts.delete :margin_bottom elsif next_enclosed_block junction, descend: true opts[:margin_bottom] = @theme.list_item_spacing end end traverse_list_item node, list_type, opts end def convert_image node, opts = {} target, image_format = (node.extend ::Asciidoctor::Image).target_and_format unless image_format == 'pdf' if (float_to = node.attr 'float') && ((BlockFloatNames.include? float_to) ? float_to : (float_to = nil)) alignment = float_to.to_sym elsif (alignment = node.attr 'align') alignment = (BlockAlignmentNames.include? alignment) ? alignment.to_sym : :left elsif !(alignment = node.roles.reverse.find {|role| BlockAlignmentNames.include? role }&.to_sym) alignment = @theme.image_align&.to_sym || :left end end if image_format == 'gif' && !(defined? ::GMagick::Image) log :warn, %(GIF image format not supported. Install the prawn-gmagick gem or convert #{target} to PNG.) image_path = nil elsif ::Base64 === target image_path = target elsif (image_path = resolve_image_path node, target, image_format, (opts.fetch :relative_to_imagesdir, true)) if image_format == 'pdf' if ::File.readable? image_path if (replace = page.empty?) && ((parent = node.parent).attr? 'pdf-page-start', page_number) && (parent.attr? 'pdf-anchor') replace_parent = parent end if (id = node.id) || replace_parent add_dest_block = proc do node_dest = dest_top if id node.set_attr 'pdf-destination', node_dest add_dest id, node_dest end if replace_parent replace_parent.set_attr 'pdf-destination', node_dest add_dest (replace_parent.attr 'pdf-anchor'), node_dest end end end # NOTE: import_page automatically advances to next page afterwards if (pgnums = node.attr 'pages') (resolve_pagenums pgnums).each_with_index do |pgnum, idx| if idx == 0 import_page image_path, page: pgnum, replace: replace, &add_dest_block else import_page image_path, page: pgnum, replace: true end end else import_page image_path, page: [(node.attr 'page', nil, 1).to_i, 1].max, replace: replace, &add_dest_block end return else log :warn, %(pdf to insert not found or not readable: #{image_path}) image_path = nil end elsif !(::File.readable? image_path) log :warn, %(image to embed not found or not readable: #{image_path}) image_path = nil end end return on_image_error :missing, node, target, (opts.merge align: alignment) unless image_path # TODO: support cover (aka canvas) image layout using "canvas" (or "cover") role case (width = resolve_explicit_width node.attributes, bounds_width: (available_w = bounds.width), support_vw: true, use_fallback: true, constrain_to_bounds: true) when ViewportWidth # TODO: add `to_pt page_width` method to ViewportWidth type width = page_width * (width.to_f / 100) when ImageWidth scale = width.to_f / 100 width = nil end caption_end = @theme.image_caption_end&.to_sym || :bottom caption_max_width = @theme.image_caption_max_width caption_max_width = 'fit-content' if float_to && !(caption_max_width&.start_with? 'fit-content') # NOTE: if width is not set explicitly and max-width is fit-content, caption height may not be accurate caption_h = node.title? ? (ink_caption node, category: :image, end: caption_end, block_align: alignment, block_width: width, max_width: caption_max_width, dry_run: true, force_top_margin: caption_end == :bottom) : 0 align_to_page = node.option? 'align-to-page' pinned = opts[:pinned] begin rendered_h = rendered_w = nil span_page_width_if align_to_page do if image_format == 'svg' if ::Base64 === image_path svg_data = ::Base64.decode64 image_path file_request_root = false else svg_data = ::File.read image_path, mode: 'r:UTF-8' file_request_root = { base: (::File.dirname image_path), root: @jail_dir } end svg_obj = ::Prawn::SVG::Interface.new svg_data, self, width: width, fallback_font_name: fallback_svg_font_name, enable_web_requests: allow_uri_read ? (method :load_open_uri).to_proc : false, enable_file_requests_with_root: file_request_root, cache_images: cache_uri rendered_w = (svg_size = svg_obj.document.sizing).output_width if scale svg_size = svg_obj.resize width: (rendered_w = [available_w, rendered_w * scale].min) elsif !width && (svg_obj.document.root.attributes.key? 'width') && rendered_w > available_w # NOTE: restrict width to available width (prawn-svg already coerces to pixels) svg_size = svg_obj.resize width: (rendered_w = available_w) end # NOTE: shrink image so it fits within available space; group image & caption if (rendered_h = svg_size.output_height) > (available_h = cursor - caption_h) unless pinned || at_page_top? advance_page available_h = cursor - caption_h end rendered_w = (svg_obj.resize height: (rendered_h = available_h)).output_width if rendered_h > available_h end add_dest_for_block node if node.id # NOTE: workaround to fix Prawn not adding fill and stroke commands on page that only has an image; # breakage occurs when running content (stamps) are added to page update_colors if graphic_state.color_space.empty? ink_caption node, category: :image, end: :top, block_align: alignment, block_width: rendered_w, max_width: caption_max_width if caption_end == :top && node.title? image_y = y # NOTE: prawn-svg does not compute :at for alignment correctly in column box, so resort to our own logic case alignment when :center left = bounds.left + (available_w - rendered_w) * 0.5 when :right left = bounds.left + available_w - rendered_w else left = bounds.left end svg_obj.options[:at] = [left, (image_cursor = cursor)] svg_obj.draw # NOTE: cursor advances automatically svg_obj.document.warnings.each do |img_warning| log :warn, %(problem encountered in image: #{image_path}; #{img_warning}) end unless scratch? draw_image_border image_cursor, rendered_w, rendered_h, alignment unless pinned || (node.role? && (node.has_role? 'noborder')) if (link = node.attr 'link') add_link_to_image link, { width: rendered_w, height: rendered_h }, position: alignment, y: image_y end else # FIXME: this code really needs to be better organized! # NOTE: use low-level API to access intrinsic dimensions; build_image_object caches image data previously loaded image_obj, image_info = ::Base64 === image_path ? ::StringIO.open((::Base64.decode64 image_path), 'rb') {|fd| build_image_object fd } : ::File.open(image_path, 'rb') {|fd| build_image_object fd } actual_w = to_pt image_info.width, :px width = actual_w * scale if scale # NOTE: if width is not specified, scale native width & height from px to pt and restrict width to available width rendered_w, rendered_h = image_info.calc_image_dimensions width: (width || [available_w, actual_w].min) # NOTE: shrink image so it fits within available space; group image & caption if rendered_h > (available_h = cursor - caption_h) unless pinned || at_page_top? advance_page available_h = cursor - caption_h end rendered_w = (image_info.calc_image_dimensions height: (rendered_h = available_h))[0] if rendered_h > available_h end add_dest_for_block node if node.id # NOTE: workaround to fix Prawn not adding fill and stroke commands on page that only has an image; # breakage occurs when running content (stamps) are added to page update_colors if graphic_state.color_space.empty? ink_caption node, category: :image, end: :top, block_align: alignment, block_width: rendered_w, max_width: caption_max_width if caption_end == :top && node.title? image_y = y image_cursor = cursor # NOTE: specify both width and height to avoid recalculation embed_image image_obj, image_info, width: rendered_w, height: rendered_h, position: alignment draw_image_border image_cursor, rendered_w, rendered_h, alignment unless pinned || (node.role? && (node.has_role? 'noborder')) if (link = node.attr 'link') add_link_to_image link, { width: rendered_w, height: rendered_h }, position: alignment, y: image_y end # NOTE: Asciidoctor disables automatic advancement of cursor for raster images, so move cursor manually move_down rendered_h if y == image_y end end ink_caption node, category: :image, end: :bottom, block_align: alignment, block_width: rendered_w, max_width: caption_max_width if caption_end == :bottom && node.title? if !pinned && (block_next = next_enclosed_block node) if float_to && (supports_float_wrapping? block_next) && rendered_w < bounds.width init_float_box node, rendered_w, rendered_h + caption_h, float_to else theme_margin :block, :bottom, block_next end end rescue => e raise if ::StopIteration === e on_image_error :exception, node, target, (opts.merge align: alignment, message: %(could not embed image: #{image_path}; #{e.message}#{(recommend_prawn_gmagick? e, image_format) ? %(; install prawn-gmagick gem to add support for #{image_format&.upcase || 'unknown'} image format) : ''})) end end def convert_audio node add_dest_for_block node if node.id audio_path = node.media_uri node.attr 'target' play_symbol = (node.document.attr? 'icons', 'font') ? %(#{(icon_font_data 'fas').unicode 'play'}) : RightPointer ink_prose %(#{play_symbol}#{NoBreakSpace}#{audio_path} (audio)), normalize: false, margin: 0 ink_caption node, labeled: false, end: :bottom if node.title? theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end def convert_video node case (poster = node.attr 'poster') when 'youtube' video_path = %(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=#{video_id = node.attr 'target'}) # see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068344/how-do-i-get-a-youtube-video-thumbnail-from-the-youtube-api poster = allow_uri_read ? %(https://img.youtube.com/vi/#{video_id}/maxresdefault.jpg) : nil type = 'YouTube video' when 'vimeo' video_path = %(https://vimeo.com/#{video_id = node.attr 'target'}) if allow_uri_read poster = load_open_uri.open_uri(%(https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.xml?url=https%3A//vimeo.com/#{video_id}&width=1280), 'r') {|f| (VimeoThumbnailRx.match f.read)[1] } rescue nil else poster = nil end type = 'Vimeo video' else video_path = node.media_uri node.attr 'target' type = 'video' end if poster.nil_or_empty? add_dest_for_block node if node.id play_symbol = (node.document.attr? 'icons', 'font') ? %(#{(icon_font_data 'fas').unicode 'play'}) : RightPointer ink_prose %(#{play_symbol}#{NoBreakSpace}#{video_path} (#{type})), normalize: false, margin: 0 ink_caption node, labeled: false, end: :bottom if node.title? theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) else original_attributes = node.attributes.dup begin node.update_attributes 'target' => poster, 'link' => video_path convert_image node ensure node.attributes.replace original_attributes end end end # NOTE: to insert sequential page breaks, you must put {nbsp} between page breaks def convert_page_break node if (page_layout = node.attr 'page-layout').nil_or_empty? unless node.role? && (page_layout = (node.roles.map(&:to_sym) & PageLayouts)[-1]) page_layout = nil end elsif !(PageLayouts.include? (page_layout = page_layout.to_sym)) page_layout = nil end if at_page_top? && !(node.option? 'always') if page_layout && page_layout != page.layout && page.empty? delete_current_page advance_page layout: page_layout, margin: @page_margin[page_layout][page_side nil, @folio_placement[:inverted]] end elsif page_layout bounds.current_column = bounds.last_column if ColumnBox === bounds && !(node.has_role? 'column') advance_page layout: page_layout, margin: @page_margin[page_layout][page_side nil, @folio_placement[:inverted]] else bounds.current_column = bounds.last_column if ColumnBox === bounds && !(node.has_role? 'column') advance_page end end def convert_pass node theme_font :code do typeset_formatted_text [text: (guard_indentation node.content), color: @theme.base_font_color], (calc_line_metrics @base_line_height) end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end def convert_stem node arrange_block node do |extent| add_dest_for_block node if node.id tare_first_page_content_stream { theme_fill_and_stroke_block :code, extent, caption_node: node } pad_box @theme.code_padding, node do theme_font :code do typeset_formatted_text [text: (guard_indentation node.content), color: @font_color], (calc_line_metrics @base_line_height), bottom_gutter: @bottom_gutters[-1][node] end end end theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) end def convert_table node if !at_page_top? && ((unbreakable = node.option? 'unbreakable') || ((node.option? 'breakable') && (node.id || node.title?))) (table_container = Block.new (table_dup = node.dup), :open) << table_dup if unbreakable table_dup.remove_attr 'unbreakable-option' table_container.set_attr 'unbreakable-option' else table_dup.remove_attr 'breakable-option' end table_container.id, table_dup.id = table_dup.id, nil if table_dup.title? table_container.title = '' table_container.instance_variable_set :@converted_title, table_dup.captioned_title table_dup.title = nil end return convert_open table_container end add_dest_for_block node if node.id # TODO: we could skip a lot of the logic below when num_rows == 0 num_rows = node.attr 'rowcount' num_cols = node.columns.size table_header_size = false theme = @theme prev_font_scale, @font_scale = @font_scale, 1 if node.document.nested? tbl_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_background_color # QUESTION: should we fallback to page background color? (which is never transparent) #tbl_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_background_color, @page_bg_color # ...and if so, should we try to be helpful and use @page_bg_color for tables nested in blocks? #unless tbl_bg_color # tbl_bg_color = @page_bg_color unless [:section, :document].include? node.parent.context #end # NOTE: emulate table bg color by using it as a fallback value for each element head_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_head_background_color, tbl_bg_color foot_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_foot_background_color, tbl_bg_color body_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_body_background_color, tbl_bg_color body_stripe_bg_color = resolve_theme_color :table_body_stripe_background_color, tbl_bg_color base_header_cell_data = nil header_cell_line_metrics = nil body_cell_padding = expand_padding_value theme.table_cell_padding table_data = [] theme_font :table do head_rows = node.rows[:head] body_rows = node.rows[:body] #if (hrows = node.attr 'hrows') && (shift_rows = hrows.to_i - head_rows.size) > 0 # head_rows = head_rows.dup # body_rows = body_rows.dup # shift_rows.times { head_rows << body_rows.shift unless body_rows.empty? } #end theme_font :table_head do table_header_size = head_rows.size head_font_info = font_info head_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics theme.table_head_line_height || theme.table_cell_line_height || @base_line_height head_cell_padding = ((head_cell_padding = theme.table_head_cell_padding) ? (expand_padding_value head_cell_padding) : body_cell_padding).dup head_cell_padding[0] += head_line_metrics.padding_top head_cell_padding[2] += head_line_metrics.padding_bottom # QUESTION: why doesn't text transform inherit from table? head_transform = resolve_text_transform :table_head_text_transform, nil base_cell_data = { inline_format: [normalize: true], background_color: head_bg_color, text_color: @font_color, size: head_font_info[:size], font: head_font_info[:family], font_style: head_font_info[:style], kerning: default_kerning?, padding: head_cell_padding, leading: head_line_metrics.leading, # TODO: patch prawn-table to pass through final_gap option #final_gap: head_line_metrics.final_gap, } head_rows.each do |row| table_data << (row.map do |cell| cell_text = head_transform ? (transform_text cell.text.strip, head_transform) : cell.text.strip cell_text = hyphenate_text cell_text, @hyphenator if defined? @hyphenator base_cell_data.merge \ content: cell_text, colspan: cell.colspan || 1, align: (cell.attr 'halign').to_sym, valign: (val = cell.attr 'valign') == 'middle' ? :center : val.to_sym, source_location: cell.source_location end) end end unless head_rows.empty? base_cell_data = { font: (body_font_info = font_info)[:family], font_style: body_font_info[:style], size: body_font_info[:size], kerning: default_kerning?, text_color: @font_color, } body_cell_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics (theme.table_cell_line_height || @base_line_height) (body_rows + node.rows[:foot]).each do |row| table_data << (row.map do |cell| cell_data = base_cell_data.merge \ colspan: cell.colspan || 1, rowspan: cell.rowspan || 1, align: (cell.attr 'halign').to_sym, valign: (val = cell.attr 'valign') == 'middle' ? :center : val.to_sym, source_location: cell.source_location cell_line_metrics = body_cell_line_metrics case cell.style when :emphasis cell_data[:font_style] = :italic when :strong cell_data[:font_style] = :bold when :header unless base_header_cell_data theme_font_cascade [:table_head, :table_header_cell] do header_cell_font_info = font_info base_header_cell_data = { text_color: @font_color, font: header_cell_font_info[:family], size: header_cell_font_info[:size], font_style: header_cell_font_info[:style], text_transform: @text_transform, } header_cell_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @base_line_height end if (val = resolve_theme_color :table_header_cell_background_color, head_bg_color) base_header_cell_data[:background_color] = val end end cell_data.update base_header_cell_data cell_transform = cell_data.delete :text_transform cell_line_metrics = header_cell_line_metrics when :monospaced cell_data.delete :font_style cell_line_height = @base_line_height theme_font :codespan do mono_cell_font_info = font_info cell_data[:font] = mono_cell_font_info[:family] cell_data[:size] = mono_cell_font_info[:size] cell_data[:text_color] = @font_color cell_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics cell_line_height end when :literal # NOTE: we want the raw AsciiDoc in this case cell_data[:content] = guard_indentation cell.instance_variable_get :@text # NOTE: the absence of the inline_format option implies it's disabled cell_data.delete :font_style # QUESTION: should we introduce a dedicated category? theme_font :code do literal_cell_font_info = font_info cell_data[:font] = literal_cell_font_info[:family] cell_data[:size] = literal_cell_font_info[:size] * (cell_data[:size].to_f / @root_font_size) cell_data[:text_color] = @font_color cell_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @base_line_height end when :asciidoc cell_data.delete :kerning if theme.table_asciidoc_cell_style == 'initial' cell_data.delete :font cell_data.delete :font_style cell_data.delete :size cell_data.delete :text_color end # NOTE: line metrics get applied when AsciiDoc content is converted cell_line_metrics = nil asciidoc_cell = ::Prawn::Table::Cell::AsciiDoc.new self, (cell_data.merge content: cell.inner_document, padding: body_cell_padding, root_font_size: @root_font_size) cell_data = { content: asciidoc_cell, source_location: cell.source_location } end if cell_line_metrics cell_padding = body_cell_padding.dup cell_padding[0] += cell_line_metrics.padding_top cell_padding[2] += cell_line_metrics.padding_bottom cell_data[:leading] = cell_line_metrics.leading # TODO: patch prawn-table to pass through final_gap option #cell_data[:final_gap] = cell_line_metrics.final_gap cell_data[:padding] = cell_padding end unless cell_data.key? :content cell_text = cell.text.strip cell_text = transform_text cell_text, cell_transform if cell_transform cell_text = hyphenate_text cell_text, @hyphenator if defined? @hyphenator cell_text = cell_text.gsub CjkLineBreakRx, ZeroWidthSpace if @cjk_line_breaks if cell_text.include? DoubleLF # FIXME: hard breaks not quite the same result as separate paragraphs; need custom cell impl here cell_data[:content] = (cell_text.split BlankLineRx).map {|l| l.tr_s WhitespaceChars, ' ' }.join DoubleLF cell_data[:inline_format] = true else cell_data[:content] = cell_text cell_data[:inline_format] = [normalize: true] end end if node.document.attr? 'cellbgcolor' if (cell_bg_color = node.document.attr 'cellbgcolor') == 'transparent' cell_data[:background_color] = body_bg_color elsif (cell_bg_color.start_with? '#') && (HexColorRx.match? cell_bg_color) cell_data[:background_color] = cell_bg_color.slice 1, cell_bg_color.length end end cell_data end) end end # NOTE: Prawn crashes if table data is empty, so ensure there's at least one row if table_data.empty? log(:warn) { message_with_context 'no rows found in table', source_location: node.source_location } table_data << ::Array.new([node.columns.size, 1].max) { { content: '' } } end rect_side_names = [:top, :right, :bottom, :left] grid_axis_names = [:rows, :cols] border_color = (rect_side_names.zip expand_rect_values theme.table_border_color, 'transparent').to_h border_style = (rect_side_names.zip (expand_rect_values theme.table_border_style, :solid).map(&:to_sym)).to_h border_width = (rect_side_names.zip expand_rect_values theme.table_border_width, 0).to_h grid_color = (grid_axis_names.zip expand_grid_values (theme.table_grid_color || [border_color[:top], border_color[:left]]), 'transparent').to_h grid_style = (grid_axis_names.zip (expand_grid_values (theme.table_grid_style || [border_style[:top], border_style[:left]]), :solid).map(&:to_sym)).to_h grid_width = (grid_axis_names.zip expand_grid_values (theme.table_grid_width || [border_width[:top], border_width[:left]]), 0).to_h if table_header_size head_border_bottom_color = theme.table_head_border_bottom_color || grid_color[:rows] head_border_bottom_style = theme.table_head_border_bottom_style&.to_sym || grid_style[:rows] head_border_bottom_width = theme.table_head_border_bottom_width || (grid_width[:rows] * 2.5) end case (grid = node.attr 'grid', 'all', 'table-grid') when 'all' # keep inner borders when 'cols' grid_width[:rows] = 0 when 'rows' grid_width[:cols] = 0 else # none grid_width[:rows] = grid_width[:cols] = 0 end case (frame = node.attr 'frame', 'all', 'table-frame') when 'all' # keep outer borders when 'topbot', 'ends' border_width[:left] = border_width[:right] = 0 when 'sides' border_width[:top] = border_width[:bottom] = 0 else # none border_width[:top] = border_width[:right] = border_width[:bottom] = border_width[:left] = 0 end if node.option? 'autowidth' table_width = (node.attr? 'width') ? bounds.width * ((node.attr 'tablepcwidth') / 100.0) : (((node.has_role? 'stretch')) ? bounds.width : nil) column_widths = [] else table_width = bounds.width * ((node.attr 'tablepcwidth') / 100.0) column_widths = node.columns.map {|col| ((col.attr 'colpcwidth') * table_width) / 100.0 } end if ((alignment = node.attr 'align') && (BlockAlignmentNames.include? alignment)) || (alignment = (node.roles & BlockAlignmentNames)[-1]) alignment = alignment.to_sym else alignment = theme.table_align&.to_sym || :left end caption_end = theme.table_caption_end&.to_sym || :top caption_max_width = theme.table_caption_max_width || 'fit-content' table_settings = { header: table_header_size, # NOTE: position is handled by this method position: :left, # NOTE: the border color, style, and width of the outer frame is set in the table callback block width: table_width, column_widths: column_widths, } cell_style = { border_color: grid_color.values, border_lines: grid_style.values, border_width: grid_width.values } # QUESTION: should we support nth; should we support sequence of roles? case node.attr 'stripes', nil, 'table-stripes' when 'all' table_settings[:row_colors] = [body_stripe_bg_color] when 'even' table_settings[:row_colors] = [body_bg_color, body_stripe_bg_color] when 'odd' table_settings[:row_colors] = [body_stripe_bg_color, body_bg_color] else # none table_settings[:row_colors] = [body_bg_color] end left_padding = right_padding = nil table table_data, table_settings do # NOTE: cell_style must be applied manually to be compatible with both prawn-table 0.2.2 and prawn-table 0.2.3 cells.style cell_style @column_widths = column_widths unless column_widths.empty? # NOTE: call width to capture resolved table width table_width = width @pdf.ink_table_caption node, alignment, table_width, caption_max_width if node.title? && caption_end == :top # NOTE: align using padding instead of bounding_box as prawn-table does # using a bounding_box across pages mangles the margin box of subsequent pages if alignment != :left && table_width != (this_bounds = @pdf.bounds).width if alignment == :center left_padding = right_padding = (this_bounds.width - width) * 0.5 this_bounds.add_left_padding left_padding this_bounds.add_right_padding right_padding else # :right left_padding = this_bounds.width - width this_bounds.add_left_padding left_padding end end if grid == 'none' && frame == 'none' (rows table_header_size - 1).tap do |r| r.border_bottom_color = head_border_bottom_color r.border_bottom_line = head_border_bottom_style r.border_bottom_width = head_border_bottom_width end if table_header_size else # apply the grid setting first across all cells cells.border_width = [grid_width[:rows], grid_width[:cols], grid_width[:rows], grid_width[:cols]] if table_header_size (rows table_header_size - 1).tap do |r| r.border_bottom_color = head_border_bottom_color r.border_bottom_line = head_border_bottom_style r.border_bottom_width = head_border_bottom_width end (rows table_header_size).tap do |r| r.border_top_color = head_border_bottom_color r.border_top_line = head_border_bottom_style r.border_top_width = head_border_bottom_width end if num_rows > table_header_size end # top edge of table (rows 0).tap do |r| r.border_top_color, r.border_top_line, r.border_top_width = border_color[:top], border_style[:top], border_width[:top] end # right edge of table (columns num_cols - 1).tap do |r| r.border_right_color, r.border_right_line, r.border_right_width = border_color[:right], border_style[:right], border_width[:right] end # bottom edge of table (rows num_rows - 1).tap do |r| r.border_bottom_color, r.border_bottom_line, r.border_bottom_width = border_color[:bottom], border_style[:bottom], border_width[:bottom] end # left edge of table (columns 0).tap do |r| r.border_left_color, r.border_left_line, r.border_left_width = border_color[:left], border_style[:left], border_width[:left] end end # QUESTION: should cell padding be configurable for foot row cells? unless node.rows[:foot].empty? foot_row = row num_rows.pred foot_row.background_color = foot_bg_color # FIXME: find a way to do this when defining the cells foot_row.text_color = theme.table_foot_font_color if theme.table_foot_font_color foot_row.size = theme.table_foot_font_size if theme.table_foot_font_size foot_row.font = theme.table_foot_font_family if theme.table_foot_font_family foot_row.font_style = theme.table_foot_font_style.to_sym if theme.table_foot_font_style # HACK: we should do this transformation when creating the cell #if (foot_transform = resolve_text_transform :table_foot_text_transform, nil) # foot_row.each {|c| c.content = (transform_text c.content, foot_transform) if c.content } #end end end if left_padding bounds.subtract_left_padding left_padding bounds.subtract_right_padding right_padding if right_padding end ink_table_caption node, alignment, table_width, caption_max_width, caption_end if node.title? && caption_end == :bottom theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) rescue ::Prawn::Errors::CannotFit log :error, (message_with_context 'cannot fit contents of table cell into specified column width', source_location: node.source_location) ensure @font_scale = prev_font_scale if prev_font_scale end def convert_thematic_break node pad_box @theme.thematic_break_padding || [@theme.thematic_break_margin_top, 0] do if (b_color = resolve_theme_color :thematic_break_border_color) stroke_horizontal_rule b_color, line_width: @theme.thematic_break_border_width, line_style: (@theme.thematic_break_border_style&.to_sym || :solid) end end conceal_page_top { theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) } end def convert_toc node, opts = {} # NOTE: only allow document to have a single managed toc return if @toc_extent is_macro = (placement = opts[:placement] || 'macro') == 'macro' if ((doc = node.document).attr? 'toc-placement', placement) && (doc.attr? 'toc') && !(get_entries_for_toc doc).empty? start_toc_page node, placement if (is_book = doc.doctype == 'book') add_dest_for_block node, id: (node.id || 'toc') if is_macro toc_extent = @toc_extent = allocate_toc doc, (doc.attr 'toclevels', 2).to_i, cursor, (title_page_on = is_book || (doc.attr? 'title-page')) @index.start_page_number = toc_extent.to.page + 1 if title_page_on && @theme.page_numbering_start_at == 'after-toc' if is_macro @disable_running_content[:header] += toc_extent.page_range if node.option? 'noheader' @disable_running_content[:footer] += toc_extent.page_range if node.option? 'nofooter' end end nil end def traverse node, opts = {} # NOTE: need to reconfigure document to use scratch converter in scratch document if self == (prev_converter = node.document.converter) prev_converter = nil else node.document.instance_variable_set :@converter, self end if node.blocks? node.content elsif node.content_model != :compound && (string = node.content) prose_opts = opts.merge hyphenate: true, margin_bottom: 0 if (text_align = resolve_text_align_from_role node.roles) prose_opts[:align] = text_align end if (bottom_gutter = @bottom_gutters[-1][node]) prose_opts[:bottom_gutter] = bottom_gutter end ink_prose string, prose_opts end ensure node.document.instance_variable_set :@converter, prev_converter if prev_converter end def traverse_list_item node, list_type, opts = {} if list_type == :dlist # qanda terms, desc = node terms.each {|term| ink_prose %(#{term.text}), (opts.merge margin_bottom: @theme.description_list_term_spacing) } if desc ink_prose desc.text, (opts.merge hyphenate: true) if desc.text? traverse desc end else if (primary_text = node.text).nil_or_empty? ink_prose DummyText, opts unless node.blocks? else ink_prose primary_text, (opts.merge hyphenate: true) end traverse node end end def convert_inline_anchor node doc = node.document target = node.target case node.type when :link anchor = node.id ? %(#{DummyText}) : '' attrs = [] if (role = node.role) attrs << %( class="#{role}") end if (@media ||= doc.attr 'media', 'screen') != 'screen' && (target.start_with? 'mailto:') node.add_role 'bare' if (bare_target = target.slice 7, target.length) == (text = node.text) bare_target = target unless doc.attr? 'hide-uri-scheme' else bare_target = target text = node.text end if (role = node.attr 'role') && (role == 'bare' || (role.split.include? 'bare')) # QUESTION: should we insert breakable chars into URI when building fragment instead? %(#{anchor}#{breakable_uri text}) # NOTE: @media may not be initialized if method is called before convert phase elsif (doc.attr? 'show-link-uri') || (@media != 'screen' && (doc.attr_unspecified? 'show-link-uri')) # QUESTION: should we insert breakable chars into URI when building fragment instead? # TODO: allow style of printed link to be controlled by theme %(#{anchor}#{text} [#{breakable_uri bare_target}]) else %(#{anchor}#{text}) end when :xref # NOTE: non-nil path indicates this is an inter-document xref that's not included in current document if (path = node.attributes['path']) # NOTE: we don't use local as that doesn't work on the web %(#{node.text || path}) elsif (refid = node.attributes['refid']) if !(text = node.text) && AbstractNode === (ref = doc.catalog[:refs][refid]) && (@resolving_xref ||= (outer = true)) && outer if (text = ref.xreftext node.attr 'xrefstyle', nil, true)&.include? '#{DummyText}) end @resolving_xref = nil end %(#{anchor || ''}#{text || "[#{refid}]"}).gsub ']', ']' else %(#{node.text || '[^top]'}) end when :ref # NOTE: destination is created inside callback registered by FormattedTextTransform#build_fragment %(#{DummyText}) when :bibref id = node.id # NOTE: technically node.text should be node.reftext, but subs have already been applied to text reftext = (reftext = node.reftext) ? %([#{reftext}]) : %([#{id}]) reftext = %(#{reftext}) if @bibref_refs.include? id # NOTE: destination is created inside callback registered by FormattedTextTransform#build_fragment %(#{DummyText}#{reftext}) else log :warn, %(unknown anchor type: #{node.type.inspect}) nil end end def convert_inline_break node %(#{node.text}
) end def convert_inline_button node %() end def convert_inline_callout node result = (conum_font_family = @theme.conum_font_family) == font_name ? (conum_glyph node.text.to_i) : %(#{conum_glyph node.text.to_i}) if (conum_font_color = @theme.conum_font_color) # NOTE: CMYK value gets flattened here, but is restored by formatted text parser result = %(#{result}) end result end def convert_inline_footnote node if (index = node.attr 'index') && (fn = node.document.footnotes.find {|candidate| candidate.index == index }) anchor = node.type == :xref ? '' : %(#{DummyText}) if defined? @rendered_footnotes label = (@rendered_footnotes.include? fn) ? fn.label : (index - @rendered_footnotes.length) else label = index end %(#{anchor}[#{label}]) elsif node.type == :xref %([#{node.text}]) else log :warn, %(unknown footnote type: #{node.type.inspect}) nil end end def convert_inline_icon node if (icons = (doc = node.document).attr 'icons') == 'font' if (icon_name = node.target).include? '@' icon_name, icon_set = icon_name.split '@', 2 explicit_icon_set = true elsif (icon_set = node.attr 'set') explicit_icon_set = true else icon_set = doc.attr 'icon-set', 'fa' end if icon_set == 'fa' || !(IconSets.include? icon_set) icon_set = 'fa' # legacy name from Font Awesome < 5 if (remapped_icon_name = resolve_legacy_icon_name icon_name) requested_icon_name = icon_name icon_set, icon_name = remapped_icon_name.split '-', 2 glyph = (icon_font_data icon_set).unicode icon_name log(:info) { %(#{requested_icon_name} icon found in deprecated fa icon set; using #{icon_name} from #{icon_set} icon set instead) } # new name in Font Awesome >= 5 (but document is configured to use fa icon set) else font_data = nil if (resolved_icon_set = FontAwesomeIconSets.find {|candidate| (font_data = icon_font_data candidate).unicode icon_name rescue nil }) icon_set = resolved_icon_set glyph = font_data.unicode icon_name log(:info) { %(#{icon_name} icon not found in deprecated fa icon set; using match found in #{resolved_icon_set} icon set instead) } end end else glyph = (icon_font_data icon_set).unicode icon_name rescue nil end unless glyph || explicit_icon_set || !icon_name.start_with?(*IconSetPrefixes) icon_set, icon_name = icon_name.split '-', 2 glyph = (icon_font_data icon_set).unicode icon_name rescue nil end if glyph if node.attr? 'size' case (size = node.attr 'size') when 'lg' size_attr = ' size="1.333em"' when 'fw' size_attr = ' width="1em"' else size_attr = %( size="#{size.sub 'x', 'em'}") end else size_attr = '' end class_attr = node.role? ? %( class="#{node.role}") : '' # TODO: support rotate and flip attributes %(#{glyph}) else log :warn, %(#{icon_name} is not a valid icon name in the #{icon_set} icon set) %([#{node.attr 'alt'}]) end elsif icons image_path = ::File.absolute_path %(#{icon_name = node.target}.#{image_format = doc.attr 'icontype', 'png'}), (doc.attr 'iconsdir') if ::File.readable? image_path %(#{node.attr 'alt'}) else log :warn, %(image icon for '#{icon_name}' not found or not readable: #{image_path}) %([#{icon_name}]) end else %([#{node.attr 'alt'}]) end end def convert_inline_image node if node.type == 'icon' img = convert_inline_icon node else target, image_format = (node.extend ::Asciidoctor::Image).target_and_format if image_format == 'gif' && !(defined? ::GMagick::Image) log :warn, %(GIF image format not supported. Install the prawn-gmagick gem or convert #{target} to PNG.) img = %([#{node.attr 'alt'}]) # NOTE: an image with a data URI is handled using a temporary file elsif (image_path = resolve_image_path node, target, image_format) if ::File.readable? image_path class_attr = (role = node.role) ? %( class="#{role}") : '' fit_attr = (fit = node.attr 'fit') ? %( fit="#{fit}") : '' if (width = resolve_explicit_width node.attributes) if ImageWidth === width if state # check that converter is initialized width = (intrinsic_image_width image_path, image_format) * (width.to_f / 100) else width = %(auto*#{width}) end elsif node.parent.context == :table_cell && ::String === width && (width.end_with? '%') width += (intrinsic_image_width image_path, image_format).to_s end width_attr = %( width="#{width}") elsif state # check that converter is initialized width_attr = %( width="#{intrinsic_image_width image_path, image_format}") else width_attr = ' width="auto"' # defer operation until arranger runs end img = %(#{encode_quotes node.attr 'alt'}) else log :warn, %(image to embed not found or not readable: #{image_path}) img = %([#{node.attr 'alt'}]) end else img = %([#{node.attr 'alt'}]) end end (node.attr? 'link') ? %(#{img}) : img end def convert_inline_indexterm node visible = node.type == :visible if scratch? visible ? node.text : '' else unless defined? @index # NOTE: initialize index and text formatter in case converter is called before PDF is initialized @index = IndexCatalog.new @text_formatter = FormattedText::Formatter.new theme: (load_theme node.document) end # NOTE: page number (:page key) is added by InlineDestinationMarker dest = { anchor: (anchor_name = @index.next_anchor_name) } anchor = %(#{DummyText}) if visible visible_term = node.text @index.store_primary_term (FormattedString.new parse_text visible_term, inline_format: [normalize: true]), dest %(#{anchor}#{visible_term}) else @index.store_term (node.attr 'terms').map {|term| FormattedString.new parse_text term, inline_format: [normalize: true] }, dest anchor end end end def convert_inline_kbd node if (keys = node.attr 'keys').size == 1 %(#{keys[0]}) else keys.map {|key| %(#{key}) }.join (load_theme node.document).kbd_separator end end def convert_inline_menu node menu = node.attr 'menu' caret = (load_theme node.document).menu_caret_content || %( \u203a ) if !(submenus = node.attr 'submenus').empty? %(#{[menu, *submenus, (node.attr 'menuitem')].join caret}) elsif (menuitem = node.attr 'menuitem') %(#{menu}#{caret}#{menuitem}) else %(#{menu}) end end def convert_inline_quoted node case node.type when :emphasis open, close, is_tag = ['', '', true] when :strong open, close, is_tag = ['', '', true] when :monospaced, :asciimath, :latexmath open, close, is_tag = ['', '', true] when :superscript open, close, is_tag = ['', '', true] when :subscript open, close, is_tag = ['', '', true] when :double open, close = (load_theme node.document).quotes.slice 0, 2 quotes = true when :single open, close = (load_theme node.document).quotes.slice 2, 2 quotes = true when :mark open, close, is_tag = ['', '', true] else open = close = '' end inner_text = node.text if quotes && (len = inner_text.length) > 3 && (inner_text.end_with? '...') && !((inner_text_trunc = inner_text.slice 0, len - 3).end_with? ?\\) inner_text = inner_text_trunc + '…' end if (roles = node.role) inner_text = inner_text.gsub DoubleSpaceRx, ' ' + ZeroWidthSpace if (node.has_role? 'pre-wrap') && (inner_text.include? DoubleSpace) quoted_text = is_tag ? %(#{open.chop} class="#{roles}">#{inner_text}#{close}) : %(#{open}#{inner_text}#{close}) else quoted_text = %(#{open}#{inner_text}#{close}) end # NOTE: destination is created inside callback registered by FormattedTextTransform#build_fragment node.id ? %(#{DummyText}#{quoted_text}) : quoted_text end # If an id is provided or the node passed as the first argument has an id, # add a named destination to the document equivalent to the node id at the # current y position. If the node does not have an id and an id is not # specified, do nothing. # # If the node is a section, and the current y position is the top of the # page, set the y position equal to the page height to improve the navigation # experience. If the current x position is at or inside the left margin, set # the x position equal to 0 (left edge of page) to improve the navigation # experience. def add_dest_for_block node, id: nil, y: nil if !scratch? && (id ||= node.id) dest_x = bounds.absolute_left.truncate 4 # QUESTION: when content is aligned to left margin, should we keep precise x value or just use 0? dest_x = 0 if dest_x <= page_margin_left unless (dest_y = y) dest_y = @y dest_y += [page_height - dest_y, -@theme.block_anchor_top.to_f].min end # TODO: find a way to store only the ref of the destination; look it up when we need it node.set_attr 'pdf-destination', (node_dest = (dest_xyz dest_x, dest_y)) add_dest id, node_dest end nil end def add_outline doc, num_levels, toc_page_nums, num_front_matter_pages, has_front_cover if ::String === num_levels if num_levels.include? ':' num_levels, expand_levels = num_levels.split ':', 2 num_levels = num_levels.empty? ? (doc.attr 'toclevels', 2).to_i : num_levels.to_i expand_levels = expand_levels.to_i else num_levels = expand_levels = num_levels.to_i end else expand_levels = num_levels end front_matter_counter = RomanNumeral.new 0, :lower pagenum_labels = {} num_front_matter_pages.times do |n| pagenum_labels[n] = { P: (::PDF::Core::LiteralString.new front_matter_counter.next!.to_s) } end # add labels for each content page, which is required for reader's page navigator to work correctly (num_front_matter_pages..(page_count - 1)).each_with_index do |n, i| pagenum_labels[n] = { P: (::PDF::Core::LiteralString.new (i + 1).to_s) } end unless toc_page_nums.none? || (toc_title = doc.attr 'toc-title').nil_or_empty? toc_section = insert_toc_section doc, toc_title, toc_page_nums end outline.define do initial_pagenum = has_front_cover ? 2 : 1 # FIXME: use sanitize: :plain_text on Document#doctitle once available if document.page_count >= initial_pagenum && (outline_title = doc.attr 'outline-title') && (outline_title.empty? ? (outline_title = document.resolve_doctitle doc) : outline_title) page title: (document.sanitize outline_title), destination: (document.dest_top initial_pagenum) end # QUESTION: is there any way to get add_outline_level to invoke in the context of the outline? document.add_outline_level self, doc.sections, num_levels, expand_levels end if doc.attr? 'outline' toc_section&.remove catalog.data[:PageLabels] = state.store.ref Nums: pagenum_labels.flatten primary_page_mode, secondary_page_mode = PageModes[(doc.attr 'pdf-page-mode') || @theme.page_mode] catalog.data[:PageMode] = primary_page_mode catalog.data[:NonFullScreenPageMode] = secondary_page_mode if secondary_page_mode nil end def add_outline_level outline, sections, num_levels, expand_levels sections.each do |sect| next if (num_levels_for_sect = (sect.attr 'outlinelevels', num_levels).to_i) < (level = sect.level) || ((sect.option? 'notitle') && sect == sect.document.last_child && sect.empty?) sect_title = sanitize sect.numbered_title formal: true sect_destination = sect.attr 'pdf-destination' if level < num_levels_for_sect && sect.sections? outline.section sect_title, destination: sect_destination, closed: expand_levels < 1 do add_outline_level outline, sect.sections, num_levels_for_sect, (expand_levels - 1) end else outline.page title: sect_title, destination: sect_destination end end end def apply_subs_discretely doc, value, opts = {} if (imagesdir = opts[:imagesdir]) imagesdir_to_restore = doc.attr 'imagesdir' doc.set_attr 'imagesdir', imagesdir remove_docimagesdir = doc.set_attr 'docimagesdir', (::File.absolute_path imagesdir_to_restore.to_s, (doc.attr 'docdir', '')), false end if (page_layout = opts[:page_layout]) page_layout_to_restore = doc.attr 'page-layout' doc.set_attr 'page-layout', page.layout.to_s end # FIXME: get sub_attributes to handle drop-line w/o a warning doc.set_attr 'attribute-missing', 'skip' unless (attribute_missing = doc.attr 'attribute-missing') == 'skip' value = value.gsub '\{', '\\\\\\{' if (escaped_attr_ref = value.include? '\{') value = (subs = opts[:subs]) ? (doc.apply_subs value, subs) : (doc.apply_subs value) value = (value.split LF).delete_if {|line| SimpleAttributeRefRx.match? line }.join LF if opts[:drop_lines_with_unresolved_attributes] && (value.include? '{') value = value.gsub '\{', '{' if escaped_attr_ref doc.set_attr 'attribute-missing', attribute_missing unless attribute_missing == 'skip' page_layout_to_restore ? (doc.set_attr 'page-layout', page_layout_to_restore) : (doc.remove_attr 'page-layout') if page_layout if imagesdir imagesdir_to_restore ? (doc.set_attr 'imagesdir', imagesdir_to_restore) : (doc.remove_attr 'imagesdir') doc.remove_attr 'docimagesdir' if remove_docimagesdir end value end # Position the cursor for where to ink the specified section title or discrete heading node. # # This method computes whether there's enough room on the page to prevent the specified node # from being orphaned. If there's not enough room, the method will advance the cursor to # the next page. This method is not called if the cursor is already at the top of the page or # whether this node has no node that follows it in document order. def arrange_heading node, title, opts if (min_height_after = @theme.heading_min_height_after) == 'auto' || (node.option? 'breakable') orphaned = nil doc = node.document dry_run single_page: true do push_scratch doc start_page = page theme_font :heading, level: opts[:level] do if opts[:part] ink_part_title node, title, opts elsif opts[:chapterlike] ink_chapter_title node, title, opts else ink_general_heading node, title, opts end end if page == start_page page.tare_content_stream orphaned = stop_if_first_page_empty { node.context == :section ? (traverse node) : (convert node.next_sibling) } end ensure pop_scratch doc end advance_page if orphaned else theme_font :heading, level: (hlevel = opts[:level]) do h_padding_t, h_padding_r, h_padding_b, h_padding_l = expand_padding_value @theme[%(heading_h#{hlevel}_padding)] h_fits = indent h_padding_l, h_padding_r do heading_h = (height_of_typeset_text title, inline_format: true, text_transform: @text_transform) + (@theme[%(heading_h#{hlevel}_margin_top)] || @theme.heading_margin_top) + (@theme[%(heading_h#{hlevel}_margin_bottom)] || @theme.heading_margin_bottom) + h_padding_t + h_padding_b heading_h += min_height_after if min_height_after && (node.context == :section ? node.blocks? : !node.last_child?) cursor >= heading_h end advance_page unless h_fits end end nil end # NOTE: only used when tabsize attribute is not specified # tabs must always be replaced with spaces in order for the indentation guards to work def expand_tabs string if string.nil_or_empty? '' elsif string.include? TAB full_tab_space = ' ' * (tab_size = 4) (string.split LF, -1).map do |line| if line.empty? || !(tab_idx = line.index TAB) line else if tab_idx == 0 leading_tabs = 0 line.each_byte do |b| break unless b == 9 leading_tabs += 1 end line = %(#{full_tab_space * leading_tabs}#{rest = line.slice leading_tabs, line.length}) next line unless rest.include? TAB end # keeps track of how many spaces were added to adjust offset in match data spaces_added = 0 idx = 0 result = '' line.each_char do |c| if c == TAB # calculate how many spaces this tab represents, then replace tab with spaces if (offset = idx + spaces_added) % tab_size == 0 spaces_added += (tab_size - 1) result += full_tab_space else unless (spaces = tab_size - offset % tab_size) == 1 spaces_added += (spaces - 1) end result += (' ' * spaces) end else result += c end idx += 1 end result end end.join LF else string end end # Extract callout marks from string, indexed by 0-based line number # Return an Array with the processed string as the first argument # and the mapping of lines to conums as the second. def extract_conums string conum_mapping = {} auto_num = 0 string = (string.split LF).map.with_index do |line, line_num| # FIXME: we get extra spaces before numbers if more than one on a line if line.include? '<' line = line.gsub CalloutExtractRx do # honor the escape if $1 == ?\\ $&.sub $1, '' else (conum_mapping[line_num] ||= []) << ($3 == '.' ? (auto_num += 1) : $3.to_i) '' end end # NOTE: use first position to store space that precedes conums if (conum_mapping.key? line_num) && (line.end_with? ' ') trimmed_line = line.rstrip conum_mapping[line_num].unshift line.slice trimmed_line.length, line.length line = trimmed_line end end line end.join LF conum_mapping = nil if conum_mapping.empty? [string, conum_mapping] end # Restore the conums into the Array of formatted text fragments #-- # QUESTION: can this be done more efficiently? # QUESTION: can we reuse arrange_fragments_by_line? def restore_conums fragments, conum_mapping, linenums = nil, highlight_lines = nil lines = [] line_num = 0 # reorganize the fragments into an array of lines fragments.each do |fragment| line = (lines[line_num] ||= []) if (text = fragment[:text]) == LF lines[line_num += 1] ||= [] elsif text.include? LF (text.split LF, -1).each_with_index do |line_in_fragment, idx| line = (lines[line_num += 1] ||= []) unless idx == 0 line << (fragment.merge text: line_in_fragment) unless line_in_fragment.empty? end else line << fragment end end conum_font_color = @theme.conum_font_color if (conum_font_name = @theme.conum_font_family) == font_name conum_font_name = nil end last_line_num = lines.size - 1 if linenums pad_size = (last_line_num + 1).to_s.length linenum_color = @theme.code_linenum_font_color end # append conums to appropriate lines, then flatten to an array of fragments lines.flat_map.with_index do |line, cur_line_num| last_line = cur_line_num == last_line_num visible_line_num = cur_line_num + (linenums || 1) if highlight_lines && (highlight_bg_color = highlight_lines[visible_line_num]) line.unshift text: DummyText, background_color: highlight_bg_color, highlight: true, inline_block: true, extend: true, width: 0, callback: [FormattedText::TextBackgroundAndBorderRenderer] end line.unshift text: %(#{visible_line_num.to_s.rjust pad_size} ), linenum: visible_line_num, color: linenum_color if linenums if conum_mapping && (conums = conum_mapping.delete cur_line_num) line << { text: conums.shift } if ::String === conums[0] conum_text = conums.map {|num| conum_glyph num }.join ' ' conum_fragment = { text: conum_text } conum_fragment[:color] = conum_font_color if conum_font_color conum_fragment[:font] = conum_font_name if conum_font_name line << conum_fragment end line << { text: LF } unless last_line line end end def fallback_svg_font_name @theme.svg_fallback_font_family || @theme.svg_font_family || @theme.base_font_family end # Add an indentation guard at the start of indented lines. # Expand tabs to spaces if tabs are present def guard_indentation string unless (string = expand_tabs string).empty? string[0] = GuardedIndent if string.start_with? ' ' string.gsub! InnerIndent, GuardedInnerIndent if string.include? InnerIndent end string end def guard_indentation_in_fragments fragments start_of_line = true fragments.each do |fragment| next if (text = fragment[:text]).empty? if start_of_line && (text.start_with? ' ') fragment[:text] = GuardedIndent + (((text = text.slice 1, text.length).include? InnerIndent) ? (text.gsub InnerIndent, GuardedInnerIndent) : text) elsif text.include? InnerIndent fragment[:text] = text.gsub InnerIndent, GuardedInnerIndent end start_of_line = text.end_with? LF end fragments end def height_of_typeset_text string, opts = {} if (transform = opts[:text_transform]) string = transform_text string, transform end if (inline_format = opts[:inline_format]) && (InlineFormatSniffRx.match? string) fragments = parse_text string, inline_format: inline_format else fragments = [{ text: string }] end line_metrics = (calc_line_metrics opts[:line_height] || @base_line_height) (height_of_formatted fragments, leading: line_metrics.leading, final_gap: line_metrics.final_gap) + line_metrics.padding_top + (opts[:single_line] ? 0 : line_metrics.padding_bottom) end # Render the caption in the current document. If the dry_run option is true, return the height. # # The subject argument can either be a String or an AbstractNode. If # subject is an AbstractNode, only call this method if the node has a # title (i.e., subject.title? returns true). def ink_caption subject, opts = {} if opts.delete :dry_run return (dry_run keep_together: true, single_page: :enforce do if opts.delete :force_top_margin conceal_page_top { ink_caption subject, opts } else ink_caption subject, opts end end).single_page_height end if ::Asciidoctor::AbstractBlock === subject string = (opts.delete :labeled) == false ? subject.title : subject.captioned_title else string = subject.to_s end block_align = opts.delete :block_align block_width = opts.delete :block_width category_caption = (category = opts[:category]) ? %(#{category}_caption) : 'caption' caption_margin_outside = @theme[%(#{category_caption}_margin_outside)] || @theme.caption_margin_outside caption_margin_inside = @theme[%(#{category_caption}_margin_inside)] || @theme.caption_margin_inside container_width = bounds.width indent_by = [0, 0] if (align = @theme[%(#{category_caption}_align)] || @theme.caption_align) align = align == 'inherit' ? (block_align || @base_text_align.to_sym) : align.to_sym else align = @base_text_align.to_sym end if (text_align = @theme[%(#{category_caption}_text_align)] || @theme.caption_text_align) text_align = text_align == 'inherit' ? align : text_align.to_sym else text_align = align end if (max_width = opts.delete :max_width) && max_width != 'none' if ::String === max_width if max_width.start_with? 'fit-content' block_width ||= container_width unless max_width.end_with? 't', '()' max_width = block_width * (max_width.slice 12, max_width.length - 1).to_f / 100.0 if (caption_width_delta = block_width - max_width) > 0 case align when :right indent_by[0] += caption_width_delta when :center indent_by[0] += caption_width_delta * 0.5 indent_by[1] += caption_width_delta * 0.5 else # :left, nil indent_by[1] += caption_width_delta end end end max_width = block_width elsif max_width.end_with? '%' max_width = [max_width.to_f / 100 * bounds.width, bounds.width].min block_align = align else max_width = [max_width.to_f, bounds.width].min block_align = align end else max_width = [max_width, bounds.width].min block_align = align end if (remainder = container_width - max_width) > 0 case block_align when :right indent_by[0] += remainder when :center indent_by[0] += remainder * 0.5 indent_by[1] += remainder * 0.5 else # :left, nil indent_by[1] += remainder end end end theme_font_cascade ['caption', category_caption] do if ((opts.delete :end) || (opts.delete :side) || :top) == :top margin = { top: caption_margin_outside, bottom: caption_margin_inside } else margin = { top: caption_margin_inside, bottom: caption_margin_outside } end unless (inherited = apply_text_decoration [], :caption).empty? opts = opts.merge inherited end unless scratch? || !(bg_color = @theme[%(#{category_caption}_background_color)] || @theme.caption_background_color) caption_height = height_of_typeset_text string, inline_format: true, text_transform: @text_transform fill_at = [bounds.left, cursor] fill_at[1] -= (margin[:top] || 0) unless at_page_top? float { bounding_box(fill_at, width: container_width, height: caption_height) { fill_bounds bg_color } } end indent(*indent_by) do ink_prose string, ({ margin_top: margin[:top], margin_bottom: margin[:bottom], align: text_align, normalize: false, normalize_line_height: true, hyphenate: true, }.merge opts) end end nil end # Render the caption for a table and return the height of the rendered content def ink_table_caption node, table_alignment = :left, table_width = nil, max_width = nil, end_ = :top ink_caption node, category: :table, end: end_, block_align: table_alignment, block_width: table_width, max_width: max_width end def ink_chapter_title node, title, opts = {} ink_general_heading node, title, (opts.merge outdent: true) end alias ink_part_title ink_chapter_title def ink_cover_page doc, face image_path, image_opts = resolve_background_image doc, @theme, %(#{face}-cover-image), theme_key: %(cover_#{face}_image).to_sym, symbolic_paths: ['', '~'] if image_path if image_path.empty? go_to_page page_count if face == :back start_new_page_discretely # NOTE: open graphics state to prevent page from being reused open_graphics_state if face == :front return elsif image_path == '~' @page_margin[:cover] = @page_margin[page.layout][:recto] if @media == 'prepress' return end go_to_page page_count if face == :back if image_opts[:format] == 'pdf' import_page image_path, (image_opts.merge advance: face != :back, advance_if_missing: false) else begin image_page image_path, image_opts rescue log :warn, %(could not embed #{face} cover image: #{image_path}; #{$!.message}) end end end end # QUESTION: if a footnote ref appears in a separate chapter, should the footnote def be duplicated? def ink_footnotes node return if (fns = (doc = node.document).footnotes - @rendered_footnotes).empty? theme_margin :block, :bottom if node.context == :document || node == node.document.last_child theme_margin :footnotes, :top unless (valign_bottom = @theme.footnotes_margin_top == 'auto') with_dry_run do |extent| if valign_bottom && (single_page_height = extent&.single_page_height) && (delta = cursor - single_page_height - 0.0001) > 0 move_down delta end theme_font :footnotes do (title = doc.attr 'footnotes-title') && (ink_caption title, category: :footnotes) item_spacing = @theme.footnotes_item_spacing index_offset = @rendered_footnotes.length sect_xreftext = node.context == :section && (node.xreftext node.document.attr 'xrefstyle') fns.each do |fn| label = (index = fn.index) - index_offset if sect_xreftext fn.singleton_class.send :attr_accessor, :label unless fn.respond_to? :label= fn.label = %(#{label} - #{sect_xreftext}) end ink_prose %(#{DummyText}[#{label}] #{fn.text}), margin_bottom: item_spacing, hyphenate: true end @rendered_footnotes += fns if extent end end nil end def ink_general_heading _node, title, opts = {} ink_heading title, opts end # NOTE: ink_heading doesn't set the theme font because it's used for various types of headings def ink_heading string, opts = {} if (h_level = opts[:level]) h_category = %(heading_h#{h_level}) end unless (top_margin = (margin = (opts.delete :margin)) || (opts.delete :margin_top)) if at_page_top? if h_category && (top_margin = @theme[%(#{h_category}_margin_page_top)] || @theme.heading_margin_page_top) > 0 move_down top_margin end top_margin = 0 else top_margin = (h_category ? @theme[%(#{h_category}_margin_top)] : nil) || @theme.heading_margin_top end end bot_margin = margin || (opts.delete :margin_bottom) || (h_category ? @theme[%(#{h_category}_margin_bottom)] : nil) || @theme.heading_margin_bottom if (transform = resolve_text_transform opts) string = transform_text string, transform end outdent_section opts.delete :outdent do margin_top top_margin start_cursor = cursor start_page_number = page_number pad_box h_category ? @theme[%(#{h_category}_padding)] : nil do # QUESTION: should we move inherited styles to typeset_text? if (inherited = apply_text_decoration font_styles, :heading, h_level).empty? inline_format_opts = true else inline_format_opts = [{ inherited: inherited }] end typeset_text string, (calc_line_metrics (opts.delete :line_height) || @base_line_height), { color: @font_color, inline_format: inline_format_opts, align: @base_text_align.to_sym, }.merge(opts) end if h_category && @theme[%(#{h_category}_border_width)] && (@theme[%(#{h_category}_border_color)] || @theme.base_border_color) && page_number == start_page_number float do bounding_box [bounds.left, start_cursor], width: bounds.width, height: start_cursor - cursor do theme_fill_and_stroke_bounds h_category end end end margin_bottom bot_margin end end # NOTE: inline_format option is true by default # NOTE: single_line option is not compatible with this method def ink_prose string, opts = {} top_margin = (margin = (opts.delete :margin)) || (opts.delete :margin_top) || 0 bot_margin = margin || (opts.delete :margin_bottom) || @theme.prose_margin_bottom if (transform = resolve_text_transform opts) string = transform_text string, transform end string = hyphenate_text string, @hyphenator if (opts.delete :hyphenate) && (defined? @hyphenator) # NOTE: used by extensions; ensures linked text gets formatted using the link styles if (anchor = opts.delete :anchor) string = anchor == true ? %(#{string}) : %(#{string}) end margin_top top_margin # NOTE: normalize makes endlines soft (replaces "\n" with ' ') inline_format_opts = { normalize: (opts.delete :normalize) != false } if (styles = opts.delete :styles) inline_format_opts[:inherited] = { styles: styles, text_decoration_color: (opts.delete :text_decoration_color), text_decoration_width: (opts.delete :text_decoration_width), }.compact end result = typeset_text string, (calc_line_metrics (opts.delete :line_height) || @base_line_height), { color: @font_color, inline_format: [inline_format_opts], align: @base_text_align.to_sym, }.merge(opts) margin_bottom bot_margin result end def allocate_running_content_layout doc, page, periphery, cache cache[layout = page.layout] ||= begin page_margin_recto = @page_margin[layout][:recto] trim_margin_recto = @theme[%(#{periphery}_recto_margin)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_margin)] || [0, 'inherit', 0, 'inherit'] trim_margin_recto = (expand_margin_value trim_margin_recto).map.with_index {|v, i| i.odd? && v == 'inherit' ? page_margin_recto[i] : v.to_f } trim_content_margin_recto = @theme[%(#{periphery}_recto_content_margin)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_content_margin)] || [0, 'inherit', 0, 'inherit'] trim_content_margin_recto = (expand_margin_value trim_content_margin_recto).map.with_index {|v, i| i.odd? && v == 'inherit' ? page_margin_recto[i] - trim_margin_recto[i] : v.to_f } if (trim_padding_recto = @theme[%(#{periphery}_recto_padding)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_padding)]) trim_padding_recto = (expand_padding_value trim_padding_recto).map.with_index {|v, i| v + trim_content_margin_recto[i] } else trim_padding_recto = trim_content_margin_recto end page_margin_verso = @page_margin[layout][:verso] trim_margin_verso = @theme[%(#{periphery}_verso_margin)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_margin)] || [0, 'inherit', 0, 'inherit'] trim_margin_verso = (expand_margin_value trim_margin_verso).map.with_index {|v, i| i.odd? && v == 'inherit' ? page_margin_verso[i] : v.to_f } trim_content_margin_verso = @theme[%(#{periphery}_verso_content_margin)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_content_margin)] || [0, 'inherit', 0, 'inherit'] trim_content_margin_verso = (expand_margin_value trim_content_margin_verso).map.with_index {|v, i| i.odd? && v == 'inherit' ? page_margin_verso[i] - trim_margin_verso[i] : v.to_f } if (trim_padding_verso = @theme[%(#{periphery}_verso_padding)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_padding)]) trim_padding_verso = (expand_padding_value trim_padding_verso).map.with_index {|v, i| v + trim_content_margin_verso[i] } else trim_padding_verso = trim_content_margin_verso end valign, valign_offset = @theme[%(#{periphery}_vertical_align)] if (valign = valign&.to_sym || :middle) == :middle valign = :center end trim_styles = { line_metrics: (trim_line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @theme[%(#{periphery}_line_height)] || @base_line_height), # NOTE: we've already verified this property is set height: (trim_height = @theme[%(#{periphery}_height)]), bg_color: (resolve_theme_color %(#{periphery}_background_color).to_sym), border_width: (trim_border_width = @theme[%(#{periphery}_border_width)] || 0), border_color: trim_border_width > 0 ? (resolve_theme_color %(#{periphery}_border_color).to_sym, @theme.base_border_color) : nil, border_style: (@theme[%(#{periphery}_border_style)]&.to_sym || :solid), column_rule_width: (trim_column_rule_width = @theme[%(#{periphery}_column_rule_width)] || 0), column_rule_color: trim_column_rule_width > 0 ? (resolve_theme_color %(#{periphery}_column_rule_color).to_sym) : nil, column_rule_style: (@theme[%(#{periphery}_column_rule_style)]&.to_sym || :solid), column_rule_spacing: (@theme[%(#{periphery}_column_rule_spacing)] || 0), valign: valign_offset ? [valign, valign_offset] : valign, img_valign: @theme[%(#{periphery}_image_vertical_align)], top: { recto: periphery == :header ? page_height - trim_margin_recto[0] : trim_height + trim_margin_recto[2], verso: periphery == :header ? page_height - trim_margin_verso[0] : trim_height + trim_margin_verso[2], }, left: { recto: (trim_left_recto = trim_margin_recto[3]), verso: (trim_left_verso = trim_margin_verso[3]), }, width: { recto: (trim_width_recto = page_width - trim_left_recto - trim_margin_recto[1]), verso: (trim_width_verso = page_width - trim_left_verso - trim_margin_verso[1]), }, padding: { recto: trim_padding_recto, verso: trim_padding_verso, }, content_left: { recto: trim_left_recto + trim_padding_recto[3], verso: trim_left_verso + trim_padding_verso[3], }, content_width: (trim_content_width = { recto: trim_width_recto - trim_padding_recto[1] - trim_padding_recto[3], verso: trim_width_verso - trim_padding_verso[1] - trim_padding_verso[3], }), content_height: (trim_content_height = { recto: trim_height - trim_padding_recto[0] - trim_padding_recto[2] - (trim_border_width * 0.5), verso: trim_height - trim_padding_verso[0] - trim_padding_verso[2] - (trim_border_width * 0.5), }), prose_content_height: { recto: trim_content_height[:recto] - trim_line_metrics.padding_top - trim_line_metrics.padding_bottom, verso: trim_content_height[:verso] - trim_line_metrics.padding_top - trim_line_metrics.padding_bottom, }, # NOTE: content offset adjusts y position to account for border content_offset: (periphery == :footer ? trim_border_width * 0.5 : 0), } case trim_styles[:img_valign] when nil trim_styles[:img_valign] = valign when 'middle' trim_styles[:img_valign] = :center when 'top', 'center', 'bottom' trim_styles[:img_valign] = trim_styles[:img_valign].to_sym end if (trim_bg_image_recto = resolve_background_image doc, @theme, %(#{periphery}_background_image).to_sym, container_size: [trim_width_recto, trim_height])&.first trim_bg_image = { recto: trim_bg_image_recto } if trim_width_recto == trim_width_verso trim_bg_image[:verso] = trim_bg_image_recto else trim_bg_image[:verso] = resolve_background_image doc, @theme, %(#{periphery}_background_image).to_sym, container_size: [trim_width_verso, trim_height] end end colspec_dict = {}.tap do |acc| PageSides.each do |side| side_trim_content_width = trim_content_width[side] if (custom_colspecs = @theme[%(#{periphery}_#{side}_columns)] || @theme[%(#{periphery}_columns)]) case (colspecs = (custom_colspecs.to_s.tr ',', ' ').split).size when 0, 1 colspecs = { left: '0', center: colspecs[0] || '100', right: '0' } when 2 colspecs = { left: colspecs[0], center: '0', right: colspecs[1] } else # 3 colspecs = { left: colspecs[0], center: colspecs[1], right: colspecs[2] } end tot_width = 0 side_colspecs = {}.tap do |accum| colspecs.each do |col, spec| if (alignment_char = spec.chr).to_i.to_s == alignment_char alignment = :left rel_width = spec.to_f else alignment = AlignmentTable[alignment_char] rel_width = (spec.slice 1, spec.length).to_f end tot_width += rel_width accum[col] = { align: alignment, width: rel_width, x: 0 } end end # QUESTION: should we allow the columns to overlap (capping width at 100%)? side_colspecs.each {|_, colspec| colspec[:width] = (colspec[:width] / tot_width) * side_trim_content_width } side_colspecs[:right][:x] = (side_colspecs[:center][:x] = side_colspecs[:left][:width]) + side_colspecs[:center][:width] acc[side] = side_colspecs else acc[side] = { left: { align: :left, width: side_trim_content_width, x: 0 }, center: { align: :center, width: side_trim_content_width, x: 0 }, right: { align: :right, width: side_trim_content_width, x: 0 }, } end end end content_dict = {}.tap do |acc| PageSides.each do |side| side_content = {} ColumnPositions.each do |position| next if (val = @theme[%(#{periphery}_#{side}_#{position}_content)]).nil_or_empty? val = val.to_s unless ::String === val if (val.include? ':') && val =~ ImageAttributeValueRx attrlist = $2 image_attrs = (AttributeList.new attrlist).parse %w(alt width) image_path, image_format = ::Asciidoctor::Image.target_and_format $1, image_attrs if (image_path = resolve_image_path doc, image_path, image_format, @themesdir) && (::File.readable? image_path) image_opts = resolve_image_options image_path, image_format, image_attrs, container_size: [colspec_dict[side][position][:width], trim_content_height[side]] side_content[position] = [image_path, image_opts, image_attrs['link']] else # NOTE: allows inline image handler to report invalid reference and replace with alt text side_content[position] = %(image:#{image_path}[#{attrlist}]) end else side_content[position] = val end end acc[side] = side_content end end if (trim_bg_color = trim_styles[:bg_color]) || trim_bg_image || trim_border_width > 0 stamp_names = { recto: %(#{layout}_#{periphery}_recto), verso: %(#{layout}_#{periphery}_verso) } PageSides.each do |side| create_stamp stamp_names[side] do canvas do bounding_box [trim_styles[:left][side], trim_styles[:top][side]], width: trim_styles[:width][side], height: trim_height do fill_bounds trim_bg_color if trim_bg_color # NOTE: must draw line before image or SVG will cause border to disappear stroke_horizontal_rule trim_styles[:border_color], line_width: trim_border_width, line_style: trim_styles[:border_style], at: (periphery == :header ? bounds.height : 0) if trim_border_width > 0 image trim_bg_image[side][0], ({ position: :center, vposition: :center }.merge trim_bg_image[side][1]) if trim_bg_image end end end end end [trim_styles, colspec_dict, content_dict, stamp_names] end end # TODO: delegate to ink_page_header and ink_page_footer per page def ink_running_content periphery, doc, skip = [1, 1], body_start_page_number = 1 skip_pages, skip_pagenums = skip # NOTE: find and advance to first non-imported content page to use as model page return unless (content_start_page_number = state.pages[skip_pages..-1].index {|it| !it.imported_page? }) content_start_page_number += (skip_pages + 1) num_pages = page_count prev_page_number = page_number go_to_page content_start_page_number # FIXME: probably need to treat doctypes differently is_book = doc.doctype == 'book' header = doc.header? ? doc.header : nil sectlevels = (@theme[%(#{periphery}_sectlevels)] || 2).to_i sections = doc.find_by(context: :section) {|sect| sect.level <= sectlevels && sect != header } toc_title = (doc.attr 'toc-title').to_s if (toc_page_nums = @toc_extent&.page_range) disable_on_pages = @disable_running_content[periphery] title_method = TitleStyles[@theme[%(#{periphery}_title_style)]] # FIXME: we need a proper model for all this page counting # FIXME: we make a big assumption that part & chapter start on new pages # index parts, chapters and sections by the physical page number on which they start part_start_pages = {} chapter_start_pages = {} section_start_pages = {} trailing_section_start_pages = {} sections.each do |sect| pgnum = (sect.attr 'pdf-page-start').to_i if is_book && ((sect_is_part = sect.sectname == 'part') || sect.level == 1) if sect_is_part part_start_pages[pgnum] ||= sect else chapter_start_pages[pgnum] ||= sect # FIXME: need a better way to indicate that part has ended part_start_pages[pgnum] = '' if sect.sectname == 'appendix' && !part_start_pages.empty? end else trailing_section_start_pages[pgnum] = sect section_start_pages[pgnum] ||= sect end end # index parts, chapters, and sections by the physical page number on which they appear parts_by_page = SectionInfoByPage.new title_method chapters_by_page = SectionInfoByPage.new title_method sections_by_page = SectionInfoByPage.new title_method # QUESTION: should the default part be the doctitle? last_part = nil # QUESTION: should we enforce that the preamble is a preface? last_chap = is_book ? :pre : nil last_sect = nil sect_search_threshold = 1 (1..num_pages).each do |pgnum| if (part = part_start_pages[pgnum]) last_part = part last_chap = nil last_sect = nil end if (chap = chapter_start_pages[pgnum]) last_chap = chap last_sect = nil end if (sect = section_start_pages[pgnum]) last_sect = sect elsif part || chap sect_search_threshold = pgnum # NOTE: we didn't find a section on this page; look back to find last section started elsif last_sect (sect_search_threshold..(pgnum - 1)).reverse_each do |prev| if (sect = trailing_section_start_pages[prev]) last_sect = sect break end end end parts_by_page[pgnum] = last_part if toc_page_nums&.cover? pgnum if is_book chapters_by_page[pgnum] = toc_title sections_by_page[pgnum] = nil else chapters_by_page[pgnum] = nil sections_by_page[pgnum] = section_start_pages[pgnum] || toc_title end toc_page_nums = nil if toc_page_nums.end == pgnum elsif last_chap == :pre chapters_by_page[pgnum] = pgnum < body_start_page_number ? doc.doctitle : (doc.attr 'preface-title', 'Preface') sections_by_page[pgnum] = last_sect else chapters_by_page[pgnum] = last_chap sections_by_page[pgnum] = last_sect end end doctitle = resolve_doctitle doc, true # NOTE: set doctitle again so it's properly escaped doc.set_attr 'doctitle', doctitle.combined doc.set_attr 'document-title', doctitle.main doc.set_attr 'document-subtitle', doctitle.subtitle doc.set_attr 'page-count', (num_pages - skip_pagenums) pagenums_enabled = doc.attr? 'pagenums' periphery_layout_cache = {} # NOTE: this block is invoked during PDF generation, after #write -> #render_file and thus after #convert_document repeat (content_start_page_number..num_pages), dynamic: true do pgnum = page_number # NOTE: don't write on pages which are imported / inserts (otherwise we can get a corrupt PDF) next if page.imported_page? || (disable_on_pages.include? pgnum) virtual_pgnum = pgnum - skip_pagenums pgnum_label = (virtual_pgnum < 1 ? (RomanNumeral.new pgnum, :lower) : virtual_pgnum).to_s side = page_side((@folio_placement[:basis] == :physical ? pgnum : virtual_pgnum), @folio_placement[:inverted]) doc.set_attr 'page-layout', page.layout.to_s # NOTE: running content is cached per page layout # QUESTION: should allocation be per side? trim_styles, colspec_dict, content_dict, stamp_names = allocate_running_content_layout doc, page, periphery, periphery_layout_cache # FIXME: we need to have a content setting for chapter pages content_by_position, colspec_by_position = content_dict[side], colspec_dict[side] doc.set_attr 'page-number', pgnum_label if pagenums_enabled # QUESTION: should the fallback value be nil instead of empty string? or should we remove attribute if no value? doc.set_attr 'part-title', ((part_info = parts_by_page[pgnum])[:title] || '') if (part_numeral = part_info[:numeral]) doc.set_attr 'part-numeral', part_numeral else doc.remove_attr 'part-numeral' end doc.set_attr 'chapter-title', ((chap_info = chapters_by_page[pgnum])[:title] || '') if (chap_numeral = chap_info[:numeral]) doc.set_attr 'chapter-numeral', chap_numeral else doc.remove_attr 'chapter-numeral' end doc.set_attr 'section-title', ((sect_info = sections_by_page[pgnum])[:title] || '') doc.set_attr 'section-or-chapter-title', (sect_info[:title] || chap_info[:title] || '') stamp stamp_names[side] if stamp_names theme_font periphery do canvas do bounding_box [trim_styles[:content_left][side], trim_styles[:top][side]], width: trim_styles[:content_width][side], height: trim_styles[:height] do if trim_styles[:column_rule_color] && (trim_column_rule_width = trim_styles[:column_rule_width]) > 0 trim_column_rule_spacing = trim_styles[:column_rule_spacing] else trim_column_rule_width = nil end prev_position = nil ColumnPositions.each do |position| next unless (content = content_by_position[position]) next unless (colspec = colspec_by_position[position])[:width] > 0 left, colwidth = colspec[:x], colspec[:width] if trim_column_rule_width && colwidth < bounds.width if (trim_column_rule = prev_position) left += (trim_column_rule_spacing * 0.5) colwidth -= trim_column_rule_spacing else colwidth -= (trim_column_rule_spacing * 0.5) end end # FIXME: we need to have a content setting for chapter pages if ::Array === content redo_with_content = nil # NOTE: float ensures cursor position is restored and returns us to current page if we overrun float do # NOTE: bounding_box is redundant if both vertical padding and border width are 0 bounding_box [left, bounds.top - trim_styles[:padding][side][0] - trim_styles[:content_offset]], width: colwidth, height: trim_styles[:content_height][side] do # NOTE: image vposition respects padding; use negative image_vertical_align value to revert image_opts = content[1].merge position: colspec[:align], vposition: trim_styles[:img_valign] begin image_info = image content[0], image_opts if (image_link = content[2]) image_info = { width: image_info.scaled_width, height: image_info.scaled_height } unless image_opts[:format] == 'svg' add_link_to_image image_link, image_info, image_opts end rescue redo_with_content = image_opts[:alt] log :warn, %(could not embed image in running content: #{content[0]}; #{$!.message}) end end end if redo_with_content content_by_position[position] = redo_with_content redo end else theme_font %(#{periphery}_#{side}_#{position}) do # NOTE: minor optimization if content == '{page-number}' content = pagenums_enabled ? pgnum_label : nil else content = apply_subs_discretely doc, content, drop_lines_with_unresolved_attributes: true, imagesdir: @themesdir content = transform_text content, @text_transform if @text_transform end formatted_text_box (parse_text content, inline_format: [normalize: true]), at: [left, bounds.top - trim_styles[:padding][side][0] - trim_styles[:content_offset] + ((Array trim_styles[:valign])[0] == :center ? font.descender * 0.5 : 0)], color: @font_color, width: colwidth, height: trim_styles[:prose_content_height][side], align: colspec[:align], valign: trim_styles[:valign], leading: trim_styles[:line_metrics].leading, final_gap: false, overflow: :truncate end end bounding_box [colspec[:x], bounds.top - trim_styles[:padding][side][0] - trim_styles[:content_offset]], width: colspec[:width], height: trim_styles[:content_height][side] do stroke_vertical_rule trim_styles[:column_rule_color], at: bounds.left, line_style: trim_styles[:column_rule_style], line_width: trim_column_rule_width end if trim_column_rule prev_position = position end end end end end go_to_page prev_page_number nil end def ink_title_page doc # QUESTION: allow alignment per element on title page? title_text_align = (@theme.title_page_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym if @theme.title_page_logo_display != 'none' && (logo_image_path = (doc.attr 'title-logo-image') || (logo_image_from_theme = @theme.title_page_logo_image)) if (logo_image_path.include? ':') && logo_image_path =~ ImageAttributeValueRx logo_image_attrs = (AttributeList.new $2).parse %w(alt width height) if logo_image_from_theme relative_to_imagesdir = false logo_image_path = apply_subs_discretely doc, $1, subs: [:attributes], imagesdir: @themesdir logo_image_path = ThemeLoader.resolve_theme_asset logo_image_path, @themesdir unless doc.is_uri? logo_image_path else relative_to_imagesdir = true logo_image_path = $1 end else logo_image_attrs = {} relative_to_imagesdir = false if logo_image_from_theme logo_image_path = apply_subs_discretely doc, logo_image_path, subs: [:attributes], imagesdir: @themesdir logo_image_path = ThemeLoader.resolve_theme_asset logo_image_path, @themesdir unless doc.is_uri? logo_image_path end end if (::Asciidoctor::Image.target_and_format logo_image_path)[1] == 'pdf' log :error, %(PDF format not supported for title page logo image: #{logo_image_path}) else logo_image_attrs['target'] = logo_image_path # NOTE: at the very least, title_text_align will be a valid alignment value logo_image_attrs['align'] = [(logo_image_attrs.delete 'align'), @theme.title_page_logo_align, title_text_align.to_s].find {|val| (BlockAlignmentNames.include? val) } if (logo_image_top = logo_image_attrs['top'] || @theme.title_page_logo_top) initial_y, @y = @y, (resolve_top logo_image_top) end # NOTE: pinned option keeps image on same page indent (@theme.title_page_logo_margin_left || 0), (@theme.title_page_logo_margin_right || 0) do # FIXME: add API to Asciidoctor for creating blocks outside of extensions convert_image (::Asciidoctor::Block.new doc, :image, content_model: :empty, attributes: logo_image_attrs), relative_to_imagesdir: relative_to_imagesdir, pinned: true end @y = initial_y if initial_y end end theme_font :title_page do if (title_top = @theme.title_page_title_top) @y = resolve_top title_top end unless @theme.title_page_title_display == 'none' doctitle = doc.doctitle partition: true move_down @theme.title_page_title_margin_top || 0 indent (@theme.title_page_title_margin_left || 0), (@theme.title_page_title_margin_right || 0) do theme_font :title_page_title do ink_prose doctitle.main, align: title_text_align, margin: 0 end end move_down @theme.title_page_title_margin_bottom || 0 end if @theme.title_page_subtitle_display != 'none' && (subtitle = (doctitle || (doc.doctitle partition: true)).subtitle) move_down @theme.title_page_subtitle_margin_top || 0 indent (@theme.title_page_subtitle_margin_left || 0), (@theme.title_page_subtitle_margin_right || 0) do theme_font :title_page_subtitle do ink_prose subtitle, align: title_text_align, margin: 0 end end move_down @theme.title_page_subtitle_margin_bottom || 0 end if @theme.title_page_authors_display != 'none' && (doc.attr? 'authors') move_down @theme.title_page_authors_margin_top || 0 indent (@theme.title_page_authors_margin_left || 0), (@theme.title_page_authors_margin_right || 0) do generic_authors_content = @theme.title_page_authors_content authors_content = { name_only: @theme.title_page_authors_content_name_only || generic_authors_content, with_email: @theme.title_page_authors_content_with_email || generic_authors_content, with_url: @theme.title_page_authors_content_with_url || generic_authors_content, } authors = doc.authors.map.with_index do |author, idx| with_author doc, author, idx == 0 do author_content_key = (url = doc.attr 'url') ? ((url.start_with? 'mailto:') ? :with_email : :with_url) : :name_only if (author_content = authors_content[author_content_key]) apply_subs_discretely doc, author_content, drop_lines_with_unresolved_attributes: true, imagesdir: @themesdir else doc.attr 'author' end end end.join @theme.title_page_authors_delimiter theme_font :title_page_authors do ink_prose authors, align: title_text_align, margin: 0, normalize: true end end move_down @theme.title_page_authors_margin_bottom || 0 end unless @theme.title_page_revision_display == 'none' || (revision_info = [(doc.attr? 'revnumber') ? %(#{doc.attr 'version-label'} #{doc.attr 'revnumber'}) : nil, (doc.attr 'revdate')].compact).empty? move_down @theme.title_page_revision_margin_top || 0 revision_text = revision_info.join @theme.title_page_revision_delimiter if (revremark = doc.attr 'revremark') revision_text = %(#{revision_text}: #{revremark}) end indent (@theme.title_page_revision_margin_left || 0), (@theme.title_page_revision_margin_right || 0) do theme_font :title_page_revision do ink_prose revision_text, align: title_text_align, margin: 0, normalize: false end end move_down @theme.title_page_revision_margin_bottom || 0 end end end def allocate_toc doc, toc_num_levels, toc_start_cursor, break_after_toc toc_start_page_number = page_number to_page = nil extent = dry_run onto: self do to_page = (ink_toc doc, toc_num_levels, toc_start_page_number, toc_start_cursor).end theme_margin :block, :bottom unless break_after_toc end # NOTE: patch for custom converters that allocate extra TOC pages without actually creating them if to_page > extent.to.page extent.to.page = to_page extent.to.cursor = bounds.height end # NOTE: reserve pages for the toc; leaves cursor on page after last page in toc if break_after_toc extent.each_page { start_new_page } else extent.each_page {|first_page| start_new_page unless first_page } move_cursor_to extent.to.cursor end extent end def get_entries_for_toc node node.sections end # NOTE: num_front_matter_pages not used during a dry run def ink_toc doc, num_levels, toc_page_number, start_cursor, num_front_matter_pages = 0 go_to_page toc_page_number unless (page_number == toc_page_number) || scratch? start_page_number = page_number move_cursor_to start_cursor unless (toc_title = doc.attr 'toc-title').nil_or_empty? theme_font_cascade [[:heading, level: 2], :toc_title] do toc_title_text_align = (@theme.toc_title_text_align || @theme.heading_h2_text_align || @theme.heading_text_align || @base_text_align).to_sym ink_general_heading doc, toc_title, align: toc_title_text_align, level: 2, outdent: true, role: :toctitle end end # QUESTION: should we skip this whole method if num_levels < 0? unless num_levels < 0 dot_leader = theme_font :toc do # TODO: we could simplify by using nested theme_font :toc_dot_leader if (dot_leader_font_style = @theme.toc_dot_leader_font_style&.to_sym || :normal) != font_style font_style dot_leader_font_style end font_size @theme.toc_dot_leader_font_size { font_color: @theme.toc_dot_leader_font_color || @font_color, font_style: dot_leader_font_style, font_size: font_size, levels: ((dot_leader_l = @theme.toc_dot_leader_levels) == 'none' ? ::Set.new : (dot_leader_l && dot_leader_l != 'all' ? dot_leader_l.to_s.split.map(&:to_i).to_set : (0..num_levels).to_set)), text: (dot_leader_text = @theme.toc_dot_leader_content || DotLeaderTextDefault), width: dot_leader_text.empty? ? 0 : (rendered_width_of_string dot_leader_text), # TODO: spacer gives a little bit of room between dots and page number spacer: { text: NoBreakSpace, size: (spacer_font_size = @font_size * 0.25) }, spacer_width: (rendered_width_of_char NoBreakSpace, size: spacer_font_size), } end theme_margin :toc, :top ink_toc_level (get_entries_for_toc doc), num_levels, dot_leader, num_front_matter_pages end # NOTE: range must be calculated relative to toc_page_number; absolute page number in scratch document is arbitrary toc_page_numbers = (toc_page_number..(toc_page_number + (page_number - start_page_number))) go_to_page page_count unless scratch? toc_page_numbers end def ink_toc_level entries, num_levels, dot_leader, num_front_matter_pages # NOTE: font options aren't always reliable, so store size separately toc_font_info = theme_font :toc do { font: font, size: @font_size } end hanging_indent = @theme.toc_hanging_indent entries.each do |entry| next if (num_levels_for_entry = (entry.attr 'toclevels', num_levels).to_i) < (entry_level = entry.level + 1).pred || ((entry.option? 'notitle') && entry == entry.document.last_child && entry.empty?) theme_font :toc, level: entry_level do entry_title = entry.context == :section ? entry.numbered_title : (entry.title? ? entry.title : (entry.xreftext 'basic')) next if entry_title.empty? entry_title = transform_text entry_title, @text_transform if @text_transform pgnum_label_placeholder_width = rendered_width_of_string '0' * @toc_max_pagenum_digits # NOTE: only write title (excluding dots and page number) if this is a dry run if scratch? indent 0, pgnum_label_placeholder_width do # NOTE: must wrap title in empty anchor element in case links are styled with different font family / size ink_prose entry_title, anchor: true, normalize: false, hanging_indent: hanging_indent, normalize_line_height: true, margin: 0 end else entry_anchor = (entry.attr 'pdf-anchor') || entry.id if !(physical_pgnum = entry.attr 'pdf-page-start') && (target_page_ref = (get_dest entry_anchor)&.first) && (target_page_idx = state.pages.index {|candidate| candidate.dictionary == target_page_ref }) physical_pgnum = target_page_idx + 1 end if physical_pgnum virtual_pgnum = physical_pgnum - num_front_matter_pages pgnum_label = (virtual_pgnum < 1 ? (RomanNumeral.new physical_pgnum, :lower) : virtual_pgnum).to_s else pgnum_label = '?' end start_page_number = page_number start_cursor = cursor start_dots = nil entry_title_inherited = (apply_text_decoration ::Set.new, :toc, entry_level).merge anchor: entry_anchor, color: @font_color # NOTE: use text formatter to add anchor overlay to avoid using inline format with synthetic anchor tag entry_title_fragments = text_formatter.format entry_title, inherited: entry_title_inherited line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @base_line_height indent 0, pgnum_label_placeholder_width do (entry_title_fragments[-1][:callback] ||= []) << (last_fragment_pos = ::Asciidoctor::PDF::FormattedText::FragmentPositionRenderer.new) typeset_formatted_text entry_title_fragments, line_metrics, hanging_indent: hanging_indent, normalize_line_height: true start_dots = last_fragment_pos.right + hanging_indent last_fragment_cursor = last_fragment_pos.top + line_metrics.padding_top start_cursor = last_fragment_cursor if last_fragment_pos.page_number > start_page_number || (start_cursor - last_fragment_cursor) > line_metrics.height end end_cursor = cursor move_cursor_to start_cursor # NOTE: we're guaranteed to be on the same page as the final line of the entry if dot_leader[:width] > 0 && (dot_leader[:levels].include? entry_level.pred) pgnum_label_width = rendered_width_of_string pgnum_label pgnum_label_font_settings = { color: @font_color, font: font_family, size: @font_size, styles: font_styles } save_font do # NOTE: the same font is used for dot leaders throughout toc set_font toc_font_info[:font], dot_leader[:font_size] font_style dot_leader[:font_style] num_dots = [((bounds.width - start_dots - dot_leader[:spacer_width] - pgnum_label_width) / dot_leader[:width]).floor, 0].max # FIXME: dots don't line up in columns if width of page numbers differ typeset_formatted_text [ { text: dot_leader[:text] * num_dots, color: dot_leader[:font_color] }, dot_leader[:spacer], ({ text: pgnum_label, anchor: entry_anchor }.merge pgnum_label_font_settings), ], line_metrics, align: :right end else typeset_formatted_text [{ text: pgnum_label, color: @font_color, anchor: entry_anchor }], line_metrics, align: :right end move_cursor_to end_cursor end end indent @theme.toc_indent do ink_toc_level (get_entries_for_toc entry), num_levels_for_entry, dot_leader, num_front_matter_pages end if num_levels_for_entry >= entry_level end end # Retrieve the intrinsic image dimensions for the specified path in pt. # # Returns a Hash containing :width and :height keys that map to the image's # intrinsic width and height values (in pt). def intrinsic_image_dimensions path, format if format == 'svg' # NOTE: prawn-svg automatically converts intrinsic width and height to pt img_obj = ::Prawn::SVG::Interface.new (::File.read path, mode: 'r:UTF-8'), self, {} img_size = img_obj.document.sizing { width: img_size.output_width, height: img_size.output_height } else # NOTE: build_image_object caches image data previously loaded # NOTE: build_image_object computes intrinsic width and height in px _, img_size = ::File.open(path, 'rb') {|fd| build_image_object fd } { width: (to_pt img_size.width, :px), height: (to_pt img_size.height, :px) } end rescue # NOTE: image can't be read, so it won't be used anyway { width: 0, height: 0 } end def intrinsic_image_width path, format (intrinsic_image_dimensions path, format)[:width] end # Sends the specified message to the log unless this method is called from the scratch document def log severity, message = nil, &block logger.send severity, message, &block unless scratch? end # Insert a margin at the specified side if the cursor is not at the top of # the page. Start a new page if amount is greater than the remaining space on # the page. def margin amount, _side if (amount || 0) == 0 || at_page_top? 0 elsif cursor > amount move_down amount amount else # move cursor to top of next page bounds.move_past_bottom 0 end end # Insert a bottom margin equal to amount unless cursor is at the top of the # page (not likely). Start a new page instead if amount is greater than the # remaining space on the page. def margin_bottom amount margin amount, :bottom end # Insert a top margin equal to amount if cursor is not at the top of the # page. Start a new page instead if amount is greater than the remaining # space on the page. def margin_top amount margin amount, :top end def next_enclosed_block block, descend: false return if (context = block.context) == :document parent_context = (parent = block.parent).context if (list_item = context == :list_item) return block.first_child if descend && block.blocks? siblings = parent.items else siblings = parent.blocks end siblings = siblings.flatten if parent_context == :dlist if block != siblings[-1] (self_idx = siblings.index block) && siblings[self_idx + 1] elsif parent_context == :list_item || (parent_context == :open && parent.style != 'abstract') || parent_context == :section next_enclosed_block parent elsif list_item && (grandparent = parent.parent).context == :list_item next_enclosed_block grandparent end end def register_fonts font_catalog, fonts_dir return unless font_catalog dirs = (fonts_dir.split ValueSeparatorRx, -1).map {|dir| dir == 'GEM_FONTS_DIR' || dir.empty? ? ThemeLoader::FontsDir : dir } font_catalog.each do |key, styles| register_font key => ({}.tap do |accum| styles.each do |style, path| found = dirs.any? do |dir| resolved_font_path = font_path path, dir accum[style.to_sym] = resolved_font_path if ::File.readable? resolved_font_path end raise ::Errno::ENOENT, ((File.absolute_path? path) ? %(#{path} not found) : %(#{path} not found in #{fonts_dir.gsub ValueSeparatorRx, ' or '})) unless found end end) end end # Compute the rendered width of a char, taking fallback fonts into account def rendered_width_of_char char, opts = {} unless @fallback_fonts.empty? || (font.glyph_present? char) @fallback_fonts.each do |fallback_font| font fallback_font do return width_of_string char, opts if font.glyph_present? char end end end width_of_string char, opts end # Compute the rendered width of a string, taking fallback fonts into account def rendered_width_of_string str, opts = {} opts = opts.merge kerning: default_kerning? if str.length == 1 rendered_width_of_char str, opts elsif (chars = str.each_char).all? {|char| font.glyph_present? char } width_of_string str, opts else char_widths = chars.map {|char| rendered_width_of_char char, opts } char_widths.sum + (char_widths.length * character_spacing) end end # Resolve the path and sizing of the background image either from a document attribute or theme key. # # Returns the argument list for the image method if the document attribute or theme key is found. Otherwise, # nothing. The first argument in the argument list is the image path. If that value is nil, the background # image is disabled. The second argument is the options hash to specify the dimensions, such as width and fit. def resolve_background_image doc, theme, key, opts = {} if ::String === key theme_key = opts.delete :theme_key image_path = (doc.attr key) || (from_theme = theme[theme_key || (key.tr '-', '_').to_sym]) else image_path = from_theme = theme[key] end symbolic_paths = opts.delete :symbolic_paths if image_path if symbolic_paths&.include? image_path return [image_path, {}] elsif image_path == 'none' return [] elsif (image_path.include? ':') && image_path =~ ImageAttributeValueRx image_attrs = (AttributeList.new $2).parse %w(alt width) image_path = $1 image_relative_to = true end if from_theme image_path = apply_subs_discretely doc, image_path, subs: [:attributes], imagesdir: (image_relative_to = @themesdir), page_layout: page.layout.to_s elsif image_path.include? '{page-layout}' image_path = image_path.sub '{page-layout}', page.layout.to_s end image_path, image_format = ::Asciidoctor::Image.target_and_format image_path, image_attrs image_path = resolve_image_path doc, image_path, image_format, image_relative_to return unless image_path unless ::File.readable? image_path log :warn, %(#{key.to_s.tr '-_', ' '} not found or readable: #{image_path}) return end if image_format == 'pdf' [image_path, page: [((image_attrs || {})['page']).to_i, 1].max, format: image_format] else [image_path, (resolve_image_options image_path, image_format, image_attrs, (({ background: true, container_size: [page_width, page_height] }.merge opts)))] end end end def resolve_doctitle doc, partition = nil if doc.header? doc.doctitle partition: partition elsif partition ::Asciidoctor::Document::Title.new (doc.attr 'untitled-label'), separator: (doc.attr 'title-separator') else doc.attr 'untitled-label' end end # Resolves the explicit width, if specified, as a PDF pt value. # # Resolves the explicit width, first considering the pdfwidth attribute, then the scaledwidth # attribute, then the theme default (if enabled by the :use_fallback option), and finally the # width attribute. If the specified value is in pixels, the value is scaled by 75% to perform # approximate CSS px to PDF pt conversion. If the value is a percentage, and the # bounds_width option is given, the percentage of the bounds_width value is returned. # Otherwise, the percentage width is returned. #-- # QUESTION: should we enforce positive result? def resolve_explicit_width attrs, opts = {} bounds_width = opts[:bounds_width] # QUESTION: should we restrict width to bounds_width for pdfwidth? if attrs.key? 'pdfwidth' if (width = attrs['pdfwidth']).end_with? '%' bounds_width ? (width.to_f / 100) * bounds_width : width elsif width.end_with? 'iw' (width.chomp 'iw').extend ImageWidth elsif opts[:support_vw] && (width.end_with? 'vw') (width.chomp 'vw').extend ViewportWidth else str_to_pt width end elsif attrs.key? 'scale' attrs['scale'].dup.extend ImageWidth elsif attrs.key? 'scaledwidth' # NOTE: the parser automatically appends % if value is unitless if (width = attrs['scaledwidth']).end_with? '%' bounds_width ? (width.to_f / 100) * bounds_width : width else str_to_pt width end elsif opts[:use_fallback] && (width = @theme.image_width) if ::Numeric === width width elsif (width = width.to_s).end_with? '%' bounds_width ? (width.to_f / 100) * bounds_width : bounds_width elsif opts[:support_vw] && (width.end_with? 'vw') (width.chomp 'vw').extend ViewportWidth else str_to_pt width end elsif attrs.key? 'width' if (width = attrs['width']).end_with? '%' width = (width.to_f / 100) * bounds_width if bounds_width elsif DigitsRx.match? width width = to_pt width.to_f, :px else return end bounds_width && opts[:constrain_to_bounds] ? [bounds_width, width].min : width end end def resolve_image_options image_path, image_format, image_attrs, opts = {} if image_format == 'svg' image_opts = { enable_file_requests_with_root: { base: (::File.dirname image_path), root: @jail_dir }, enable_web_requests: allow_uri_read ? (method :load_open_uri).to_proc : false, cache_images: cache_uri, fallback_font_name: fallback_svg_font_name, format: 'svg', } else image_opts = {} end container_size = opts[:container_size] if image_attrs if (alt = image_attrs['alt']) image_opts[:alt] = %([#{alt}]) end if (background = opts[:background]) && (image_pos = image_attrs['position']) && (image_pos = resolve_background_position image_pos, nil) image_opts.update image_pos end if (image_fit = image_attrs['fit'] || (background ? 'contain' : nil)) image_fit = 'contain' if image_format == 'svg' && image_fit == 'fill' container_width, container_height = container_size case image_fit when 'none' if (image_width = resolve_explicit_width image_attrs, bounds_width: container_width) image_opts[:width] = image_width end when 'scale-down' # NOTE: if width and height aren't set in SVG, real width and height are computed after stretching viewbox to fit page if (image_width = resolve_explicit_width image_attrs, bounds_width: container_width) if image_width > container_width image_opts[:fit] = container_size else image_size = intrinsic_image_dimensions image_path, image_format if image_width * (image_size[:height].to_f / image_size[:width]) > container_height image_opts[:fit] = container_size else image_opts[:width] = image_width end end else image_size = intrinsic_image_dimensions image_path, image_format image_opts[:fit] = container_size if image_size[:width] > container_width || image_size[:height] > container_height end when 'cover' # QUESTION: should we take explicit width into account? image_size = intrinsic_image_dimensions image_path, image_format if container_width * (image_size[:height].to_f / image_size[:width]) < container_height image_opts[:height] = container_height else image_opts[:width] = container_width end when 'fill' image_opts[:width] = container_width image_opts[:height] = container_height else # 'contain' image_opts[:fit] = container_size end elsif (image_width = resolve_explicit_width image_attrs, bounds_width: container_size[0]) image_opts[:width] = image_width else # default to fit=contain if sizing is not specified image_opts[:fit] = container_size end else image_opts[:fit] = container_size end image_opts end # Resolve the system path of the specified image path. # # Resolve and normalize the absolute system path of the specified image, # taking into account the imagesdir attribute. If an image path is not # specified, the path is read from the target attribute of the specified # document node. # # If the target is a URI and the allow-uri-read attribute is set on the # document, read the file contents to a temporary file and return the path to # the temporary file. If the target is a URI and the allow-uri-read attribute # is not set, or the URI cannot be read, this method returns a nil value. # # When a temporary file is used, the file is stored in @tmp_files to be cleaned up after conversion. def resolve_image_path node, image_path, image_format, relative_to = true doc = node.document if relative_to == true imagesdir = nil if (imagesdir = doc.attr 'imagesdir').nil_or_empty? || imagesdir == '.' || imagesdir == './' else imagesdir = relative_to end @tmp_files ||= {} # NOTE: base64 logic currently used for inline images if ::Base64 === image_path return @tmp_files[image_path] if @tmp_files.key? image_path tmp_image = ::Tempfile.create %W(image- .#{image_format}) tmp_image.binmode unless image_format == 'svg' tmp_image.write ::Base64.decode64 image_path tmp_image.close @tmp_files[image_path] = tmp_image.path # NOTE: this will catch a classloader resource path on JRuby (e.g., uri:classloader:/path/to/image) elsif ::File.absolute_path? image_path ::File.absolute_path image_path elsif !(is_url = url? image_path) && imagesdir && (::File.absolute_path? imagesdir) ::File.absolute_path image_path, imagesdir # handle case when image is a URI elsif is_url || (imagesdir && (url? imagesdir) && (image_path = node.normalize_web_path image_path, imagesdir, false)) if !allow_uri_read log :warn, %(cannot embed remote image: #{image_path} (allow-uri-read attribute not enabled)) return elsif @tmp_files.key? image_path return @tmp_files[image_path] end tmp_image = ::Tempfile.create ['image-', image_format && %(.#{image_format})] tmp_image.binmode if (binary = image_format != 'svg') begin load_open_uri.open_uri(image_path, (binary ? 'rb' : 'r')) {|fd| tmp_image.write fd.read } tmp_image.close @tmp_files[image_path] = tmp_image.path rescue @tmp_files[image_path] = nil log :warn, %(could not retrieve remote image: #{image_path}; #{$!.message}) tmp_image.close unlink_tmp_file tmp_image.path nil end # handle case when image is a local file else node.normalize_system_path image_path, imagesdir, nil, target_name: 'image' end end def resolve_page_margin value return if value.nil_or_empty? case value when ::Array value = value.slice 0, 4 if value.length > 4 value.map {|v| ::Numeric === v ? v : (str_to_pt v.to_s) } when ::Numeric [value] when ::String if (value.start_with? '[') && (value.end_with? ']') return if (value = (value.slice 1, value.length - 2).rstrip).empty? if (value = value.split ',', -1).length > 4 value = value.slice 0, 4 end value.map {|v| str_to_pt v.rstrip } else [(str_to_pt value)] end end end def resolve_text_align_from_role roles, query_theme: false, remove_predefined: false if (align_role = roles.reverse.find {|role| TextAlignmentRoles[role] }) roles.replace roles - TextAlignmentRoles.keys if remove_predefined (align_role.slice 5, align_role.length).to_sym elsif query_theme roles.reverse.each do |role| if (text_align = @theme[%(role_#{role}_text_align)]) return text_align.to_sym end end nil end end # Deprecated alias resolve_alignment_from_role resolve_text_align_from_role def stamp_foreground_image doc, has_front_cover pages = state.pages if (first_page = (has_front_cover ? (pages.slice 1, pages.size) : pages).find {|it| !it.imported_page? }) && (first_page_num = (pages.index first_page) + 1) && (fg_image = resolve_background_image doc, @theme, 'page-foreground-image') && fg_image[0] go_to_page first_page_num create_stamp 'foreground-image' do canvas { image fg_image[0], ({ position: :center, vposition: :center }.merge fg_image[1]) } end stamp 'foreground-image' (first_page_num.next..page_count).each do |num| go_to_page num stamp 'foreground-image' unless page.imported_page? end end end def start_new_chapter chapter start_new_page unless at_page_top? # TODO: must call update_colors before advancing to next page if start_new_page is called in ink_chapter_title start_new_page if @ppbook && verso_page? && !(chapter.option? 'nonfacing') end alias start_new_part start_new_chapter # Returns a Boolean indicating whether the title page was created def start_title_page doc return unless doc.header? && !doc.notitle && @theme.title_page != false # NOTE: a new page may have already been started at this point, so decide what to do with it if page.empty? page.reset_content if (recycle = @ppbook ? recto_page? : true) elsif @ppbook && page_number > 0 && recto_page? start_new_page end if (bg_image = resolve_background_image doc, @theme, 'title-page-background-image') side = page_side (recycle ? nil : page_number + 1), @folio_placement[:inverted] prev_bg_image = get_page_bg_image doc, @theme, (layout = page.layout), side @page_bg_image[layout][side] = bg_image[0] && bg_image end if (bg_color = resolve_theme_color :title_page_background_color) prev_bg_color = @page_bg_color @page_bg_color = bg_color end recycle ? float { init_page doc, self } : start_new_page @page_bg_image[layout][side] = prev_bg_image if bg_image @page_bg_color = prev_bg_color if bg_color true end def start_toc_page node, placement start_new_page unless at_page_top? start_new_page if @ppbook && verso_page? && !(placement == 'macro' && (node.option? 'nonfacing')) end def supports_float_wrapping? node node.context == :paragraph end def theme_fill_and_stroke_block category, extent, opts = {} node_with_caption = nil unless (node_with_caption = opts[:caption_node])&.title? unless extent ink_caption node_with_caption, category: category if node_with_caption return end if (b_width = (opts.key? :border_width) ? opts[:border_width] : @theme[%(#{category}_border_width)]) if ::Array === b_width b_width = b_width[0] b_radius = 0 end b_width = nil unless b_width.to_f > 0 end if (bg_color = opts[:background_color] || @theme[%(#{category}_background_color)]) == 'transparent' bg_color = nil end unless b_width || bg_color ink_caption node_with_caption, category: category if node_with_caption return end b_color = resolve_theme_color %(#{category}_border_color).to_sym, @theme.base_border_color, @page_bg_color b_radius ||= (@theme[%(#{category}_border_radius)] || 0) + (b_width || 0) if b_width if b_color == @page_bg_color # let page background cut into block background b_gap_color, b_shift = @page_bg_color, (b_width * 0.5) elsif (b_gap_color = bg_color) && b_gap_color != b_color b_shift = 0 else # let page background cut into border b_gap_color, b_shift = @page_bg_color, 0 end else # let page background cut into block background; guarantees b_width is set b_shift, b_gap_color = (b_width ||= 0.5) * 0.5, @page_bg_color end ink_caption node_with_caption, category: category if node_with_caption extent.from.page = page_number unless extent.from.page == page_number # sanity check float do extent.each_page do |first_page, last_page| advance_page unless first_page chunk_height = start_cursor = cursor chunk_height -= last_page.cursor if last_page bounding_box [bounds.left, start_cursor], width: bounds.width, height: chunk_height do theme_fill_and_stroke_bounds category, background_color: bg_color unless first_page indent b_radius, b_radius do # dashed line indicates continuation from previous page; swell line slightly to cover background stroke_horizontal_rule b_gap_color, line_width: b_width * 1.2, line_style: :dashed, at: b_shift end end unless last_page move_down chunk_height indent b_radius, b_radius do # dashed line indicates continuation from previous page; swell line slightly to cover background stroke_horizontal_rule b_gap_color, line_width: b_width * 1.2, line_style: :dashed, at: -b_shift end end end end end nil end def theme_fill_and_stroke_bounds category, opts = {} fill_and_stroke_bounds opts[:background_color], @theme[%(#{category}_border_color)] || @theme.base_border_color, line_width: @theme[%(#{category}_border_width)], line_style: (@theme[%(#{category}_border_style)]&.to_sym || :solid), radius: @theme[%(#{category}_border_radius)] end def theme_font category, opts = {} # TODO: inheriting from generic category should be an option if opts.key? :level hlevel_category = %(#{category}_h#{opts[:level]}) family = @theme[%(#{hlevel_category}_font_family)] || @theme[%(#{category}_font_family)] || @theme.base_font_family || font_family if (size = @theme[%(#{hlevel_category}_font_size)] || @theme[%(#{category}_font_size)]) scale = @font_scale unless ::String === size else scale = @font_scale size = @root_font_size end style = @theme[%(#{hlevel_category}_font_style)] || @theme[%(#{category}_font_style)] color = @theme[%(#{hlevel_category}_font_color)] || @theme[%(#{category}_font_color)] kerning = resolve_font_kerning @theme[%(#{hlevel_category}_font_kerning)] || @theme[%(#{category}_font_kerning)] line_height = @theme[%(#{hlevel_category}_line_height)] || @theme[%(#{category}_line_height)] # NOTE: global text_transform is not currently supported transform = @theme[%(#{hlevel_category}_text_transform)] || @theme[%(#{category}_text_transform)] else inherited_font = font_info family = @theme[%(#{category}_font_family)] || inherited_font[:family] if (size = @theme[%(#{category}_font_size)]) scale = @font_scale unless ::String === size else size = inherited_font[:size] end style = @theme[%(#{category}_font_style)] || inherited_font[:style] color = @theme[%(#{category}_font_color)] kerning = resolve_font_kerning @theme[%(#{category}_font_kerning)] line_height = @theme[%(#{category}_line_height)] # NOTE: global text_transform is not currently supported transform = @theme[%(#{category}_text_transform)] end prev_color, @font_color = @font_color, color if color prev_kerning, self.default_kerning = default_kerning?, kerning unless kerning.nil? prev_line_height, @base_line_height = @base_line_height, line_height if line_height prev_transform, @text_transform = @text_transform, (transform == 'none' ? nil : transform) if transform result = nil font family, size: size, style: style&.to_sym do @font_size *= scale if scale result = yield ensure @font_color = prev_color if color default_kerning prev_kerning unless kerning.nil? @base_line_height = prev_line_height if line_height @text_transform = prev_transform if transform end result end def theme_font_cascade categories, &block if ::Array === (category = (categories = categories.uniq).shift) category, opts = category else opts = {} end if categories.empty? theme_font category, opts, &block else theme_font category, opts do theme_font_cascade categories, &block end end end # Lookup margin for theme element and side, then delegate to margin method. # If margin value is not found, assume 0. def theme_margin category, side, node = true if node category = :block if node != true && node.context == :section margin (@theme[%(#{category}_margin_#{side})] || 0), side else 0 end end # TODO: document me, esp the first line formatting functionality # NOTE: single_line option should only be used if height option is specified def typeset_text string, line_metrics, opts = {} opts = { leading: line_metrics.leading, final_gap: line_metrics.final_gap }.merge opts string = string.gsub CjkLineBreakRx, ZeroWidthSpace if @cjk_line_breaks return text_box string, opts if opts[:height] opts[:initial_gap] = line_metrics.padding_top if (hanging_indent = (opts.delete :hanging_indent) || 0) > 0 indent hanging_indent do text string, (opts.merge indent_paragraphs: -hanging_indent) end elsif (first_line_opts = opts.delete :first_line_options) # TODO: good candidate for Prawn enhancement! text_with_formatted_first_line string, first_line_opts, opts else text string, opts end move_down line_metrics.padding_bottom end # QUESTION: combine with typeset_text? def typeset_formatted_text fragments, line_metrics, opts = {} opts = { leading: line_metrics.leading, initial_gap: line_metrics.padding_top, final_gap: line_metrics.final_gap }.merge opts fragments = consolidate_fragments fragments if opts.delete :consolidate if (hanging_indent = (opts.delete :hanging_indent) || 0) > 0 indent hanging_indent do formatted_text fragments, (opts.merge indent_paragraphs: -hanging_indent) end else formatted_text fragments, opts end move_down line_metrics.padding_bottom end def write pdf_doc, target if target.respond_to? :write target = ::QuantifiableStdout.new $stdout if target == $stdout pdf_doc.render target else pdf_doc.render_file target # QUESTION: restore attributes first? @pdfmark&.generate_file target if (optimize = @optimize) (Optimizer.new optimize[:quality], pdf_doc.min_version, optimize[:compliance]).optimize_file target end to_file = true end if !ENV['KEEP_ARTIFACTS'] remove_tmp_files elsif to_file scratch_target = (target.slice 0, target.length - (target_ext = ::File.extname target).length) + '-scratch' + target_ext scratch.render_file scratch_target end clear_scratch nil end # Deprecated method names alias layout_footnotes ink_footnotes alias layout_title_page ink_title_page alias layout_cover_page ink_cover_page alias layout_chapter_title ink_chapter_title alias layout_part_title ink_part_title alias layout_general_heading ink_general_heading alias layout_heading ink_heading alias layout_prose ink_prose alias layout_caption ink_caption alias layout_table_caption ink_table_caption alias layout_toc ink_toc alias layout_toc_level ink_toc_level alias layout_running_content ink_running_content # intercepts "class CustomPDFConverter < (Asciidoctor::Converter.for 'pdf')" def self.method_added method_sym if (method_name = method_sym.to_s).start_with? 'layout_' alias_method %(ink_#{method_name.slice 7, method_name.length}).to_sym, method_sym elsif method_name == 'convert_listing_or_literal' || method_name == 'convert_code' alias_method :convert_listing, method_sym alias_method :convert_literal, method_sym end end # intercepts "(Asciidoctor::Converter.for 'pdf').prepend CustomConverterExtensions" def self.prepend *mods super mods.each {|mod| (mod.instance_methods false).each {|method| method_added method } } self end private def add_dest_for_top doc unless (top_page = doc.attr 'pdf-page-start') > page_count float do go_to_page top_page move_cursor_to bounds.top + page_margin_top add_dest_for_block doc, id: (doc.attr 'pdf-anchor') end end nil end def add_link_to_image uri, image_info, image_opts image_width = image_info[:width] image_height = image_info[:height] case image_opts[:position] when :center image_x = bounds.left_side + (bounds.width - image_width) * 0.5 when :right image_x = bounds.right_side - image_width else # :left, nil image_x = bounds.left_side end case image_opts[:vposition] when :top image_y = bounds.absolute_top when :center image_y = bounds.absolute_top - (bounds.height - image_height) * 0.5 when :bottom image_y = bounds.absolute_bottom + image_height else image_y = y - image_opts[:vposition] end unless (image_y = image_opts[:y]) link_annotation [image_x, (image_y - image_height), (image_x + image_width), image_y], Border: [0, 0, 0], A: { Type: :Action, S: :URI, URI: uri.as_pdf } end def admonition_icon_data key if (icon_data = @theme[%(admonition_icon_#{key})]) icon_data = (AdmonitionIcons[key] || {}).merge icon_data if (icon_name = icon_data[:name]) unless icon_name.start_with?(*IconSetPrefixes) log(:info) { %(#{key} admonition in theme uses icon from deprecated fa icon set; use fas, far, or fab instead) } icon_data[:name] = %(fa-#{icon_name}) unless icon_name.start_with? 'fa-' end else icon_data[:name] = AdmonitionIcons[:note][:name] end else (icon_data = AdmonitionIcons[key] || {})[:name] ||= AdmonitionIcons[:note][:name] end icon_data end def allocate_space_for_list_item line_metrics advance_page if !at_page_top? && cursor < line_metrics.height + line_metrics.leading + line_metrics.padding_top end def apply_text_decoration styles, category, level = nil if (text_decoration_style = TextDecorationStyleTable[level && @theme[%(#{category}_h#{level}_text_decoration)] || @theme[%(#{category}_text_decoration)]]) { styles: (styles << text_decoration_style), text_decoration_color: level && @theme[%(#{category}_h#{level}_text_decoration_color)] || @theme[%(#{category}_text_decoration_color)], text_decoration_width: level && @theme[%(#{category}_h#{level}_text_decoration_width)] || @theme[%(#{category}_text_decoration_width)], }.compact else styles.empty? ? {} : { styles: styles } end end # Arrange fragments by line in an arranger and return an unfinalized arranger. # # Finalizing the arranger is deferred since it must be done in the context of # the global font settings you want applied to each fragment. def arrange_fragments_by_line fragments, _opts = {} arranger = ::Prawn::Text::Formatted::Arranger.new self by_line = arranger.consumed = [] fragments.each do |fragment| if (text = fragment[:text]) == LF || !(text.include? LF) by_line << fragment else text.scan LineScanRx do |line| by_line << (line == LF ? { text: LF } : (fragment.merge text: line)) end end end arranger end # NOTE: assume URL is escaped (i.e., contains character references such as &) def breakable_uri uri scheme, address = uri.split UriSchemeBoundaryRx, 2 address, scheme = scheme, address unless address unless address.nil_or_empty? address = address.gsub UriBreakCharsRx, UriBreakCharRepl # NOTE: require at least two characters after a break address.slice!(-2) if address[-2] == ZeroWidthSpace end %(#{scheme}#{address}) end # Calculate the font size (down to the minimum font size) that would allow # all the specified fragments to fit in the available width without wrapping lines. # # Return the calculated font size if an adjustment is necessary or nil if no # font size adjustment is necessary. def compute_autofit_font_size fragments, category arranger = arrange_fragments_by_line fragments # NOTE: finalizing the line here generates fragments & calculates their widths using the current font settings # NOTE: it also removes zero-width spaces arranger.finalize_line actual_width = width_of_fragments arranger.fragments padding = expand_padding_value @theme[%(#{category}_padding)] if actual_width > (available_width = bounds.width - padding[3].to_f - padding[1].to_f) adjusted_font_size = ((available_width * font_size).to_f / actual_width).truncate 4 if (min = @theme[%(#{category}_font_size_min)] || @theme.base_font_size_min) && adjusted_font_size < min min else adjusted_font_size end end end def consolidate_ranges nums if nums.size > 1 prev = nil accum = [] nums.each do |num| if prev && (prev.to_i + 1) == num.to_i accum[-1][1] = num else accum << [num] end prev = num end accum.map {|range| range.join '-' } else nums end end def consolidate_fragments fragments return fragments unless fragments.size > 1 accum = [] prev_fragment = nil fragments.each do |fragment| if prev_fragment && fragment == (prev_fragment.merge text: (fragment_text = fragment[:text])) prev_fragment[:text] += fragment_text else accum << (prev_fragment = fragment) end end accum end def conum_glyph number @conum_glyphs[number - 1] end # Derive a PDF-safe, ASCII-only anchor name from the given value. # Encodes value into hex if it contains characters outside the ASCII range. # If value is nil, derive an anchor name from the default_value, if given. def derive_anchor_from_id value, default_value = nil if value value.ascii_only? ? value : %(0x#{::PDF::Core.string_to_hex value}) else %(__anchor-#{default_value}) end end def draw_image_border top, w, h, alignment if (Array @theme.image_border_width).any? {|it| it&.> 0 } && (@theme.image_border_color || @theme.base_border_color) if (@theme.image_border_fit || 'content') == 'auto' bb_width = bounds.width elsif alignment == :center bb_x = (bounds.width - w) * 0.5 elsif alignment == :right bb_x = bounds.width - w end bounding_box [(bb_x || 0), top], width: (bb_width || w), height: h, position: alignment do theme_fill_and_stroke_bounds :image end true end end # Reduce icon height to fit inside bounds.height. Icons will not render # properly if they are larger than the current bounds.height. def fit_icon_to_bounds preferred_size (max_height = bounds.height) < preferred_size ? max_height : preferred_size end def fit_trim_box page_ = page page_.dictionary.data[:TrimBox].tap do |trim_box| trim_box[0] += 1e-4 trim_box[1] += 1e-4 trim_box[2] -= 1e-4 trim_box[3] -= 1e-4 end end def font_path font_file, fonts_dir # resolve relative to built-in font dir unless path is absolute ::File.absolute_path font_file, fonts_dir end def generate_manname_section node title = node.attr 'manname-title', 'Name' if (next_section_title = node.sections[0]&.title) && next_section_title.upcase == next_section_title title = title.upcase end sect = Section.new node, 1 sect.sectname = 'section' sect.id = node.attr 'manname-id' sect.title = title sect << (Block.new sect, :paragraph, source: %(#{node.attr 'manname'} - #{node.attr 'manpurpose'}), subs: :normal) sect end def get_char code (code.start_with? '\u') ? ([((code.slice 2, code.length).to_i 16)].pack 'U1') : code end def get_page_bg_image doc, theme_, layout, side (@page_bg_image[layout] ||= begin if (bg_image = resolve_background_image doc, theme_, 'page-background-image')&.first val = { verso: bg_image, recto: bg_image } else val = { verso: nil, recto: nil } end if (bg_image = resolve_background_image doc, theme_, 'page-background-image-verso') val[:verso] = bg_image[0] && bg_image end if (bg_image = resolve_background_image doc, theme_, 'page-background-image-recto') val[:recto] = bg_image[0] && bg_image end val end)[side] end def get_icon_image_path node, type, resolve = true doc = node.document doc.remove_attr 'data-uri' if (data_uri_enabled = doc.attr? 'data-uri') # NOTE: icon_uri will consider icon attribute on node first, then type icon_path, icon_format = ::Asciidoctor::Image.target_and_format node.icon_uri type doc.set_attr 'data-uri', '' if data_uri_enabled resolve ? (resolve_image_path node, icon_path, icon_format, nil) : icon_path end def init_float_box _node, block_width, block_height, float_to gap = ::Array === (gap = @theme.image_float_gap) ? gap.dup : [gap, gap] float_w = block_width + (gap[0] ||= 12) float_h = block_height + (gap[1] ||= 6) box_l = bounds.left + (float_to == 'right' ? 0 : float_w) box_t = cursor + block_height box_w = bounds.width - float_w box_r = box_l + box_w box_h = [box_t, float_h].min box_b = box_t - box_h move_cursor_to box_t @float_box = { page: page_number, top: box_t, right: box_r, bottom: box_b, left: box_l, width: box_w, height: box_h, gap: gap } end # NOTE: init_page is not called for imported pages, cover pages, image pages, and pages in the scratch document def init_page doc, _self next_page_side = page_side nil, @folio_placement[:inverted] if @media == 'prepress' && (next_page_margin = page_number == 1 ? @page_margin[:cover] : @page_margin[page.layout][next_page_side]) != page_margin set_page_margin next_page_margin end unless @page_bg_color == 'FFFFFF' fill_absolute_bounds @page_bg_color tare = true end if (bg_image_path, bg_image_opts = get_page_bg_image doc, @theme, (layout = page.layout), next_page_side) begin if bg_image_opts[:format] == 'pdf' # NOTE: pages that use PDF for the background do not support a background color or running content # IMPORTANT: the background PDF must have the same dimensions as the current PDF import_page bg_image_path, (bg_image_opts.merge replace: true, advance: false, advance_if_missing: false) else canvas { image bg_image_path, ({ position: :center, vposition: :center }.merge bg_image_opts) } end tare = true rescue facing_page_side = PageSides[(PageSides.index next_page_side) - 1] bg_image_by_side = @page_bg_image[layout] bg_image_by_side[facing_page_side] = nil if bg_image_by_side[facing_page_side] == bg_image_by_side[next_page_side] bg_image_by_side[next_page_side] = nil log :warn, %(could not embed page background image: #{bg_image_path}; #{$!.message}) end end page.tare_content_stream if tare end def ink_paragraph_in_float_box node, float_box, prose_opts, role_keys, block_next, insert_margin_bottom @float_box = para_font_descender = para_font_size = end_cursor = nil if role_keys line_metrics = theme_font_cascade role_keys do para_font_descender = font.descender para_font_size = font_size calc_line_metrics @base_line_height end else para_font_descender = font.descender para_font_size = font_size line_metrics = calc_line_metrics @base_line_height end # allocate the space of at least one empty line below block line_height_length = line_metrics.height + line_metrics.leading + line_metrics.padding_top start_page_number = float_box[:page] start_cursor = cursor block_bottom = (float_box_bottom = float_box[:bottom]) + float_box[:gap][1] # use :at to incorporate padding top from line metrics since text_box method does not apply it # use :final_gap to incorporate padding bottom from line metrics # use :draw_text_callback to track end cursor (requires applying :final_gap to result manually) prose_opts.update \ at: [float_box[:left], start_cursor - line_metrics.padding_top], width: float_box[:width], height: [cursor, float_box[:height] - (float_box[:top] - start_cursor) + line_height_length].min, final_gap: para_font_descender + line_metrics.padding_bottom, draw_text_callback: (proc do |text, opts| draw_text! text, opts end_cursor = opts[:at][1] # does not include :final_gap value end) overflow_text = role_keys ? theme_font_cascade(role_keys) { ink_prose node.content, prose_opts } : (ink_prose node.content, prose_opts) move_cursor_to end_cursor -= prose_opts[:final_gap] if end_cursor # ink_prose with :height does not move cursor if overflow_text.empty? if block_next && (supports_float_wrapping? block_next) insert_margin_bottom.call @float_box = float_box if page_number == start_page_number && cursor > start_cursor - prose_opts[:height] elsif end_cursor > block_bottom move_cursor_to block_bottom theme_margin :block, :bottom, block_next else insert_margin_bottom.call end else overflow_prose_opts = { align: prose_opts[:align] || @base_text_align.to_sym } unless end_cursor overflow_prose_opts[:indent_paragraphs] = prose_opts[:indent_paragraphs] move_cursor_to float_box_bottom if start_cursor > float_box_bottom end role_keys ? theme_font_cascade(role_keys) { typeset_formatted_text overflow_text, line_metrics, overflow_prose_opts } : (typeset_formatted_text overflow_text, line_metrics, overflow_prose_opts) insert_margin_bottom.call end end def insert_toc_section doc, toc_title, toc_page_nums if (doc.attr? 'toc-placement', 'macro') && (toc_node = (doc.find_by context: :toc)[0]) if (parent_section = toc_node.parent).context == :section grandparent_section = parent_section.parent toc_level = parent_section.level insert_idx = (grandparent_section.blocks.index parent_section) + 1 else grandparent_section = doc toc_level = doc.sections[0].level insert_idx = 0 end toc_dest = toc_node.attr 'pdf-destination' else grandparent_section = doc toc_level = doc.sections[0].level insert_idx = 0 toc_dest = dest_top toc_page_nums.first end toc_section = Section.new grandparent_section, toc_level, false, attributes: { 'pdf-destination' => toc_dest } toc_section.title = toc_title grandparent_section.blocks.insert insert_idx, toc_section toc_section end def load_open_uri if @cache_uri && !(defined? ::OpenURI::Cache) && (Helpers.require_library 'open-uri/cached', 'open-uri-cached', :warn).nil? # disable URI caching if library fails to load @cache_uri = false end ::OpenURI end def on_image_error _reason, node, target, opts log :warn, opts[:message] if opts.key? :message alt_text_vars = { alt: (node.attr 'alt'), target: target } alt_text_template = @theme.image_alt_content || '%{link}[%{alt}]%{/link} | %{target}' # rubocop:disable Style/FormatStringToken return if alt_text_template.empty? if (link = node.attr 'link') alt_text_vars[:link] = %() alt_text_vars[:'/link'] = '' else alt_text_vars[:link] = '' alt_text_vars[:'/link'] = '' end theme_font :image_alt do ink_prose alt_text_template % alt_text_vars, align: opts[:align], margin: 0, normalize: false end ink_caption node, category: :image, end: :bottom if node.title? theme_margin :block, :bottom, (next_enclosed_block node) unless opts[:pinned] nil end def remove_tmp_files @tmp_files.reject! {|_, path| path ? (unlink_tmp_file path) : true } end def resolve_background_position value, default_value = {} if value.include? ' ' result = {} center = nil (value.split ' ', 2).each do |keyword| case keyword when 'left', 'right' result[:position] = keyword.to_sym when 'top', 'bottom' result[:vposition] = keyword.to_sym when 'center' center = true end end if center result[:position] ||= :center result[:vposition] ||= :center result elsif (result.key? :position) && (result.key? :vposition) result else default_value end elsif value == 'left' || value == 'right' || value == 'center' { position: value.to_sym, vposition: :center } elsif value == 'top' || value == 'bottom' { position: :center, vposition: value.to_sym } else default_value end end def resolve_font_kerning keyword FontKerningTable[keyword] end def resolve_pagenums val pgnums = [] ((val.include? ',') ? (val.split ',') : (val.split ';')).each do |entry| if entry.include? '..' from, _, to = entry.partition '..' pgnums += ([from.to_i, 1].max..[to.to_i, 1].max).to_a else pgnums << entry.to_i end end pgnums end def resolve_top val if ::Numeric === val @y - val elsif val.end_with? 'vh' page_height * (1 - (val.to_f / 100)) elsif val.end_with? '%' @y - effective_page_height * (val.to_f / 100) else @y - (str_to_pt val) end end def resolve_text_transform key, use_fallback = true if (transform = ::Hash === key ? (key.delete :text_transform) : @theme[key]) transform == 'none' ? nil : transform elsif use_fallback @text_transform end end # QUESTION: should we pass a category as an argument? # QUESTION: should we make this a method on the theme ostruct? (e.g., @theme.resolve_color key, fallback) def resolve_theme_color key, fallback_color = nil, transparent_color = fallback_color if (color = @theme[key] || fallback_color) color == 'transparent' ? transparent_color : color end end def unlink_tmp_file path ::File.unlink path if ::File.exist? path true rescue log :warn, %(could not delete temporary file: #{path}; #{$!.message}) false end def url? str (str.include? ':/') && (UrlSniffRx.match? str) end # Calculate the width that is needed to print all the # fragments without wrapping any lines. # # This method assumes endlines are represented as discrete entries in the # fragments array. def width_of_fragments fragments line_widths = [0] fragments.each do |fragment| if fragment.text == LF line_widths << 0 else line_widths[-1] += fragment.width end end line_widths.max end # Promotes author to primary author attributes around block; restores original attributes after block executes def with_author doc, author, primary doc.remove_attr 'url' if (original_url = doc.attr 'url') if primary if (email = doc.attr 'email') doc.set_attr 'url', ((email.include? '@') ? %(mailto:#{email}) : email) end result = yield else email = nil original_attrs = {}.tap do |accum| AuthorAttributeNames.each do |prop_name, attr_name| accum[attr_name] = doc.attr attr_name if (val = author[prop_name]) doc.set_attr attr_name, val # NOTE: email attribute could be a url email = val if prop_name == :email else doc.remove_attr attr_name end end end doc.set_attr 'url', ((email.include? '@') ? %(mailto:#{email}) : email) if email result = yield original_attrs.each {|name, val| val ? (doc.set_attr name, val) : (doc.remove_attr name) } end if original_url doc.set_attr 'url', original_url elsif email doc.remove_attr 'url' end result end def create_scratch_prototype @label = :scratch @save_state = nil @scratch_depth = 0 # NOTE: pdfmark has a reference to the Asciidoctor::Document, which we don't want to serialize saved_pdfmark, @pdfmark = @pdfmark, nil # IMPORTANT: don't set font before using marshal as it causes serialization to fail result = yield @pdfmark = saved_pdfmark @label = :primary result end def init_scratch originator if @media == 'prepress' && page_margin != (page_margin_recto = @page_margin[page.layout][:recto]) # NOTE: prepare scratch document to use page margin from recto side (which has same width as verso side) set_page_margin page_margin_recto end @scratch_prototype = originator.instance_variable_get :@scratch_prototype @tmp_files = originator.instance_variable_get :@tmp_files text_formatter.scratch = true self end def push_scratch doc if (@scratch_depth += 1) == 1 @save_state = { catalog: {}.tap {|accum| doc.catalog.each {|k, v| accum[k] = v.dup } }, attributes: doc.attributes.dup, } end end def pop_scratch doc if (@scratch_depth -= 1) == 0 doc.catalog.replace @save_state[:catalog] doc.attributes.replace @save_state[:attributes] @save_state = nil end end def clear_scratch @scratch_depth = 0 @save_state = @scratch_prototype = @scratch = nil end end end end