module MuckServicesServiceHelper # Render a summary of all services for the given parent. The parent should 'include MuckServices::Models::MuckFeedOwner' def services_summary(parent) identity_feeds = parent.identity_feeds.find(:all, :include => [{:feed => :service}]) render(:partial => 'services/summary', :locals => { :identity_feeds => identity_feeds }).html_safe end # Render personal recommendations def personal_recommendations(user, limit = 5) render(:partial => 'services/personal_recommendations', :locals => { :recommendations => user.personal_recommendations.limit(5) }).html_safe end # Render a view with all services in categories. # service_categories: Results from a query to service_categories. For performance try something like this: # ServiceCategory.sorted.find(:all, :include => [:identity_services]) # title: Optional title. Default is 'Available Services' - from I18n.t('') # css: Optional css to be added to the div that surrounds the categories def available_service_categories(service_categories, title = nil, css = '') render(:partial => 'identity_feeds/available_service_categories', :locals => { :service_categories => service_categories, :css => css, :title => title }).html_safe end # Render a view with the user's registered services. # identity_feeds: Results from a query to service_categories. For performance try something like this: # @user.identity_feeds.find(:all, :include => [{:feed => :service}]) # title: Optional title. Default is 'My Services' - from I18n.t('') # css: Optional css to be added to the div that surrounds the categories def services_for_user(identity_feeds, title = nil, css = '') render(:partial => 'identity_feeds/services_for_user', :locals => { :identity_feeds => identity_feeds, :css => css, :title => title, :edit => false }).html_safe end # Render an edit view with the user's registered services. # identity_feeds: Results from a query to service_categories. For performance try something like this: # @user.identity_feeds.find(:all, :include => [{:feed => :service}]) # title: Optional title. Default is 'My Services' - from I18n.t('') # css: Optional css to be added to the div that surrounds the categories def services_for_user_edit(identity_feeds, title = nil, css = '') render(:partial => 'identity_feeds/services_for_user', :locals => { :identity_feeds => identity_feeds, :css => css, :title => title, :edit => true }).html_safe end # Renders name and icon for the service def service_title(service) %Q{
}.html_safe end # By default renders Service username e.g. Flickr username # If the service has a 'prompt' set it will look for a value in the localization # files. For example, setting service.prompt to 'blog_url' will cause this method # to look for a translation at and will pass the name of the service # using 'service' so your translation might look like: # "Blog Url" or # "%{service} Feeds" def service_prompt(service) if @service.prompt.blank? I18n.t('', :service => else I18n.t("{@service.prompt}", :service => end end # Renders a link for a new user service with class 'lightbox' or optional css set on the link. def service_lightbox(parent, service, link_css = 'lightbox', wrapper = 'li') path = new_polymorphic_url([parent, :identity_feed], :service_id => service.to_param) service_link(path, service, link_css, wrapper, nil, nil, "#{}-link") end # Renders a link for editing a user feed with class 'lightbox' or optional css set on the link. def service_lightbox_edit(parent, identity_feed, link_css = 'lightbox', wrapper = nil) path = edit_polymorphic_url([parent, identity_feed]) link_text = identity_feed.feed.title unless identity_feed.feed.title.blank? service_link(path, identity_feed.feed.service, link_css, wrapper, link_text) end # Renders a link with an icon and text def service_external_link(identity_feed, link_css = nil, wrapper = nil) path = identity_feed.feed.display_uri || identity_feed.feed.uri link_text = identity_feed.feed.title unless identity_feed.feed.title.blank? service_link(path, identity_feed.feed.service, link_css, wrapper, link_text, 'blank') end # Render a link with an icon an no text def service_external_icon_link(identity_feed, link_css = nil, wrapper = nil, target = 'blank', id = nil) path = identity_feed.feed.display_uri || identity_feed.feed.uri service_icon_link(path, identity_feed.feed.service, link_css, wrapper, target, id) end # Renders a delete button for an identity_feed def service_delete(identity_feed, button_type = :button, button_text = t("muck.general.delete")) render(:partial => 'shared/delete', :locals => { :delete_object => identity_feed, :button_type => button_type, :button_text => button_text, :form_class => 'identity-feed-delete', :delete_path => identity_feed_path(identity_feed, :format => 'js') }).html_safe end # Renders a service link optionally wrapping it in the specified element def service_link(path, service, link_css, wrapper, link_text = nil, target = nil, id = nil) link = %Q{ service.to_param).html_safe else polymorphic_url([owner, :identity_feeds], :service_id => service.to_param).html_safe end end end