# frozen_string_literal: true shared_context "with map utility" do let(:organization) { create(:organization) } let(:locale) { "en" } let(:config) { {} } let(:utility_class) { described_class } let(:utility) { utility_class.new(organization: organization, config: config, locale: locale) } end shared_context "with frontend map builder" do subject { builder_class.new(template, options) } let(:builder_class) { described_class } let(:template_class) do Class.new(ActionView::Base) do def protect_against_forgery? false end def snippets @snippets ||= Decidim::Snippets.new end end end let(:organization) { create(:organization) } let(:template) { template_class.new(ActionView::LookupContext.new(nil)) } let(:options) { {} } let(:js_options) { options.transform_keys { |k| k.to_s.camelize(:lower) }.to_h } before do allow(template).to receive(:current_organization).and_return(organization) end end shared_context "with dynamic map builder" do include_context "with frontend map builder" let(:options) do { tile_layer: { url: "https://tiles.example.org", options: { foo: "bar", attribution: "Test Attribution" } } } end end shared_context "with map autocomplete builder" do include_context "with frontend map builder" let(:options) { { url: "https://photon.example.org/api/" } } end shared_context "with frontend map elements" do let(:html_head) { "" } let(:html_document) do builder = subject document_inner = html_body head_extra = html_head template.instance_eval do <<~HTML.strip Map Test #{stylesheet_pack_tag "decidim_core"} #{javascript_pack_tag "decidim_core", defer: false} #{builder.stylesheet_snippets} #{builder.javascript_snippets} #{head_extra}
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Map Test

HTML end end let(:html_body) { "" } before do # Create a temporary route to display the generated HTML in a correct site # context. final_html = html_document Rails.application.routes.draw do get "maptiles/:z/:x/:y.png", to: ->(_) { [200, {}, [final_html]] } get "test_dynamic_map", to: ->(_) { [200, {}, [final_html]] } end visit "/test_dynamic_map" end after do expect(page).to have_selector("#ready_indicator", text: "Document ready") expect_no_js_errors # Reset the routes back to original Rails.application.reload_routes! end end shared_examples "a page with dynamic map" do include_context "with dynamic map builder" include_context "with frontend map elements" do let(:html_body) do builder = subject template.instance_eval do # Create two separate map elements to make sure generating multiple # map elements won't produce any HTML or accessibility validation # errors. content = builder.map_element(id: "map1", class: "google-map") do content_tag(:span, "", id: "map1_inner") end content += builder.map_element(id: "map2", class: "google-map") do content_tag(:span, "", id: "map2_inner") end content end end end it_behaves_like "accessible page" it "displays the maps" do expect(page).to have_selector("#map1.google-map", visible: :all) expect(page).to have_selector("#map1_inner", visible: :all) expect(page).to have_selector("#map2.google-map", visible: :all) expect(page).to have_selector("#map2_inner", visible: :all) end end shared_examples "a page with geocoding input" do include_context "with map autocomplete builder" include_context "with frontend map elements" do let(:html_body) do builder = subject template.instance_eval do builder.geocoding_field(:test, :address) end end end it "displays the geocoding field element" do config = ERB::Util.html_escape(js_options.to_json) expect(subject.geocoding_field(:test, :address)).to eq( %() ) end end # Use this shared example to test that the front-end geocoded address field is # working correctly. Fill in the other fields in the view in the before block so # that the saving will proceed successfully. shared_examples "a record with front-end geocoding address field" do |geocoded_model, view_options| let(:geocoded_record) { nil } let(:geocoded_address_value) { "Street2" } let(:geocoded_address_coordinates) { [3.345, 4.456] } it "calls the front-end geocoder when an address is written", :slow do within view_options[:within_selector] do fill_in_geocoding view_options[:address_field], with: geocoded_address_value find(".tribute-container ul#results li", match: :first).click find("*[type=submit]").click end # Check that the latitude and longitude are according to the front-end # geocoder as one of the autocompleted addresses were selected. The back-end # geocoding should be bypassed in this situation which is why these match # what was returned by the front-end geocoding. These values are returned by # the dummy test geocoding API defined at # `decidim-dev/lib/decidim/dev/test/rspec_support/geocoder.rb`. Search for # `:serves_geocoding_autocomplete`. expect(page).to have_content("successfully") final = if geocoded_record geocoded_model.find(geocoded_record.id) else geocoded_model.last end expect(final.latitude).to eq(geocoded_address_coordinates[0]) expect(final.longitude).to eq(geocoded_address_coordinates[1]) end end