require 'nokogiri' module FHIR module Boot class Preprocess def self.pre_process_bundle(filename) # Read the file puts "Processing #{File.basename(filename)}..." start = File.size(filename) json =, 'r:UTF-8', &:read) hash = JSON.parse(json) # Remove entries that do not interest us: CompartmentDefinitions, OperationDefinitions, Conformance statements hash['entry'].select! do |entry| %w(StructureDefinition ValueSet CodeSystem SearchParameter).include? entry['resource']['resourceType'] end # Remove unnecessary elements from the hash hash['entry'].each do |entry| next unless entry['resource'] pre_process_structuredefinition(entry['resource']) if 'StructureDefinition' == entry['resource']['resourceType'] pre_process_valueset(entry['resource']) if 'ValueSet' == entry['resource']['resourceType'] pre_process_codesystem(entry['resource']) if 'CodeSystem' == entry['resource']['resourceType'] pre_process_searchparam(entry['resource']) if 'SearchParameter' == entry['resource']['resourceType'] remove_fhir_comments(entry['resource']) end # Output the post processed file f =, 'w:UTF-8') f.write(JSON.pretty_unparse(hash)) f.close finish = File.size(filename) puts " Removed #{(start - finish) / 1024} KB" if start != finish end def self.pre_process_structuredefinition(hash) # Remove large HTML narratives and unused content %w(text publisher contact description requirements mapping).each { |key| hash.delete(key) } # Remove unused descriptions within the snapshot elements if hash['snapshot'] hash['snapshot']['element'].each do |element| %w(short definition comments requirements alias mapping).each { |key| element.delete(key) } end end # Remove unused descriptions within the differential elements if hash['differential'] hash['differential']['element'].each do |element| %w(short definition comments requirements alias mapping).each { |key| element.delete(key) } end end end def self.pre_process_valueset(hash) # Remove large HTML narratives and unused content %w(meta text publisher contact description requirements).each { |key| hash.delete(key) } if hash['compose'] && hash['compose']['include'] hash['compose']['include'].each do |element| next unless element['concept'] element['concept'].each do |concept| concept.delete('designation') end end end if hash['compose'] && hash['compose']['exclude'] hash['compose']['exclude'].each do |element| next unless element['concept'] element['concept'].each do |concept| concept.delete('designation') end end end end def self.pre_process_codesystem(hash) # Remove large HTML narratives and unused content %w(meta text publisher contact description requirements).each { |key| hash.delete(key) } if hash['concept'] hash['concept'].each do |concept| pre_process_codesystem_concept(concept) end end end def self.pre_process_codesystem_concept(hash) %w(extension definition designation).each { |key| hash.delete(key) } if hash['concept'] hash['concept'].each do |concept| pre_process_codesystem_concept(concept) end end end def self.pre_process_searchparam(hash) # Remove large HTML narratives and unused content %w(id url name date publisher contact description xpathUsage).each { |key| hash.delete(key) } end def self.remove_fhir_comments(hash) hash.delete('fhir_comments') hash.each do |_key, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) remove_fhir_comments(value) elsif value.is_a?(Array) value.each do |v| remove_fhir_comments(v) if v.is_a?(Hash) end end end hash.keep_if do |_key, value| !value.is_a?(Hash) || !value.empty? end end def self.pre_process_schema(filename) # Read the file puts "Processing #{File.basename(filename)}..." start = File.size(filename) raw =, 'r:UTF-8', &:read) # Remove annotations doc = Nokogiri::XML(raw) doc.root.add_namespace_definition('xs', '')'//xs:annotation').each(&:remove) # Output the post processed file f =, 'w:UTF-8') f.write(doc.to_xml) f.close finish = File.size(filename) puts " Removed #{(start - finish) / 1024} KB" if start != finish end end end end