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date_of_publication: access_address: id: 108 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-21 08:13:17 UTC manifestation_00109: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000109 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "CGI/Perlパワープログラミング" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 109 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-20 17:26:08 UTC manifestation_00110: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000110 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Ruby/GTKプログラミング入門 : Rubyで作って遊ぶGUIプログラミング" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 110 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-19 13:09:56 UTC manifestation_00111: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000111 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "すぐわかるPerl" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 111 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-19 13:07:28 UTC manifestation_00112: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000112 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "CGIのための実践入門Perl : 対話的・動きのあるWebページを作ろう" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 112 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-19 13:06:51 UTC manifestation_00113: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000113 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "プログラミングは難しくない! : ウェブではじめるJavaScript/Perl/Java" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 113 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-19 11:02:27 UTC manifestation_00114: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 9784756137470 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Rubyを256倍使うための本. 魔道編" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: pub_date: 2001-03-20 access_address: id: 114 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-19 05:46:08 UTC manifestation_00115: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000115 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "入門Perl" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 115 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-19 05:40:17 UTC manifestation_00116: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 9784756100917 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "sed & awkプログラミング : UNIX power tools" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: pub_date: 1991-12-24 access_address: id: 116 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-19 05:39:01 UTC manifestation_00117: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000117 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Perlの達人" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 117 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-18 10:23:27 UTC manifestation_00118: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000118 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "ナチ強制・絶滅収容所 : 18施設内の生と死" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 118 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-17 01:12:08 UTC manifestation_00119: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000119 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Perl基礎講座" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 119 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-16 04:30:37 UTC manifestation_00120: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 9784274063855 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Rubyプログラミング入門" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: pub_date: 2000-10-01 access_address: id: 120 height: width: created_at: 2010-02-16 04:29:59 UTC manifestation_00121: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000121 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Django×Python" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 121 height: width: created_at: 2010-01-30 06:22:35 UTC manifestation_00122: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000122 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "みんなのPython" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 122 height: width: created_at: 2010-01-30 06:17:32 UTC manifestation_00123: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000123 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Rubyでgroonga使って全文検索 - ラングバ" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 123 height: width: created_at: 2009-10-25 13:20:34 UTC manifestation_00124: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000124 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "まちづくり三鷹図書館(Ruby図書館情報システム デモサイト)" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 124 height: width: created_at: 2009-10-20 13:46:44 UTC manifestation_00125: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000125 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Ruby on Rails入門 : 優しいRailsの育て方" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 125 height: width: created_at: 2009-10-16 05:16:48 UTC manifestation_00126: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000126 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Ruby Cookbook" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 126 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-29 12:44:11 UTC manifestation_00127: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000127 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "CGI programming on the World Wide Web" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 127 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 13:45:14 UTC manifestation_00128: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000128 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Genomic Perl" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 128 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 13:27:46 UTC manifestation_00129: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000129 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Indians of the Pacific Northwest" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 129 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 12:16:23 UTC manifestation_00130: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000130 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Massachusetts acid rain monitoring project / Massachusetts acid rain monitoring project A.R.M" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 130 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 12:03:29 UTC manifestation_00131: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000131 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "International Symposium Genes and Chromosomes Structure and Function" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 131 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 12:02:48 UTC manifestation_00132: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000132 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Perl black book, 2nd edition" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 132 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 11:42:02 UTC manifestation_00133: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000133 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Python scripting for computational science" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 133 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 11:18:01 UTC manifestation_00134: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000134 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Tests on a gold ore from the Ruby Basin, Black Hills" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 134 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 11:06:07 UTC manifestation_00135: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000135 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Official guide to programming with CGI.pm / Programming with CGI.pm / Official guide 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depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 137 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 10:18:59 UTC manifestation_00138: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000138 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "CGI programming with Perl" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 138 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 09:19:08 UTC manifestation_00139: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000139 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Python and XML / Python & XML / XML processing with Python" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 139 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 09:19:02 UTC manifestation_00140: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000140 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Perl cookbook / Solutions and examples for Perl programmers" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 140 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 09:19:01 UTC manifestation_00141: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000141 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Mastering Perl/Tk / Perl/Tk" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 141 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 09:19:00 UTC manifestation_00142: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000142 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Mastering algorithms with Perl / Practical programming through computer science" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 142 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 09:18:58 UTC manifestation_00143: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000143 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Programming Perl" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 143 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 09:18:45 UTC manifestation_00144: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000144 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Fort Worth & Tarrant County / Fort Worth and Tarrant County" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 144 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 07:49:42 UTC manifestation_00145: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000145 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "Monty Python's Spamalot [sound recording] / Spamalot / Spamalot / Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Motion picture)" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 145 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 06:44:35 UTC manifestation_00146: carrier_type_id: 1 language_id: 1 isbn: 0000000146 updated_at: 2010-03-01 16:14:18 +09:00 original_title: "AWK programming language" price: manifestation_identifier: depth: date_of_publication: access_address: id: 146 height: width: created_at: 2009-06-19 06:28:27 UTC manifestation_00147: carrier_type_id: 1 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