// Where does this code come from? // Placeholder extends with the `stipe_` prefix come from the Stipe gem. // TO DO: link to github forms/extends // TO DO: link to github forms/mixins // TO DO: breakout list of config options // The variable UI parts of these placeholders are managed via your `_config.scss` file. // Import custom extends and mixins // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @import "forms/mixins"; @import "forms/extends"; // Your styles // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- input[type=email], input[type=password], input[type=text], input[type=number] { @extend %stipe_input_fields; } // not represented in the style guide view input[disabled], textarea[disabled], select[disabled], .disabled { @extend %stipe_disabled_inputs; } label { @extend %stipe_form_labels; } .instructional { @extend %stipe_instructional; } .fail { @extend %stipe_fail; } .inline_alert { @extend %stipe_inline_alert; }