require 'ruby2js' module Ruby2JS module Filter module Functions include SEXP VAR_TO_ASSIGN = { lvar: :lvasgn, ivar: :ivasgn, cvar: :cvasgn, gvar: :gvasgn } def on_send(node) target, method, *args = node.children if [:max, :min].include? method and args.length == 0 return super unless node.is_method? process S(:send, s(:const, nil, :Math), node.children[1], s(:splat, target)) elsif method == :call and target and target.type == :ivar process S(:send, s(:self), "_#{target.children.first.to_s[1..-1]}", *args) elsif method == :call and target and target.type == :cvar process S(:send, s(:attr, s(:self), :constructor), "_#{target.children.first.to_s[2..-1]}", *args) elsif method == :keys and args.length == 0 and node.is_method? process S(:send, s(:const, nil, :Object), :keys, target) elsif method == :merge! if es2015 process S(:send, s(:const, nil, :Object), :assign, target, *args) else copy = [] unless target.type == :send and target.children.length == 2 and target.children[0] == nil then copy << s(:gvasgn, :$0, target) target = s(:gvar, :$0) end s(:send, s(:block, s(:send, nil, :lambda), s(:args), s(:begin, *copy, * {|modname| s(:for, s(:lvasgn, :$_), modname, s(:send, target, :[]=, s(:lvar, :$_), s(:send, modname, :[], s(:lvar, :$_)))) }, s(:return, target))), :[]) end elsif method == :delete and args.length == 1 if not target process S(:undef, args.first) elsif args.first.type == :str process S(:undef, S(:attr, target, args.first.children.first)) else process S(:undef, S(:send, target, :[], args.first)) end elsif method == :to_s process S(:call, target, :toString, *args) elsif method == :Array and target == nil if es2015 process S(:send, s(:const, nil, :Array), :from, *args) else process S(:send, s(:attr, s(:attr, s(:const, nil, :Array), :prototype), :slice), :call, *args) end elsif method == :to_i process node.updated :send, [nil, :parseInt, target, *args] elsif method == :to_f process node.updated :send, [nil, :parseFloat, target, *args] elsif method == :sub and args.length == 2 process node.updated nil, [target, :replace, *args] elsif [:sub!, :gsub!].include? method method = :"#{method.to_s[0..-2]}" if VAR_TO_ASSIGN.keys.include? target.type process S(VAR_TO_ASSIGN[target.type], target.children[0], S(:send, target, method, *node.children[2..-1])) elsif target.type == :send if target.children[0] == nil process S(:lvasgn, target.children[1], S(:send, S(:lvar, target.children[1]), method, *node.children[2..-1])) else process S(:send, target.children[0], :"#{target.children[1]}=", S(:send, target, method, *node.children[2..-1])) end else super end elsif method == :gsub and args.length == 2 before, after = args if before.type == :regexp before = before.updated(:regexp, [*before.children[0...-1], s(:regopt, :g, *before.children.last)]) elsif before.type == :str before = before.updated(:regexp, [s(:str, Regexp.escape(before.children.first)), s(:regopt, :g)]) end process node.updated nil, [target, :replace, before, after] elsif method == :ord and args.length == 0 if target.type == :str process S(:int, target.children.last.ord) else process S(:send, target, :charCodeAt, s(:int, 0)) end elsif method == :chr and args.length == 0 if target.type == :int process S(:str, target.children.last.chr) else process S(:send, s(:const, nil, :String), :fromCharCode, target) end elsif method == :empty? and args.length == 0 process S(:send, S(:attr, target, :length), :==, s(:int, 0)) elsif method == :nil? and args.length == 0 process S(:send, target, :==, s(:nil)) elsif [:start_with?, :end_with?].include? method and args.length == 1 if es2015 if method == :start_with? process S(:send, target, :startsWith, *args) else process S(:send, target, :endsWith, *args) end else if args.first.type == :str length = S(:int, args.first.children.first.length) else length = S(:attr, *args, :length) end if method == :start_with? process S(:send, S(:send, target, :substring, s(:int, 0), length), :==, *args) else process S(:send, S(:send, target, :slice, S(:send, length, :-@)), :==, *args) end end elsif method == :clear and args.length == 0 and node.is_method? process S(:send, target, :length=, s(:int, 0)) elsif method == :replace and args.length == 1 process S(:begin, S(:send, target, :length=, s(:int, 0)), S(:send, target, :push, s(:splat, node.children[2]))) elsif method == :include? and args.length == 1 while target.type == :begin and target.children.length == 1 target = target.children.first end if target.type == :irange S(:and, s(:send, args.first, :>=, target.children.first), s(:send, args.first, :<=, target.children.last)) elsif target.type == :erange S(:and, s(:send, args.first, :>=, target.children.first), s(:send, args.first, :<, target.children.last)) else process S(:send, S(:send, target, :indexOf, args.first), :!=, s(:int, -1)) end elsif method == :respond_to? and args.length == 1 process S(:in?, args.first, target) elsif method == :each process S(:send, target, :forEach, *args) elsif method == :downcase and args.length == 0 process S(:send, target, :toLowerCase) elsif method == :upcase and args.length == 0 process S(:send, target, :toUpperCase) elsif method == :strip and args.length == 0 process S(:send, target, :trim) elsif node.children[0..1] == [nil, :puts] process S(:send, s(:attr, nil, :console), :log, *args) elsif method == :first if node.children.length == 2 process S(:send, target, :[], s(:int, 0)) elsif node.children.length == 3 process on_send S(:send, target, :[], s(:erange, s(:int, 0), node.children[2])) else super end elsif method == :last if node.children.length == 2 process on_send S(:send, target, :[], s(:int, -1)) elsif node.children.length == 3 process S(:send, target, :slice, s(:send, s(:attr, target, :length), :-, node.children[2]), s(:attr, target, :length)) else super end elsif method == :[] # resolve negative literal indexes i = proc do |index| if index.type == :int and index.children.first < 0 process S(:send, S(:attr, target, :length), :-, s(:int, -index.children.first)) else index end end index = args.first if not index super elsif index.type == :regexp process S(:send, s(:or, S(:send, target, :match, index), s(:array)), :[], args[1] || s(:int, 0)) elsif node.children.length != 3 super elsif index.type == :int and index.children.first < 0 process S(:send, target, :[], i.(index)) elsif index.type == :erange start, finish = index.children process S(:send, target, :slice, i.(start), i.(finish)) elsif index.type == :irange start, finish = index.children start = i.(start) if finish.type == :int if finish.children.first == -1 finish = S(:attr, target, :length) else finish = i.(S(:int, finish.children.first+1)) end else finish = S(:send, finish, :+, s(:int, 1)) end process S(:send, target, :slice, start, finish) else super end elsif method == :reverse! and node.is_method? # input: a.reverse! # output: a.splice(0, a.length, *a.reverse) process S(:send, target, :splice, s(:int, 0), s(:attr, target, :length), s(:splat, S(:send, target, :reverse, *node.children[2..-1]))) elsif method == :each_with_index process S(:send, target, :forEach, *args) elsif method == :inspect and args.length == 0 S(:send, s(:const, nil, :JSON), :stringify, process(target)) elsif method == :* and target.type == :str process S(:send, s(:send, s(:const, nil, :Array), :new, s(:send, args.first, :+, s(:int, 1))), :join, target) elsif [:is_a?, :kind_of?].include? method and args.length == 1 if args[0].type == :const parent = args[0].children.last parent = :Number if parent == :Float parent = :Object if parent == :Hash parent = :Function if parent == :Proc parent = :Error if parent == :Exception parent = :RegExp if parent == :Regexp if parent == :Array S(:send, s(:const, nil, :Array), :isArray, target) elsif [:Arguments, :Boolean, :Date, :Error, :Function, :Number, :Object, :RegExp, :String].include? parent S(:send, s(:send, s(:attr, s(:attr, s(:const, nil, Object), :prototype), :toString), :call, target), :===, s(:str, "[object #{parent.to_s}]")) else super end else super end elsif target && target.type == :send and target.children[1] == :delete # prevent chained delete methods from being converted to undef S(:send, target.updated(:sendw), *node.children[1..-1]) elsif es2017 and method==:entries and args.length==0 and node.is_method? process node.updated(nil, [s(:const, nil, :Object), :entries, target]) elsif es2017 and method==:values and args.length==0 and node.is_method? process node.updated(nil, [s(:const, nil, :Object), :values, target]) elsif es2017 and method==:rjust process node.updated(nil, [target, :padStart, *args]) elsif es2017 and method==:ljust process node.updated(nil, [target, :padEnd, *args]) else super end end def on_block(node) call = node.children.first if [:setInterval, :setTimeout].include? call.children[1] return super unless call.children.first == nil block = process s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), *node.children[1..-1]) on_send call.updated nil, [*call.children[0..1], block, *call.children[2..-1]] elsif [:sub, :gsub, :sub!, :gsub!, :sort!].include? call.children[1] return super if call.children.first == nil block = s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), node.children[1], s(:autoreturn, *node.children[2..-1])) process call.updated(nil, [*call.children, block]) elsif call.children[1] == :select and call.children.length == 2 call = call.updated nil, [call.children.first, :filter] node.updated nil, [process(call), process(node.children[1]), s(:autoreturn, *process_all(node.children[2..-1]))] elsif call.children[1] == :any? and call.children.length == 2 call = call.updated nil, [call.children.first, :some] node.updated nil, [process(call), process(node.children[1]), s(:autoreturn, *process_all(node.children[2..-1]))] elsif call.children[1] == :all? and call.children.length == 2 call = call.updated nil, [call.children.first, :every] node.updated nil, [process(call), process(node.children[1]), s(:autoreturn, *process_all(node.children[2..-1]))] elsif call.children[1] == :find and call.children.length == 2 node.updated nil, [process(call), process(node.children[1]), s(:autoreturn, *process_all(node.children[2..-1]))] elsif call.children[1] == :find_index and call.children.length == 2 call = call.updated nil, [call.children.first, :findIndex] node.updated nil, [process(call), process(node.children[1]), s(:autoreturn, *process_all(node.children[2..-1]))] elsif call.children[1] == :map and call.children.length == 2 node.updated nil, [process(call), process(node.children[1]), s(:autoreturn, *process_all(node.children[2..-1]))] elsif [:map!, :select!].include? call.children[1] # input:! {expression} # output: a.splice(0, a.length, * {expression}) method = (call.children[1] == :map! ? :map : :select) target = call.children.first process call.updated(:send, [target, :splice, s(:splat, s(:send, s(:array, s(:int, 0), s(:attr, target, :length)), :concat, s(:block, s(:send, target, method, *call.children[2..-1]), *node.children[1..-1])))]) elsif node.children[0..1] == [s(:send, nil, :loop), s(:args)] # input: loop {statements} # output: while(true) {statements} S(:while, s(:true), node.children[2]) elsif call.children[1] == :delete # restore delete methods that are prematurely mapped to undef result = super if result.children[0].type == :undef call = result.children[0].children[0] if call.type == :attr call = call.updated(:send, [call.children[0], :delete, s(:str, call.children[1])]) result = result.updated(nil, [call, *result.children[1..-1]]) else call = call.updated(nil, [call.children[0], :delete, *call.children[2..-1]]) result = result.updated(nil, [call, *result.children[1..-1]]) end end result elsif call.children[1] == :downto range = s(:irange, call.children[0], call.children[2]) call = call.updated(nil, [s(:begin, range), :step, s(:int, -1)]) process node.updated(nil, [call, *node.children[1..-1]]) elsif call.children[1] == :upto range = s(:irange, call.children[0], call.children[2]) call = call.updated(nil, [s(:begin, range), :step, s(:int, 1)]) process node.updated(nil, [call, *node.children[1..-1]]) elsif call.children[1] == :each and call.children[0].type == :send and call.children[0].children[1] == :step then # i.step(j, n).each {|v| ...} range = call.children[0] step = range.children[3] || s(:int, 1) call = call.updated(nil, [s(:begin, s(:irange, range.children[0], range.children[2])), :step, step]) process node.updated(nil, [call, *node.children[1..-1]]) elsif # (a..b).each {|v| ...} call.children[1] == :each and call.children[0].type == :begin and call.children[0].children.length == 1 and [:irange, :erange].include? call.children[0].children[0].type and node.children[1].children.length == 1 then s(:for, s(:lvasgn, node.children[1].children[0].children[0]), call.children[0].children[0], node.children[2]) elsif [:each, :each_value].include? call.children[1] and node.children[1].children.length == 1 then if es2015 process node.updated(:for_of, [s(:lvasgn, node.children[1].children[0].children[0]), node.children[0].children[0], node.children[2]]) else process node.updated(nil, [s(:send, call.children[0], :forEach), *node.children[1..2]]) end elsif call.children[1] == :each_key and [:each, :each_key].include? call.children[1] and node.children[1].children.length == 1 then process node.updated(:for, [s(:lvasgn, node.children[1].children[0].children[0]), node.children[0].children[0], node.children[2]]) elsif es2015 and call.children[1] == :inject process node.updated(:send, [call.children[0], :reduce, s(:block, s(:send, nil, :lambda), *node.children[1..2]), *call.children[2..-1]]) elsif es2017 and call.children[1] == :each_pair process node.updated(nil, [s(:send, s(:send, s(:const, nil, :Object), :entries, call.children[0]), :forEach), s(:args, s(:mlhs, *node.children[1].children)), node.children[2]]) else super end end def on_class(node) name, inheritance, *body = node.children body.compact! if inheritance == s(:const, nil, :Exception) unless body.any? {|statement| statement.type == :def and statement.children.first == :initialize} then body.unshift S(:def, :initialize, s(:args, s(:arg, :message)), s(:begin, S(:send, s(:self), :message=, s(:lvar, :message)), S(:send, s(:self), :name=, s(:sym, name.children[1])), S(:send, s(:self), :stack=, s(:send, s(:send, nil, :Error, s(:lvar, :message)), :stack)))) end body = [s(:begin, *body)] if body.length > 1 S(:class, name, s(:const, nil, :Error), *body) else super end end end DEFAULTS.push Functions end end