module Conjur::Policy::Executor # Abstract base class for creating a new record. class Create < Base def record statement.record end end # Generic 'create' implementation which POSTs to a resources URL. class CreateRecord < Create include Annotate def execute action({ 'method' => 'post', 'path' => create_path, 'parameters' => create_parameters }) annotate end def annotate_record record end def create_path [ kind_path ].join('/') end def kind_path record.resource_kind.pluralize end # Each record is assumed to have an 'id' attribute required for creation. # In addition, other create parameters can be specified by the +custom_attribute_names+ # method on the record. def create_parameters { record.id_attribute => }.tap do |params| custom_attrs = record.custom_attribute_names.inject({}) do |memo, attr| value = record.send(attr) memo[attr.to_s] = value if value memo end params.merge! custom_attrs params["ownerid"] = record.owner.roleid if record.owner end end end # When creating a host factory, the +roleid+ and +layer+ are required. class CreateHostFactory < CreateRecord def create_parameters super.tap do |params| params['roleid'] = record.role.roleid params['layers'] = Array(record.layers).map(&:id) end end end # When creating a variable, set default values for the +mime_type+ and +kind+. class CreateVariable < CreateRecord def create_parameters super.tap do |params| params['mime_type'] ||= 'text/plain' params['kind'] ||= 'secret' end end end # When creating a raw Role or Resource, the owner of the new record is specified by # the +acting_as+ parameter. module ActingAs def acting_as_parameters {}.tap do |params| params["acting_as"] = record.owner.roleid if record.owner end end end # Create a new Resource with a PUT request to the resource path. class CreateResource < Create include ActingAs include Annotate def execute action({ 'method' => 'put', 'path' => resource_path(statement.record), 'parameters' => acting_as_parameters }) annotate end def annotate_record statement.record end end class CreateWebservice < CreateResource # This is needed so that a Webservice record will create a resource, rather # than core asset. It does not need any implementation. end # Create a new Role with a PUT request to the role path. class CreateRole < Create include ActingAs def execute action({ 'method' => 'put', 'path' => role_path(statement.record), 'parameters' => acting_as_parameters }) end end end