# TODO: register components do ($ = jQuery) => $.regexp ||= {} $.regexp.rorId ||= /(\w+)_(\d+)$/ @ror_id = (jObjOrString) -> if jObjOrString instanceof jQuery id = jObjOrString.data("rorId") # Maybe use "id" unless id? id = ror_id(jObjOrString.attr("id")) jObjOrString.data("rorId", id) if id? id else if _.isString(jObjOrString) matchResult = jObjOrString.match($.regexp.rorId) if matchResult then matchResult[2] else null else null $.fn.rorId = (id = null, prefix = null) -> if arguments.length jThis = @first() thisId = @attr("id") if not prefix? and _.isString(thisId) prefix = matchResult[1] if matchResult = thisId.match($.regexp.rorId) @data("rorId", id) if prefix? jThis.attr "id", "#{prefix}_#{id}" jThis else ror_id @ $.fn.getClasses = -> _.string.words @attr("class") # Get hash of html-dom attributes from first matched element or false, if no elements $.fn.getAttributes = -> attrs = {} if @length attrs[attr.nodeName] = attr.nodeValue for attr in this[0].attributes attrs # [showOrHide[, duration[, callback]]] $.fn.slideToggleByState = -> if @length if arguments.length > 0 a = _.toArray(arguments) if a.shift() @slideDown.apply @, a else @slideUp.apply @, a else @slideToggle() @ unless $.isHTML $.regexp.HTML = /^\s*<(\w+)[\S\s]*<\/(\w+)>\s*$/ $.isHTML = (content, strong = false) -> return false unless _.isString(content) matches = content.match($.regexp.HTML) return false unless matches? not strong or matches[1] is matches[2]