#!/usr/bin/ruby # # Usage: test/60_rbox_upload_test.rb # $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib") require "rubygems" require "stringio" require "yaml" require "rye" tmpdir = Rye.sysinfo.tmpdir rbox = Rye::Box.new("localhost", :info => true) def rbox.rm(*args); cmd('rm', args); end rbox.rm(:r, :f, "#{tmpdir}/rye-upload") # Silently delete test dir # /tmp/rye-upload will be created if it doesn't exist rbox.upload("README.rdoc", "LICENSE.txt", "#{tmpdir}/rye-upload") # A single file can be renamed rbox.upload("README.rdoc", "#{tmpdir}/rye-upload/README-renamed") # StringIO objects can be sent as files applejack = StringIO.new applejack.puts "Delano: What's happening Applejack?" applejack.puts "Applejack: Just trying to get by." rbox.upload(applejack, "#{tmpdir}/rye-upload/applejack") rbox.upload("tst/60-file.mp3", "#{tmpdir}/rye-upload") # demonstrates rbox.upload("tst/60-file.mp3", "#{tmpdir}/rye-upload") # progress rbox.upload("tst/60-file.mp3", "#{tmpdir}/rye-upload") # bar puts "Content of /tmp/rye-upload" puts rbox.ls(:l, "#{tmpdir}/rye-upload") rbox.download("#{tmpdir}/rye-upload/README.rdoc", "#{tmpdir}/rye-upload/README-renamed", "#{tmpdir}/rye-download") # You can't download a StringIO object. This raises an exception: #rbox.download(applejack, "#{tmpdir}/rye-download/applejack") # But you can download _to_ a StringIO object applejack = StringIO.new rbox.download("#{tmpdir}/rye-upload/applejack", applejack) puts $/, "Content of /tmp/rye-download" puts rbox.ls(:l, "#{tmpdir}/rye-download") puts $/, "Content of applejack StringIO object" applejack.rewind puts applejack.read