# How it works: # You can run your functional calabash testcases on real ios hardware. # Follow the steps to set up your free account on testmunk.com or see below. # After tests are executed you will get an email with test results. # An API extension to see test results directly in Jenkins is in the works. # Setup # 1) Create a free account on testmunk.com # 2) Create an own project under your account (top right) after you are logged in. You will need to use this project name within your REST API upload path. # 3) Upload testcases (features in calabash) over the testmunk REST API (http://docs.testmunk.com/en/latest/rest.html#upload-testcases). module Fastlane module Actions class TestmunkAction < Action def self.run(config) Helper.log.info 'Testmunk: Uploading the .ipa and starting your tests'.green response = system("#{"curl -H 'Accept: application/vnd.testmunk.v1+json'" + " -F 'file=@#{config[:ipa]}' -F 'autoStart=true'" + " -F 'email=#{config[:email]}'" + " https://#{config[:api]}@api.testmunk.com/apps/#{config[:app]}/testruns"}") if response Helper.log.info 'Your tests are being executed right now. Please wait for the mail with results and decide if you want to continue.'.green else raise 'Something went wrong while uploading your app to Testmunk'.red end end def self.description "Run tests on real devices using Testmunk" end def self.available_options [ FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :ipa, env_name: "TESTMUNK_IPA", description: "Path to IPA", verify_block: Proc.new do |value| raise "Please pass to existing ipa" unless File.exists?value end), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :email, env_name: "TESTMUNK_EMAIL", description: "Your email address", verify_block: Proc.new do |value| raise "Please pass your Testmunk email address using `ENV['TESTMUNK_EMAIL'] = 'value'`" unless value end), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :api, env_name: "TESTMUNK_API", description: "Testmunk API Key", verify_block: Proc.new do |value| raise "Please pass your Testmunk API Key using `ENV['TESTMUNK_API'] = 'value'`" unless value end), FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :app, env_name: "TESTMUNK_APP", description: "Testmunk App Name", verify_block: Proc.new do |value| raise "Please pass your Testmunk app name using `ENV['TESTMUNK_APP'] = 'value'`" unless value end), ] end def self.author "mposchen" end def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :ios end end end end