# frozen_string_literal: true module QuoVadis Error = Class.new StandardError PasswordExistsError = Class.new QuoVadis::Error def self.accessor(*names) names.each do |name| define_singleton_method name do |val = nil| if !val.nil? instance_variable_set :"@#{name}", val else instance_variable_get :"@#{name}" end end end end accessor \ :password_minimum_length, # integer :mask_ips, # true | false :cookie_name, # string :session_lifetime, # :session | ActiveSupport::Duration | [integer] seconds :session_lifetime_extend_to_end_of_day,# true | false :session_idle_timeout, # :lifetime | ActiveSupport::Duration | [integer] seconds :password_reset_otp_lifetime, # ActiveSupport::Duration | [integer] seconds :mailer_superclass, # string :mail_headers, # hash :accounts_require_confirmation, # true | false :account_confirmation_otp_lifetime, # ActiveSupport::Duration | [integer] seconds :enqueue_transactional_emails, # true | false :app_name, # string :two_factor_authentication_mandatory, # true | false :mount_point # string class << self def configure(&block) module_eval &block end # name - string class name, e.g. 'User' # identifier - attribute symbol, e.g. :username def register_model(name, identifier) models[name] = identifier end def find_account_by_identifier_in_params(params) Account.find_by identifier: identifier_value_in_params(params) end def identifier_value_in_params(params) identifier = detect_identifier params.keys params[identifier] end # model - string class name, e.g. 'User' # returns string humanised name for the model's identifier, e.g. "Username" def humanise_identifier(model) klass = model.constantize klass.human_attribute_name identifier(model) end # Translates the key in the :quo_vadis scope, returning nil if it does not exist. # This allows applications to suppress a QuoVadis translation. # For example: # # en: # quo_vadis: # require_authentication: # def translate(key, **options) I18n.t key, **options.merge(scope: :quo_vadis, raise: true) rescue nil end def notify(action, params) deliver(action, params, later: true) end def deliver(action, params, later: QuoVadis.enqueue_transactional_emails) mail = QuoVadis::Mailer .with(params.merge(ip: QuoVadis::CurrentRequestDetails.ip, timestamp: Time.now)) .send(action) later ? mail.deliver_later : mail.deliver_now end # model - string class name, e.g. 'User' # returns attribute symbol, e.g. :username def identifier(model) models[model] end private def models @models ||= {} end def detect_identifier(candidates) (identifiers.map(&:to_s) & candidates.map(&:to_s)).first end def identifiers models.values.uniq end end end require_relative 'quo_vadis/defaults' require_relative 'quo_vadis/engine' require_relative 'quo_vadis/crypt' require_relative 'quo_vadis/encrypted_type' require_relative 'quo_vadis/hmacable' require_relative 'quo_vadis/ip_masking' require_relative 'quo_vadis/model' require_relative 'quo_vadis/current_request_details' require_relative 'quo_vadis/controller' ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do include QuoVadis::Controller end ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do include QuoVadis::Model end