= Prawn: Fast, Nimble PDF Generation For Ruby Prawn is a PDF writing library for Ruby designed to be tiny, fast, and nimble, just like the majestic sea creature. Development on this library was initially made possible thanks to the many people who donated to the Ruby Mendicant project: http://rubymendicant.wikidot.com The project is currently maintained by Gregory Brown, with lots of help from the community. == Quick Start Getting started with Prawn can be as simple as: require 'prawn' pdf = Prawn::Document.new pdf.text("Prawn Rocks") pdf.render_file('prawn.pdf') But prawn can do a lot more: ===Any page size you can think of Prawn::Document.new('A0') ...gives you an _really_ big page. Prawn::Document.new(:page_size => [11.32, 8.49], :page_layout => :portrait) ...giving you a postage stamp. {Learn more}[link:classes/Prawn/Document.html] ===Multiple Font Handling with UTF-8 Support pdf.text("Prawn Rocks") pdf.font("/myfont.ttf") pdf.text("Prawn still rocks in a different font") ...allowing you to use any font you want. {Learn more}[link:classes/Prawn/Font.html] ===Drawing graphics directly into the page Simple shapes: pdf.stroke do pdf.circle_at [100,100], :radius => 25 pdf.rectangle [300,300], 100, 200 end (note, you need to stroke the path to put "ink" there) {Learn more}[link:classes/Prawn/Graphics.html] ===Embedding JPEG and PNG Images Natively Reading an image directly from a file: prawn_logo = "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/images/prawn_logo.png" pdf.image prawn_logo, :at => [50,450], :width => 450 Or reading it from an IO stream: require "open-uri" pdf.image open("http://prawn.majesticseacreature.com/media/prawn_logo.png") {Learn more}[link:classes/Prawn/Images.html] ===Measurement Conversion Tools for Your Sanity Prawn deals exclusively in PDF points... which work out to about 2.83464567mm... don't try and do it in your head, instead, let Prawn help you: require "prawn/measurement_extensions" Prawn::Document.generate(:page_layout => :portrait, :left_margin => 10.mm, # different :right_margin => 1.cm, # units :top_margin => 0.1.dm, # work :bottom_margin => 0.01.m, # well :page_size => 'A4') do text "Prawn Rocks" end {Learn more}[link:classes/Prawn/Measurements.html] == Resources === Website: http://prawn.majesticseacreature.com === Examples: http://github.com/sandal/prawn/tree/stable/examples For tables and grid based layout: http://github.com/sandal/prawn-layout/tree/stable/examples For inline styling and advanced formatting: http://github.com/sandal/prawn-format/tree/stable/examples For encryption, password protection, and permissions: http://github.com/madriska/prawn-security/tree/stable/examples (or gem unpack prawn-core, prawn-format, prawn-security and prawn-layout if you want to run them locally) === Bug Tracker / Wiki: http://github.com/sandal/prawn/issues http://github.com/sandal/prawn-layout/issues http://github.com/sandal/prawn-format/issues http://github.com/madriska/prawn-security/issues === Source Code: http://github.com/sandal/prawn http://github.com/sandal/prawn-layout http://github.com/sandal/prawn-format http://github.com/madriska/prawn-security === Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/prawn-ruby === IRC: Find us in #prawn on irc.freenode.net Gregory Brown: James Healy: == Notes to Developers: See HACKING file for details on getting set up with a local build.