require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) shared_examples 'singleton' do |klass| describe '.instance' do subject { klass } its(:instance) { should be_a_kind_of(klass) } it 'returns the same instances for all calls to #instance' do klass.instance.should equal(klass.instance) end end end describe Wikilink::Converter do CURRENT_SITE = Wikilink::Converter::CURRENT_SITE it_behaves_like 'singleton', Wikilink::Converter describe '.config' do it 'yields the singleton instance' do Wikilink::Converter.config do |arg| arg.should equal(Wikilink::Converter.instance) end end end %w{run execute}.each do |method| describe ".#{method}" do it "forwards method #{method} to #instance" do Wikilink::Converter.instance.should_receive(method.to_sym).with(:arg) Wikilink::Converter.send method.to_sym, :arg end end end let(:converter) { } describe '#run' do subject { converter.method(:run) } it 'does nothing when text does not contain wikilink' do subject.should convert("Hello World").to('Hello World') end it 'converts wikilink to element A' do subject.should convert('[[Home]]').to('Home') end it 'converts multiple wikilinks to elements A' do subject.should convert('[[Home]] [[Page]]'). to('Home Page') end it 'converts escaped \\[[wikilink]] to [[wikilink]]' do subject.should convert('\\[[Hello]] World').to('[[Hello]] World') end it 'ignores [[ and ]] in different lines' do subject.should convert("[[Hel\nlo]]").to("[[Hel\nlo]]") end it 'ignores wikilink with last character is :' do subject.should convert("[[:digit:]]").to("[[:digit:]]") end it 'ignores wikilink with last character is :' do subject.should convert("[[:digit:]]").to("[[:digit:]]") end it 'ignores wikilink which path starts with [' do subject.should convert("[[[test]]").to("[[[test]]") end it 'ignores wikilink which path starts with ]' do subject.should convert("[[]test]]").to("[[]test]]") end context 'in namespace topics' do context 'with default handler' do before do converter.namespace('topics', Wikilink::Converter::Namespace::Default) end it { should convert('[[topics:World]]').to('topics:World') } end end context 'with site wiki' do let(:wiki) { double(:wiki) } before {'wiki', wiki) } subject { converter.method(:run) } it 'use link to external wiki' do wiki.should_receive(:run).with(any_args).and_return('works') subject.should convert('[[wiki:Ruby]]').to('works') end end describe 'pipe trick' do it { should convert('[[Hello|]]').to('Hello') } it { should convert('[[Hello/World|]]').to('World') } context 'in namespace topics' do context 'with default handler' do before do converter.namespace('topics', Wikilink::Converter::Namespace::Default) end it { should convert('[[topics:World|]]').to('World') } it { should convert('[[:topics:World|]]').to('World') } end end end it 'passes options to namespace converter' do Wikilink::Converter::Site.any_instance.should_receive(:run) { |*args| args.last[:hello].should eq('world') 'result' }'[[Hello]]', hello: 'world') end end describe '#default_site' do it 'is a shortcut of #site' do converter.should_receive(:site).with(CURRENT_SITE, 'arg') converter.current_site 'arg' end end describe '#site' do let(:default_site) { double(:default_site).as_null_object } let(:site) { double(:site).as_null_object } before { Wikilink::Converter::Site.stub(:new) { default_site } } let(:converter) { } context 'without any arguments' do it 'does not create new instance' do converter # call it to initialize first Wikilink::Converter::Site.should_not_receive :new end it 'yields the default site converter' do do |site_converter| site_converter.should eq(default_site) end end end context 'with site name' do it 'creates a new instance of Wikilink::Converter::Site as the site converter' do converter # call it to initialize first Wikilink::Converter::Site.should_receive(:new).once 'wikipedia' end it 'initializes the instance with option :name' do converter # call it to initialize first Wikilink::Converter::Site.should_receive(:new).with(hash_including(name: 'wikipedia')).once 'wikipedia' end it 'yields the new converter instance' do converter # call it to initialize first Wikilink::Converter::Site.should_receive(:new).once.and_return(site)'wikipedia') do |site_converter| site_converter.should eq(site) end end context 'and options' do let(:options) { { foo: :bar } } it 'initializes the instance with given options' do converter # call it to initialize first Wikilink::Converter::Site.should_receive(:new).with(hash_including(foo: :bar)).once 'wikipedia', options end end end context 'with object' do it 'does not create new instance' do converter # call it to initialize first Wikilink::Converter::Site.should_not_receive :new site end it 'yields the object' do do |site_converter| site_converter.should eq(site) end end end end describe '#execute' do subject { converter.method(:execute) } it 'does nothing without any registered action handlers' do subject.should convert('{{toc}}').to('{{toc}}') end it 'converts escaped \\{{magicwords}} to {{magicwords}}' do subject.should convert('\\{{toc}}').to('{{toc}}') end context 'with handler registered on action toc' do before { converter.action('toc') do |arg| "Table of Contents#{arg}" end } it 'uses the handler to process {{toc}}' do subject.should convert('{{toc}}').to('Table of Contents') end it 'passes content after colon as argument to handler' do subject.should convert('{{toc: rocks}}').to('Table of Contents rocks') end it 'ignores {{ and }} in different lines' do subject.should convert("{{toc:\nrocks}}").to("{{toc:\nrocks}}") end it 'ignores magicwords which last character is colon' do subject.should convert("{{toc:}}").to("{{toc:}}") end it 'ignores other unregistered actions' do subject.should convert("{{delete:all:site}}").to("{{delete:all:site}}") end end end end