# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'yaml' require 'mnogootex/log/processor' describe Mnogootex::Log::Processor do describe '.strings_to_lines!' do it 'converts strings into lines' do strings = "foo\nbar\n".lines described_class.strings_to_lines! strings expect(strings).to eq [ Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('foo'), Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('bar') ] end end describe '.tag_lines!' do it 'tags using short matchers' do lines = [Mnogootex::Log::Line.new, Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('foo'), Mnogootex::Log::Line.new] matchers = [Mnogootex::Log::Matcher.new(/foo/, :foo)] described_class.tag_lines! lines, matchers: matchers expect(lines.map(&:level)).to eq([nil, :foo, nil]) end it 'tags using long matchers' do lines = [Mnogootex::Log::Line.new, Mnogootex::Log::Line.new, Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('foo'), Mnogootex::Log::Line.new, Mnogootex::Log::Line.new, Mnogootex::Log::Line.new, Mnogootex::Log::Line.new] matchers = [Mnogootex::Log::Matcher.new(/foo/, :foo, 3)] described_class.tag_lines! lines, matchers: matchers expect(lines.map(&:level)).to eq([nil, nil, :foo, :foo, :foo, nil, nil]) end it 'tags abiding to matchers order' do lines = [Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('foo'), Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('something')] matchers = [Mnogootex::Log::Matcher.new(/foo/, :winner, 1), Mnogootex::Log::Matcher.new(/foo/, :loser, 1), Mnogootex::Log::Matcher.new(//, :anything, 1)] described_class.tag_lines! lines, matchers: matchers expect(lines.map(&:level)).to eq(%i[winner anything]) end end describe '.filter_lines!' do it 'raises on line with unknown level' do lines = [Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('foo', :bar)] levels = { foo: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(0) } expect do described_class.filter_lines! lines, levels: levels, min_level: :foo end.to raise_exception KeyError end it 'raises on unknown min level' do lines = [Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('foo', :foo)] levels = { foo: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(0) } expect do described_class.filter_lines! lines, levels: levels, min_level: :bar end.to raise_exception KeyError end it 'filters tagged lines by minimum level' do lines = [Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('foo', :foo), Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('bar', :bar), Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('baz', :baz)] levels = { foo: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(0), bar: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(1), baz: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(2) } described_class.filter_lines! lines, levels: levels, min_level: :bar expect(lines.map(&:text)).to eq(%w[bar baz]) end end describe '.colorize_lines!' do it 'raises on unknown min level' do lines = [Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('foo', :foo)] levels = { bar: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(0) } expect do described_class.colorize_lines! lines, levels: levels end.to raise_exception KeyError end it 'colorizes tagged lines' do lines = [Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('foo', :foo), Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('bar', :bar), Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('baz', :baz)] levels = { foo: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(0, :foo, :red), bar: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(1, :bar, :green), baz: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(2, :baz, :blue) } described_class.colorize_lines! lines, levels: levels expect(lines.map(&:text)).to eq %W{\e[0;31;49mfoo\e[0m \e[0;32;49mbar\e[0m \e[0;34;49mbaz\e[0m} end end describe '.render_lines!' do it 'renders lines to indented terminated strings' do lines = [Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('foo'), Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('bar'), Mnogootex::Log::Line.new('baz')] described_class.render_lines! lines, indent_width: 2 expect(lines).to eq [" foo\n", " bar\n", " baz\n"] end end describe '#run' do log = <<~LOG This is generic irrelevant information. Hey, I'm warning you, dude. Stuff is gonna get bad. This is also a known irrelevant information flood... ... telling you that you'd better pay attention to warnings. I warned you, dude. Here's an ERROR. :( LOG levels = { trace: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(0, :trace), warning: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(1, :warning, :yellow), error: Mnogootex::Log::Level.new(2, :error, :red) } matchers = [Mnogootex::Log::Matcher.new(/error/i, :error, 1), Mnogootex::Log::Matcher.new(/warning/i, :warning, 1), Mnogootex::Log::Matcher.new(/flood/, :trace, 2), Mnogootex::Log::Matcher.new(//, :trace, 1)] it 'can be initilized and run' do my_processor = described_class.new matchers: matchers, levels: levels, min_level: :warning, colorize: true, indent_width: 4 expect(my_processor.run(log.lines)).to eq( [" \e[0;33;49mHey, I'm warning you, dude. Stuff is gonna get bad.\e[0m\n", " \e[0;31;49mI warned you, dude. Here's an ERROR. :(\e[0m\n"] ) end it 'can disable colorization' do my_processor = described_class.new matchers: matchers, levels: levels, min_level: :warning, colorize: false, indent_width: 4 expect(my_processor.run(log.lines)).to eq( [" Hey, I'm warning you, dude. Stuff is gonna get bad.\n", " I warned you, dude. Here's an ERROR. :(\n"] ) end it 'does not mutate given lines' do my_processor = described_class.new matchers: matchers, levels: levels, min_level: :warning, colorize: true, indent_width: 4 log_lines = log.lines expect { my_processor.run(log_lines) }.to_not(change { log_lines }) end end end