# CHANGES ## v0.5.4 / 2011-04-24 [Full changes](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/compare/v0.5.3...v0.5.4) ## Bugs * Prevent gem building when unclean working directory [GH#9](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/issues/9) ### Dependencies * Update gem dependencies [GH#10](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/issues/10) * Add [Bundler](http://gembundler.com/) ~> 1.0.7 to Gemfile * Update [Rack](http://rack.rubyforge.org/) to ~> 1.2.2 * Update [Sinatra](http://www.sinatrarb.com/) to ~> 1.1.4 * Update [Haml](http://haml-lang.com/) (and [Sass](http://sass-lang.com/)) to ~> 3.0.25 * Update [BlueCloth](http://deveiate.org/projects/BlueCloth) to ~> 2.1.0 * Update [Thor](https://github.com/wycats/thor) to ~> 0.14.6 * Update [RSpec](http://rspec.info/) to ~> 2.5.0 * Update [Rack::Test](https://github.com/brynary/rack-test) to ~> 0.5.7 * Update [YARD](http://yardoc.org/) to ~> 0.6.8 * Use gemspec for Gemfile [GH#8](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/issues/8) * Modernize `Mango::Dependencies` [GH#17](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/issues/17) ### Documentation * Update [RubyGems](https://rubygems.org/) to >= 1.3.7 in README.mdown [GH#12](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/issues/12) * Update all GitHub URLS to https [GH#15](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/issues/15) * Update CHANGES.mdown format [GH#13](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/issues/13) ## v0.5.3 / 2011-04-15 [Full changes](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/compare/v0.5.2...v0.5.3) ### Bugs * Fixed "no such file to load -- lib/mango/rack/static_assets_cache" bug ## v0.5.2 / 2011-04-15 [Full changes](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/compare/v0.5.1...v0.5.2) ### Dependencies * Updated [RubyGems](https://rubygems.org/) dependency to >= 1.3.7 ## v0.5.1 / 2010-11-01 [Full changes](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/compare/v0.5.0...v0.5.1) ### Dependencies * Updated [Bundler](http://gembundler.com/) dependency to ~> 1.0.0 to improve Heroku compatibility * Updated README.mdown to better present the Semantic Versioning of dependencies (documentation change only) ## v0.5.0 / 2010-10-31 [Full changes](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/compare/v0.4.0...v0.5.0) ### Features * Mango has been split into two pieces! 1. A web framework, distributed as a Ruby gem, that is completely abstracted away from application code. 2. A `mango` command-line tool that generates a [demo Mango application](http://mango-fireworks.heroku.com/). * Mango now supports theme-switching! * For example, add `class Mango::Application; set :theme, "theme_name"; end` to your application's config.ru. * As a result of the new command-line application generator, all embedded application code has been removed. * Now routes like `GET /images/` return a 200 response as long as `themes/default/public/images/index.html` exists. ### Dependencies * Added [RubyGems](https://rubygems.org/) 1.3.7 * Updated [Ruby](http://www.ruby-lang.org/) to 1.9.2 * Updated [Bundler](http://gembundler.com/) to 1.0.3 * Updated [Sinatra](http://www.sinatrarb.com/) to 1.1.0 * Updated [Haml](http://haml-lang.com/) to 3.0.22 * Updated [Sass](http://sass-lang.com/) to 3.0.22 (bundled with Haml) * Updated [BlueCloth](http://deveiate.org/projects/BlueCloth) to 2.0.9 * Updated [Rack::Test](https://github.com/brynary/rack-test) to 0.5.6 * Updated [RSpec](http://rspec.info/) to 2.0.1 * Updated [YARD](http://yardoc.org/) to 0.6.1 * Updated [YARD::Sinatra](https://github.com/rkh/yard-sinatra) to 0.5.1 ### Bugs * The NOT_FOUND handler no longer renders the 404 template within a layout template. * Improved install-time and run-time error messages for Ruby 1.8 environments ## v0.4.0 / 2010-08-30 [Full changes](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/compare/v0.3.0...v0.4.0) ### Features * Added the beginnings of a default theme titled "Smashing Mangos". * Added `Mango::Rack::Debugger` to the middleware stack (Only loads in the `:development` rack environment). * Added a `Mango::ContentPage` model to convert user-generated content into HTML. Supports either [Haml](http://haml-lang.com/) or [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) formatted content. * Refactored `Mango::Application` to utilize `Mango::ContentPage`. Now views have access to a `@content_page` instance variable. * Added `Mango::FlavoredMarkdown`, a subset of [GithubFlavoredMarkdown](http://github.github.com/github-flavored-markdown/), into the Markdown-to-HTML conversion. ### Dependencies * Updated [Haml](http://haml-lang.com/) to 3.0.18 * Updated [YARD::Sinatra](https://github.com/rkh/yard-sinatra) to 0.5.0 * Added [BlueCloth](http://deveiate.org/projects/BlueCloth) 2.0.7 as a required dependency ## v0.3.0 / 2010-06-25 [Full changes](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/compare/v0.2.1...v0.3.0) ### Features * Added a route handler that renders [Sass](http://sass-lang.com/) templates to CSS! * Refactored tests for better spec coverage of route handling * Massive rewrite of internal documentation thanks to the [YARD::Sinatra (modified)](https://github.com/ryansobol/yard-sinatra) * Uploaded developer documentation to [http://yardoc.org/docs/ryansobol-mango](http://yardoc.org/docs/ryansobol-mango) ### Dependencies * Updated [Haml](http://haml-lang.com/) to 3.0.13 * Added [YARD::Sinatra](https://github.com/rkh/yard-sinatra) [(modified)](https://github.com/ryansobol/yard-sinatra) ### Bugs * Fixed Regex when parsing LoadError messages on missing development dependencies * Fixed rspec gem name detection when requiring spec/rake/spectask in the Rakefile ## v0.2.1 / 2010-06-23 [Full changes](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1) * Refactored the application to reduce its code size and increase its maintainability * Improved the application's documentation and tests with additional HTTP routing examples ## v0.2.0 / 2010-06-19 [Full changes](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/compare/v0.1.1...v0.2.0) * Mango tries to route HTTP requests to static files first * Then it tries to route HTTP requests to Haml content pages * Finally, it routes unknown HTTP requests to a customizable 404 page ## v0.1.1 / 2010-06-15 [Full changes](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1) * Reserved the 'mango' namespace on RubyGems.org! ## v0.1.0 / 2010-06-15 [Full changes](https://github.com/ryansobol/mango/commits/v0.1.0) * Mango tries to route HTTP requests to Haml content pages first * Then it routes unknown HTTP requests to a customizable 404 page * Wraps content pages within a customizable Haml template and layout * Supports any Rack-based application server (e.g. Phusion Passenger, thin, mongrel, webrick, etc.) ## v0.0.1 / 2010-06-12 * First commit of the project