require_relative 'spec_helper' require 'cliutils/messaging' require 'cliutils/configurator' require 'cliutils/ext/hash_extensions' require 'cliutils/prefs' require 'yaml' describe CLIUtils::Configuration do include CLIUtils::Configuration let(:config_path) { File.expand_path('support/configuration.yaml') } let(:prefs_path) { File.expand_path('support/prefstest.yaml') } let(:config) {} let(:existing_data) { { my_app: { config_location: '/Users/bob/.my-app-config', log_level: 'WARN', version: '1.0.0' }, user_data: { username: 'bob', age: 45 } } } it 'adds a section to the config data' do config.add_section(:test) expect( eq(existing_data.merge!(test: {})) end it 'raises an exception when trying to add an already-existing section' do config.add_section(:test) m = 'Section already exists: test' expect { config.add_section(:test) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, m) end it 'backs up the configuration file' do backup_path = config.backup expect(backup_path).to eq("#{ config_path }-#{ }") FileUtils.rm(backup_path) end it 'deletes a section from the config data' do config.add_section(:test) config.add_section(:test2) config.delete_section(:test) expect( eq(existing_data.merge!(test2: {})) end it 'raises an exception when trying to delete a nonexistent section' do m = 'Cannot delete nonexistent section: test' expect { config.delete_section(:test) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, m) end it 'allows data retrieval via a hash or magic methods' do config.add_section(:test)[:test].merge!(name: 'Bob') expect([:test][:name]).to eq('Bob') expect(config.test[:name]).to eq('Bob') end it 'resets the entire data collection' do config.add_section(:test)[:test].merge!(name: 'Bob') config.reset expect( eq({}) end it 'saves its data to a file' do config.add_section(:section1) config.section1.merge!(a: 'test', b: 'test') saved_data = YAML.load_file(config.config_path).deep_symbolize_keys expect(saved_data).to eq( config.delete_section(:section1) end it 'compares versions' do config.add_section(:app_data) config.app_data.merge!(VERSION: '1.0.0') config.current_version = config.app_data[:VERSION] config.last_version = '1.0.8' config.compare_version do |c, l| expect(c).to be < l end end it 'successfully ingests Prefs into its data' do config.ingest_prefs( h = { personal_info: { superhero: nil, batman_answer: nil, superman_answer: nil, no_clue: nil } } expect(existing_data.merge!(h)).to eq( end it 'raises an exception when attempting to ingest invalid Prefs' do m = 'Invaid Prefs class' expect { config.ingest_prefs(123) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, m) end end