require 'ostruct' class OpenStruct # def to_ostruct self end end class Hash # Turns a hash into a generic object using an OpenStruct. # # o = {'a' => 1}.to_ostruct # o.a #=> 1 # def to_ostruct end ## Recursively converts a Hash object to an OpenStruct object. ## ## Returns a copy of the hash as an OpenStruct. #def to_ostruct() # struct = # each do |k, v| # struct.__send__("#{k}=", v.to_ostruct()) if v.is_a?(Hash) # struct.__send__(k).map! {|x| x.is_a?(Hash) ? x.to_ostruct() : x} if v.is_a?(Array) # end # return struct #end # Like `#to_ostruct` but recusively objectifies all hash elements as well. # # o = {'a' => { 'b' => 1 }}.to_ostruct_recurse # o.a.b #=> 1 # # The `exclude` parameter is used internally to prevent infinite # recursion and is not intended to be utilized by the end-user. # But for more advance use, if there is a particular subhash you # would like to prevent from being converted to an OpoenStruct # then include it in the `exclude` hash referencing itself. e.g. # # h = { 'a' => { 'b' => 1 } } # o = h.to_ostruct_recurse( { h['a'] => h['a'] } ) # o.a['b'] #=> 1 # # CREDIT: Alison Rowland, Jamie Macey, Mat Schaffer def to_ostruct_recurse(exclude={}) return exclude[self] if exclude.key?( self ) o = exclude[self] = h = self.dup each_pair do |k,v| h[k] = v.to_ostruct_recurse( exclude ) if v.respond_to?(:to_ostruct_recurse) end o.merge!(h) end end class NilClass # Create an empty OpenStruct object. def to_ostruct end end