require 'rake' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/gempackagetask' # # Gem tasks # def gemspec @gemspec ||= begin gemspec_path = File.expand_path('../<%= project_name %>.gemspec', __FILE__) eval(, TOPLEVEL_BINDING) end end do |pkg| pkg.need_tar = true end desc 'Prints the gemspec manifest.' task :print_manifest do files = gemspec.files.inject({}) do |files, file| files[File.expand_path(file)] = [File.exists?(file), file] files end cookbook_files = Dir.glob('{attributes,files,lib,recipes,templates}/**/*') cookbook_file = Dir.glob('*') (cookbook_files + cookbook_file).each do |file| next unless File.file?(file) path = File.expand_path(file) files[path] = ['', file] unless files.has_key?(path) end # sort and output the results files.values.sort_by {|exists, file| file }.each do |entry| puts '%-5s %s' % entry end end # # Documentation tasks # desc 'Generate documentation.' do |rdoc| spec = gemspec rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' rdoc.options.concat(spec.rdoc_options) rdoc.rdoc_files.include(spec.extra_rdoc_files) files = {|file| file =~ /^lib.*\.rb$/} rdoc.rdoc_files.include( files ) end # # Dependency tasks # desc 'Bundle dependencies' task :bundle do output = `bundle check 2>&1` unless $?.to_i == 0 puts output sh "bundle install 2>&1" puts end end # # Linecook Helpers # package = ENV['PACKAGE'] force = (ENV['FORCE'] == 'true') desc "build helpers and packages" task :build => :bundle do sh "bundle exec linecook build #{force ? '--force ' : nil}#{package}" end desc "run packages" task :run => :build do sh "bundle exec linecook run #{package}" end desc "start each vm at CURRENT" task :start => :bundle do sh 'bundle exec linecook start --socket --snapshot CURRENT' end desc "snapshot each vm to a new CURRENT" task :snapshot => :bundle do sh 'bundle exec linecook snapshot CURRENT' end desc "reset each vm to BASE" task :reset_base => :bundle do sh 'bundle exec linecook snapshot --reset BASE' sh 'bundle exec linecook snapshot CURRENT' sh 'bundle exec linecook start --socket --snapshot CURRENT' end desc "stop each vm" task :stop => :bundle do sh 'bundle exec linecook stop' end # # Test tasks # desc 'Default: Run tests.' task :default => :test desc 'Run the tests assuming each vm is setup' task :quicktest => :build do tests = Dir.glob('test/**/*_test.rb') tests.delete_if {|test| test =~ /_test\/test_/ } if ENV['RCOV'] == 'true' FileUtils.rm_rf File.expand_path('../coverage', __FILE__) sh('rcov', '-w', '--text-report', '--exclude', '^/', *tests) else sh('ruby', '-w', '-e', 'ARGV.dup.each {|test| load test}', *tests) end end desc 'Run the tests' task :test do begin Rake::Task["start"].invoke Rake::Task["quicktest"].invoke ensure Rake::Task["stop"].execute(nil) end end desc 'Run rcov' task :rcov do ENV['RCOV'] = 'true' Rake::Task["test"].invoke end