module AridCache module ActiveRecord def self.included(base) base.extend MirrorMethods base.send :include, MirrorMethods base.class_eval do alias_method_chain :method_missing, :arid_cache end class << base alias_method_chain :method_missing, :arid_cache end end module MirrorMethods def clear_all_caches AridCache.cache.clear_class_caches(self) AridCache.cache.clear_instance_caches(self) end def clear_class_caches AridCache.cache.clear_class_caches(self) end def clear_instance_caches AridCache.cache.clear_instance_caches(self) end def get_singleton class << self; self; end end # Return a cache key for the given key e.g. # User.arid_cache_key('companies') => 'user-companies' # User.first.arid_cache_key('companies') => 'users/20090120091123-companies' def arid_cache_key(key) key = (self.is_a?(Class) ? : self.cache_key) + '-' + key.to_s 'arid-cache-' + key end def respond_to?(method, include_private = false) #:nodoc: if (method.to_s =~ /^class_cache_.*|cache_.*|cached_.*(_count)?$/).nil? super(method, include_private) elsif method.to_s =~ /^cached_(.*)_count$/, "#{$1}_count") ||, $1) || super("#{$1}_count", include_private) || super($1, include_private) elsif method.to_s =~ /^cached_(.*)$/, $1) || super($1, include_private) else super(method, include_private) end end protected # Intercept methods beginning with cached_ def method_missing_with_arid_cache(method, *args, &block) #:nodoc: opts = args.empty? ? {} : args.first if method.to_s =~ /^cache_(.*)$/ AridCache.define(self, $1, opts, &block) elsif method.to_s =~ /^cached_(.*)$/ AridCache.lookup(self, $1, opts, &block) else method_missing_without_arid_cache(method, *args) end end end end end