# Waxx Copyright (c) 2016 ePark labs Inc. & Daniel J. Fitzpatrick All rights reserved. # Released under the Apache Version 2 License. See LICENSE.txt. ## # The MySQL Object methods module Waxx::Mysql2 extend self attr :app attr :db attr :table attr :columns attr :pkey attr :joins attr :orders ## # Connect to a MySQL/MariaDB database # # Set in config.yaml: # databases: # app: mysql2://user:pass@host:port/database?opt1=val1;opt2=val2 def connect(conf={}) Mysql2::Client.new( conf ) end def init(app:nil, db:"app", table:nil, pk:"id", cols:nil) @app ||= (app || App.table_from_class(name)).to_sym @db ||= db.to_sym @table ||= (table || App.table_from_class(name)).to_sym @pkey ||= pk.to_sym @columns ||= {} @joins ||= {} @orders ||= {} has(cols) if cols end def has(opts=nil) init if @table.nil? return @columns if opts.nil? @columns = opts @columns.each{|n,v| v[:table] = @table v[:column] = n v[:views] = [] v[:label] ||= Waxx::Util.label(n) @orders[n] = v[:order] || n @orders["_#{n}".to_sym] = v[:_order] || "#{n} DESC" @pkey = n if v[:pkey] if v[:is] r, tc = v[:is].split(":") t, c = tc.split(".") @joins[r] = {join: "INNER", table: t, col: c} end if v[:has] r, tc = v[:has].split(":") t, c = tc.split(".") @joins[r] = {join: "LEFT", table: t, col: c} end } end def [](n) @columns[n.to_sym] end def /(n) @columns[n.to_sym] end def get_cols(*args) re = {} args.flatten.map{|a| re[a] = @columns[a.to_sym]} re end def runs(opts=nil) init if @app.nil? return App[@app] if opts.nil? App[@app] = opts end def run(x, act, meth, *args) App[@app][act.to_sym][meth.to_sym][x, *args] end def parse_select(select, view) raise "Can not define both select and view in Waxx::Object.parse_select (#{name})." if select and view return select || "*" if view.nil? view.columns.map{|n,c| raise "Column #{n} not defined in #{view}" if c.nil? if c[:sql_select] "#{c[:sql_select]} AS #{n}" elsif n != c[:column] "#{c[:table]}.#{c[:column]} AS #{n}" else "#{c[:table]}.#{c[:column]}" end }.join(", ") end def get(x, select:nil, id:nil, joins:nil, where:nil, having:nil, order:nil, limit:nil, offset:nil, view:nil, &blk) Waxx.debug "object.get" select = parse_select(select, view) where = ["#{@table}.#{@pkey} = ?",id] if id and where.nil? # Block SQL injection in order clause. All order options must be defined in @orders. if order if not @orders/order Waxx.debug("ERROR: Object.get order (#{order}) not found in @orders [#{@orders.keys.join(", ")}]. Sorting by #{@pkey} instead.") order = @pkey else order = @orders/order end end if joins.nil? and view joins = view.joins_to_sql end q = {select:select, joins:joins, where:where, having:having, order:order, limit:limit, offset:offset} yield q if block_given? Waxx.debug "object.get.select: #{q[:select]}" return [] if q[:select].empty? sql = [] sql << "SELECT #{q[:select] || "*"}" sql << "FROM #{@table} #{q[:joins]}" sql << "WHERE #{q[:where][0]}" if q[:where] sql << "HAVING #{q[:having[0]]}" if q[:having] sql << "ORDER BY #{q[:order]}" if q[:order] sql << "LIMIT #{q[:limit].to_i}" if q[:limit] sql << "OFFSET #{q[:offset].to_i}" if q[:offset] vals = [] vals << q[:where][1] if q[:where] and q[:where][1] vals << q[:having][1] if q[:having] and q[:having][1] #[sql.join(" "), vals.flatten] Waxx.debug sql Waxx.debug vals.join(", ") x.db[@db].prepare(sql.join(" ")).execute(*(vals.flatten)) end def get_by_id(x, id, select=nil, view:nil) get(x, id: id, select: select, view: view).first end alias by_id get_by_id def post(x, data, cols:nil, returning:nil, view:nil, &blk) if view cols = view.columns.select{|n,c| c[:table] == @table} else cols ||= @columns end data = blk.call if block_given? sql = "INSERT INTO #{@table} (" names = [] vars = [] vals = [] ret = [] i = 1 cols.each{|n,v| if data/n names << n.to_s vars << "?" vals << cast(v, data/n) i += 1 end ret << n.to_s } sql << names.join(",") sql << ") VALUES (#{vars.join(",")})" Waxx.debug(sql) Waxx.debug(vals) x.db[@db].prepare(sql).execute(*vals) id = x.db[@db].last_id x.db[@db].prepare("SELECT #{returning || ret.join(",")} FROM #{@table} WHERE #{@pkey} = ?").execute(id).first end def put(x, id, data, cols:nil, returning:nil, view:nil, where:nil, &blk) if view cols = view.columns.select{|n,c| c[:table] == @table} else cols ||= @columns end data = blk.call if block_given? sql = "UPDATE #{@table} SET " set = [] vals = [] ret = [] i = 1 Waxx.debug "data: #{data}" cols.each{|n,v| Waxx.debug "col: #{n}: #{v.inspect}" if data.has_key? n.to_s or data.has_key? n.to_sym set << "#{n} = ?" vals << cast(v, data/n) ret << n.to_s i += 1 end } sql << set.join(",") sql << " WHERE #{@pkey} = ? #{where}" vals << id Waxx.debug(sql) Waxx.debug(vals) x.db[@db].prepare(sql).execute(*vals) x.db[@db].prepare("SELECT #{returning || ret.join(",")} FROM #{@table} WHERE #{@pkey} = ?").execute(id).first end alias patch put def put_post(x, id, data, cols:nil, returning:nil, view: nil) q = nil q = get_by_id(x, id, @pkey) if id.to_i > 0 return post(x, data, cols: cols, returning: returning, view: view) if q.nil? put(x, id, data, cols: cols, returning: returning, view: view) end def cast(col, val) case col[:type].to_sym when :int val.to_s.empty? ? nil : val.to_i when :float, :numeric val.to_s.empty? ? nil : val.to_f else val end end def delete(x, id) x.db[@db].query("DELETE FROM #{@table} WHERE #{@pkey} = $1", [id]) end def order(req_order, default_order='') return default_order if req_order.nil? return orders[req_order.to_sym] if orders.has_key? req_order.to_sym @pkey end end