/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2015 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef LCB_HTTPPRIV_H #define LCB_HTTPPRIV_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "contrib/http_parser/http_parser.h" #include "http.h" #include #include #include namespace lcb { namespace http { // Simple object for header key and value struct Header { std::string key; std::string value; Header(const std::string& key_, const std::string& value_) : key(key_), value(value_) { } }; struct Request { /** * Initializes the request. This simply copies the relevant fields from the * body and initializes instance members to their default values. The static * ::create() method should be used instead to construct a new object */ inline Request(lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDHTTP* cmd); /** Creates a new request object and verifies the input (setup_inputs()) */ static Request * create(lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const lcb_CMDHTTP *cmd, lcb_error_t *rc); /** Pause IO on this request */ void pause(); /** Resume previously paused IO */ void resume(); /** Cancel and finish this request, suppressing callbacks */ void cancel(); /** * Start all operations required to make this request. This should be * called once all inputs have been completed. If successful, I/O operations * will begin (this function calls start_io()) */ lcb_error_t submit(); bool has_pending_redirect() const { return !pending_redirect.empty(); } /** * @return The effective timeout. This is either the user timeout or the * default timeout for the API type */ uint32_t timeout() const; bool is_data_request() const { return reqtype == LCB_HTTP_TYPE_N1QL || reqtype == LCB_HTTP_TYPE_VIEW || reqtype == LCB_HTTP_TYPE_FTS; } /** * @return If this request is in an ONGOING state, meaning no I/O errors * and is not finished. */ bool is_ongoing() const { return status == ONGOING; } /** * Sets up inputs from the command. This should really be in the * constructor, however we also need a return value. The ::create() * static method creates a new object and calls this function to verify * the inputs */ inline lcb_error_t setup_inputs(const lcb_CMDHTTP* cmd); /** * Gets a target node for the destination API in the form of host:port. * * This function will also inspect previously used nodes and skip over ones * which are problematic, in the case of retries. * * @param[out] rc error code * @return string if there is a node, or NULL if there is an error. Check rc * for error details */ const char *get_api_node(lcb_error_t &rc); const char *get_api_node() { lcb_error_t dummy; return get_api_node(dummy); } /** * Sets the URL for the field * @param base The URL base (i.e. http://foo.com) * @param nbase Length of the base field * @param rest User input (the path) * @param nrest Length of the path * @return LCB_SUCCESS on success, error if failure * * If all parameters are 0 then this function will use the already-contained * ::url field and validate/parse the inputs */ inline lcb_error_t assign_url(const char *base, size_t nbase, const char *rest, size_t nrest); /** * Helper method to get a URL field * @param field The field constant (UF_XXX) * @param target The string to contain the result */ inline void assign_from_urlfield(http_parser_url_fields field, std::string& target); /** * Add a new header to the list of request headers * @param key header key * @param value header value */ void add_header(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { request_headers.push_back(Header(key, value)); } // Helper methods to populate request buffer inline void add_to_preamble(const char *); inline void add_to_preamble(const std::string&); inline void add_to_preamble(const Header&); /** * Starts the IO on the current request. This really belongs in submit(), * but submit() handles building the request while start_io() sets up * the actual connection */ lcb_error_t start_io(lcb_host_t&); /** * Release any I/O resources attached to this request. */ void close_io(); // Helper functions for parsing response data from network inline int handle_parse_chunked(const char *buf, unsigned nbuf); inline void assign_response_headers(const lcb::htparse::Response&); /** * Called when a redirect has happened. pending_redirect must not be empty. * This will transfer control to the redirect call. If there is an error * during redirect, the appropriate finish() API will be called by this * function. * * Note that the new URL should be present in the ::pending_redirect * field */ void redirect(); /** * Called to initialize a response object. Sets up standard boilerplate * variables for the response */ void init_resp(lcb_RESPHTTP *resp); /** Called by finish() to refresh the config, if necessary */ void maybe_refresh_config(lcb_error_t rc); /** Finish this request, invoking the final callback if necessary */ void finish(lcb_error_t rc); /** * Finish or retry this request, depending on the state of the response * If the request can be retried, IO will begin again, otherwise it will * be finished via a call to finish() **/ void finish_or_retry(lcb_error_t rc); /** * Change the callback for this request. This is used to indicate that * a custom internal callback is used, rather than the one installed via * lcb_install_callback3 * @param callback_ The internal callback to invoke */ void set_callback(lcb_RESPCALLBACK callback_) { callback = callback_; } /** * Let the request finish its normal course, suppressing any callbacks. * Unlike cancel(), this does not dispatch to finish. Finish is called * when any final I/O has been completed, which may happen after the * instance is already destroyed */ void block_callback() { status |= NOLCB|CBINVOKED; } /** Decrement refcount. The object is destroyed when the refcount hits 0 */ void decref(); /** Increment refcount */ void incref() { refcount++; } lcb_t instance; /**< Library handle */ std::string url; /** body; /**< Input body (for POST/PUT) */ /** Request buffer (excluding body). Reassembled from inputs */ std::vector preamble; struct http_parser_url url_info; /**< Parser info for the URL */ const lcb_http_method_t method; /**< Request method constant */ const bool chunked; /**< Whether to invoke callback for each data chunk */ bool paused; /**< See pause() and resume() */ const void * const command_cookie; /** User context for callback */ size_t refcount; /** Initialized to 1. See incref() and decref() */ int redircount; /** Times this request was redirected */ /** * Whether this request has delivered data to the user. This is relevant * in cases where a retry is requested. If any data has been passed at * all, we cannot retry the request. */ bool passed_data; /** Sparse map indicating which nodes the request was already sent to */ std::vector used_nodes; /** * Last revision ID of vBucket config. If the current revision does not * match this number, the ::used_nodes field is cleared */ int last_vbcrev; const lcb_http_type_t reqtype; /**< HTTP API type */ enum State { /** * The request is still ongoing. Callbacks are still active. * Note that this essentially means the absence of any flags :) */ ONGOING = 0, /** * This flag is set when the on_complete callback has been invoked. This * is used as a marker to prevent us from calling that callback more than * once per request */ CBINVOKED = 1 << 0, /** * This flag is set by lcb_http_request_finish, and indicates that the * request is no longer active per se. This means that while the request * may still be valid in memory, it is simply waiting for any pending I/O * operations to close, so the reference count can hit zero. */ FINISHED = 1 << 1, /** * Internal flag used to indicate that finish() should not not attempt * to modify any instance-level globals. This is currently used * from within lcb_destroy() */ NOLCB = 1 << 2 }; int status; /**< OR'd flags of ::State */ std::vector
request_headers; /**< List of request headers */ /** * Response headers for callback (array of char*). Buffers are mapped to * ::response_headers */ std::vector response_headers_clist; /** Backing buffers for response headers */ std::vector response_headers; /** Callback to invoke */ lcb_RESPCALLBACK callback; // IO variables lcbio_pTABLE io; lcbio_pCTX ioctx; lcbio_pTIMER timer; lcb::io::ConnectionRequest *creq; /** HTTP Protocol parser */ lcb::htparse::Parser* parser; /** overrides default timeout if nonzero */ const uint32_t user_timeout; }; } // namespace: http } // namespace: lcb struct lcb_http_request_st : public lcb::http::Request {}; #endif /* HEADER GUARD */