require 'thread_safe' module ActiveModel class Serializer extend ActiveSupport::Autoload autoload :Configuration autoload :ArraySerializer autoload :Adapter include Configuration class << self attr_accessor :_attributes attr_accessor :_attributes_keys attr_accessor :_associations attr_accessor :_urls attr_accessor :_cache attr_accessor :_fragmented attr_accessor :_cache_key attr_accessor :_cache_only attr_accessor :_cache_except attr_accessor :_cache_options attr_accessor :_cache_digest end def self.inherited(base) base._attributes = self._attributes.try(:dup) || [] base._attributes_keys = self._attributes_keys.try(:dup) || {} base._associations = self._associations.try(:dup) || {} base._urls = [] serializer_file =[/^[^:]+/]) base._cache_digest = Digest::MD5.hexdigest( end def self.attributes(*attrs) attrs = attrs.first if attrs.first.class == Array @_attributes.concat attrs @_attributes.uniq! attrs.each do |attr| define_method attr do object && object.read_attribute_for_serialization(attr) end unless method_defined?(attr) || _fragmented.respond_to?(attr) end end def self.attribute(attr, options = {}) key = options.fetch(:key, attr) @_attributes_keys[attr] = {key: key} if key != attr @_attributes << key unless @_attributes.include?(key) define_method key do object.read_attribute_for_serialization(attr) end unless method_defined?(key) || _fragmented.respond_to?(attr) end def self.fragmented(serializer) @_fragmented = serializer end # Enables a serializer to be automatically cached def self.cache(options = {}) @_cache = ActionController::Base.cache_store if Rails.configuration.action_controller.perform_caching @_cache_key = options.delete(:key) @_cache_only = options.delete(:only) @_cache_except = options.delete(:except) @_cache_options = (options.empty?) ? nil : options end # Defines an association in the object should be rendered. # # The serializer object should implement the association name # as a method which should return an array when invoked. If a method # with the association name does not exist, the association name is # dispatched to the serialized object. def self.has_many(*attrs) associate(:has_many, attrs) end # Defines an association in the object that should be rendered. # # The serializer object should implement the association name # as a method which should return an object when invoked. If a method # with the association name does not exist, the association name is # dispatched to the serialized object. def self.belongs_to(*attrs) associate(:belongs_to, attrs) end # Defines an association in the object should be rendered. # # The serializer object should implement the association name # as a method which should return an object when invoked. If a method # with the association name does not exist, the association name is # dispatched to the serialized object. def self.has_one(*attrs) associate(:has_one, attrs) end def self.associate(type, attrs) #:nodoc: options = attrs.extract_options! self._associations = _associations.dup attrs.each do |attr| unless method_defined?(attr) define_method attr do object.send attr end end self._associations[attr] = {type: type, association_options: options} end end def self.url(attr) @_urls.push attr end def self.urls(*attrs) @_urls.concat attrs end def self.serializer_for(resource, options = {}) if resource.respond_to?(:serializer_class) resource.serializer_class elsif resource.respond_to?(:to_ary) config.array_serializer else options .fetch(:association_options, {}) .fetch(:serializer, get_serializer_for(resource.class)) end end def self.adapter adapter_class = case config.adapter when Symbol ActiveModel::Serializer::Adapter.adapter_class(config.adapter) when Class config.adapter end unless adapter_class valid_adapters = { |klass| ":#{klass.to_s.downcase}" } raise ArgumentError, "Unknown adapter: #{config.adapter}. Valid adapters are: #{valid_adapters}" end adapter_class end def self.root_name name.demodulize.underscore.sub(/_serializer$/, '') if name end attr_accessor :object, :root, :meta, :meta_key, :scope def initialize(object, options = {}) @object = object @options = options @root = options[:root] @meta = options[:meta] @meta_key = options[:meta_key] @scope = options[:scope] scope_name = options[:scope_name] if scope_name && !respond_to?(scope_name) self.class.class_eval do define_method scope_name, lambda { scope } end end end def json_key self.class.root_name end def id if object end def type object.class.model_name.plural end def attributes(options = {}) attributes = if options[:fields] self.class._attributes & options[:fields] else self.class._attributes.dup end attributes += options[:required_fields] if options[:required_fields] attributes.each_with_object({}) do |name, hash| unless self.class._fragmented hash[name] = send(name) else hash[name] = self.class._fragmented.public_send(name) end end end def each_association(&block) self.class._associations.dup.each do |name, association_options| next unless object association_value = send(name) serializer_class = ActiveModel::Serializer.serializer_for(association_value, association_options) if serializer_class serializer = association_value, options.except(:serializer).merge(serializer_from_options(association_options)) ) elsif !association_value.nil? && !association_value.instance_of?(Object) association_options[:association_options][:virtual_value] = association_value end if block_given?, serializer, association_options[:association_options]) end end end def serializer_from_options(options) opts = {} serializer = options.fetch(:association_options, {}).fetch(:serializer, nil) opts[:serializer] = serializer if serializer opts end def self.serializers_cache @serializers_cache ||= end private attr_reader :options def self.get_serializer_for(klass) serializers_cache.fetch_or_store(klass) do serializer_class_name = "#{}Serializer" serializer_class = serializer_class_name.safe_constantize if serializer_class serializer_class elsif klass.superclass get_serializer_for(klass.superclass) end end end end end