def look_for(text) Then %{the output should contain "#{text}"} end Then /^a new pairzone is started for "([^"]*)"$/ do |developer_name| look_for "Starting Pairzone for project 'aruba'..." look_for "Pairzone '#{developer_name}-aruba' started." look_for "Pairzone booted: ip address" end Then /^no pairzone should be started$/ do And %{the output should not contain "started"} end Then /^a new pairzone is started for "([^"]*)" in the background$/ do |developer_name| Then %{a new pairzone is started for "#{developer_name}"} And %{the output should not contain "pairzone-tmux"} # We cannot run the session, but if this shows up we tried to end Then /^the code in my current directory is pushed to the server$/ do look_for "pushing local code to pairzone instance" look_for "master -> master (forced update)" # the git printout end Then /^an SSH connection is made to my new pairzone$/ do look_for "/usr/local/bin/ No such file or directory" # We cannot run the session, but this will show we tried to end Then /^the code is downloaded to a "([^"]*)" branch when I quit the session$/ do |branch_name| Then %{the output should match /master.*->.*#{branch_name}/} end Then /^"([^"]*)" is added as a collaborator on my new pairzone$/ do |collaborator_name| look_for "Collaborator '#{collaborator_name}' added." end Then /^"([^"]*)" is not added as a collaborator on my new pairzone$/ do |collaborator_name| Then %{the output should not contain "Collaborator '#{collaborator_name}' added."} end Then /^"([^"]*)" should be connected to "([^"]*)"$/ do |arg1, arg2| look_for "/usr/local/bin/ No such file or directory" # We cannot run the session, but this will show we tried to end Then /^"([^"]*)" should not be able to connect$/ do |collaborator_name| look_for "No pairzone exists" end