module Jekyll module Maps class GoogleMapApi HEAD_END_TAG = %r!! BODY_END_TAG = %r!! class << self def prepend_api_code(doc) @config = if doc.output =~ HEAD_END_TAG # Insert API code before header's end if this document has one. doc.output.gsub!(HEAD_END_TAG, %(#{api_code}#{Regexp.last_match})) else doc.output.prepend(api_code) end end def prepend_google_api_code(doc) @config = if doc.output =~ BODY_END_TAG # Insert API code before body's end if this document has one. doc.output.gsub!(BODY_END_TAG, %(#{google_api_code}#{Regexp.last_match})) else doc.output.prepend(api_code) end end private def api_code < #{js_lib_contents} HTML end private def google_api_code < // Load maps only when DOM is loaded document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { if ( && && jekyllMaps) { // Maps script already loaded -> Execute callback method jekyllMaps.initializeMap(); } else if (!('IntersectionObserver' in window) || !('IntersectionObserverEntry' in window) || !('intersectionRatio' in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype)) { // Intersection Observer -> Backup solution : load maps now lazyLoadGoogleMap(); } else { // Google Maps not loaded & Intersection Observer working -> Enable it enableMapsObserver(); } }); function enableMapsObserver() { // Enable Observer on all Maps var maps = document.getElementsByClassName('jekyll-map'); const observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries, observer) { // Test if one of the maps is in the viewport var isIntersecting = typeof entries[0].isIntersecting === 'boolean' ? entries[0].isIntersecting : entries[0].intersectionRatio > 0; if (isIntersecting) { lazyLoadGoogleMap(); observer.disconnect(); } }); for(var i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) { observer.observe(maps[i]); } } function lazyLoadGoogleMap() { // If google maps api script not already loaded if(! || ! { var fjs = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; var js = document.createElement('script'); = 'gmap-api'; js.setAttribute('async', ''); js.setAttribute('defer', ''); js.src = "//{api_key}&callback=#{Jekyll::Maps::GoogleMapTag::JS_LIB_NAME}.initializeMap"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); } } HTML end private def load_marker_cluster settings = @config.fetch("maps", {}) .fetch("google", {}) .fetch("marker_cluster", {}) return unless settings.fetch("enabled", true) < HTML end private def js_lib_contents @js_lib_contents ||= begin end end private def js_lib_path @js_lib_path ||= begin File.expand_path("./google_map_api.js", File.dirname(__FILE__)) end end end end end end Jekyll::Hooks.register [:pages, :documents], :post_render do |doc| if doc.output =~ %r!#{Jekyll::Maps::GoogleMapTag::JS_LIB_NAME}! Jekyll::Maps::GoogleMapApi.prepend_api_code(doc) Jekyll::Maps::GoogleMapApi.prepend_google_api_code(doc) end end