# frozen_string_literal: true require 'octokit' require 'date' class ForceMergeReport def initialize(token:, repo:, branch:, duration:, ci:) @token = token @repo = repo @branch = branch @duration_in_days = duration @ci = ci end def report client = Octokit::Client.new(access_token: @token) client.auto_paginate = true # Get all pull requests created after the target date pull_requests = client.list_issues(@repo, state: 'closed', since: DateTime.now - @duration_in_days) # Sort PRs into monthly chunks weekly_pull_requests = pull_requests.group_by { |pr| pr.closed_at.strftime('%Y-%U') } # Initialize a hash to store monthly summaries weekly_summaries = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = { total: 0, failed: 0, workflows: Hash.new(0) } } weeks = @duration_in_days / 7 (weekly_pull_requests.keys.sort[-weeks..] || []).each do |month| pull_requests_for_month = weekly_pull_requests[month] # Iterate through pull requests for the current month pull_requests_for_month.each do |issue| # Get the pull request details pr = client.pull_request(@repo, issue.number) # Check if the pull request is merged next unless pr.merged_at # Get the check runs for the pull request's head commit check_runs = client.check_runs_for_ref(@repo, pr.head.sha) latest_check_runs = check_runs.check_runs.uniq(&:name) statuses = client.statuses(@repo, pr.head.sha) latest_statuses = statuses.uniq(&:context) all_checks = latest_check_runs + latest_statuses # Filter checks without meeting the required status checks failed_checks = all_checks.reject { |check| check.conclusion == 'success' || check.state == 'success' } # Update monthly summary weekly_summaries[month][:total] += 1 weekly_summaries[month][:failed] += 1 unless failed_checks.empty? # Update workflow counts failed_checks.each do |check| workflow_name = check.name || check.context weekly_summaries[month][:workflows][workflow_name] += 1 end # Print details of merged pull requests without meeting the required criteria for the last 6 months next if failed_checks.empty? unless @ci puts "PR ##{pr.number} - Merged at: #{pr.merged_at}" puts 'Failed Checks:' failed_checks.each do |check| puts "- Workflow: #{check.name || check.context}, Conclusion: #{check.conclusion || check.state}" end puts '---' puts end end end # Print the weekly summary puts 'Weekly Summary:' weekly_summaries.each do |week, summary| puts "Calendar week #{week}: Total PRs: #{summary[:total]}, Force-merged PRs: #{summary[:failed]}" puts 'Failed Workflows:' summary[:workflows].each do |workflow, count| puts " - #{workflow}: #{count}" end if ENV['BQ_CREDENTIALS'] require "google/cloud/bigquery" require "json" bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new( project_id: "hellofresh-android", credentials: JSON.parse(ENV['BQ_CREDENTIALS']) ) dataset = bigquery.dataset "github_data" failed_count = summary[:failed] query = <<~SQL MERGE INTO force_merges AS target USING (SELECT '#{week}' AS calendar_week) AS source ON target.calendar_week = source.calendar_week WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET target.force_merges_count = #{failed_count} WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (calendar_week, force_merges_count) VALUES ('#{week}', #{failed_count}); SQL dataset.query(query) end end end end