# encoding: utf-8 $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../../lib", __FILE__) require "mq" require "bacon" require "em-spec/bacon" # Notes about Bacon & EM-spec # - Subsequent describe blocks don't work. # - Bacon doesn't support any kind of pending specs. # - Bacon doesn't support before(:all) hook (see bellow). EM.spec_backend = EventMachine::Spec::Bacon # Usage with tracer: # 1) Start tracer on a PORT_NUMBER # 2) ruby spec/sync_async_spec.rb amqp://localhost:PORT_NUMBER if ARGV.first && ARGV.first.match(/^amqps?:/) amqp_url = ARGV.first puts "Using AMQP URL #{amqp_url}" else amqp_url = "amqp://localhost" end # Bacon doesn't seem to have some global before hook Bacon::Context.class_eval do alias_method :__initialize__, :initialize # Let's use Module#define_method, so we can # access local variables defined in parent scopes. define_method(:initialize) do |*args, &block| __initialize__(*args, &block) # There's no support for before(:all), so we just # save whatever AMQP.connect returns (we suppose # it isn't nil) and use value = value || connect(). self.before do @connected ||= AMQP.connect(amqp_url) end end end