require 'jwt' require 'csv' module ForestLiana class ApplicationController < ForestLiana::BaseController def self.papertrail? Object.const_get('PaperTrail::Version').is_a?(Class) rescue false end # NOTICE: Calling the method set_paper_trail_whodunnit loads the PaperTrail # gem and Forest detects the PaperTrail::Version automatically. This # method is used to set the whodunnit field automatically to track # changes made using Forest with PaperTrail. if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 before_filter :authenticate_user_from_jwt before_filter :set_paper_trail_whodunnit if self.papertrail? else before_action :authenticate_user_from_jwt before_action :set_paper_trail_whodunnit if self.papertrail? end wrap_parameters format: [:json] if respond_to?(:wrap_parameters) if self.papertrail? # NOTICE: The Forest user email is returned to track changes made using # Forest with Papertrail. define_method :user_for_paper_trail do forest_user['data']['data']['email'] end end def forest_user @jwt_decoded_token end def serialize_model(record, options = {}) options[:is_collection] = false json = JSONAPI::Serializer.serialize(record, options) force_utf8_encoding(json) end def serialize_models(records, options = {}) options[:is_collection] = true json = JSONAPI::Serializer.serialize(records, options) if options[:count] json[:meta] = {} unless json[:meta] json[:meta][:count] = options[:count] end if !options[:has_more].nil? json[:meta] = {} unless json[:meta] json[:meta][:has_more] = options[:has_more] end force_utf8_encoding(json) end def authenticate_user_from_jwt begin if request.headers['Authorization'] || params['sessionToken'] if request.headers['Authorization'] token = request.headers['Authorization'].split.second else token = params['sessionToken'] end @jwt_decoded_token = JWT.decode(token, ForestLiana.auth_secret, true, { algorithm: 'HS256', leeway: 30 }).try(:first) else head :unauthorized end rescue JWT::ExpiredSignature, JWT::VerificationError render json: { error: 'expired_token' }, status: :unauthorized, serializer: nil rescue head :unauthorized end end def get_smart_action_context begin params[:data][:attributes].values[0].to_hash.symbolize_keys rescue => error FOREST_LOGGER.error "Smart Action context retrieval error: #{error}" {} end end def route_not_found head :not_found end def internal_server_error head :internal_server_error end private def force_utf8_encoding(json) if json['data'].class == Array # NOTICE: Collection of records case json['data'].each { |record| force_utf8_attributes_encoding(record) } else # NOTICE: Single record case force_utf8_attributes_encoding(json['data']) if json['data'] end json['included'].try(:each) do |association| force_utf8_attributes_encoding(association) end json end def force_utf8_attributes_encoding(model) # NOTICE: Declare all strings are encoded in utf-8 if model['attributes'] model['attributes'].each do |name, value| if value.respond_to?(:force_encoding) begin model['attributes'][name] = value.force_encoding('utf-8') rescue # NOTICE: Enums are frozen Strings end end end end end def fields_per_model(params_fields, model) if params_fields if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR > 4 params_fields_hash = params_fields.to_unsafe_h else params_fields_hash = params_fields.to_hash end params_fields_hash.inject({}) do |fields, param_field| relation_name = param_field[0] relation_fields = param_field[1] if relation_name == ForestLiana.name_for(model) fields[relation_name] = relation_fields else model_association = model.reflect_on_association(relation_name.to_sym) if model_association model_name = model_association.class_name # NOTICE: Join fields in case of model with self-references. fields[model_name] = [fields[model_name], relation_fields].join(',') end end fields end else nil end end def render_csv getter, model set_headers_file set_headers_streaming response.status = 200 csv_header = params[:header].split(',') collection_name = ForestLiana.name_for(model) field_names_requested = params[:fields][collection_name].split(',').map { |name| name.to_s } fields_to_serialize = fields_per_model(params[:fields], model) self.response_body = do |content| content <<, csv_header, true).to_s getter.query_for_batch.find_in_batches() do |records| records.each do |record| json = serialize_model(record, { include:, fields: fields_to_serialize }) record_attributes = json['data']['attributes'] record_relationships = json['data']['relationships'] || {} included = json['included'] values = do |field_name| if record_attributes[field_name] record_attributes[field_name] elsif record_relationships[field_name] && record_relationships[field_name]['data'] relationship_id = record_relationships[field_name]['data']['id'] relationship_type = record_relationships[field_name]['data']['type'] relationship_object = do |object| object['id'] == relationship_id && object['type'] == relationship_type end relationship_object = relationship_object.first if relationship_object && relationship_object['attributes'] relationship_object['attributes'][params[:fields][field_name]] else nil end end end content <<, values).to_s end end end end def set_headers_file csv_filename = "#{params[:filename]}.csv" headers["Content-Type"] = "text/csv; charset=utf-8" headers["Content-disposition"] = %{attachment; filename="#{csv_filename}"} headers['Last-Modified'] = end def set_headers_streaming # NOTICE: From nginx doc: Setting this to "no" will allow unbuffered # responses suitable for Comet and HTTP streaming applications headers['X-Accel-Buffering'] = 'no' headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache" end def format_stacktrace error error.backtrace.join("\n\t") end end end