###### Create new iOS apps on App Store Connect and Apple Developer Portal using your command line
_produce_ creates new iOS apps on both the Apple Developer Portal and App Store Connect with the minimum required information.
Features •
Usage •
How does it work?
# Features
- **Create** new apps on both App Store Connect and the Apple Developer Portal
- **Modify** Application Services on the Apple Developer Portal
- **Create** App Groups on the Apple Developer Portal
- **Associate** apps with App Groups on the Apple Developer Portal
- **Create** iCloud Containers on the Apple Developer Portal
- **Associate** apps with iCloud Containers on the Apple Developer Portal
- **Create** Merchant Identifiers on the Apple Developer Portal
- **Associate** apps with Merchant Identifiers on the Apple Developer Portal
- Support for **multiple Apple accounts**, storing your credentials securely in the Keychain
# Usage
## Creating a new application
fastlane produce
To get a list of all available parameters:
fastlane produce --help
Commands: (* default)
associate_group Associate with a group, which is created if needed or simply located otherwise
associate_merchant Associate with a merchant for use with Apple Pay. Apple Pay will be enabled for this app
create * Creates a new app on App Store Connect and the Apple Developer Portal
disable_services Disable specific Application Services for a specific app on the Apple Developer Portal
enable_services Enable specific Application Services for a specific app on the Apple Developer Portal
group Ensure that a specific App Group exists
cloud_container Ensure that a specific iCloud Container exists
help Display global or [command] help documentation
merchant Ensure that a specific Merchant exists
Global Options:
-h, --help Display help documentation
-v, --version Display version information
Options for create:
-u, --username STRING Your Apple ID Username (PRODUCE_USERNAME)
-a, --app_identifier STRING App Identifier (Bundle ID, e.g. com.krausefx.app) (PRODUCE_APP_IDENTIFIER)
-e, --bundle_identifier_suffix STRING App Identifier Suffix (Ignored if App Identifier does not ends with .*) (PRODUCE_APP_IDENTIFIER_SUFFIX)
-q, --app_name STRING App Name (PRODUCE_APP_NAME)
-z, --app_version STRING Initial version number (e.g. '1.0') (PRODUCE_VERSION)
-y, --sku STRING SKU Number (e.g. '1234') (PRODUCE_SKU)
-j, --platform STRING The platform to use (optional) (PRODUCE_PLATFORM)
-m, --language STRING Primary Language (e.g. 'English', 'German') (PRODUCE_LANGUAGE)
-c, --company_name STRING The name of your company. It's used to set company name on App Store Connect team's app pages. Only required if it's the first app you create (PRODUCE_COMPANY_NAME)
-i, --skip_itc [VALUE] Skip the creation of the app on App Store Connect (PRODUCE_SKIP_ITC)
-d, --skip_devcenter [VALUE] Skip the creation of the app on the Apple Developer Portal (PRODUCE_SKIP_DEVCENTER)
-s, --itc_users ARRAY Array of App Store Connect users. If provided, you can limit access to this newly created app for users with the App Manager, Developer, Marketer or Sales roles (ITC_USERS)
-b, --team_id STRING The ID of your Developer Portal team if you're in multiple teams (PRODUCE_TEAM_ID)
-l, --team_name STRING The name of your Developer Portal team if you're in multiple teams (PRODUCE_TEAM_NAME)
-k, --itc_team_id [VALUE] The ID of your App Store Connect team if you're in multiple teams (PRODUCE_ITC_TEAM_ID)
-p, --itc_team_name STRING The name of your App Store Connect team if you're in multiple teams (PRODUCE_ITC_TEAM_NAME)
## Enabling / Disabling Application Services
If you want to enable Application Services for an App ID (HomeKit and HealthKit in this example):
fastlane produce enable_services --homekit --healthkit
If you want to disable Application Services for an App ID (iCloud in this case):
fastlane produce disable_services --icloud
If you want to create a new App Group:
fastlane produce group -g group.krausefx -n "Example App Group"
If you want to associate an app with an App Group:
fastlane produce associate_group -a com.krausefx.app group.krausefx
If you want to create a new iCloud Container:
fastlane produce cloud_container -g iCloud.com.krausefx.app -n "Example iCloud Container"
If you want to associate an app with an iCloud Container:
fastlane produce associate_cloud_container -a com.krausefx.app iCloud.com.krausefx.app
If you want to associate an app with multiple iCloud Containers:
fastlane produce associate_cloud_container -a com.krausefx.app iCloud.com.krausefx.app1 iCloud.com.krausefx.app2
# Parameters
Get a list of all available options using
fastlane produce enable_services --help
--access-wifi Enable Access Wifi
--app-attest Enable App Attest
--app-group Enable App Group
--apple-pay Enable Apple Pay
--associated-domains Enable Associated Domains
--auto-fill-credential Enable Auto Fill Credential
--class-kit Enable Class Kit
--icloud STRING Enable iCloud, suitable values are "xcode5_compatible" and "xcode6_compatible"
--custom-network-protocol Enable Custom Network Protocol
--data-protection STRING Enable Data Protection, suitable values are "complete", "unlessopen" and "untilfirstauth"
--extended-virtual-address-space Enable Extended Virtual Address Space
--game-center STRING Enable Game Center, suitable values are "ios" and "macos
--health-kit Enable Health Kit
--hls-interstitial-preview Enable Hls Interstitial Preview
--home-kit Enable Home Kit
--hotspot Enable Hotspot
--in-app-purchase Enable In App Purchase
--inter-app-audio Enable Inter App Audio
--low-latency-hls Enable Low Latency Hls
--managed-associated-domains Enable Managed Associated Domains
--maps Enable Maps
--multipath Enable Multipath
--network-extension Enable Network Extension
--nfc-tag-reading Enable NFC Tag Reading
--personal-vpn Enable Personal VPN
--passbook Enable Passbook (deprecated)
--push-notification Enable Push Notification
--sign-in-with-apple Enable Sign In With Apple
--siri-kit Enable Siri Kit
--system-extension Enable System Extension
--user-management Enable User Management
--vpn-configuration Enable Vpn Configuration (deprecated)
--wallet Enable Wallet
--wireless-accessory Enable Wireless Accessory
--car-play-audio-app Enable Car Play Audio App
--car-play-messaging-app Enable Car Play Messaging App
--car-play-navigation-app Enable Car Play Navigation App
--car-play-voip-calling-app Enable Car Play Voip Calling App
--critical-alerts Enable Critical Alerts
--hotspot-helper Enable Hotspot Helper
--driver-kit Enable DriverKit
--driver-kit-endpoint-security Enable DriverKit Endpoint Security
--driver-kit-family-hid-device Enable DriverKit Family HID Device
--driver-kit-family-networking Enable DriverKit Family Networking
--driver-kit-family-serial Enable DriverKit Family Serial
--driver-kit-hid-event-service Enable DriverKit HID EventService
--driver-kit-transport-hid Enable DriverKit Transport HID
--multitasking-camera-access Enable Multitasking Camera Access
--sf-universal-link-api Enable SFUniversalLink API
--vp9-decoder Enable VP9 Decoder
--music-kit Enable MusicKit
--shazam-kit Enable ShazamKit
--communication-notifications Enable Communication Notifications
--group-activities Enable Group Activities
--health-kit-estimate-recalibration Enable HealthKit Estimate Recalibration
--time-sensitive-notifications Enable Time Sensitive Notifications
fastlane produce disable_services --help
--access-wifi Disable Access Wifi
--app-attest Disable App Attest
--app-group Disable App Group
--apple-pay Disable Apple Pay
--associated-domains Disable Associated Domains
--auto-fill-credential Disable Auto Fill Credential
--class-kit Disable Class Kit
--icloud STRING Disable iCloud
--custom-network-protocol Disable Custom Network Protocol
--data-protection STRING Disable Data Protection
--extended-virtual-address-space Disable Extended Virtual Address Space
--game-center STRING Disable Game Center
--health-kit Disable Health Kit
--hls-interstitial-preview Disable Hls Interstitial Preview
--home-kit Disable Home Kit
--hotspot Disable Hotspot
--in-app-purchase Disable In App Purchase
--inter-app-audio Disable Inter App Audio
--low-latency-hls Disable Low Latency Hls
--managed-associated-domains Disable Managed Associated Domains
--maps Disable Maps
--multipath Disable Multipath
--network-extension Disable Network Extension
--nfc-tag-reading Disable NFC Tag Reading
--personal-vpn Disable Personal VPN
--passbook Disable Passbook (deprecated)
--push-notification Disable Push Notification
--sign-in-with-apple Disable Sign In With Apple
--siri-kit Disable Siri Kit
--system-extension Disable System Extension
--user-management Disable User Management
--vpn-configuration Disable Vpn Configuration (deprecated)
--wallet Disable Wallet
--wireless-accessory Disable Wireless Accessory
--car-play-audio-app Disable Car Play Audio App
--car-play-messaging-app Disable Car Play Messaging App
--car-play-navigation-app Disable Car Play Navigation App
--car-play-voip-calling-app Disable Car Play Voip Calling App
--critical-alerts Disable Critical Alerts
--hotspot-helper Disable Hotspot Helper
--driver-kit Disable DriverKit
--driver-kit-endpoint-security Disable DriverKit Endpoint Security
--driver-kit-family-hid-device Disable DriverKit Family HID Device
--driver-kit-family-networking Disable DriverKit Family Networking
--driver-kit-family-serial Disable DriverKit Family Serial
--driver-kit-hid-event-service Disable DriverKit HID EventService
--driver-kit-transport-hid Disable DriverKit Transport HID
--multitasking-camera-access Disable Multitasking Camera Access
--sf-universal-link-api Disable SFUniversalLink API
--vp9-decoder Disable VP9 Decoder
--music-kit Disable MusicKit
--shazam-kit Disable ShazamKit
--communication-notifications Disable Communication Notifications
--group-activities Disable Group Activities
--health-kit-estimate-recalibration Disable HealthKit Estimate Recalibration
--time-sensitive-notifications Disable Time Sensitive Notifications
## Creating Apple Pay merchants and associating them with an App ID
If you want to create a new Apple Pay Merchant Identifier:
fastlane produce merchant -o merchant.com.example.production -r "Example Merchant Production"
Use `--help` for more information about all available parameters
fastlane produce merchant --help
If you want to associate an app with a Merchant Identifier:
fastlane produce associate_merchant -a com.krausefx.app merchant.com.example.production
If you want to associate an app with multiple Merchant Identifiers:
fastlane produce associate_merchant -a com.krausefx.app merchant.com.example.production merchant.com.example.sandbox
Use --help for more information about all available parameters
fastlane produce associate_merchant --help
## Environment Variables
All available values can also be passed using environment variables, run `fastlane produce --help` to get a list of all available parameters.
## _fastlane_ Integration
Your `Fastfile` should look like this
lane :release do
username: 'felix@krausefx.com',
app_identifier: 'com.krausefx.app',
app_name: 'MyApp',
language: 'English',
app_version: '1.0',
sku: '123',
team_name: 'SunApps GmbH', # only necessary when in multiple teams
# Optional
# App services can be enabled during app creation
enable_services: {
access_wifi: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
app_attest: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
app_group: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
apple_pay: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
associated_domains: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
auto_fill_credential: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
car_play_audio_app: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
car_play_messaging_app: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
car_play_navigation_app: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
car_play_voip_calling_app: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
class_kit: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
icloud: "xcode5_compatible", # Valid values: "xcode5_compatible", "xcode6_compatible", "off"
critical_alerts: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
custom_network_protocol: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
data_protection: "complete", # Valid values: "complete", "unlessopen", "untilfirstauth", "off"
extended_virtual_address_space: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
file_provider_testing_mode: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
fonts: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
game_center: "ios", # Valid values: "ios", "macos", off"
health_kit: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
hls_interstitial_preview: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
home_kit: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
hotspot: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
hotspot_helper: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
in_app_purchase: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
inter_app_audio: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
low_latency_hls: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
managed_associated_domains: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
maps: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
multipath: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
network_extension: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
nfc_tag_reading: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
passbook: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off" (deprecated)
personal_vpn: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
push_notification: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
sign_in_with_apple: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
siri_kit: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
system_extension: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
user_management: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
vpn_configuration: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off" (deprecated)
wallet: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
wireless_accessory: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
driver_kit: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
driver_kit_endpoint_security: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
driver_kit_family_hid_device: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
driver_kit_family_networking: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
driver_kit_family_serial: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
driver_kit_hid_event_service: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
driver_kit_transport_hid: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
multitasking_camera_access: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
sf_universal_link_api: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
vp9_decoder: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
music_kit: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
shazam_kit: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
communication_notifications: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
group_activities: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
health_kit_estimate_recalibration: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
time_sensitive_notifications: "on", # Valid values: "on", "off"
To use the newly generated app in _deliver_, you need to add this line to your `Deliverfile`:
This will tell _deliver_, which `App ID` to use, since the app is not yet available in the App Store.
You'll still have to fill out the remaining information (like screenshots, app description and pricing). You can use [_deliver_](https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/deliver/) to upload your app metadata using a CLI
## How is my password stored?
_produce_ uses the [password manager](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/tree/master/credentials_manager) from _fastlane_. Take a look the [CredentialsManager README](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/tree/master/credentials_manager) for more information.