require 'rubyvis' module Statsample module Graph # In statistics, a histogram is a graphical representation, showing a visual impression of the distribution of experimental data. It is an estimate of the probability distribution of a continuous variable and was first introduced by Karl Pearson [1]. A histogram consists of tabular frequencies, shown as adjacent rectangles, erected over discrete intervals (bins), with an area equal to the frequency of the observations in the interval. The height of a rectangle is also equal to the frequency density of the interval, i.e., the frequency divided by the width of the interval. The total area of the histogram is equal to the number of data. # # == Usage # === Svg output # a=[1,2,3,4].to_numeric # puts # === Using ReportBuilder # a=[1,2,3,4].to_numeric # # rb.add( # rb.save_html('histogram.html') class Histogram include Summarizable # Histogram name attr_accessor :name # Total width attr_accessor :width # Total height attr_accessor :height # Top margin attr_accessor :margin_top # Bottom margin attr_accessor :margin_bottom # Left margin attr_accessor :margin_left # Right margin attr_accessor :margin_right attr_reader :hist # Could be an array of ranges or number of bins attr_accessor :bins # Minimum value on x axis. Calculated automaticly from data if not set attr_accessor :minimum_x # Maximum value on x axis. Calculated automaticly from data if not set attr_accessor :maximum_x # Minimum value on y axis. Set to 0 if not set attr_accessor :minimum_y # Maximum value on y axis. Calculated automaticly from data if not set. attr_accessor :maximum_y # Add a line showing normal distribution attr_accessor :line_normal_distribution # data could be a vector or a histogram def initialize(data, prov_name=(data.respond_to?(:name)) ? : "" opts_default={ :name=>_("Histograma (%s)") % prov_name, :width=>400, :height=>300, :margin_top=>10, :margin_bottom=>20, :margin_left=>30, :margin_right=>20, :minimum_x=>nil, :maximum_x=>nil, :minimum_y=>nil, :maximum_y=>nil, :bins=>nil, :line_normal_distribution=>false } @opts=opts_default.merge(opts) opts_default.keys.each {|k| send("#{k}=", @opts[k]) } @data=data end def pre_vis # :nodoc: if @data.is_a? Statsample::Histogram @hist=@data @mean=@hist.estimated_mean @sd=@hist.estimated_standard_deviation elsif @data.is_a? Statsample::Vector @mean=@data.mean @bins||=Math::sqrt(@data.size).floor @hist=@data.histogram(@bins) end end def rubyvis_normal_distribution(pan) x_scale=@x_scale y_scale=@y_scale wob = @hist.get_range(0)[1] - @hist.get_range(0)[0] nob = ((@maximum_x-@minimum_x) / wob.to_f).floor sum=@hist.sum {|i| l=@minimum_x+i*wob r=@minimum_x+(i+1)*wob middle=(l+r) / 2.0 pi=Distribution::Normal.cdf((r-@mean) / @sd) - Distribution::Normal.cdf((l-@mean) / @sd) {:x=>middle, :y=>pi*sum} } pan.line do |l| data l.interpolate "cardinal" l.stroke_style "black" l.bottom {|d| y_scale[d[:y]]} l.left {|d| x_scale[d[:x]]} end end # Returns a Rubyvis panel with scatterplot def rubyvis_panel # :nodoc: pre_vis #that=self @minimum_x||=@hist.min @maximum_x||=@hist.max @minimum_y||=0 @maximum_y||=@hist.max_val margin_hor=margin_left + margin_right margin_vert=margin_top + margin_bottom x_scale = pv.Scale.linear(@minimum_x, @maximum_x).range(0, width - margin_hor) y_scale=Rubyvis::Scale.linear(@minimum_y, @maximum_y).range(0, height - margin_vert) y_scale.nice {|i| { :low =>@hist.get_range(i)[0], :high=>@hist.get_range(i)[1], :value=>@hist.bin[i] } } @x_scale=x_scale @y_scale=y_scale # cache data do |pan| pan.width width - margin_hor pan.height height - margin_vert pan.bottom margin_bottom pan.left margin_left pan.right margin_right margin_top # Y axis pan.rule do data y_scale.ticks bottom y_scale stroke_style {|d| d!=0 ? "#eee" : "#000"} label(:anchor=>'left') do text y_scale.tick_format end end # X axis pan.rule do data x_scale.ticks left x_scale stroke_style "black" height 5 bottom(-5) label(:anchor=>'bottom') do text x_scale.tick_format end end do |bar| bar.left {|v| x_scale[v[:low]]} bar.width {|v| x_scale[v[:high]] - x_scale[v[:low]]} bar.bottom 0 bar.height {|v| y_scale[v[:value]]} bar.stroke_style "black" bar.line_width 1 end rubyvis_normal_distribution(pan) if @line_normal_distribution end vis end # Returns SVG with scatterplot def to_svg rp=rubyvis_panel rp.render rp.to_svg end def report_building(builder) # :nodoc: builder.section(:name=>name) do |b| b.image(to_svg, :type=>'svg', :width=>width, :height=>height) end end def report_building_text(generator) pre_vis #anchor=generator.toc_entry(_("Histogram %s") % [@name]) step= @hist.max_val > 40 ? ( @hist.max_val / 40).ceil : 1 @hist.range.each_with_index do |r,i| next if i==@hist.bins generator.text(sprintf("%5.2f : %s", r, "*" * (@hist.bin[i] / step).floor )) end end end end end